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Chapter 1


Derek eyed his test subject from across the street. The crystal in his hand was screaming to be used but he needed to wait until he could get a full view of his victim. There was a small part of him that wondered why he didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse for what he was about to do to this unfortunate stranger, but that part was drowned out by the burning heat from the crystal in his pocket. True, the mechanic had ripped him off when he'd worked on Derek's car, but that hardly justified what was about to happen. He shook off his second thoughts and gripped the crystal. He could feel his opportunity approaching and he wasn't about to waste it. The man was bent over the engine of a car with his back turned, which was appropriate because there was no way he could've seen what was coming. Derek settled the crystal against his eye and within its facets was reflected a seemingly infinite number of variation of the man. None of them were as he was, but they were all as he could have been. Whatever genetic variation, trick of birth or twist of fate that could have occurred to make this man something else was revealed to whomever gazed into the crystal. Derek tried to focus on one facet in particular and felt a pulse rush through him, clouding his vision. When his sight cleared he saw his intended victim doubled over against the hood of the car, the first of the changes already occurring. 


Unaware of the stranger setting him in his sights, Jack went about his daily business of ripping people off. "Easy prey," he whistled, laughing to his partner across the room. "How much you think we can take this guy for?" 

"That guy knows as much about cars as his boyfriend knows about pussy," Drew spat from under the car he was working on, "Rich asshole like that can afford to share the wealth, ya know?" 

"I hear ya." Jack said in smug agreement. "Fuckin' yuppies and their bullshit. Fag's got a hot wife though...he's got a picture of her taped to the dashboard. Bet she's got him good and whipped." Jack grabbed his crotch and adjusted himself through his jumpsuit. "Bet I could show her how a real man takes care of business, not that girly queer she's with." 

"I bet it's for the money," Drew chimed in. "That's all they're ever after." 

Working labor for nearly thirty years had stripped both men of anything resembling patience for those they viewed as spoiled or privileged. Unfortunately, to these two jaded grunts, that was everyone. Jack popped the hood and inspected the car's innards. He wasn't looking for the problem; he knew that would inevitably be an easy fix. Jack knew enough about cars to take one apart and put it back together blindfolded. No, he was poking around to see what else needed "repaired." He'd only managed to grip the frame and lean in for a look when he felt the floor drop out from underneath him. If he'd been able to move he would have collapsed, but his body was frozen in its bent over position. Jack didn't even have time to register what was occurring before his unblinking eyes witnessed the beginning of his new life. Creeping at a slow, steady pace, a series of changes began to wash over his body. The dirty, calloused hands that gripped the car's frame shrank and softened considerably before shedding the wiry hair that ran up into his sleeve. Though he couldn't see what was happening under his increasingly oversized jumpsuit, Jack was well aware that similar changes were occurring to the rest of his bulky frame. He was far from in shape, but his years of labor had given him a powerful, muscular build. Beneath the prominent beer gut and ample body fat his hairy frame was as sturdy and masculine as they came. This made his current experience all the more horrifying as he was helpless to do anything other than watch his meaty forearms whither to skinny wrists while his upper arms were practically swimming in his sleeves. The partially unzipped top that used to show off his furry chest now draped over one bony shoulder and exposed a hairless chest that had collapsed in on itself. Jack knew he had to be losing height just as readily as he was losing everything else because the pant legs of his jumpsuit pooled at feet that now felt lost in their size 12 work boots. Without warning the time that had been at a standstill rushed back to life and Jack collapsed against the car. 

"What the fuck?!" Jack yelled, finally able to move again. He didn't know what to focus on first; the tiny hands that were concealed by the too-long sleeves or the fact that his voice was a high pitch squeak. He staggered backwards, stumbling in his now-clunky boots. "What the fuck ith thith?!" he lisped in terror, catching sight of his new body in the reflection of a nearby windshield. His face had softened just as much as the rest of his body and there wasn't even a hint of the perpetual stubble he used to sport. The only place that seemed to grow hair was his once-balding head that was now covered in blonde hair. 

"What? What's wrong?" Drew said, sliding out from under the car he was working on. "Did you hurt yourse...why are you wearing my clothes?" 

"Your clothe'th?" Jack squeaked. "Thee'th are my clothe'th! Look at me!" Jack felt himself draw back instinctively as the other man approached. Drew towered over Jack now, and since Drew was 6'2", Jack figured he was somewhere around the 5'5" mark. 

"Oh, trust me, I'm looking," Drew said sternly. He reached over and pushed a button to shut the garage doors. "We don't need everyone else looking too." Drew eyed the street as the door shut to see who might have witnessed Jack's outburst, but the only person he saw was a guy standing across the street. 

"What happened to me?" Jack was still frantic. He didn't understand how or why his friend was so calm. 

"Are you high?" Drew asked, gently grabbing Jack's chin and looking him in the eye. "I thought you told me you wouldn't do that shit anymore Jackie." 

"What? What thit?" Jack bristled, both at being called Jackie and at his lisping voice. "Why are you tho calm? Thomething happened that made me thmall like thith." 

Drew stepped back and gave the shorter man a confused look. "Oh shit, you're right!" he said after a pause. "How'd you get so small?" his voice was suddenly full of concern. 

"I don't know! That'th what I've been athking you!" Jack clutched at his shrunken neck, searching for his former voice. 

"When did this happen?" Drew reached over and tousled Jack's blonde hair. 

"What do you mean? Juth't now!" Jack tried to pull away but Drew's hand held him in place. 

"And when you got here this morning you looked like..." Drew tugged at one of Jack's little ears. 

"I looked like me! What'th wrong with you?" Jack shrieked. "You know what I look like...I wath like you, not like thith!" 

"Like me? Fuck! We should probably see what all changed," Drew said, his tone serious. He started to undo Jack's jumpsuit further, "You ready man?" 

"Uh...yeah...I gueth..." Jack said hesitantly. He felt like they should be calling an ambulance or going for help but was too dazed to protest. 

"Okay, take a deep breath... here we go." Drew undid the rest of the zipper and let Jack's enormous jumpsuit fall to the floor, giving the tiny man the first clear view of his altered body. 

"Oh thit..." Jack gasped. He ran his tiny hands over his smooth, shapeless torso, watching what little muscle he had left flex in his stick-thin arms with the movement. His beer gut was gone, replaced instead by a soft, baby-fat belly and tiny love handles. His dirty white briefs, once filled to capacity, hung precariously, held only in place by the prominent, jiggling backside at his rear. Without the suit to hold them up they quickly lost their battle with gravity and traveled down Jack's soft, squishy thighs before landing where his rocky calves used to be. Though he knew what to expect, Jack was still horrified to see his heavy, low hanging balls and thick cock replaced by what looked like a set of marbles and a pinky finger in comparison. 

"Whoa..." Drew said, staring at the little man. "Here, let me help," he grabbed Jack under his armpits and literally lifted the smaller man out of the heap of clothing, his now tiny feet sliding free of his shoes without any trouble. 

"Thith ithn't pothible..." Jack said as Drew set him down, feeling incredibly tiny and exposed as he stood naked in front of his friend. It didn't help that the second Drew's rough hands touched his smooth skin Jack's tiny rod had shot to attention. 

"So what you're telling me," Drew said as he undid the zipper on his own jumpsuit. "Is that when you got here this morning, these," he ran his hands along Jack's arms where his biceps should have been, "looked like these?" He peeled down the top of his jumpsuit, exposing his own beefy, hirsute torso and flexed his large biceps. "And these," he squeezed Jack's tiny nipples before flexing his impressive chest, "were like these?" 

"Yuh...yeah..." Jack stuttered, overcome by Drew's touch. He didn't understand what his friend was doing, but he wasn't sure if he wanted him to stop. 

"Oh my," Drew said, unable to hide the humor from his voice. "So then this little guy," he swallowed Jack's diminished package with one hairy paw while he shed the rest of his jumpsuit. "Looked like this?" He peeled down the front of his packed briefs and wagged his long cock proudly while he tweaked Jack's tiny member. 

"Drew...thtop...what're you doing?" Jack tried to pull Drew's hand away from his cock but his little fingers barely made it half way around the other man's thick, hairy wrist. 

"We've gotta make sure everything still works, don't we?" Drew spun Jack around and the little man found himself bent over the hood where everything started. The larger man's rough hands dug into Jack's soft love handles, positioning his supple ass against the hardening organ that sought entry. 

"Wait...Drew...thtop! Thith ithn't right...we're not fagth man! Thtop!" Jack's high frequency lisp was anything but convincing as he halfheartedly struggled to get away. 

"This has been fun, but you know I'm not into this roleplaying shit Jackie... I like to get right to business." Drew slowly worked his cock into Jack's waiting hole while he spoke. 

"Ro...roleplaying?" Jack grunted, surprised at how natural it felt to have his ass invaded by another man. "Tho you thought...thit Drew, I'm theriouth! Thith ithn't right! I'm not thuppothed to be like thith!" 

"Sure...Jack" Drew emphasized the name. "You're a big, hairy stud...just look at all these mucles..." Drew ran his hands all over Jack's smooth little frame. "You're a real man's man...just look at that cock." Jack could only moan in protest. Drew had hit a sweet spot and the smaller man was in ecstasy. "You're a pot bellied, beer drinkin' bull dawg, right?" 

"Thit Drew..." Jack moaned. He didn't want to believe any of this was really happening, but if the pleasure he was feeling was real, then he might be okay with it. "Oh thit...oh thit!" he screamed as he came, pressing his ass back forcefully against Drew's hairy abdomen. 

"There we go," Drew panted. He continued to pummel Jack's ass at a leisurely pace, taking his time until he finally erupted into the smaller man. 

"Drew, pleathe," Jack pleaded, trying to catch his breath. He was still bent over, his face buried in his arms. "You've gotta lithen to me...thith...thith..." his voice broke off. Memories of a new life were rushing in and settling next to his old ones. He wasn't Jack, the middle-aged, shit talking pig-headed macho man; he was Jackie, Drew's prancing teenage shop boy. The now-effeminate little man was disappointed as these new memories solidified but failed to replace his old ones. If he was stuck this way he was hoping that he could at least forget about how he used to be, but no such luck. He knew this wasn't the way things should be, but he also knew there was nothing he could do about it. 

"That was fun babe, but we've gotta get back to work." Drew gave Jack's ass a light swat and sent the tiny man scampering towards a pile of clothes. Jack looked down disgustedly, not wanting to believe that these items were his. There were no generic white briefs in the pile; instead he slid on a tiny pair of powder blue bikinis that accentuated his supple, newfound curves. Next came a too-short tank top that exposed his soft belly, followed by a pair of women's stretchy pink short-shorts that came to an abrupt halt at the top of his thighs. He slid his feet into a pair of work boots that would have been ridiculously small just an hour ago and took in his reflection in a nearby windshield. Jack wanted to cry. He looked around for his jumpsuit to cover the foolish outfit but realized as he stared at his reflection in the car window that he no longer knew anything about fixing, or breaking, cars. He knew he should know, but when he tried to focus on a specific subject there was only a hazy memory. There was no jumpsuit for Jackie because he didn't actually work on any of the cars. His duties were limited to sweeping up and cleaning the cars after Drew worked on them. "Hey, if you do a good job today when we get home maybe I'll do a little role playing of my own," Drew called from across the shop. Jack's still-tingling ass knew exactly what that meant, but despite himself he was thrilled at the thought. 


Outside, Derek swayed on his feet. He'd watched the whole scene unfold in the crystal and his head was swimming. The experiment wasn't a total failure, but it proved to Derek that he still needed practice. Jack's transformation had gone according to plan, but Derek hadn't intended for the other man to be involved. If he were going to master the crystal, he'd need to improve his focus. The last thing he wanted was another accident like the one that happened to Scott. He forced the crystal back into his pocket, resisting the urge to swing it towards a man jogging a little further down the street. He was a little concerned about his growing hunger to use the power but he pushed it aside. Everything that had occurred, from finding the crystal to adjusting to his new life with Scott, was so surreal that it was hard to believe it had only been a few days. He started the walk back to his apartment, running through the sequence of events that led to the crystal's discovery. 


Everything started with the book. Derek had found it at an estate sale a few weeks ago, but when he tried to read it the archaic language was too much for him. He took it in to the office and showed it to his friend Scott during one of their morning chat sessions, and it was Scott who discovered the map to the crystal's location. He hadn't thought there was anything to it, but Derek insisted on checking it out. The following weekend the duo set off on their search. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Don't people get lost in these caves?" Scott asked. Again. 

"Dude, for the last time: yes. We're fine," Derek laughed. Scott was too cute when he was nervous for his constant pestering to be annoying, but Derek wasn't going to let him know that. 

"It's just that this idea sounded better when we were talking about it at work..." he struggled to keep up with his friend's longer stride. 

"Here," Derek reached behind and grabbed Scott's hand, guiding it to the waist of his pants. "Hold on to me and I promise you won't get lost." 

"Oh...uh, okay," Scott said timidly. He had no idea that his friend secretly would have preferred to stay holding his hand. "But seriously, what are the odds this thing will even still be here? It's 2008 and that book was ancient. Someone's bound to have been here by now." 

"Dude, really? I don't honestly expect to find anything." 

"Then why did we just drive three hours to the middle of nowhere and hike for another two just so we could get lost and starve to death in a cave?" 

"You mean you haven't enjoyed any of this?" Derek stopped and turned the flashlight on his friend as Scott stumbled against him. 

"No, not really. Those woods were terrifying...we didn't see a single animal or hear a single bird the entire time. I'm telling you, there's something not right about this place. I'm not gonna lie, I could stand to not be here." Both men looked down to see that Scott still hadn't let go of Derek's belt. 

"Well if the book was right, I think we're just about there." Derek started walking again but kept his pace slow for his friend's shorter legs. 

"Yeah, uh, about the book? Whoever wrote it didn't make it sound like finding whatever was here would be such a great idea." 

"How many times can we have this discussion?" 

"I'm just sayin'..." 

"Scott, look, we're not going to find anything, so don't worry about it. I just thought it would be cool to see if any of what was in that book was real or not." Derek left out the part about how he was also looking to spending time alone with Scott outside of the office. 

"You didn't read the book, remember? I did. I don't want anything to do with..." Scott paused, struggling to find the words, "with whatever nightmare someone stashed away in here." 

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure?" 

"At home in my safe, warm apartment," Scott said dryly. Unlike Derek, who'd grown up in the Scouts and playing sports like all the other kids, Scott's entire youth was spent buried in a book and studying his way onto every honor roll he came across. The only reason he'd agree to come on this trip with Derek in the first place is that he didn't want to deal with the inevitable harassment he'd get if he chickened out. He'd read the book and found the directions for his friend, but Derek still insisted he come with him, even though Scott clearly wasn't built for this sort of thing. Though both men were in their mid twenties, Scott could have easily passed for a high schooler. His skinny, five and a half foot stature appropriately reflected his timid attitude. His boyish face and scraggly brown hair didn't help much either. "Adventure's one thing, certain death is anoth...hey! Could you start warning me when you're going to stop like that?" Scott asked, bumping into Derek again when the other man came to a sudden stop. 

"Look!" Derek said excitedly, "I think we're here!" He turned off the flashlight and both men were surprised to see the cave around them was still illuminated. A small sliver of daylight could be seen coming from around the bend in front of them. "The book said it was in a chamber that had an open top...that's gotta be it!" Derek darted around the bend, unable to contain his excitement. "Holy shit..." he gasped as the cave suddenly opened to a massive chamber. A column of daylight poured down from above and illuminated the stone pedestal in the middle of the room. Much to his surprise, Derek saw the light glinting on a small object on the pedestal. "No way...there's no way..." he darted forward, stopping just before he reached the pedestal. Lying before him was a clear round crystal with a seemingly endless number of facets, just like the book described. Though everything around it was covered with dirt and lichen, the crystal itself was perfectly clean. Mesmerized, Derek slowly grasped the crystal and let it settle into his palm. Despite the damp coolness of the cave the crystal was warm. It was as if someone had held it just moments before. 

