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Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 11

  • Ben uses the book to get revenge on a group of frat boys who harassed Logan the way he used to harass men, turning them into twunk bottoms. 10
  • Ben uses the book on a pair of homophobic police trying to shakedown the bar, turning them into ditzy new employees. 14
  • Going out for a run, Ben uses the book on a pair of rude joggers, turning them into beefy, lumbering bears. 19
  • Watching a pair of burly construction workers catcall women, Ben uses the book to strip them down and make them the center of attention. 20
  • 2019-03-18
  • —2019-03-20
  • 63 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: Make It A Double, ch. 11', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ben uses the book to get revenge on a group of frat boys who harassed Logan the way he used to harass men, turning them into twunk bottoms.', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Ben uses the book on a pair of homophobic police trying to shakedown the bar, turning them into ditzy new employees.', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Going out for a run, Ben uses the book on a pair of rude joggers, turning them into beefy, lumbering bears. ', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Watching a pair of burly construction workers catcall women, Ben uses the book to strip them down and make them the center of attention. ', 'votes': 20}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 20, 16, 0, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 18, 0, 13, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 63}


Ben was floating, weightless and untethered through the cosmic sea.  Distant stars, no more than small points of light, surrounded him on all sides, peppering the inky void while far off nebulas swirled like luminescent clouds.  He could see it all, even a glimpse of the outer reaches and the monolithic shapes hovering at the edges of creation.  The true nature of existence was unfolding before his bodiless eyes and he was one with it all.  


The sound hit him like a physical force.  His drifting consciousness blurred as the words wrapped around him and pulled.  


The sound was an irresistible gravitational force.  He rocketed through a blinding tunnel of melting, streaming lights as the tranquil vastness of space was stolen from him.  Far off stars and distant nebulas faded, replaced by a noisy, crowded bar.  


“What?!”  He spun, glaring down at the small, pitiful creature who had dared disturb his transcendence.  It was nothing.  They were all nothing.  Everything around him was meaningless raw material to be shaped as he willed.  He had seen the scale of the cosmos and these pathetic, pointless beings were as specks of dust.  

“Are you alright?  You’ve just been standing there staring off for like five minutes.  Three people tried to order drinks from you.”  

Ben blinked rapidly and shook his head, the memories of his cosmic voyage fading with his sudden anger.  “Sorry,” he said, sheepish at the look of concern on Zack’s face.  “Didn’t mean to snap at you.  Been a busy week...guess I’m worn out.”  He nodded over at the trio of jocks wearing nothing but their underwear and dull grins on the other side of the bar.  “And a little distracted.”    

“Girl, we all are,” Zack sighed, shaking his head as he watched one of the jocks tug his briefs open and pull his thick cock out.  “Distracted AND worn out.  I don’t remember the last time we’ve been this slammed every night.”  He reached out and put a hand on Ben’s trim waist.  “But you good?  Adam and I can handle things if you need to take a ten.”  

Ben slapped the sides of his face and rolled his shoulders like he’d just woken up from a nap.  “No, I’m cool.  Promise,” he said, giving Zack a quick side hug before turning to face the bar.  He felt guilty about something having to do with the younger man that he couldn’t quite remember.  It wasn’t just snapping at him.  He had a sinking feeling that he’d almost done something serious, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.  

Regardless, Zack hadn’t been exaggerating.  Since Ben started using the book the bar was increasingly packed.  It seemed as if word was spreading about the interesting clientele.  The growing number of men who’d been altered at the gym found themselves in the spotlight as guys came from all over town to gawk at the massive cheeks or giant pecs on display.  And that wasn’t even factoring in Franky, or the guys that came to check out Adam’s impossible cock or to watch Tim twerk and get fucked on stage.  Ben knew once word got out about the ripped, bound blonde in the corner and the dumb, horny jocks, things would only get busier.  

The extra crowd had the added benefit of providing him with a constantly growing pool of subjects.  He didn’t know when he’d made the switch in his head and stopped thinking of them as victims, but “subjects” carried less guilt.  His changes would only benefit people in the long run, not punish them.  Even if there was an initial shock, Ben knew deep down that what he was doing was best for everyone.  And anyway, he told himself, it was all left to fate.  He didn’t go out seeking people, so if their paths crossed it was meant to be.  

“...just wish he was bigger.  I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so hot without their clothes on, he just can’t quite reach the way I need him to.”  

It was the sign he’d been looking for.  Ben zeroed in on the pair of young men talking at the end of the bar.  A fit brunette was lamenting to a slender blonde about the size of the third man’s equipment, their conversation quickly changing topics when the strapping, dark-skinned hunk returned with their drinks.  Looking at the way the handsome man’s ample, ebony muscle strained against his tight t-shirt, Ben could understand the brunette’s dilemma.  He looked around the bar at other pairs of men, wondering how many others were having the same issue.  His path was clear.  