"How are you just gonna leave me like that?" Scott panted as he stumbled into the room. He saw his friend standing in front of something in the middle of the room but his view was blocked. "Uh, Derek? You okay?" he asked his unmoving friend. 

Scott's loud entrance snapped Derek out of his trance. "Check it out! It's here! It was actually here!" he yelled, holding up the crystal. On a whim, he held it up to his eye like one of the bug-eye kaleidoscopes he used to have as a kid and looked through it, watching his friend multiply in the many facets. 

"What?" Scott paled, not sharing Derek's enthusiasm. "Let me see that thing before youAAAGGHHHH" Scott broke off in a scream and fell to the ground in a heap. 

"Scott! What's wrong?" Derek pocketed the crystal and ran to his friend, but by the time he got there the Scott he knew was already vanishing. It was hard to see the fine details in the dim light, but Derek could tell that his friend was growing. The silent cave was filled with the sound of ripping fabric as Scott's shirt exploded off his enlarging back, quickly followed by his now too-small jeans and worn-out boxer shorts. Even his hiking shoes gave way beneath the onslaught of pressing flesh. It didn't take long before Derek was left standing over a naked hulk where his skinny friend used to be. 

"De...derek?" came an impossibly deep voice from the face buried in a set of gigantic hands. 

"Scott?" Derek reached down and placed an unbelieving hand on the slab of muscle that was his friend's back. "Are...are you okay?" 

"What...what did you do to me?" the voice was anguished. 

"What? Nothing! I didn't do anything...are you hurt? What happened?" 

"The crystal," the voice sobbed, "you used the crystal!" 

"The crystal? What are you talking about? I was holding it the whole time! The crystal did nothing." 

"Nothing?" The figure shifted and slowly started to rise, towering over a confused and increasingly concerned Derek. "NOTHING? LOOK AT ME!" Scott took a lumbering step forward into the light, giving both of them a first look at his transformation. 

"Oh...my...god..." Derek gasped, having to look up to see Scott's face. His formerly tiny friend had to be at least 6'8". 

"What did you do...what did you do..." Scott kept repeating in his much deeper voice as he gazed at his swollen body. His skinny frame was gone, swallowed whole by a mountain of shredded muscle. Derek could see that Scott's face still had the same boyish good looks, but the rest of him looked like two huge body builders had been squished together. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he bellowed. 

"Dude..." Derek whispered, shocked. As he stared at his naked friend he was hit with a sudden realization but fought desperately to suppress it. As surprising as it was to see in real life, the sight before him was one he was intimately familiar with. "What do you mean? What did I do?"

"You didn't read the book so you didn't know...the crystal it..." Scott found it difficult to speak as his mind struggled against a rush of new memories. "If you look at someone through it you can...whatever you want them to be..." Scott looked down at his friend through a new set of eyes. He still knew how things were, how they should be, but his head was full of his new life, a life where he grew up working out and playing sports instead of reading books and studying. He paled while the memories kept pouring in. He wasn't the head of an IT department anymore he was a professional bodybuilder by day and a stripper by night. This new version of him wasn't dumb, but he knew he was nowhere near as smart as he used to be. He never even graduated high school, let alone finished top of his class at college. This Scott lived to work out and, as the years of sexual escapades suddenly filled his head, fuck, and be fucked by, his friend Derek. "Derek," Scott said wide eyed, "you mean you're..." he never once imagined that his friend could be gay, let alone have feelings for him. 

"Um...surprise?" Derek said, unable to look his friend in the eye. This isn't how he imagined his coming out conversation would go. 

"Surprise? All this time you wanted...you fantasized about this?!" He reached forward and grabbed his blushing friend by the shoulders. "You turned me into a musclebound whore!" 

"I didn't know this would happen! I'm sorry! Tell me how to undo it!" As he stared at the ground Derek couldn't help but notice Scott's now-enormous cock slowly start to harden. The vice like grip on his shoulders softened slightly as the organ grew. 

"You can't undo it. It doesn't just change me, it changes reality. We're the only ones who will ever remember that I was anything other than...this," he sighed. Despite his anger, Scott felt an overwhelming need to be comforted by his new lover. He let his hands drift from Derek's shoulders to his back and swallowed him in a bear hug. In this new life Derek took care of Scott, who while massive, was still just as sensitive and timid. He worked to provide for the two of them so that Scott could focus on his lifting career since he never had the brains for much else. Scott made some money by stripping, but not enough to really contribute much. Derek mostly encouraged it just so his friend would feel better about himself and build his confidence. "Sorry Derek...I just...I..." 

"It's okay," Derek said as he was swallowed in the embrace. He tried to return the gesture but was unable to get his arms around the mountain of a man his friend had turned into. "Uh...Scott?" Derek felt his friend begin to gyrate his hips slightly, grinding his now rock hard cock against his stomach. "What're you..." 

"Sorry," Scott said without stopping. "I can't help it...I've never felt so..." he stopped talking and leaned in to kiss Derek's neck while he ran his hands over his friend's tiny-by-comparison body. 

"Scott!" Derek yelled, surprised. "Come on man, this isn't you!" Though he'd dreamed about this very thing more times than he could remember, he didn't want to take advantage of his friend's current state. 

"You don't understand Derek," Scott said as he peeled his friend's shirt off, "this IS me. Just like you wanted." He undid Derek's jeans and stripped his friend down to his boxer-briefs. "Maybe I didn't an hour ago, but right now I want you...bad." Derek couldn't have protested even if he'd wanted to. His six foot frame was well muscled from regular workouts but he was like a rag doll to the enormous Scott. All he could do was let himself be manhandled in a flurry of lustful and angry fucking and sucking while his friend struggled to come to terms with his new life. By the time it was over the sun had disappeared, leaving two naked and exhausted men tangled together on the floor of the cave. 

"Scott...I'm sorry man...I would never have done this to you on purpose. I didn't..." he was cut off by a deep kiss from his fantasy lover. 

"It's okay. You didn't know. I should have told you instead of complaining the whole time we were out here." A few hours of pleasure had given Scott a rosier view of his altered future. All things considered, Scott knew this could have gone much worse for him. "What're you going to do with the crystal now?" 

"I don't know," Derek smiled, "I'm sure I'll think of something." 


Chapter 2


Jack opened his eyes in a panic. Something heavy was draped across his chest, pinning him to the bed, but in the darkness of the room he couldn't make out what it was. He tried to sit up but the object wouldn't budge.

"wha's matter?" Had he not been held down, Jack would have jumped out of the bed at the startling, mumbled voice. He felt someone large shift their weight next to him and the unknown object was quickly identified as someone's arm when Jack felt a rough hand grope at his face. The unexpected clicking on of a lamp left the startled man blinded, but finally able to sit up. "You okay?" His vision cleared and Jack saw a groggy Drew rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Drew?" He was confused. He didn't know why he would be in Drew's house to begin with, let alone why he'd be in bed with him. "Why am I in your houthe?" Jack froze at the sound of his voice and memories of the previous day came rushing back. He remembered how he'd been working on a car one minute but found himself trapped in this nightmare the next. Even worse, memories of the previous night came back as well. Jack was horrified at the thought of the things he'd done with his beefy coworker.

"You're in my house ‘cause you live here," Drew smiled sleepily, tousling Jack's hair. "Did Jackie have a bad dream?"

"Yea...yeah," was all Jack could manage. He didn't know if there was a way out of this, but he was pretty sure that he wasn't going to find it at that moment.

"Aw, I'm sorry," Drew said condescendingly. "Why don't you come over here then?" Drew switched off the light and pulled Jack close, cradling the now-smaller man against his naked body. The part of him that was Jack wanted to pull away in disgust as he felt Drew's cock press against his own bare flesh, but the part of him that was Jackie was content to bury his face against the forest of hair on his lover's chest. For all his shit talking at work, Jack knew that Drew had a softer side when he was with the ladies, but he was still surprised to witness it first hand. He was even more surprised to find how affecting it was now that he was on the receiving end of it. He wanted to try and plan his escape, but instead he melted against the other man and drifted off into a contented sleep.

"Rise and shine!" Drew's cheerful voice jolted Jack out of a deep slumber. The smaller man only groaned and pressed himself harder against the wall of flesh that was his bedmate. "Come on...it's time to get up." Drew squeezed Jack's now-supple ass and worked a finger towards his tender hole, causing the little man's head to jerk upright in surprise. "Thought that'd get your attention," Drew laughed. He flung the sheets aside, exposing their two naked bodies before hopping out of bed and stretching his massive frame. The part of him that was still Jack felt completely ridiculous next to his masculine partner. Drew was a hairy, burly ball of manhood. His muscles were hard earned from a life of labor and his beer gut was hard earned from a life spent in one too many bars. The stubby, wide cock and heavy balls that dangled between his meaty thighs were a perfect complement to his deep, commanding voice. He had the type of body that, less than 24 hours ago, Jack had as well. Now Jack found himself trapped in the body of a small, hairless, effeminate young man. He'd lost nearly a foot in height, his hard earned muscles were gone, and based on what he'd seen so far, Jack knew that his short new body would never really support any. If he'd been turned into someone that was short and wiry he might have been able to handle it, but Jackie was soft and supple, with ample amounts of appealing curves. His once impressive balls were now next to non-existent, and his cock, rock hard at the sight of his naked lover, was lucky to reach a skinny three and a half inches. The formerly deep, intimidating voice was now a squeaking lisp, and his lifetime of "manly" knowledge about cars, women, fighting, and beer were nothing more than hazy memories. The only "manly" knowledge he had now was how to pleasure one.

"It'th tho early!" Jack groaned, falling back against the bed with his tiny rod sticking straight in the air. It wasn't sleep that kept him in bed; he was trying to stay in bed so he wouldn't have to face any more of his new life.

"Jackie..." Drew said sternly from the doorway to the bathroom, his thick arms crossed against his impressive chest. Jack just rolled over on his side in response, turning his supple ass towards his new lover. "Okay. Have it your way." Before Jack could turn to see what that meant, he felt himself scooped off the bed.

"Hey!" he giggled as he was flung over Drew's shoulder. He kicked his feet helplessly and couldn't help but grind his tiny boner against Drew's firm shoulder. "No fair!" he laughed. Jack was disgusted with Jackie's giggling, flirtatious actions but was unable to stop himself.

"You brought this on yourself!" Drew gave Jack's ass a playful swat before setting him down. "Now see what you've done?" The larger man drew Jack's attention to the throbbing tool between his legs, and the little man didn't need any further direction. Jack fought valiantly against his new self but couldn't prevent Jackie from sitting on the edge of the tub and taking as much of Drew's cock in his mouth as he could. His tiny hands went straight to work on Drew's balls while his tongue swirled around the oozing tip. Instead of the nausea he was expecting, Jack discovered that he relished the musky scent emanating from the dense bush around Drew's rigid organ. He also discovered that he knew exactly what he was doing. This may have been the first time Jack administered a blowjob, but Jackie had administered plenty. When Drew finally shot a thick load into his mouth, Jack found himself gratefully swallowing every last drop. "Damn Jackie...how are you so good at that?" Drew panted.

"Thank'th babe," Jack smiled, wiping the cum from the corners of his mouth before licking it off his finger. His own cock was throbbing harder than it ever had, but Jack was still mortified at what he'd just done. It was bad enough when Drew had his cock up his ass, but having it in his mouth made Jack feel like he'd crossed a whole new line. Still, all he could do was smile. "What about me?" he said, jutting out his own little member.

"What about you?" Drew asked with a smile. He brushed past the little man and cranked the shower to life.

"Very funny." Jack followed his bulky lover into the shower but stumbled, unaccustomed to how high he had to lift his shorter legs to get over the edge of the tub. He landed firmly in Drew's wet, sudsy hands. "That'th nithe," he purred as Drew's hands explored every inch of his body. As much as he wanted to pull away, Jack stood and let Drew soap him up, moaning loudly when the large hands found their way to his little tool. Jack never would have thought that such a little organ could have brought him so much pleasure. In his old body, he could only wrap one hand around his thick rod, but now the sensation of Drew's large paw completely engulfing his diminutive package drove him wild. "Oh thit...that'th...oh thit...thit..." he gasped while Drew jerked him off. Jack had never been vocal during sex, but he'd quickly discovered that Jackie couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Fuck...oh yeah...oh thit...oh...oh!" he squealed as he came.

"I never have to guess if you're enjoying yourself," Drew laughed. He loved how loud his little lover was during sex.

"Thut up," Jack blushed. "I can't help it."

"Neither can I," Drew said, planting a deep kiss on Jack's mouth. The larger man took charge and finished washing himself and his young little lover down, gently patting the smaller man dry when they were done. "Hurry up and get dressed...we're runnin' late," he said as he sauntered into the bedroom. Jack watched from the bathroom with hungry eyes as Drew squeezed into a pair of well worn briefs. Though he would have been content to continue staring at his underwear clad lover, Jack turned his attention to the travesty of clothing before him. He'd always been a briefs, tshirt and jeans kind of guy, so he was very disappointed to find that none of those things were in his closet. His underwear consisted of skimpy bikinis, thongs, and some women's panties. The only briefs he found were racecar covered and clearly from the little boy's section, and while there was denim in the collection, it consisted mostly of cutoff short-shorts and figure fitting women's jeans. The were tshirts as well, but they were all brightly colored, and the ones that still had their sleeves were short enough to stop well above Jack's belly button. "Seriously babe, we're gonna be late. Just wear this." Drew grabbed several items and stuffed them into Jack's pencil arms, having already put on a pair of jeans and a flannel button up. The stunned man felt like he was watching his body from outside himself as he slid the bright pink thong on and squeezed into the women's lowriders. He pulled the girly-tee on and immediately wanted to vomit when he saw his reflection. The shirt stopped just above his navel while his jeans stopped far short of his waist, showing off his soft belly and the top of his supple behind, not to mention the bright pink string of the thong. "Come on!" Drew called.

"Coming thweety!" he called back, hating the way his ass swayed and bounced as he raced down the hallway. Jack knew it was a short walk to the shop from their house, but he was dreading every second of it. Being in front of Drew in his current state was bad enough, but facing the world at large was a daunting thought. "Thorry...I'm ready," he said as Drew grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. Once outside, Jack's diminished stature was truly reinforced. The weather outside was balmy as always, but he shivered uncomfortably while taking in how much bigger everything and everyone seemed. He also wasn't accustomed to having to increase his pace to keep up with Drew's longer legs, and his bouncing cheeks swallowed more and more of his thong with each step. He received quite a few stares along the way, but Jack was grateful that at least no one dared say anything with his imposing lover nearby. Other than his discomfort, the walk was more or less uneventful until they passed the gym a few blocks down from the shop. As they were passing, an incredibly overweight man and a short, hairy ape of a man staggered out with horrified expressions that Jack knew all too well. They were both pale and stumbling around like they were just learning how to walk, while the man they trailed behind appeared oblivious to their discomfort. They stared with pleading eyes as they passed, but neither one slowed down.

"That was weird," Drew said, looking back over his shoulder as the trio passed.

"Yeah," Jack said, staring after them. "Weird."


Derek stumbled in the back door, barely making it to the couch before he collapsed.

"Derek?" Scott dropped the dumbbell and raced to couch, scooping up his lover in his huge arms. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked in a rush.

"I'm fine..." Derek sat up and smiled at the nearly nude mountain of muscle next to him. The formerly tiny, shy computer nerd was clad only in a jockstrap, and his new bodybuilder frame was covered in sweat from one of his constant workouts. "I'm just a little winded."

"Where were you? When I got up this morning you were gone already." Scott eyed his new boyfriend suspiciously. "You did it again, didn't you?" He jumped off the couch in a fury. "Thanks to you I'm not as smart as I used to be, but I'm not an idiot!"

"Scott..." Derek tried to think of an excuse but his mind was too worn out to come up with anything. "Yeah...I did."

"Damn it Derek!" Scott bellowed, his glistening body towering over his friend. "What the fuck's wrong with you?"

"They've all had it coming," he muttered in his defense. Derek was having an increasingly hard time keeping his eyes open and collapsed against the couch again.

"What you did to me was an accident, but to do it on purpose? You didn't read the book..." Scott paused, struggling with his memory. "I may not be able to understand much of it anymore, but I at least remember that the last guy who had that thing didn't end up well! You used it on that asshole mechanic, fine, but you can't keep this up." Scott felt his rage subsiding as he looked down at the man curled up on the couch. Ever since his transformation he found that he couldn't stay angry with his friend, and instead of seeing a monster in the making all he saw was his exhausted lover in need of comfort. With a shrug, Scott sat back down and propped Derek's head in his meaty lap. "Okay," he sighed, stroking Derek's hair. "What happened?"

Derek took a deep breath of Scott's sweaty, masculine scent while he gathered his thoughts. "Remember those two guys from the gym I told you about a few weeks ago?"


Derek stood in an out of the way corner waiting for his prey. He was trying to look inconspicuous while he wondered how he was going to pull this off in crowded locker room. Right on cue, Dane and Bill swaggered in, peeling off their shirts and strutting like they owned the place. Even if they hadn't messed with him when he'd started coming to the gym, they were the kind of guys that Derek would gladly turn the crystal on: arrogant, cocky and selfish, taking for granted everything that was given to them during their pampered lives. He stayed in his corner and watched the two studs horse around as they stripped down and grabbed their towels. The crystal was hot in his hand and begging to be used, but Derek still didn't know what would happen if he used it in front of others. Would they know what he did? Would reality adjust to make them forget? He didn't know if he should risk it, but his opportunity was fading as quickly as his patience. 

Derek knew that he could always just wait until the two left the gym, but a part of him relished the challenge. He wanted to know as much as he could about the limits of the power he now held, and there was only one way to find out. He squeezed the crystal, wishing more than anything that he had a little more time. Without warning, a blinding pulse shot from the pocketed crystal and swept through the room, knocking Derek off his feet. "Fuck. Me." he whispered, flat on his back. Looking up, the men around him seemed frozen in place. In an instant the locker room went from bustling and noisy to silent as a tomb. Even the streams of water from the shower heads were frozen, leaving tiny droplets suspended in mid air. 

"No way...there's no way..." Derek was more than a little overwhelmed by the possibilities. This was his wet dream come true. Here he was surrounded by a bunch of frozen men in various states of undress with the power to change them as he saw fit burning in his hand. The rush, the feeling of absolute power, was incredible. He was still coherent enough to realize that his judgment was clouded at the moment, but Derek couldn't keep his eyes off the frozen man next to him. He'd been admiring the buff stranger while he waited for his prey, and now he had the chance to get a closer look. Derek examined every inch of the stranger's fantastic, lean build. Based on the budding wrinkles around the man's handsome face, Derek guessed the stranger to be in his late thirties or early forties, which made the shape he was in all the more impressive. His entire body was covered in a dusting of the same light blonde hair that was on his head, and Derek couldn't help but run his guilty hands all over the man's tight body. With only a hint of hesitation Derek undid the towel around the man's trim waist. "Whoa...not bad man," he whistled, giving the stranger's long cock a squeeze. To his surprise, he felt the organ start to harden at his touch while the unblinking man continued to stare into the open locker. He worked the stranger to full mast before heaving his clothes and towel across the locker room, leaving him with a surprise for when time started up again.

As much as he would have liked to make the rounds of the locker room, Derek didn't know how long time would stay frozen and he had come here with a purpose. He found his target duo in the showers, apparently in the midst of mocking a nearby bather. Bill was pointing at an older, out of shape man and both he and Dane had their trademark shit eating grins frozen on their faces. "How do two guys as cute as this turn out to be such assholes?" Derek asked aloud, his voice echoing through the silent room. 

Seeing his two intended victims in their naked glory, he almost regretted what was about to happen. They couldn't have been a more mismatched pair, but each of the men was strikingly handsome. At 5'9", Bill was the shorter of the two, and his compact body was ripped with muscle. He was his university's star wrestler and Derek could only imagine that Bill knew how to use every inch of his smooth, precision-sculpted body to his advantage, both on the mats and off. His dark features were a picture of symmetry, and if he wasn't so busy with sports and hopping in to every girl's bed on campus, he could have easily been a model. Derek ran his hands through Bill's black hair and over every inch of the frozen stud's hairless olive skin, flicking away the frozen beads of sudsy water that clung to his large pecs and broad shoulders. Even his package suited him perfectly, with a cock that wasn't too long or wide and a set of balls that hung at just the perfect length. 

In comparison, Dane was nearly the opposite of his partner in crime. His tan, lean body stood several inches higher than his stocky friend, and his light blonde hair was a stark contrast to Bill's raven locks. Where Bill's stocky build suited his shorter stature, Dane's lean body only accentuated his height, and his years on the swim team ensured that there wasn't an ounce of fat on his ripped body. His broad shoulders gave his torso the "V" shape that was much loved by the female population on campus, his tiny waist expanding only slightly at the tight, perky ass that bubbled out from his lower back. Derek gave Dane a good grope and wondered how the stud ever fit the large cock between his legs in a speedo. 

"Man...this seems like such a waste..." he sighed, with hands firmly planted on each of the men's tight rear ends. He took a reluctant step back so he could get both men in the crystal's gaze while trying to ignore the solid lump in his jeans. He wanted to drop his pants and give both guys a final whirl in their athletic bodies but resisted the urge, focusing instead on the growing heat from the crystal. This time, as he settled the crystal against his eye, Derek fought against the pulse he felt building within him. He could feel a pressure growing, clawing against his skin for release, but pushed it back as his mind drifted across the myriad images before him. The menagerie of men was staggering: there were short men, tall men, men with extra limbs, men with no limbs, men that were part women, fat men, old men, young men, and a series of conjoined fusions, but Derek stuck to his guns. He knew exactly what he wanted, so he pulled in his focus and let the pressure go. The release was incredible, and for the second time that day Derek found himself knocked off his feet as he sprawled to the damp shower floor.

By the time he staggered to his feet, the transformations were well under way. Bill's natural symmetry and perfect proportions had already shattered. His legs had shortened considerably while his arms lengthened and his neck receded and thickened, giving him an almost simian appearance. His torso squished and solidified into a wide, meaty barrel, and though he lost a considerable amount of height, he didn't lose much muscle, giving his formerly sculpted body a jagged, lumpy look. His feet expanded in all directions, stopping at a wide, size fourteen, while his hands grew into a set of complementary oars to the boats that were now his feet. The changes crept upwards, hitting the jock's handsome face hard. Bill's forehead pushed outward and hung over a nose that grew and twisted from a cute little button to a large, crooked knob. His ears became big and rounded and pushed out, looking like little wings on the sides of his head. Even the straight, pearly white teeth in his mouth darkened and spread apart, changing his charming smile to a dirty, gap-toothed grin. The final changes settled in to place when the once-handsome stud's well-proportioned package snaked outwards, his lengthened cock and now lopsided balls dangling halfway down his shortened thighs. While his package grew, the neatly trimmed bush surrounding it exploded. Dark hair quickly spread out and traveled down Bill's smooth legs and up his formerly hairless torso, cascading over his shoulders and down his back and arms. By the time it was all over the once-smooth stud was covered in a carpet of wiry black hair.

Next to him, Dane wasn't fairing much better. Derek watched as one by one the defined muscles on Dane's athletic body vanished as his lean frame swelled. Like an inflating balloon, his body grew and grew ever outwards. The washboard abs and once-trim waist sagged slightly before it lost the battle with gravity altogether, causing his new love handles and still-growing gut to sag downwards, resting on top of his now flabby, trunk-like thighs. His perky ass melted into a set of enormous, jiggling sacks of cellulite that would never again fit comfortably on any normal sized furniture. His long cock didn't change, but it quickly disappeared as his flabby thighs pushed together and his gut draped down to form a permanent cover. His formerly bulging pecs still bulged outwards, but they now did so as a pair of sagging man-breasts, causing once pert little nipples to grow to silver dollar size. The thickly muscled upper arms were still thick, but the ripped biceps and triceps were now pudgy logs that extended to soft forearms and chubby fingers. The chunky transformation continued up his neck, swallowing the stud's lantern jaw in a triple layer of chins while his prominent cheekbones lost their spot as his face rounded and puffed out into a chubby sphere. The last thing to go was the deep tan Dane had earned from his hours spent in the pool. He quickly went from a sun-kissed brown to a pale, ruddy pink that better suited his new girth.

Derek was in a daze. He was more than satisfied with the changes he'd made but fighting to control the crystal had left him weaker than ever. He wasn't just physically exhausted; he was mentally drained. The crystal was screaming in his head, hammering against his will to alter the other men in the room, and it took all his remaining strength to resist its siren call. Each time he used it Derek discovered some new, hidden power, but the crystal was also becoming harder to control. He'd just discovered that it could apparently stop time, but he was also barely able to keep it out of his hand. He staggered out of the showers and plopped down on the bench where he'd been hiding just as time roared back into motion.

"Whoa! Shit!" The stranger next to him yelled, discovering his exposed erection on display for everyone in the locker room. He flushed a deep shade of red as he searched for his missing towel and clothes but came up empty handed. The man tried to cover himself, but the size of his rigid pole prevented him from imposing any modesty. Derek watched with tired amusement while the embarrassed man's engorged rod bounced around as he scampered to find his missing clothing. Once the man turned a corner and disappeared from sight, Derek turned his attention towards the two soon-to-be frantic men in the shower.

"...a fag, right?" Bill laughed at the middle-aged man next to him as time lurched back into motion. "Whoa..."unaware of his new form, Bill stumbled as he turned back towards his showerhead, his whole body off balance. He caught himself against the wall but froze when he realized the shower's controls were above his head. "What the..." he saw the dark hair covering the backs of his now oversized hands and started to panic. "What the fuck?" He staggered backwards and started to fall again but managed to catch himself with his lengthened arms. Drawing himself up to his full new height of just under five feet, Bill saw that his hairy knuckles practically dragged on the ground. Overcome with horror, he nearly passed out as he followed the altered limbs and discovered the rest of his distorted body. He suddenly understood why he was stumbling around when he saw the hairy tops of his now-massive feet at the bottom of his stubby, shortened legs. The pretty cock that he'd always been so proud of had ballooned to an ugly, unwieldy appendage and he could feel his now-lopsided balls slap against his bulky thighs as he moved. Disgustedly, he ran his large hands through the tangled forest of hair on his torso and back. With his Mediterranean heritage, Bill had always worked hard to keep his body hair in check but now it was totally out of control. "No...no no no no no..." he stammered as his hands made their way up his widened neck to his face. He looked down into a pool of water and recoiled at the hideous reflection. His handsome face was gone, replaced by misshapen, Neanderthal features. He tugged at his protruding ears and desperately reached for his friend, unable to pry his eyes away from the crooked nose and sloping forehead. "Da... Dane... something's..." he stopped, his hand unexpectedly sinking into soft, yielding flesh. "Dane?" Bill gasped as he turned towards the obese blob standing where his friend used to be. "Is that...?" He found himself eye level with the tip of the cock that just barely stuck out from under his friend's now sagging gut.

"B...Bill?" Dane looked down over his giant gut at the ugly little man in front of him. "What happened?" he cried, his whole body shaking with the effort. "Wha...what..." He panicked as he looked down at the sea of fatty, stretched out flesh that draped over his body. It was a foreign sensation for Dane to look down and not be able to see his cock, or even his feet, over his sagging chest and bulbous gut. He tried to reach behind and feel the sagging monstrosity that was his new ass, but found his range of motion obstructed by the extra weight. He'd become so large that he couldn't even hold his arms down at his sides; the two doughy appendages were at a constant angle against his fleshy torso. It was small comfort when he finally stuck a chubby hand between the folds of his thighs and discovered that his package hadn't changed, it had just been hidden in a fatty crevice. "Look at us!" he raised his flabby, jiggling arms and squeezed one of the many folds of fat on his now pale body. "We're freaks!"

"Can't argue there," a familiar voice said from the shower entryway. Bill and Dane looked to see Kyle from their frat standing with a pair of towels. "Now hurry up and stop making a scene." Kyle gave an apologetic smile to the middle aged man who was slowly inching away from the two misshapen men.

"Oh...okay..." Bill stuttered. Both men wanted to plead for help, but they found themselves silently turning and finishing their showers. Bill's horror only continued to grow as he soaped himself up and discovered that his dangling tool was incredibly sensitive. Try as he might, he couldn't prevent the organ from growing to its full, twisted new length. Instead of the straight, rigid pole he was accustomed to, his new obscene length pulled to the right and hooked upwards so much at the end that it almost curled in on itself. Even if there was a way he could get in bed with someone with his new body, there was no way he was getting this new cock inside anyone.

"Come on man, put your monkey tail away," Kyle laughed. "A dude with a boner just ran by, we don't need fat ass and small fry making things weirder." Kyle handed the men their towels as they dazedly stumbled out of the showers. Bill was still unsuccessfully trying to wrangle his twisted erection, and Dane was too shocked to do anything other than lumber along silently. "I gotta be honest, you guys were handling this well up until now," Kyle said to the shell-shocked pair.

"Kyle...we..." Bill started, looking up at his now much taller friend. He was humiliated to be parading around naked in a body he found so disgusting and he was confused as to why his friend wasn't helping him, or why he wasn't as surprised as they were.

"Save it monkeyboy," Kyle said, tousling the shorter man's hair. "You're not getting out of it now. When we get back to the house you guys are in for more."

"But we don't know what you're talking abo..." Dane finally started to speak, but stopped, realizing that he did know what his former friend, now tormentor, was talking about. He looked down at Bill and both men felt like their heads would explode as they were suddenly split into two people. Dane and Bill weren't the star athletes and campus big shots anymore; they were two freaks and outcasts who'd only been accepted into the frat to fill a needed quota. Their heads swam with new images and their hearts sank in unison when they saw that instead of playing sports and womanizing, their days were filled with catering to the other guys in the house and being tormented for their troubles. The only reason they were at the gym in the first place was because they'd ruined a batch of laundry and were in the midst of being punished for it.

"Keep making excuses and it's only going to get worse," Kyle said sternly, swatting Dane's enormous, jiggling ass. "Now let's go." The men stared into their lockers, their minds still reeling. They wanted to turn and run, but deep down they knew there was no escaping this new world. Everything around them was split between the way things should have been and the way things now were. Staring at the open lockers, even the clothes in front of them were both familiar and unfamiliar. Neither of the men had ever seen any of the stuff before, but they somehow knew it was theirs. Bill looked for the boxer-briefs he always wore but grabbed a pair of sweats instead, knowing that this new version of himself couldn't stuff his hose into any underwear that fit. He clenched the tiny blue sweatpants in his hairy little fists, fighting to wrap his mind around fitting into anything so small. His despair only grew as images of a similar wardrobe filled his head. He knew that the tight fitting jeans he loved were a thing of the past, both because of his short, misshapen legs and because they would be incredibly uncomfortable for his new equipment. Bill's heart sank further at the thought that his favorite shorts were also out of the question because any pair that was short enough for his compact new legs would let his cock snake out the bottom. Defeated, the new Bill slid into the tiny sweatpants, grimacing at the enormous tent his still-hard cock made. His exaggeratedly long arms pulled on a tight tshirt that only accentuated his bulky, disproportioned frame, and he nearly gagged at the amount of chest and back hair that puffed out through the neck hole. The gigantic sneakers he stepped in to were the perfect finish to the ridiculous picture he'd become.