“That place was packed tonight,” Trevor said, kicking his shoes off as he followed Dave into the shorter brunette’s apartment.  He wrapped his thick arms around the other man’s tight waist and leaned in, pulling him close.  “Not gonna complain about calling it an early night,” he grinned, kissing Dave’s neck while his hands slid up under the lean man’s shirt.  

“But how ever will we fill the time,” Dave laughed, leaning into Trevor’s embrace.  He pressed his firm bubble back against the front of the larger man’s jeans while the pair of strong hands roamed up his solid abs.  

“I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Trevor said, giving Dave’s tiny nipples a squeeze. 

The smaller man gasped and lifted his arms as Trevor worked his shirt free, feeling small pressed against the solid shelf of a chest at his back.  He wanted to turn and face the dark-skinned adonis, but already Trevor’s hands had slid down through the wiry hairs on his modest pecs and were opening his jeans.  He let out a long breath when those big hands undid his fly and slid inside to begin kneading his stuffed briefs while the muscled stud continued to kiss his neck and shoulders.  

Dave loved every second of it.  He loved how big and strong Trevor felt towering behind him.  He loved how the other man took charge, stripping him down before he had a chance to do the same, and he loved how Trevor would take his time, working over every inch before they even made it to the bedroom.  

It was what happened in the bedroom that lost him.  No matter how much he loved the sight of Trevor’s chiseled, obsidian body, the brawny stud’s smallish cock wasn’t built for the job.  At just barely five inches, no matter how expert his technique, Trevor couldn’t dive deep enough into Dave’s perky bubble.  The fact that his own cock was a thick seven inches was an irony the wiry man didn’t enjoy.  He hated to let something like this get in the way of an otherwise solid deal, but he was a bottom through and through.  Despite Trevor’s oral talents he needed to get stuffed, and he needed someone bigger to do it.  

“MMMMmmmm….” Dave moaned, telling himself he’d worry about it later.  His pants and briefs were at his ankles and Trevor was gently tugging on his throbbing rod while grinding his tented jeans against Dave’s bare cheeks.  “Alright...my turn,” he finally said, turning in Trevor’s embrace.  He leaned in and pressed their mouths together as he slammed the larger man back against the wall and started undoing the straining jeans.  He pushed them down Trevor’s wide, solid quads, breaking off the kiss as he dropped to his knees to guide them fully to the floor.  

“Sneaky,” Trevor sighed, his deep voice rumbling against the wall.  “I was gonna get you first.”   He leaned his head back and ran his hands through Dave’s short brown hair as the kneeling man gnawed on the front of his bright red briefs.  

“I know how you work,” Dave laughed, loving the way the bright fabric popped against Trevor’s skin.  He kneaded the tented bulge as he licked his way up and down the inside of the other man’s sturdy thighs before finally pulling the briefs free.  He swallowed the small, eager rod to its base, his hands reaching up to stroke Trevor’s ripped washboard.  

“Reeeaaaal glad….we left...the...bar…” Trevor panted, peeling out of his tight shirt.  He ran his hands across his protruding pecs, his granite biceps flexing as he folded his arms behind his bald head and watched Dave work his aching member.  

“Real casual, Mr. Universe,” Dave laughed when he looked up to see Trevor’s flexed pose.  Though he was giving the other man a hard time the sight of the rippling, wall of muscle nearly made him cum on its own.  

“That why you’re drooling,” Trevor asked, breaking out into a double bicep pose.  “Don’t make me carry you into that bedroom.”  He gave Dave’s ass a swat when the other man stood and leaned in for a kiss, their rigid cocks batting against each other.  “Come on,” Trevor barked, grabbing Dave’s thicker pole and pulling him behind.  

Dave yelped and scampered, loving how Trevor’s muscled globes shifted against each other as the brawny man stomped along.  With the exception of his smallish package, the broad stud radiated a strength and masculinity that drove Dave wild.  When they collapsed on the bed in a pile, writhing against each other, he was content to let Trevor manhandle him however the bigger man saw fit.  “Fuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkk….” Dave moaned when Trevor slid down and swallowed as much of his bigger rod as he could.  He bit his lip, trying to control himself as he watched the other man’s bowling ball shoulders flex while his shiny head bobbed up and down.  

He was letting himself get as close to the edge as possible, hoping it would make up for the disappointment he knew was coming.  When Trevor righted himself and lifted Dave’s legs onto his shoulders, the lean man hoped for the best.  He loved the way Trevor yanked him roughly against his lap, and how the other man’s ripped torso felt against the underside of his toned legs, but when the short, stout rod worked its way inside he figured he was in for disappointment.  

“You’re...so...fuckin’ cute…” Trevor grunted, biting the inside of Dave’s thigh while his hands massaged the prone man’s small pecs.  

Dave grinned, staring lustfully up at Trevor through half-closed eyes.  His cock was tingling pleasantly as the big man rolled his hips, something he wasn’t used to.  “I bet you say that to all the boooooOOHHHHH!”  Dave bellowed, arching his back up off the bed as a jolt unexpectedly shot through him.  His eyes went wide when it was quickly followed by a second, and then a third.  “Wha...what’ssssssooohhh….”  he clutched the sheets, whimpering and spasming helplessly.  