Beside him, Dane wasn't having a much better time. The former stud was weeping inside as he awkwardly stuffed his fat thighs into a pair of saggy, overstretched XXL briefs before stepping in to a pair of size 48 jeans that still turned his sagging gut into a protruding muffin-top. Just an hour ago he'd worn tight, medium-sized briefs, jeans with a 32-inch waist that showed off his perky ass, and a skin-tight shirt that outlined each of his ripped muscles. Now, his doughy, rotund body strained with effort as he tried to bend over and pick up his XXXL tshirt. To his disappointment, the shirt didn't do much to cover his growing shame and left every fatty fold and sagging breast clearly visible beneath the thin fabric. The obese show he was putting on only got worse as his body shook and jiggled with each lumbering step while he stuffed his fat feet into sneakers with Velcro since he couldn't bend over long enough to tie laces with his fat, stubby new fingers. In addition to being awkward, each motion was now excruciating for the once-athlete. There was nothing he could do to escape his fatty prison and every movement he made caused some part of his flabby body to rub against another part. His entire gelatinous frame felt sore and chafed from the mild workout he'd just completed, something that would have barely been a warm-up before.

"Okay fellas," Kyle said cheerfully, relishing in his former friends' discomfort. "The guys are eager to see you back at the house. Let's go!" Bill and Dane could only exchange desperate glances as they silently trailed out of the gym, dreading the humiliation they knew was to come. 


Chapter 3


“You did what?!” Scott was stunned.  He didn’t want to believe what he’d just heard but he knew that each horrible detail was true.  After all, he was living proof of Derek’s new power, forced to watch himself slipping helplessly into his new life.  He could lecture Derek all he wanted, but he knew the other man wouldn’t listen and he was never very convincing because he could never actually bring himself to become angry with him.  Instead of the disgust he knew he should be feeling, all Scott wanted to do was keep pounding away at the ass he was helplessly in love with.  

“I…told you…they…haAAAA!” Derek gasped.  Scott’s enlarged cock filled him to bursting, making it hard for Derek to focus on the conversation.  Not so for his hulking lover.  With his new libido, Scott didn’t have a problem multitasking; the freshly grown stud got off several times each day, chastising and fucking like it was second nature.  “They had it coming,” Derek spat through gritted teeth.  

“You didn’t even know them!  You turned one into a walking pile of lard and the other into a hairy little troll!  What gives you the…right to decide…what’s coming?”  Scott grunted through the dim contentment of his ever-present lust.

“I knew enough” Derek panted into the couch cushions.  His mammoth lover’s cock drove deeper and deeper with each push, unaware that Derek had shot his load minutes before.  “Can we talk about this later?  I’m going to be late for work,” he reminded the giant behind him.  Scott could last for a long, long time, so if Derek didn’t call things off he’d be here for quite a while.

Scott pulled out of Derek’s aching hole and sat on the couch, his enormous cock sticking straight up between his massive thighs.  “That’s what you’ve said since this started, but we never talk about it.”  Scott picked up where he’d left off, slowly working his rod and smiling brightly when he wanted to be shouting.  “You know damn well I can’t get mad at you…you saw to that.”  

“Scott, that’s not…you know I didn’t mean to…” Derek said half-heartedly.  It was true that the transformation had been an accident, but he couldn’t lie to himself; he loved what his friend had become.  

“You keep saying that, but look at me.  Look at what I’m doin’,” Scott’s tone was seductively inviting instead of accusatory.  Derek winced internally and tried not to think about the cute, shy nerd Scott had been a few weeks ago as he watched the naked hulk in front of him gleefully pump away on his obscenely large organ.  “Do you think I used to do stuff like this?  Did you know I used to write computer programs in my spare time?  Did you also know that I spent twenty minutes yesterday trying to figure out how to check my email?”  Scott’s voice rose, not in anger but in growing pleasure.  “Instead of going to the office with you like I should, I’m going to spend the day working out and jerking off.  Then tonight when you’re getting home from work I’m going to be getting ready to get up on stage and take my clothes off for a bunch of horny drunk guys.  A few weeks ago I’d never imagine something like this in my worst nightmare, but now, no matter what I want to feel, I absolutely love every second of it.”

Derek stood in silence, turning away from the disturbing smile on Scott’s face.  

“You say you didn’t do this to me on purpose,” Scott continued, “but what you’re doing to those other guys is… no… accident.”  Scott’s sizeable ass bucked off the couch as he came, spraying gobs of sticky fluid across his broad chest.  “I don’t care how much of an asshole they are, they don’t deserve this,” he said, hungrily licking the excess fluid from his hand.  The couch creaked gratefully as Scott lifted his massive frame and planted a deep kiss on his sullen lover.  “Just think about it, that’s all.”  He broke off the kiss, smiling broadly as if they’d just been having a pleasant conversation.  “Now go get dressed!  You’re going to be late.”  He gave Derek’s ass a playful swat and pushed him towards the bedroom to get ready.  “And don’t forget, I go on at 10 tonight!”  

Derek stared numbly at his computer screen.  It was almost lunchtime but he hadn’t done any actual work all morning.  He couldn’t stop thinking about what Scott said.  For the past few weeks he’d hoped that the new Scott would push out memories of the old Scott, but apparently that wasn’t the case.  Scott was still very much aware of the way his life had been, and the way it should be.  “Maybe he’s right…” Derek sighed.  He pulled the crystal out of his pocket and turned it over in his hand.  “Maybe I shouldn’t use this thing so much…if Scott’s right…” his lover’s voice was still ringing in his ears.

“What the hell is wrong with you, boy?!” Derek was snapped out of his reverie as another voice rang in his, and the rest of the office’s, ears.  He stood and peered over the top of his cubicle to see the familiar sight of the boss tearing into his assistant, humiliating the young man in front of everyone.  Derek cringed.  Tim Melling was the worst boss, and quite possibly the worst human being, that he’d had the misfortune to meet.  The man was rotten inside and out, and his petty cruelness was complemented by a balding, doughy body and a sour look that was permanently cemented on his face.  Derek doubted that Melling had ever been happy once in his fifty-four years of life.  He treated all of them terribly, but everyone in the office could only wonder at the cruel twist of fate that landed Kurt, Melling’s young assistant, such a terrible position.  The soft-spoken young Kurt, only two years out of high school, was trying to save up for college and he needed whatever work he could get.  And as impossible to please as Melling was, the position at least paid well.  “Even that blonde bimbo on the third floor can get these copies to come out right!  And when she screws up, she’s still got those tits!  What’ve you got?!”  Kurt’s eyes were glued to the floor, as always.  “Now get in my goddamn office and convince me why I shouldn’t promote her and send your worthless ass packing!”  The resounding slam of Melling’s office door pushed out any second thoughts Derek had been having about using the crystal.  It was already throbbing in his palm, searing his hand like never before.  If anyone had it coming, surely Melling was that person.  

“Here we go…”Derek squeezed the burning gem and focused, bringing the office to a grinding halt.  This time he was prepared, and while he didn’t hit the floor like in the gym, he still wobbled on his feet, feeling like he’d just run a marathon.  He made a beeline for his boss’s office, entering to find Kurt sitting with his head down while Melling was apparently in mid-bellow.  “This pretty much writes itself…” Derek laughed, slapping his frozen boss’s ass.  “I think Scott will forgive me for this one.”  He manhandled Kurt into a standing position before gently removing the young man’s clothes, trying his best to be discrete.  When he was done with Kurt, Derek braced himself for the unpleasant task of doing the same to his boss.  A part of him relished the thought of his boss being helpless to stop him, but for the most part Derek wanted nothing to do with his boss’s naked body.  More than once he choked down bile when his hand brushed against the stubby cock between his boss’s sagging thighs.  “That was…unpleasant,” he practically leapt away from his naked boss when the older man was finally undressed.  Standing as close and as naked as they were, the contrast between the two men couldn’t have been more apparent.  Kurt had the skinny build of a still-growing nineteen year old with an overactive metabolism, while directly across from him their boss stood in all his aging, dumpy glory.  Raising the crystal, Derek focused on what he wanted for Kurt.  He wanted this to benefit the young man and he didn’t want him to have to wrestle with two sets of memories like Scott.  As he pressed the crystal to his eye, Derek fought against the growing pressure until his mind was precision focused.  An endless stream of Kurt variations streamed into view, each one screaming to be birthed into reality.  Derek tried his best to ignore their cries.  He could feel his nose start to bleed and the crystal felt like a hot coal against his face, but he struggled against it, desperate to master the artifact.  When the image he wanted was clearly developed in the crystal, Derek finally let loose.  The lights flickered wildly and the throbbing pulse sounded like a jet engine as it screamed free, rattling the windows like a sonic boom.  “Jesus…” Derek panted, falling against his boss’s desk.  

“Now look, I…” Melling started, but stopped abruptly as he realized both himself and his young assistant were naked.  “GOOD LORD!” he shouted, covering himself.  He looked around frantically, his eyes filling with fury when he saw Derek.  “Derek!  What the hell’s going on here?”  Derek’s only reply was a silent smile.  “Speak up boy!  Kurt! For god’s sake put your clothes on!”  Melling stopped shouting when he noticed that Kurt appeared to be frozen.  He waved a hand in front of his young assistant’s blank stare wildly.  “Goddamnit!  Someone better start explaining…”

“I don’t want him to remember any of this,” Derek’s icy voice filled the room with a chill.  “But you…” Derek broke off in a laugh as Melling doubled over.

“What…” Melling’s voice was a hoarse whisper.  His whole body began to quiver and his flesh began to tighten, smoothing out years of wrinkles.  All hair south of Melling’s eyebrows quickly receded and disappeared, leaving the stunned man baby smooth for the first time in four decades.  “What is…what is thiaAAARGH!” he cried.  His body was wracked with another spasm as bones and muscle reformed.  Melling’s wide feet and squat toes became narrow and dainty while his legs toned to a set of firm, curvy thighs.  His sagging ass pulled upwards into a supple, inviting bottom that offset his widening hips perfectly.  The prominent gut and love handles that always poured over his pants sunk inwards, leaving a tight belly and narrow waist while Melling’s chunky arms and chubby fingers melted into a pair of toned, shapely arms with long, slender fingers.  His face retained its stunned expression, but his double chin disappeared, the fat seemingly shifting to the lips that puffed out farther than the most botoxed beauty queen.  Likewise, Melling’s chubby cheeks were replaced by prominent cheekbones that boxed in his suddenly cute, button nose, and his dull brown eyes became a bright, sparkling blue that shot open as he felt a fountain of hair erupt from his bald scalp and cascade down his back.  He frantically tried to clear the blonde locks from his eyes with his slender new hands but found that his arms encountered growing resistance from his chest.  Melling’s saggy, shapeless pecs were quickly growing into a set of perky, shapely breasts that sent shivers through his curvy new form as they brushed against his slender forearms.  The sensation caused his cock to shoot to attention for the last time before it, along with his low-hanging balls, slowly pulled inwards, leaving an unfamiliar slit in its wake.  When the changes were over, the aging, out of shape man had been replaced by a young, blonde, buxom bombshell.  “Oh my god!  What is this?” Melling shrieked in his new voice.  Even though he was terrified, everything he said came out as a seductive purr.  Melling stared at his altered body in horror.  “Derek…you’ve gotta call someone…get help…I” Melling broke off as he looked at the amused man.  “Dammit boy, this isn’t funny!”

“That’s a matter of opinion…why don’t you ask Kurt?”  Derek pointed to the still frozen man.  

“What do you…?” Melling turned to look at his assistant and saw that the skinny young man was going through something of a growth spurt.  He’d gained several inches in height and his lithe frame was becoming thick with ever-growing muscle.  His shapeless calves were now hard and rocky, and his skinny legs were large and defined.  While his thighs pushed together, Kurt’s balls inflated and his cock snaked out from five inches to a solid eight.  Had he been wearing his pants, the flat back would have shot out as Kurt’s ass expanded to form a solid, perky bubble.  His torso steadily took on a “V” shape, leaving his formless abdomen covered in a rigid a six pack while his bony chest was buried under a pair of firm, bulging pecs.  The skinny arms that used to swim in his sleeves exploded into thick biceps and triceps that would forever strain against whatever shirt tried to contain them.  His boyish face remained largely the same as his jaw squared out and his perpetually intimidated look was replaced by one of confident intelligence.  The final changes settled into place when a thin layer of dark, wiry hair spread over the newly-made stud, completing the transition from young man to all-man.  In a matter of moments, the two had swapped.  Kurt went from the nineteen year old assistant to the now thirty-something boss of his own company, while Melling had gone from the fifty four year old cranky boss to the nineteen year old assistant.  

“Well, you two have fun,” Derek said, walking for the door.  

“What?  Wait!  What’s going on!  You can’t just leave?” Melling called after him.  Derek just smiled and waved, locking the door behind him as he left.  

“Dang, Tiff…you’re looking extra good today,” Kurt said as time shifted back into motion.  The formerly young man had no knowledge of his life from a few minutes ago.  “Did you do something to your hair?”  

“Kurt?” Melling, nowTiffany, asked in a confused tone as he stared at his former assistant in awe.  In particular, his gaze fell to the growing tool between the man’s defined legs.  In his mind, Melling wanted desperately to run for help, but his new body wanted nothing more than to leap into Kurt’s suddenly strong arms.   

“Yep, that’s me,” he said, flashing a handsome smile that made Melling nauseous but made Tiffany swoon.  “You okay babe?  You seem a little out of it.”  Kurt’s strong hand gently brushed the hair out of Melling’s face, causing his former boss to buckle against the desk.  “I think I know what’ll make you feel better.”  Kurt stepped in close, pinning Tiffany against the desk that was now his.  Melling wanted to break free but his feminine new body melted against Kurt’s hairy chest while the taller man’s tongue explored her neck.  She squirmed wildly when her former assistant’s large new hands cupped her equally new breasts.

“Ohhhh…” Tiffany purred quietly.  Melling was torn.  He knew he should be panicking, or at the very least revolted, but the overwhelming waves of pure pleasure that were rocketing through him blurred the lines between himself and the woman he’d become.  He hadn’t had sex with his wife in months, and Tiffany’s youthful hormones made Melling feel like he was being touched for the first time.  It started to not matter so much that the handsome stud in front of him was his formerly teenaged assistant, or that the only cock he felt between his legs was Kurt’s rigid member brushing the inside of his thigh.  The only things that mattered were Kurt’s strong hands massaging his breasts and the growing hunger deep within him.  Melling voluntarily reached out and dug his slender new fingers into the formerly young man’s solid bubble-butt.  Feeling like he was sliding down a cliff, the remnants of Melling’s manhood tried to rebel, causing him to see the two of them as they once were.  “Wait…Kurt…this isn’t…I’m the boss…” Melling said, trying to avoid Kurt’s probing tongue.  In his mind he didn’t see an attractive man and woman, he saw himself as the fifty four year old man moaning and grabbing the ass of his skinny teenaged assistant while the boy eagerly kissed at his double chin and sagging chest.  

“The boss, huh?”  Kurt smiled.  He broke off from Tiffany and sat in the large leather chair behind the desk.  “Why don’t you show me what you’re in charge of?”  

“It…I…” Melling stuttered.  His eyes were glued to the throbbing cock sticking up between Kurt’s thighs.  

“Don’t think too hard Tiff,” Kurt laughed, “you know it’s not good for you.”  For a split second Melling thought he was going to get his wish.  He took a step towards the seated man, wanting nothing more than to throttle the man in front of him, but instead of strangling the now arrogant stud, Melling found himself falling to his knees, his dainty hands planted on Kurt’s firm thighs.  In one smooth motion he leaned forward and wrapped Tiffany’s puffy lips around his new boss’s waiting organ, his tongue hungrily seeking the taste of the man’s equipment.  Again, Melling was hit with a flash of the former duo.  There was no blonde hair anywhere to be seen as Melling visualized his pudgy hands on Kurt’s bony knees while his bald head bobbed up and down between the teen’s skinny thighs.  “That’s right baby…you’re the boss…” Kurt moaned, bringing Melling back to the present.  The visions of his old life were obscured again as he felt his large new breasts bouncing freely while Kurt’s fingers ran through his hair.  Melling tried but couldn’t stop Tiffany; the hunger in her had grown too much and he found her hand slowly start to work the slit between his legs.  “Whoa Tiff, a lil’ eager today, aren’t you?” Kurt asked condescendingly.  “Why don’t you let me handle that,” he said, pulling Tiffany’s mouth off his rod as he stood.  Melling knew what was coming but didn’t resist when Kurt gently led him to the leather sofa in the office.  Instead of standing firm and resisting every inch of the way, Melling’s new muscles betrayed him.  All he could do was go along for the ride and let Tiffany lie back against the couch and spread her legs invitingly.  The former man cringed internally when he felt the newly grown stud position himself against his new female body and then slowly work his way in.  Each inch that slid steadily into his new body broke Melling down more and more.  By the time Kurt buried his entire eight inches deep into his new organ, Melling was shattered.  If he’d been able to, the formerly over the hill man would have screamed a final, defiant cry, but he was too overcome with pleasure.  Every inch of his new feminine body was on fire with ecstasy.  Melling didn’t care that he was trapped as a teenage girl; the only thing that mattered was making sure the writhing hunk on top of her didn’t stop.  

“Oh fuck…” she purred, digging her fingernails into Kurt’s broad back.  “Don’t stop…don’t stop…” Tiffany released her talon-like grip on her lover’s back and shifted her hands to his firm behind.  Melling found herself losing more and more ground to the hungry young woman she’d become, even starting to refer to herself as a woman in her head.  

“Tiff…you’re on fire today…” Kurt said, flexing his ass against the soft fingers.  He leaned in for a kiss and found his former boss’s dexterous new tongue voraciously exploring the inside of his mouth.  Just as he was giving himself over to Tiffany, Melling was jarred by another fleeting glimpse of his former life.  His pale, flabby body was spread eagle on the couch while the adolescent Kurt worked his little cock in and out of the older man’s pudgy asshole.  

“Oh!” Melling cried in horror, both at the vision and his current circumstance.  Every time he felt himself losing touch with his old life he was tormented by a flash of memory, denying him even the bliss of ignorance.  “Oh!  Oh!” he heard Tiffany cry again, but this time for entirely different reasons.  He felt his new insides suddenly bathed in liquid warmth and his new body responded in kind.  Melling arched his curvaceous new back, exploding with his first female orgasm.  The once middle-aged man was beside himself; even he had to admit that what he’d just felt was better than anything he’d ever experienced as a man.   

“Wow,” Kurt whistled, falling against Tiffany’s ample bosom.  “That was incredible babe,” he said, kissing the side of her neck.  

“I’m glad you liked it,” Melling heard herself giggle.  She gasped as Kurt pulled his softening member free and stood.  Despite his efforts, Melling couldn’t keep Tiffany’s eyes from lustfully fixing on his former assistant’s naked new body.

“We’d better get dressed…” Kurt said reluctantly.  He reached down into a pile of clothes that had altered just as much as the former teen had and slid on a pair of form-fitting boxer briefs.  The rest of his expensive new clothes were just as appealing, showing off Kurt’s new Adonis-like body.  

“Okay…” Melling sighed.  As he looked down, he realized that, unfortunately, his clothes were going to show off his new body just as much as Kurt’s.  This didn’t bother Tiffany nearly as much as Melling, and he found himself casually stepping into a shoestring thong before effortlessly clasping a black lace bra into place.  Melling’s disbelief at how much of his shapely new thighs were exposed by his short miniskirt was quickly outmatched by his disbelief at how much of his new cleavage was exposed by his white blouse.  It didn’t help that his black bra was clearly visible beneath the white fabric.  This, coupled with the makeup he found himself applying and the high heels he was wearing, made him feel like he was going to work on a street corner, not an office.  He never would have allowed an employee to dress in a similar fashion, but he knew that in this new world his current outfit was tame compared to some of the other things Tiffany wore to the office.  

“I’ve got a meeting in a few minutes, so I’ll need you to get…” Kurt started as he opened the door and walked out to the office floor with Tiffany in two.  Melling heard the sound of his new boss’s voice, but he stopped paying attention to what was being said as he looked around at his former underlings.  All he saw now was a sea of hungry faces.  Melling hadn’t thought of women as capable workers so he’d made sure that those who worked on this floor with him were all men.  He suddenly regretted that decision.  As Tiffany batted her eyelashes at the men, Melling understood why Tiffany was allowed to wear the clothes she wore.  He was slapped with memory after memory of Tiffany’s intimate encounters with each of them.  He was horrified to realize that he could recall the size and shape, as well as the taste, of each of his men, and even more horrified at the lustful feelings that stirred in him.  “Alright, so I’ll be out of my meeting at three,” Kurt continued.  “In the meantime, Larry needs some help with a project he’s working on.”  Melling looked over at the potbellied Larry, who didn’t look much different from himself a few hours ago, and wanted to vomit.  He knew exactly what “project” Larry needed help with.   

“Okay!” Tiffany chirped, bouncing eagerly despite himself.  Melling could practically feel Larry’s fat, hairy stomach pressing against him, but Tiffany just smiled her captivating smile and sauntered towards the older man.  If he was stuck this way, Melling wanted desperately to at least lose himself in his new life, but as he walked across the office all he could see were visions of his former out of shape, male body stuffed into a miniskirt and bra, awkwardly swaying his love-handle covered hips as he stumbled around in a pair of heels.  

In his cubicle, Derek had his head buried in his arms on his desk.  He was still exhausted from his latest use of the gem and more than a little surprised that he’d seen the whole sordid tryst between Kurt and Tiffany in his head without needing to look in the crystal.  

“Hey, you okay?”  Derek raised his head at the feel of an unfamiliar hand on his shoulder and saw his new boss standing above him, a look of genuine concern on his face.  “You’re not getting sick are you?”  

“Oh, hi Kurt,” Derek said, struggling upright in his chair.  “No…I just got light headed for a second there.”  

“Hmmm…” Kurt’s strong hand kneaded Derek’s shoulder as he spoke.  “Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off?  You look kinda pale and I don’t want my best worker overdoing it.”  He locked eyes with the seated man and flashed his irresistible smile.

“No, really, I’ll be okay,” Derek protested.  The handsome smile, coupled with the feel of Kurt’s strong fingers massaging his shoulder made Derek wish that he’d taken a few more liberties with Kurt’s new body before he unfroze the young man.  

“Sorry Derek, I’m the boss…you’re taking the afternoon off.  Go home and tell Scott that I said he’s supposed to put you to bed.”  Kurt’s smile broadened as he spoke.  “And not like that either…not until you’re feeling better at least.  I know how you two are.”  

“Alright,” Derek smiled weakly.  Despite his protests, Derek really didn’t mind leaving for the day.  His head was swimming longer than usual from this last transformation and he definitely didn’t feel right.  He didn’t even bother to clean off his desk; he just clicked off his computer and stumbled towards the elevator.  Derek didn’t make it more than a few steps into the parking deck before he had to stop and rest.  

“Hey, you okay Derek?” A voice said coming up from behind.  

“Oh…uh…yeah,” Derek lied, cringing.  He heard Mike, the building security guard, approaching from behind.  “Just not feelin’ so hot right now.”  Derek prayed Mike would turn and leave him alone, but he knew that wasn’t Mike’s style.  Much to the annoyance of everyone in the building, the former cop took his job very seriously.  No one came or went without Mike knowing about it, and the burly man used that to his advantage.  Show up late?  Leave early?  Take an extra long lunch?  Mike knew all about that and would gladly report it, unless you bought your silence.  It wasn’t anything as sinister as money, but the extra coffee or donuts every now and then went a long way.  And it showed.  Being a former cop, Mike was a burly bear of a man to begin with, but his years as a corporate security guard made him a little soft.  His muscled stomach was slowly being buried beneath a growing layer of pudge, and his grey polyester pants grew a little tighter all the time.  Everyone in the office knew that the neatly trimmed beard and facial hair that framed the man’s handsome face was simply an attempt to hide a slight double chin.  Mike was still very attractive; he just had the body of a formerly athletic man in his late thirties who waged a halfhearted war against his slowing metabolism.  Derek had nursed an attraction for Mike since day one, and he personally enjoyed watching the other man go from a tight, lean stud to a stocky, bulky bulldog.  He’d seen Mike a few times in the locker room of the company gym and knew full well that beneath the layer of flab was a wall of muscle.  Derek could never look long before he inevitably started wondering what it would feel like to run his fingers through the black, wiry, Mediterranean-born hair that covered Mike’s pale, olive skin while listening to the older man’s deep, booming voice.  It went without saying that such thoughts led to an awkward experience while he was changing clothes in the locker room.  

“Did’ja get worn out listening to Kurt?  He really gave it to Tiffany today…I could hear her moaning all the way down in my office!”  Mike’s laughter trailed off.  “Man…it’s a shame you’re not into that sorta thing bud, you’re missin’ out.”  Derek could see Mike adjusting his crotch out of the corner of his eye.  It was common knowledge that in this new world Mike and their former boss-turned-bimbo spent quite a bit of “intimate” time together.    

“Yeah…” Derek said disinterestedly.  As much as he’d like to watch Mike grope his equipment, his right eye was suddenly burning and watering like crazy.  He kept his gaze at the ground to try and hide it and wished more than anything that Mike would just go away, but through his blurred vision he could see Mike’s clunky black shoes and grey polyester uniform pants practically standing on top of him.  Derek knew that if he looked up he’d see Mike’s trademark blue button down pseudo-cop shirt, puffed out slightly by his stomach, and his perpetually smiling face.  

“Hey man, you really don’t look so good,” Mike said, leaning in close.

“I’m fine, really, I just…” Derek drew back instinctively.  He felt a familiar pressure growing in his head and panicked.  Though the crystal was untouched and tucked safely away in his pocket, he could feel reality preparing to shift around him.  

“Hey, take it easy,” Mike said in a suddenly commanding voice, his years in law enforcement shining through.  “I don’t think you should be driving anywhere.  Should I call Sco…” Mike’s voice dried in his throat as he touched Derek’s shoulder.  Both men suddenly became opposing poles and were violently pushed apart.  

“No!” Derek yelled, catching sight of Mike in his suddenly faceted vision.  The crystal was nowhere near his eye, but still he saw the multiple facets of potential Mikes.  What was worse, in his other eye he saw all the changes he’d made.  Scott was at home, blissfully jerking off on his weight bench, while Drew plowed his now-diminutive partner Jackie on the shop floor.  The two studs from the gym were still being humiliated at their frat house, the former swimmer’s obese frame was squeezed into a tiny speed-o and the all-star wrestler’s short, hairy frame looked even more simian wrapped in nothing but a diaper like a pet chimp.  Upstairs, Melling, now Tiffany, was seated on Larry’s lap giggling and tossing her blonde hair while the old man buried his face in her now-ample chest.  “Mike…I…I’m sorry…I can’t control…!”

“Derek!  What’s going on?!”  Mike recovered his footing but his body was frozen.  Something was clearly wrong with Derek, but at the moment he was more concerned with what was happening to himself.  He could feel his clothing growing tighter and tighter by the moment.  His initial fear was that he was growing, but it quickly became apparent that he wasn’t getting bigger, his clothes were getting smaller.  His already tight pants were now like a second skin as they drew up his thick, hairy thighs, exposing his rocky calves.  While they climbed upwards, the polyester went from a dirty grey to a sheer white as the former pants settled into place as a pair of tiny spandex bike shorts.  His blue button up shirt lost its buttons as the front fused together and suctioned to his torso as a seamless blue cut-off lycra top.  The tufts of Mike’s still unchanged boxer shorts quickly receded, shrinking to a dark blue jockstrap that was clearly visible beneath the white shorts.  The clunky black shoes grew up past Mike’s ankles and fastened onto the surprised man’s large calves as a shiny pair of boots.  Mike’s already wide eyes shot open ever further when the shocked stud felt a cold metal ring settle in place around the base of his package, jutting it out to an obscene degree.  “Holy…” he gasped, finally able to move again.  Catching sight of his reflection in a nearby car window, the former cop couldn’t believe what he was wearing.  Not only did the skimpy, skintight outfit show off every one of his plump curves, there was no hiding the attention-grabbing bulge in his crotch.  The navy jockstrap pouch was readily visible beneath the sheer material, as were the straps that cut through the meaty globes of Mike’s ass.  “Derek…what the hell just happened?” Mike asked, taking an uncertain step forward in his new boots.  He blushed as he felt his body squirm against the skintight fabric and couldn’t decide what was worse; the way his privates were on display, or the way his cut off shirt left a six inch span of his gut on display.  

“Mike…I don’t know how to ex…explain…” Derek stuttered.  The unwanted alteration of reality had left him exhausted, scared, and confused.  Not to mention increasingly aroused.  “There’s this…I mean…god, where to start,” Derek rambled, trying to conceal the lust in his eyes.  Mike may have been ashamed of the extra pounds he’d gained, but as far as Derek was concerned, the stocky, curvy stud looked impossibly sexy in his revealing outfit.  

“There’s what?” Mike demanded, his voice raising.  “What the fuck are you talking about, man?  Look at me!  How’d you change my clothes like that?  And what am I wearing?  I’ve got underwear less revealing than…these…shorts…” Mike trailed off, realizing that statement was no longer true.  He didn’t know how he knew it, but he knew that his current outfit was actually rather modest.  He knew with absolute certainty that if he opened his closet right now he wouldn’t find his old uniform or baggy pants and oversized tshirts.  Gone were the drab colors and mundane boxer shorts he’d worn his whole life.  His new wardrobe was a veritable rainbow of tiny, skintight, flesh hugging synthetic materials, and his boxer shorts had shattered into a collection of bright thongs and jocks.  “What is this?  What’s happening?” he asked in a panic as his head filled with strange images.  

“You’re ‘remembering’ the new you,” Derek said solemnly.  “Mike, this wasn’t supposed to happen!”  

“The new…I…” Mike said, more to himself than Derek.  So far, his head was swimming with mostly familiar images.  His wardrobe was a little different, but he was still a former cop and still a security guard.  “This isn’t so diff…wait…what?” Derek watched Mike go from beet red to deathly white.  “No…no…that’s not…” Mike’s new life finally diverged from his old one as he was witnessing his coming out in his head.  He saw himself announcing to the force that he was gay, followed by the illicit locker room blow jobs he became so good at that eventually led to him getting kicked off the force.  While Mike witnessed his new history, Derek witnessed the dazed stud’s cock become rock hard at the sudden reminiscence.  “But I’m not…I’m not…” Mike muttered.  He’d been brought up to speed on his new life, including his second job as a bouncer and sometimes-dancer at the same club Scott worked at.  He saw himself wearing nothing but his boots and a jock strap working the club’s door, his stocky, hairy body proudly on display.  “What did you do to me?  What did you do to my life?!” he bellowed at Derek.  He lunged forward and slammed the dazed man against a car.  “You undo this right now!  Do you hear me?  Right now!”  