“Somone’s...feelin’ it….tonight…” 

“Ho...holy shit...whatever you’re doing is...incred...ible…” Dave trailed off when he lifted his head and saw the oozing cock resting against his stomach.  It looked smaller and thinner than it should have, not reaching as far up his torso as it normally did when he was in this position.  

Just as he was telling himself that was impossible, another jolt shot through him.  This time Dave watched as his cock twitched and shrank before his stunned eyes.  The same thing happened with each jolt, jolts that were coming almost continuously now, rapidly causing the once-proud organ to dwindle.  It was already noticeably smaller than it had been, and as he whimpered and groaned, Dave watched it shrink further.  

“Ohhhh….fuh...fuck...Trev...something’s...wroooaaaAAAOOHHHH….!”  Dave screamed ecstatically and fell back against the bed, feeling like a live wire had been stuck inside him.  He could barely manage to lift his head at all as his body was wracked by blissful spasms.  It was everything he’d been longing for, but as he stared at an oozing cock that couldn’t be more than a thin three inches, he didn’t know why he felt so terrified.  

Trevor didn’t seem to have the same concerns.  He rolled and bucked his hips in wave-like fashion, speeding up and slowing down in time with Dave’s echoing moans.  The sound of the smaller man’s ecstatic cries and desperate thrashing was pushing him to the edge.  “Oh shit...gon...gonna...cuuuuhhhnnn…!”  He gave one final thrust that nearly lifted Dave off the bed before tensing and spraying inside his whimpering lover.  

Dave let out a long, open mouthed howl as an intense, horror-tinged orgasm rocketed through him.  He’d never felt anything like it, but watching his now-miniscule rod twitch and sputter a few meager drops, he wasn’t sure he was supposed to.  All he could do was stare up at Trevor while the other man slowly pumped in and out as he softened, wondering exactly what just happened.  

“Daaaaammn,” the big man panted, stroking Dave’s hairy thighs.  “You were on fire tonight,” he laughed, giving the prone man’s tiny package a squeeze as he pulled out.  His wide hand covered the small equipment with plenty of room to spare.  

There was a moment of silence as they both stared at the girthy beast now hanging from the base of Trevor’s washboard abs.  It was at least nine inches long and nearly as thick as a forearm, with a pair of matching, heavy balls dangling beneath.  As he watched his tiny new member soften, receding until it was a small nub poking out of his trim bush, his own balls barely visible, Dave knew that somehow, his size had gone to the other man.  He looked up at Trevor with wide, terrified eyes, but the feeling passed before he could speak.  His expression softened, the fear vanishing as he realized such a thing was impossible.  He felt too good for anything to be wrong.  Of course his dick was tiny, but what did it matter when he had a stud like Trevor around?  “Give me a minute to catch my breath...we’re just gettin’ started.”  


Across town, Ben stretched contentedly on his bed, toying with his inflated package while Owen, the man he’d taken the size from, slumbered next to him.  Including himself had been a last minute decision, but as he hefted the fat, heavy organ, he was glad he’d thought of it.  The ten inch monster looked as huge against his whipcord frame as his friend’s tiny new nub did against his bodybuilder bulk, a stark contrast from their formerly average endowments.  After changing so many men, Ben wanted to know what it was like.  He wanted to feel what they did when they changed so he could better understand the process.  

He also knew he could always change himself back if he wanted, and Owen didn’t seem to mind their new arrangement.  He’d seen the other man at the bar a few times and had always admired him from a distance, and Ben had caught the older man doing the same, so when they ran into each other on league night he took it as a sign.  From the few conversations they’d had he knew Owen was freshly forty, but with his short dark hair, youthful, wolfish face and burly, muscled frame he could have passed for ten years younger.  When the night started the middle aged jock had a stout, six inch rod and set of low hanging orbs between his meaty thighs, but now there was a tiny acorn and pair of marbles in its place, topping out at just over two inches hard.  

There’d been a moment of realization.  Ben had seen the flash of terror in the bulky man’s eyes and had watched it pass just as quickly.  He wondered how many other men were having the same experience all over town, one shrinking and one growing.  He hadn’t been too specific about the number when he’d written the passage, just that everyone would accept it as normal.  It felt like the right decision.  He’d worn the muscled man out with his new size, and by the end of the night he had the brawny hulk whimpering like a baby as he worked the entirety of his shrunken package in his mouth at once.  Owen’s experience in the locker room might be different, but he wasn’t complaining in the bedroom.  

Ben’s hefty new package flopped over his thigh as he rolled onto his side to look at the book on the nightstand.  He still couldn’t remember why he’d spaced out earlier at work, or why he’d yelled at Zack, but as he drifted off to sleep a gentle voice in his head told him not to worry.