“Mike…it’s not like that…” Derek struggled but the larger man had him in a vice grip.  “There’s no going back.  I’m sorry, but there’s no undoing anything.”  

“You better find a way!” Mike screamed, his face inches from Derek.  “I swear to god I…I” Mike sputtered.  For an instant, Derek thought that the other man was going to snap.  He braced himself for the pummeling he was about to receive but instead felt Mike’s beard scratch his face as the other man forcefully inserted his tongue in Derek’s mouth.  “…I can’t believe how lucky Scott is,” Mike sighed after several moments of forceful kissing.  He exchanged his vice grip for a set of roaming hands that worked over every inch of Derek’s surprised, and grateful, body.  

“Mike…Mike wait…” Derek said halfheartedly as Mike ground his obviously outlined erection against him.  He couldn’t resist the urge to let his own hands wander over Mike’s suddenly willing form.  “This isn’t right,” Derek whispered, both hands full of Mike’s meaty rear end.   

“What’re you talkin’ about?  Scott’s okay with us foolin’ around at work,” he said, kissing Derek’s neck.  “You let me and him mess around at the club, so he lets us do it here.”  Mike’s hands were eagerly kneading the front of Derek’s slacks.  “I was actually hoping tonight I could come home with Scott after work and the three of us could…” he trailed off, letting the fingers that slipped in through Derek’s fly deliver the message.  Derek just closed his eyes and sighed, breathing in the musty parking deck air while Mike’s hand went to work.  He didn’t know what was happening, or why Mike had changed, but at the moment he didn’t care.  He relaxed against the car and sighed while Mike explored his body, totally unaware that the crystal in his pocket had disappeared.


Chapter 4


“Ohhh!” Derek’s voice bounced off the concrete walls of the parking deck when Mike’s bearded mouth finally pushed him to climax.  He sagged against the side of the car he was leaning against while the other man sucked each and every last drop from his softening tool.  “Mike, that was incredible!” he panted.  Derek hadn’t meant to involve Mike in his personal vendetta, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to take advantage of the recent turn of events.  The sight of Mike’s hard cock outlined in his new, tiny, skin tight shorts was too much to resist.  

“Did you expect any less?” Mike laughed, thrusting his package into Derek’s hand as he stood.

“No…that was better than I’d imagined,” Derek said, squeezing the bulge in his palm.   The previously straight Mike had never been shy about his supposed bedroom exploits, and though Derek had always assumed the other man was full of it, he’d quickly gone from dubious to firm believer.  There were no longer any doubts in Derek’s head about the bulky man’s bedroom prowess.  “I’ll have to try just as har…” Derek managed to get a hand down the front of his scantily clad partner’s shorts before the sound of screeching tires echoed through the parking deck.  Before either man could react, a car sped around the corner and slid into an open spot directly across from them.  “Goddamnit…not Craig,” Derek muttered under his breath, averting his eyes.  He cursed himself for not finding a more secluded spot.  As inconspicuous as possible, he tried to remove his hand from Mike’s shorts, but it was too late.  

“Well, look what’s goin’ on here!” A voice boomed.  “Just what are you ladies up to?”  The man extricated himself from the expensive car and stood with his arms crossed, a bemused expression on his handsome face.  “You two wouldn’t be engaged in some illicit parking deck activities, would you?  You know the boss doesn’t like that sorta thing going on where non-employees could see.”  Fixing his immaculately styled hair in the reflection of a nearby window, it was impossible not to wonder how the Scandinavian giant fit himself into his tiny car.  The man was over six and a half feet of solid, well kept athletic muscle, and years of rugby, basketball, and whatever other sport he could fit in his schedule ensured that he was practically as wide as he was tall.  Though he was well into his thirties, Craig looked like he was in his mid-twenties, and he knew it.  His insight into his corporate talents and good looks meant he was a jerk to just about everyone, but he had a serious issue with Mike.  The rumor around the office was that Mike and Craig had been on opposing teams back in Mike’s more athletic days, and the blonde stud never let the now-lycra covered man live down his weight gain.  “I still don’t know why he lets you get away with that outfit,” Craig spat towards Mike, adjusting the tie nestled between his bulging pecs.  The irony of the situation was that his own outfit, just as professionally flashy as his car, wasn’t much less revealing than the man’s he was antagonizing.  Part of it was a desire to show off, but it was also practically impossible for his suit pants to not outline every muscle on his toned legs or showcase his solid, perky behind.  Likewise, there wasn’t a shirt made that didn’t struggle to contain his broad shoulders and massive chest.  

“Go to hell, Craig,” Mike snapped, stepping towards the giant who stood a whole head taller than him.  

“Let me guess, you’re just doing your job?  Maybe a necessary strip search?” Craig asked, not backing down.  He let his arms drop to the front of his pants, his hands outlining his package while he spoke.  “Do you need to do me before I enter the building?”  Craig couldn’t keep the smile from his face, but Derek winced at inadvertently adding another dimension to Craig’s insults as he teased the now-obviously gay Mike.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Mike smiled back, briefly tugging down the front of his shorts and exposing his bulging jockstrap before letting them snap back into place.

“Ugh…never gonna happen man,” Craig said disgustedly, averting his eyes.  “Even if I was gay I could score a way better guy than you.”  Uncomfortable with Mike’s exposure, Craig shifted his attention to Derek, unwilling to let him escape the verbal jabs.  “What’s with your girlfriend, Mike?  Hey, Derek!” he yelled, even though they were only a few feet apart.  Derek was leaning against the side of a van with his back turned, clutching his head.  Craig couldn’t have known, but Derek was struggling to keep himself in check.  The instant the other man had stepped out of his car, Derek had felt the same surge of pressure, and his head felt like it was going to split open if he didn’t get a release soon.  The crystal was nowhere to be found, but Derek knew it was at work.  “Derek!  I know that’s you over there, you can turn around,” Craig laughed, mistaking Derek’s pain for embarrassment.  

“Okay,” Derek hissed.  With Craig, he didn’t bother to try and hold back or control anything.  His need for release was too great, and if Craig wanted to make himself a target, then so be it.  This time he was actually hungry for it as he spun to face his antagonist.  “Hi Craig,” Derek said, unleashing the crystal’s ripple effect as he spoke.  

“Wha..?” was all Craig could get out before he froze.  The lights in the parking deck flickered, and the ones directly above them actually shattered, surrounding the trio of men in tiny particles of frozen, floating glass.  Craig marveled at the suspended, glittering objects around him, noting that Mike appeared to be just as frozen.  The parking deck, usually filled with the sound of passing cars on the busy street outside, was silent as a tomb.  If he could have moved, Craig would have jumped at the sound of Derek’s approaching feet shattering the silence.

“I can promise you,” Derek spat, “that at least one of us is going to enjoy this very much.”  Gazing out through his now-fractured vision, Derek found that he was just as much a prisoner as Craig.  He could only watch as the thing that was his body shambled forward and circled the other man.

For his part, Craig tried his best to run.  He tensed and strained every one of his ample muscles, but to no avail.  There was no escaping the demon pacing in circles around him, and with each passing revolution Craig could see Derek’s features change.  His right eye was bulging and bloodshot, and the man became more hunched over with each pass.  To his dismay, Craig also noticed that Derek wasn’t the only one changing.  

“When you think back to this moment, remember to ask yourself if it was worth it.”  The voice that scraped free of Derek’s throat barely sounded human, and the hand pointing at the frozen, well-dressed man was gnarled and wrinkled with age.  The thing that had taken over Derek’s body uttered a wheezing, raspy laugh, and clapped his hooked, aged hands.  

At the sound of the clap, had they been able, Craig’s frozen eyes would have grown wide when his expensive silk tie suddenly slithered up his chest and wrapped around his neck.  Craig braced himself for the end, thinking that he was about to be strangled, but the smooth fabric simply settled into place, growing rough against his lotioned skin as it morphed into a thick leather collar.  At the other end of his body, his socks disappeared and the seven hundred dollar shoes on his feet softened into a pair of black, shapeless, padded booties, secured in place with studded ankle belts.  He was already plenty scared, but his terror managed to grow when his belt vanished and his pants and underwear pulled down of their own accord.  The bottoms were drawn upwards from his ankles by the same unseen force, and when the top and bottom were bunched in place at his knees, the fabric split and the two halves formed into thick black knee pads on each leg.  Craig couldn’t help but blush when the formerly tucked in shirt that had been preserving his modesty pulled upwards and split apart, traveling down each muscled arm and pooling at his fists.  The wadded blue cotton followed the example set by the rest of his outfit and morphed into puffy, padded mittens, leaving him completely exposed save for his unwanted new accessories.  Craig could feel his scalp itching, and when he caught sight of his reflection in a nearby car window he was shocked to see that his thick, blonde hair had receded to nothing but a short buzz cut.  The itching flowed downwards, and in seconds all the neatly trimmed hair south of Craig’s scalp had vanished, leaving the astonished stud completely devoid of body hair for the first time in his adult life.  The tan lines separating Craig’s pale midsection from the rest of his golden skin were becoming less and less obvious, and when the changes to his appearance finally stopped, the smooth, naked man was sun kissed from head to toe.  Before Craig could hope that maybe his nightmare was over, he felt the same unseen force that pulled at his clothing push him to his hands and knees.  He fought against it, but it was as if gravity itself was suddenly singling him out.  Slowly, the Herculean man found himself getting closer and closer to the ground before he finally gave in and landed on all fours with a thud.  The padded accessories protected his skin, but the instant his body hit the floor his head was wracked with a jolt of pain unlike anything he’d ever felt before.  If he had a voice, he would have screamed, but as it was he could only suffer in silence for agonizing moments before the sensation passed.  When the pain finally let up, Craig slumped to the floor in an awkward heap, only dimly aware that an invading object had sprouted from his ass.  As he lay panting and exhausted, time lurched back into motion around the prone, naked man.  

“Brutus! What are you doing out here?” Mike asked, surprised.  At the sound of Mike’s voice, Craig found his attention snapping to the security guard.

“hhhrrrmmm?” Craig whimpered, confused.  He was still in shock over what just happened.  One second he was mocking Mike on his way back from a morning meeting, and the next he was naked at the man’s feet.  And Brutus?  Why was Mike calling him that?  Of greater concern, why did it feel so familiar?  Instinctively, he tried to stand but only made it up a few inches before he fell back to the ground.  He tried a second time, and a third, but he couldn’t get his knees to straighten out so that he could stand.  It took a fifth attempt before his shocked mind pieced together what had happened.  He could straighten his limbs while he was lying on the ground, but not to stand.  Craig wanted to scream in horror and frustration as he tried again and again, always failing, to fully extend his legs and stand.  He shook his muscled arms and found equally limited range of motion in both his elbows and his broad shoulders.  His wrists would flex, but inside the thick mittens he could tell that his fingers weren’t cooperating.  It was as if his brain and body were no longer wired for standard, human movement.  At least for the immediate future, Craig realized he was stuck on all fours.  “Hrrrmmm….errrmmmm…” he tried to speak, but his mouth and vocal chords were as uncooperative as his limbs.  The only sounds he could use to convey his horror were wordless whimpers.  He blushed at his exposed vulnerability, feeling the cool air of the parking deck blow against his spread open ass, while his long cock and hefty balls dangled and swung with each experimental movement.    

“What’s wrong, boy?” Mike asked, genuinely concerned.  He knelt in front of Craig and looked him in his sparkling blue eyes.  “Why’re you shakin’ around so much?”  

Craig wanted desperately to speak, to say anything, but only the same pathetic whimpers came out.  His thoughts were unimpeded and he understood speech, he just couldn’t produce any of his own.  The only thing he could do was give in to a sudden urge and crawl forward, burying his head in Mike’s kneeling lap.  

“Hey, it’s okay big guy,” Mike said gently, sending a shiver through the naked man in front of him.  Craig didn’t understand why he was suddenly so fascinated by the security guard, but his actions were instinctive.  It occurred to him that he should be disgusted by the feel of Mike’s package pressing against his head, but the only thing he wanted was to be close to the burly man.  “Wow Brutus, somethin’s got you worked up,” Mike said as he rubbed Craig’s broad back comfortingly.  He could feel the naked man’s tense muscles relax a little at his touch, so he kept it up until Craig finally pulled his head away and sat back on his legs.  “There we go…you feelin’ better now buddy?”  

Rationally, Craig knew that he should be furious, but instead of anger he felt a swell of excitement when the pitch of Mike’s voice rose condescendingly, like the other man was talking to a pet.  Instead of screaming that no, he wasn’t feeling better, that he needed to go see a doctor, he simply sat naked in front of his former enemy with a contented grin on his face.  And when Mike reached forward and started scratching behind his ear, Craig’s contented grin gave way to a full-blown smile while he pressed his head against Mike’s meaty palm.  

“Whoa…that was…different.” Derek staggered out from behind a car, his body back to its normal, youthful self.  He didn’t know why his clothing was so disheveled or why he felt like he’d just woken up from a nap.

“What happened to you?” Mike asked as Derek stumbled forward, still scratching Craig behind his ear.  

“I…I don’t really know,” Derek stuttered, coming up behind Mike.  The last thing he remembered was sticking his hand down Mike’s shorts.

“Grrrrrrr!” At the sound of Derek’s voice, Craig pulled his head away and glared at Derek, growling and baring his teeth.  

“What the…?” Derek paled as Craig’s naked body, down on all fours, came into view.  The Adonis was bare except for some pads and a collar, and his formerly luscious blonde hair had been reduced to a buzzed stubble.  He couldn’t tell for sure, but Derek saw what looked like a long dildo protruding from Craig’s firm ass.  Derek knew the crystal was responsible, but it terrified him that he didn’t have any memory of it.  

“Brutus!” Mike yelled firmly.  “No!  Bad Brutus!  Bad!”  At the first hint of Mike’s tone, Craig’s growling stopped.  He wanted nothing more than to lunge forward and tear Derek’s throat out, but Mike told him to stop growling, so he had to stop.  “What’s gotten into you?  You know Derek.  Derek’s a friend.”  Craig looked up at Mike hesitantly, cocking his head.  Craig knew what Derek had done to him, but Mike said he was a friend, so whether he wanted it to or not, his anger started to fade.  He quit baring his teeth and looked back at Derek.  He didn’t feel the same rage, but he certainly didn’t like him.  “That’s right, he’s a friend.  You love it when he rubs your tummy.  Go on, roll over.”  Unbelievably, Craig found himself rolling over onto his back, his stiff limbs sticking into the air while his cock flopped onto his stomach.  It was the absolute last thing he wanted to do, but he couldn’t stop himself.  “Go on Derek, it’s okay,” Mike motioned for Derek to come over.  

“He better not bite,” Derek said, speaking more to Craig than to Mike.  Deep down he was terrified at the ramifications of what happened, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to enjoy his handiwork, intentional or otherwise.  The snobby, arrogant Craig was now naked and submissive at his feet.  There was no way he could pass that up.  He knelt down next to the naked man-dog and gently placed a hand on his ripped, washboard stomach, rubbing in a circular motion.  Instantly, Craig felt what remained of his animosity towards Derek fading.  The man’s hand on his stomach felt absolutely fantastic to the prone stud.  He was so content under Derek’s smooth hand that he didn’t even care when he felt his cock stiffen and grown against his stomach.  

“See?  That’s a good boy!” Mike said encouragingly.  A wave of happiness rushed over Craig at Mike’s compliment.  He’d never felt anything like it before, but he wanted to feel it again.  He flipped back over on all fours and bounced excitedly.  

“Woof!  Woof!” he barked happily, his rigid cock bouncing around wildly.  He was so caught up in the moment that it took him a while to realize that he’d been wiggling his hips in order to wag his makeshift tail.  Even when he became aware of his ridiculous actions he still couldn’t stop.  

“That’s the Brutus I like to see!” Mike leaned over while he spoke and Craig didn’t hesitate to eagerly lick the hairy face.  “Now go kiss and make up with Derek for growling at him earlier.”  Just as eagerly, Craig crawled over to the still kneeling Derek and bowled him over in his excitement.  He straddled the prone man with his strong arms and licked every inch of his face.  

“Whoa!  Easy boy!” Mike laughed, twisting Craig’s “tail” to get his attention.  The naked man had stopped licking Derek’s face and was nuzzling his neck excitedly but shot to attention when he felt the dildo jab his prostate.  The increasingly confused Craig felt like he was being pulled in several directions.  Part of him was aware of what he was doing and was mortified by it, part of him wanted to listen to his master, but mostly he wanted to give in to the demands of the throbbing organ between his legs.  Feeling a mixture of lust and shame, Craig lowered his hips and started grinding the large tool against Derek’s stomach.  No longer able to use his hands for relief, the humping motion felt perfectly natural to the large stud.  

“Oh!  Hey there!” Derek said, trying to wriggle halfheartedly away from the bucking hips.  Though he’d often fantasized about being pinned under a naked Craig, this wasn’t quite how he’d pictured it.  Still, his own cock was quickly tenting in his pants.  

“Brutus…” Mike chided, “…we’ll be going to see Derek and Scott tonight after work, you can play with him then.”  

“Yipe!” Craig yelped as Mike grabbed his collar and yanked him off the other man.  Through his guilty, lustful haze part of Craig’s brain was able to register what Mike had just said.  He saw images of himself and Mike at a gay bar, Mike acting as a bouncer while he filled the role of guard dog.  Craig was struggling with the idea that a bar full of people were going to see him like this when it occurred to him that everyone was going to see him like this from now on.  He wasn’t a successful accountant anymore; he was Mike’s guard dog.  No more would there be expensive cars and fancy suits, just a variety of collars and “tails” for him to wear as Mike chose.  He didn’t live in an upscale neighborhood anymore, he lived with Mike, eating and drinking from dog bowls and sleeping on the floor in his own doggy bed when his new master didn’t feel like sharing the bed.  Craig hung his head, trying to both reconcile himself to his fate and ignore the organ that was still demanding attention.  “Oh, alright,” Mike said, unaware of the internal struggle the conflicted hunk was going through.  “You’re going to be frisky all afternoon if we don’t take care of this.  Roll over, Brutus.”  Lamenting his new life didn’t prevent Craig from eagerly following Mike’s orders.  He flipped over onto his back again, his tongue lolling from his mouth.  Using one hand to rub Craig’s hard pecs, Mike used the other to stroke the stud’s dripping tool.  Craig whimpered and wriggled ecstatically, the concrete rough on his broad, bare back.  At that moment there was no resignation or humiliation at being jacked off by his former enemy, just the pure pleasure he was experiencing.  Craig was only too happy to lie there and let Mike bring him the relief he could no longer provide himself.  

“Ruff!  Woof!” Craig couldn’t hold back the barks as he felt himself nearing climax.  He heard Mike and Derek laugh but the embarrassment was held at bay by the rising tide of pleasure.  “Woof!  Woof!  Wo..woo…awwwoooooo!” Craig howled as he exploded, spraying his heavy pecs with a warm, sticky fluid.  

“Good boy!” Mike cheered, coupling Craig’s afterglow with a surge of pride at the compliment.  The naked man started to roll over, but Mike stopped him.  “Don’t you want your treat?”  At the word treat, Craig started wriggling his ass excitedly while Mike scooped up as much of the cum that had pooled between Craig’s chest as he could.  Without needing prompting, Craig lifted his head and eagerly licked Mike’s digits clean.  Never in his life had Craig tasted a man’s cum, but he quickly found himself hoping that he’d get more.  The flavor was better than anything he’d ever tasted at the five-star restaurants he used to frequent.  When Mike’s fingers were clean, Craig gave a lazy stretch and righted himself, his softening cock dangling loosely.  

“You certainly know how to make him happy,” Derek laughed.  

“He’s easy to please, that’s for sure.  But he’s a good dog,” Mike said as he stood, his own erection clearly outlined in his tight shorts.  Craig hated being talked about as if he wasn’t present, but he was increasingly aware of another urge that couldn’t be ignored.  Without thinking, the hunk crawled over to the nearest column and lifted a toned leg before unleashing a stream of urine against the parking deck.  “Maybe I spoke to soon,” Mike muttered under his breath.  “No!  Bad dog!  Not in the parking deck!” he yelled.  Craig was awash in guilt the instant he heard Mike’s voice, but it was too late to stop.  All he could do was finish his business and slink over to Mike’s feet, his eyes fixed on the ground.  The former yuppie accountant’s guilt was made worse as it dawned on him that he’d just lifted his leg like a dog and pissed in the middle of a parking deck in front of two people.  “Alright, I’d better get this guy back to the office before he makes any more messes.  You’ll be at the club?”  

“Uh, yeah, I think so,” Derek said, still struggling to keep up with the changes that had just occurred.  In less than an hour, a straight, average-guy security guard had been changed to a very gay, spandex wearing exhibitionist, while at his feet was a whimpering man-dog that used to be a rich, athletic accountant.  And that didn’t even include what he’d done to his boss and his boss’s young assistant.  “I’m gonna go home first and take a nap though…see if I can’t shake whatever bug I’ve got.”  

“If you’re not feeling up to it, we’ll be over afterwards,” Mike said, giving Derek a peck on the cheek.  “I’m sure Brutus’ll be eager to take care of you.”  Craig looked up sheepishly and smiled before giving Derek’s hand a few farewell licks.  Derek returned the gesture by scratching the buzzed scalp before Mike grabbed Craig’s collar and pulled him away.  “We’ll see you tonight,” he called over his shoulder as the two rounded a corner and sauntered out of sight.  

“Yeah…” Derek, pale and shaking, whispered to himself.  A creeping horror ran down his spine as he realized that instead of the smallest shred of remorse, the only thing he felt at the moment was admiration of his work.  


“Alright Brutus,” Mike said, locking the door to his office, “lunch time.”  Craig sat back on his legs, grateful to be out of view in the security office while Mike closed the blinds.  They hadn’t passed anyone else on their way and Craig was content to put that experience off for as long as possible.  “You’re probably hungry by now, aren’t you fella?”  Despite his predicament, Craig actually was starving.  He’d been on his way back from a morning meeting and was heading to his office to eat lunch when he’d had his unfortunate run in.  He unconsciously wiggled his ass happily at the thought of food.  “First things first though…” Momentarily confused, Craig cocked his head from side to side as Mike peeled out of his tiny shorts, his erect organ escaping the confines of his skimpy jockstrap.  “You got me all worked up playing with Derek back there.”  Mike slipped the jock off and tossed it aside, motioning for Craig to come to him.  Nothing else needed to be said for Craig to know what to do.  He practically scampered over and swallowed as much of Mike’s cock as his large, square jaw would allow.  Craig was surprised that he felt no revulsion at having another man’s dick in his mouth for the first time.  Instead it was the opposite.  Craig savored everything about his new master’s body; the touch, the taste, the smell, everything was as perfect as it could be to him.  He wanted nothing more than to run his hands up Mike’s meaty thighs and fill his palms with the ample ass cheeks, but instead had to content himself with taking breaks from sucking to lick and rub his face and head all over Mike’s hairy ass and thighs.  “Ho…holy shit Brutus,” the stocky man gasped, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you today but I’m gla..gla..gaaahhhh!” Mike bucked his hips and shot a sizeable load into Craig’s eager mouth.  The stud drank deep, sucking out every last bit that he could find.  “Okay…okay…you got it all…” Mike said after a moment, having to push Craig’s head away from his softening cock.  “That was a good boy!”  he said cheerfully.  Craig smiled from ear to ear while Mike gave his head a rough scratch.  “Who’s a good boy?”

“Woof!” Craig barked, suddenly excited.  

“Who’s a good boy?  Who’s a good boy?” Mike asked again.  

“Woof!  Woof!  Woof!”  Craig was bouncing around, so excited that he could barely contain himself.  He had no idea why he was so excited, but the feeling couldn’t be denied.  

“That’s right!  You are,” Mike gave Craig a quick peck on the head before turning to get the naked man’s lunch ready.  Before long he returned with a bowl of food and a bowl of water.  “Okay, eat up…hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Mike laughed.  While he was filling Craig’s bowl, the man-dog had found his discarded jockstrap on the ground and was chewing happily on it.  Craig was fully aware that he currently had another man’s underwear in his mouth, but the only thing he cared about was drinking in as much of Mike’s masculine taste and aroma as he could get.  “You’re lucky I’ve got spares here…now come on, eat your lunch.”  Craig’s cock was once again solid and throbbing between his legs, but it was forgotten once he saw his food.  He let the jockstrap drop from his mouth and eagerly buried his face in his food.  It didn’t escape Craig’s notice that Less than 24 hours ago, he’d spent $500 on dinner for himself and a date, but now he was naked on his hands and knees in a coworker’s office scarfing down food from a dog bowl.  He was so hungry though, that none of that mattered.  The only thing he cared about was emptying the bowl and licking it clean.  “You really were hungry, weren’t you?” Craig looked up and returned Mike’s smile.  He could feel the bits of food that were stuck all over his face, but he was helpless to do anything about them.  “Let me eat my food real quick and then we’ll make the rounds,” Mike said, sitting down to eat his own food.  Craig shook his head, trying to rid himself of the mess on his face before curling up on the floor with Mike’s jockstrap once again in his mouth.  Craig’s eyes were glued to the other man as Mike ate his lunch and replaced his discarded jock with a bright pink thong that stood out just as much under his little white shorts.  “Almost ready to take a few laps of the place,” Mike said between mouthfuls of food.  Craig didn’t like the sound of “take a few laps” and his chewing took on a worried pace.  He hoped Mike would take his time eating.  “Okay, let’s go,” the bearded man said after just a few more moments, dashing Craig’s hopes.  He slinked over slowly and let Mike fasten a leash to his collar.  “Sorry Brutus, I know you hate the leash but those are the rules,” he said, patting Craig’s broad shoulder before tugging him towards the door.  Craig dug in when he reached the threshold, locking his large arms in place and shaking his head.  “Brutus, what has gotten into you today?  I swear…” Mike muttered, looking down at his uncooperative partner. “Get out here.  Now.”  Mike’s tone left no room for argument, and just like that, Craig began his first trip into public in his new capacity.  The first thing Mike did was lead him outside, and Craig was mortified when, instead of the back door, Mike led him straight for the busy courtyard between the two buildings.  The former executive whimpered loudly when he found himself in full view of a bustling sidewalk.  Craig may have been proud of his body, but he didn’t want to show it off like this.  Being led around on a leash on his hands and knees by a slightly chubby, spandex clad man with his balls dangling freely and his hard cock bouncing between his thighs while a dildo stuck out of his ass was not how he liked to make an impression.  Time seemed to drag and Craig kept waiting for the comments to fly, but after a few minutes it became clear that no one but him thought the situation was odd.  Pedestrians and traffic passed by as if it was perfectly normal for a queerly dressed man to be leading around another naked man on a leash.  A few people even smiled down at him like he was an actual dog and Craig felt himself ease up a little.  He knew this was wrong, but if everyone else was okay with it he might as well enjoy the feeling of the fresh air and bright sun on his bare skin.  “Okay Brutus, do your business and we’ll move on.”  As he spoke, Mike pulled the dildo from Craig’s tight ass with a pop.  The naked stud was confused at first, but the growing pressure in his rear made clear what Mike meant.  “Come on buddy, we’ve gotta get goin,” Mike said impatiently.  Craig whimpered and looked desperately for a secluded spot, but there was nowhere to hide.  He crawled anxiously in circles until, unable to hold it any longer, Craig could only push himself back into a squat and do his business.  “Good boy!” Mike cheered, scratching his head.  Even the rush of excitement at being told he was a good boy wasn’t enough to keep Craig from being embarrassed.  Not only was he taking a dump in the grass while another man patted and cheered him on, he was doing it in full view of an endless stream of people passing by.  Craig could only stare helplessly at traffic while his bowels emptied their contents into the grass.  After what felt like an eternity, with more than a few people smiling and laughing in his direction, Craig was finally done.  He wanted to scamper from view as quickly as possible, but before he could move Mike grabbed his collar and held him fast.  Craig lowered his torso and raised his ass instinctively, yelping at the feel of the damp baby wipes as Mike wiped him clean. Lifting his leg on the column had been one thing, but Craig felt a new layer of defeat when it sunk in that he wouldn’t even be wiping his own ass anymore.  “Good boy, Brutus,” Mike said again, rubbing the side of Craig’s ass.  The sensation sent bolts of pleasure through the prone man and he hardly noticed when Mike stuck his “tail” back in place.  

“Woof!  Woof!” Craig couldn’t hold back the excited barking at Mike’s touch.  He was still humiliated at what he’d just done, but at the same time he felt an odd sense of accomplishment.  He’d done what Mike told him and he’d been praised for it, and as much as he told himself it shouldn’t matter, Craig was thrilled with himself.  

“What do you say we go check things out inside?  Would you like that?  Would you?”  Mike asked, his tone rising with each question.  

“Woof!” Craig barked, bouncing on his hands.  He most certainly did not want to go inside the office and let his former coworkers see him like this, but the tone of Mike’s voice made the idea seem perfect.  He actually found himself bolting for the door, tugging Mike along behind him.  

“Slow down boy, we’ll get there,” Mike laughed.  Craig shifted his weight and whined impatiently as he waited for Mike to open the door.  He could see their boss Kurt with a group of people just returning from their lunch break and knew that once Mike opened the door, he would be crossing a line that he couldn’t go back from.  

“Mike!  Brutus!” Kurt called cheerfully down the hall as the two entered the building.  

“Woof!  Woof!” For some reason, Craig was incredibly excited to see his boss.  They’d never really gotten along, but now Craig couldn’t seem to move his limbs fast enough towards the handsome young man.  

“Brutus!  What’s up big guy?”  Kurt knelt down and let the man-dog lick his face excitedly while he rubbed the sides of Craig’s firm torso.  Craig could hear the others laughing and felt a few of them rub his back, but his focus was on licking every inch of his boss’s face.  

“Sorry boss,” Mike said, pulling Craig away by the collar and forcing him into a sitting position.  

“It’s okay, I’m always happy to see the big fella.” Kurt stood and left Craig face to face with the sizeable bulge in his slacks while he spoke with Mike.  Craig’s fascination with Kurt suddenly made more sense, and if his cock weren’t already rock hard, it quickly would have been.  “You guys heading up?”  

“Yep,” Mike ushered Craig into the crowded elevator and as his bare skin brushed up against everyone else’s clothes, the kneeling stud was acutely aware of the position he was in.  He’d ridden the elevator with some of these people that very morning, but then it was as one of them, or a cut above them, as Craig liked to think.  Now, instead of towering above them, he was both literally and figuratively below them.  He was used to being at least several inches taller than most of his coworkers, but now he had to stretch his neck in an attempt to see their faces.  Craig kept looking for signs of the disgust he wanted to feel, but to his coworkers he was nothing more than someone’s animal.  His searching gaze was unexpectedly cut short when Kurt began absentmindedly scratching him behind his ear.  Instantly, his world narrowed to the soft slacks he nuzzled happily and the feel of his boss’s strong fingers rubbing his skin.  He could hear Mike and Kurt talking, but the words sounded vague and far away.  He wasn’t sure how long the fog lasted, but it abruptly ended when the elevator dinged and the doors opened on Craig’s former floor.  

“See you later boy,” Kurt said, giving Craig’s firm behind a final pat.  Craig smiled happily despite himself and crawled along behind his lycra-clad owner.  The rest of the afternoon was a blur for Craig.  He was paraded along behind Mike in a surreal tour of his old surroundings, feeling lost in a labyrinth of cubicles.  Craig never realized how much he relied on his ability to see over the tops of the walls until he was forced to see only their bottoms.  Likewise, Craig never thought he’d be ashamed of his body until everyone in the office was forced to see every inch of it.  He spent the day alternating between excitement and humiliation as person after person stroked and patted his exposed flesh.  Not one of his former coworkers treated him as if his situation was the least bit bizarre.  To them, it was perfectly normal that he was crawling on all fours with a painful erection bobbing between his legs.  Though it eased neither of them, Craig knew that the humiliation and disgrace he felt were his alone.  

“Okay Brutus, quittin’ time.”  Mike unhooked Craig’s leash and let the stud roam free in his office while he packed things up.  

“hrrmmm…” Craig whined, confused.  It wasn’t just that he’d lost track of the time, it was that he was having a hard time remembering what that phrase even meant.  As the afternoon had progressed, Craig had an increasingly difficult time staying focused.  Whenever he’d heard people talking, the words made less and less sense until eventually only the tone of their voices registered.  For the former businessman, conversation had been reduced to a matter of tone and inflection.  

“Come on big guy,” Mike said, slinging his briefcase over his shoulder, “I think we’ve had enough for one day.”  Craig scampered along behind his master, encouraged by the man’s eager tone.  When they reached Mike’s pickup truck, Craig instinctively headed for the passenger door but was yanked back by Mike’s hand on his collar.  “Where’re you goin’ buddy?  You know you ride in the back.”  The burly man opened the rear gate before helping to hoist the naked Craig inside.  Still unaccustomed to the limited motion in his legs, the giant of a man struggled ungracefully before sprawling onto the truck bed.  Craig was not looking forward to being driven through town in his exposed state, but it occurred to his ever-fogging mind that he’d better get used to it.  He wasn’t given the opportunity to argue his point as Mike put the truck in gear and sped from the parking deck.  It took several tumbles before Craig got his sea legs, and while it occurred to the bruised man that it would probably be safer to lay flat, he was overcome with an irresistible urge to stick his head over the side, giving a friendly bark to the surrounding traffic at each stoplight.  By the time they reached Mike’s small house, Craig had long ceased to care about his exposed state.  It no longer felt unnatural to feel the wind and sun all over his body, and he was actually beginning to enjoy it.  When Mike unlatched the gate and helped him down from the truck, Craig couldn’t stop himself from prancing over to the grass and happily rolling around on it.  He could see that some of Mike’s neighbors were outside, and even though he was in clear view, he was far less embarrassed this time when he suddenly lifted his leg and let loose a stream of urine.  “Okay buddy, let’s get inside,” Mike said, waving to his neighbor and holding the door open for Craig.  As he crawled inside, Craig felt an odd sense of déjà vu.  He’d never been in Mike’s small, single story house before, but it all felt strangely familiar.  Craig’s house was absolutely palatial compared to Mike’s little ranch, but it was his master’s house and he was thrilled to be inside it.  Dense, thick carpeting covered the entire house and the first thing Craig did was to mimic his activities outside by rolling around on it.  “Hold still for a second,” Mike laughed, pinning Craig on his back in mid-roll.  He gave the ripped stomach a hearty rubdown before rolling Craig onto his side.  For his part, Craig didn’t struggle.  He was content to let Mike manhandle him as the other man saw fit.  “Let’s get these mitts off you.”  One by one, Mike unhooked and removed the booties, knee pads, mitts, tail, and collar.  Craig felt himself blush, feeling naked all over again without his new accessories.  Now that they were free for the first time since his transformation, he tried to wiggle his fingers and toes but discovered that he could only move them as a single unit, not as individual digits, and that he was unable to completely close his fists.  Still, it felt good to be free of the confining mitts and Craig ran his hands over the thick carpet, enjoying the tickling sensation.  He looked up happily at Mike but the other man was gone.  He’d been so intent on trying to move his fingers and toes that he hadn’t even noticed the other man leave.  

“hrrrm….mmmrrrrr…” Craig whined, suddenly afraid at being alone.  He paced in an anxious circle, unsure of what to do.  

“Take it easy Brutus, I’m right here,” Mike called from down the hall.  

“Ruff!” Craig took off like a shot down the hall, scampering as fast as his four limbs would carry him towards Mike’s bedroom.  “Ruff!” he barked again, crawling in happy circles around his owner.  

“Silly dog,” Mike laughed to himself as he started to disrobe.  He peeled out of the skin tight shirt and shorts with his thong following shortly after.  Craig stopped circling and sat, head cocked, watching his master strip.  He’d already had Mike’s cock in his mouth, but this was the first time he’d seen his master as naked as himself and the sight filled him with a strange warmth.  It wasn’t just lust, which was present in massive amounts, but something else entirely.  Watching the bulky, hairy man as he sat on the side of his bed, Craig knew that he was hopelessly in love with his former enemy.   He crept forward and started sloppily licking the side of Mike’s bare thigh while he sat.  “My, my, someone’s feelin’ affectionate,” the hairy man said, reaching down to stroke Craig’s buzzed head.  “Come here,” Mike stretched out on his bed and motioned for Craig to hop up.  Craig practically bounded up onto the mattress and straddled his prone master.  He picked up where he’d left off, bathing every inch of Mike’s hairy torso with his tongue.  “Hey!  That tickles!” Mike wrapped his beefy arms around Craig and rolled, sparking a tumbling match on the bed.  Having wrestled in high school and college, Craig squirmed and wriggled as best as his limited limbs would allow.  There was no way he’d be coming out on top, but he didn’t care.  He simply enjoyed the sensation of their bodies writhing together, their hard cocks bouncing off each other as they struggled.  

“rrrrr….rrrr….” Craig growled playfully.  Over the years, he’d spent plenty of time pressing flesh with countless women, but this was ecstasy.  He’d never felt anything like this before in his life.  Mike’s stocky, masculine body was sexy and comforting all at the same time, leaving Craig free to focus on the waves of pleasure washing over him.  Eventually, Craig was pinned on his stomach with Mike on his back, kissing his neck hungrily.  Craig wished desperately that he could roll over and take the other man in his arms, but he could only lie there and let Mike take control.  After several minutes of moaning while Mike’s lips explored various parts of his broad back, Craig felt the other man’s hands gently raise his hips up off the bed, lifting him into a kneeling position.  Craig knew exactly what was coming, but instead of dreading it, he was eager for it.  He wiggled his ass excitedly while Mike positioned himself, gasping loudly when the other man’s wide cock finally entered his no-longer virgin hole.  Craig expected it to feel like his “tail”, but the feel of Mike’s warm cock inside him was infinitely more intense.  For the first time in his life he felt a genuine connection to someone else.  He pushed back against Mike’s invading organ, clenching his tight hole on his lover’s rod.  Mike’s loud moans of pleasure goading him on, Craig began working his ample ass muscles in ways he never did before.  Somehow, he knew exactly what his master liked and he was eager to give it to him.  When Mike wrapped a meaty hand around his own throbbing organ, Craig nearly cried with joy.  He knew he was incredibly lucky to have Mike as his master but his new vocal chords left him with no way to express his gratitude, so he resorted to physical measures, letting his body respond in ways it never did with a woman.  Craig felt Mike tense up behind him and seconds later felt his ass fill with the other man’s seed.  The sensation, coupled with the sheer joy of pleasing his master, pushed Craig beyond the breaking point and he shot a huge load of his own into Mike’s waiting hand.  “Good boy!  Good boy!” Mike panted, falling against Craig’s back.  The larger, kneeling man was only too happy to support his master’s weight and he relished the feel of the softening cock inside him.  “Don’t forget your treat,” Mike said, holding his cum filled hand in front of Craig’s sweat covered face.  While his tongue lapped up every last bit of the sticky fluid, it occurred to Craig that he no longer cared if he was treated like a dog.  The lines were blurring more than ever and he didn’t even care that the only word he’d understood in Mike’s sentence was “treat”, or that he was once again eagerly licking up his own cum.  The only thing he cared about was the warmth of the man resting against him, and from that point on, Craig knew that he never wanted to be away from his master.  If that meant he crawled around naked for the world to see, pissing and shitting in the grass and eating from dog bowls, then so be it.  

“Ruff!  Ruff!”  Craig barked when Mike’s hand was finally clean.  The other man reluctantly pulled his cock free and sat on the edge of the bed.  Craig licked the side of his face a few times before flopping down next to him, his head in the other man’s lap.  

“Okay Brutus…let’s eat some dinner then get cleaned up.  We’re supposed to be at the club in a few hours and we don’t want to be late.”  Craig raised his eyebrows at the sound of Mike’s voice but didn’t move otherwise.  He hadn’t understood a single word that the other man had said, and the tone was neither happy nor angry, which meant Craig was content to remain where he was.  Their romp had left him drowsy and the only thing he wanted to do was listen to his master’s soothing voice and take a nap.  “Ha…okay bud…you take a little nap and I’ll…” Craig didn’t hear the rest.  He managed to get out a single yawn before falling into a deep slumber, dreaming of his new life. 


Chapter 5


“What’re you waitin’ for in there?!” An unseen voice boomed and pounded on the mirrored walls, startling the man inside the box.

“What the fuck?!” Adam jolted upright and violently hit his head on the locked lid of the cube.  “Ow!” The force of the blow sent him tumbling onto his bare rear end.  His eyes darted around the small enclosure while his heart jackhammered in his chest.  He had no idea where he was or how he got there.  He could hear dance music blaring outside but all he could see were the walls of the cube around him.  The edges of the box were lined with lights and the walls were flat and mirrored with a series of holes cut in them.  He crawled towards one of the holes, intending to peek out, but fell backwards when a hard cock unexpectedly slapped him in the face.  A few others followed suit in the other holes and Adam found himself surrounded on all sides by the rigid organs.  The terrified young man desperately thought back to the beginning of the evening, trying to remember what happened.  


“How’s it goin’, Adam?”  Mike asked as the younger man entered the club.  

“’Sup, Mike?” Adam clapped the hairy man on a bare shoulder.  The club hadn’t opened yet, but Mike’s stocky frame was already clad in nothing but a camouflage printed jockstrap.  

“Woof!  Woof!” Craig barked happily at Mike’s feet, excited to see the young man.  The former executive was only dimly aware of his previous life at this point, and he’d since lost any control over his current canine-like actions.

“Brutus!  My man!” Adam knelt in front of the smiling Craig and let him lick his face.  “Think we’ll be busy tonight?”  He asked, pulling himself away from the naked man.

“Dunno…it’s hard to tell on weeknights.”  Mike made a show of eyeing Adam up and down.  “Why?  You finally gonna hit the stage?”  

“Ha!  You wish,” the younger man laughed.  

“Hey, I’ve seen it,” Mike squeezed Adam’s hard ass through his plastered on jeans.  “It’s everyone else that wants a peek.  You’d make a killing up there.”  

“So everyone tells me.  All the time.”  Adam said, annoyed.  The young stud was hired as a bouncer, but everyone kept trying to get him to work as a dancer.  “Sorry dude, it’s just not my thing.”  

“What’ve you got to hide?  Young guy like you is the whole…uh…package,” Mike motioned to the large bulge in the front of Adam’s jeans.  

“You wanna see this, you gotta do a little more than wave a few dollar bills around.”  The young man flexed his massive biceps for emphasis.  “It’s bad enough I’m paying three hundred bucks a month in student loans just so I can bounce at a gay bar…I’m not going to resort to stripping.”  Adam was friendly with his coworkers at the club, but he couldn’t help looking down at the guys who stripped.  He wasn’t shy about his body in the least, but he felt like only desperate, trashy guys got up on stage.  Sure, he was a college graduate working the door at a gay bar, but at least he had his clothes on.  Though he was straight, it wasn’t the fact that he was bouncing at a gay bar that bothered Adam; it was the fact that he was working as a bouncer at all.  It had been six months since he’d graduated with a degree in Marketing but he hadn’t come close to landing a professional job.  At twenty-four, he kept getting the same “we’re looking for someone with more experience” speech.  He’d met Mike when he applied for a PR position at the man’s other job, and sensing the desperation in the young stud the older man had mentioned that the club could use another bouncer.  Adam was reluctant at first, but Mike convinced him that he was perfect for the job.  With his gym-built physique and experience on the college wrestling team he could handle any rowdy patrons, and his handsome looks might draw in new customers.  It wasn’t what Adam was looking for, but it was better than nothing.  By the end of the young man’s first night, Mike knew he was right about Adam drawing in customers.  Once word got out the young man quickly became a hit.  His youthful frame was large and solid with muscle, and his classic, boy-next-door looks drew people in just as much as the stage show.  From day one he had people telling him he should strip, but Adam continually disappointed by showing up to work in jeans and a tshirt.  While both articles of clothing looked like they were painted on, they still left the young hunk devastatingly covered.  The farthest Adam ever went was to show up in a muscle shirt, giving everyone a peek at the dark, wiry hairs that covered his chiseled frame.  Adam further fed into the mystique surrounding him by leaving everyone guessing which team he was interested in.  He considered himself straight, but depending on how drunk he was by the time his shift was over the young man was willing to fool around with a guy if he was in the mood.  For the most part he was a strict tease, but if someone caught him at the right moment he was more than happy to let them admire his body in a one-on-one setting.  The only stipulation was that he was always the one on top or the one getting sucked off, not the other way around.  Mike had been one of those lucky men, and the older man still reeled at the memory of Adam’s young body.  

“Hey, it’s not so bad.”  Mike finished setting up the station at the door just as people started showing up outside.  “All I’m sayin’ is that you should think about it.  If I had a body like that I’d show it off all the time.”  

“Yeah, but you don’t have a body like this, and you still show it off all the time…so I don’t think your opinion is valid.”  Adam gave Mike’s stomach a playful squeeze.  

“You makin’ fun of me?” Mike said in mock seriousness, drawing up and standing chest-to-chest with the other man.  He wrapped an arm around Adam’s trim waist and pressed the camouflage pouch of his jockstrap against the other man’s crotch.  “I don’t remember you having a problem with my body before.”  He took one of Adam’s hands and guided it to his exposed behind.  

“I wouldn’t dream of making fun of you,” Adam said with a sly smile.  He didn’t know what the older man was doing after work, but his memories of their last encounter were just as fond, and he was starting to think maybe he’d see if Mike wanted to come back to his place.  “Here, does this make you happy?” Adam undid the top of his jeans, letting them hang open and show the top of his bright red briefs.  He hiked his shirt up his washboard stomach a little, exposing the trail of hair that disappeared behind the crimson fabric.  

“You’re such a tease,” Mike sighed.  

“…and you know you love it,” Adam said, opening the doors for the first patrons of the night.

The evening was actually slower than usual, and completely uneventful.  Adam engaged in his usual flirty teasing, but since it was a quiet night there wasn’t even much of that.  The last thing he remembered before finding himself in his current predicament was Scott taking the stage and his boyfriend Derek showing up.  He saw Mike and Derek talking then…nothing.  At least nothing until he found himself naked in a mirrored box surrounded by rigid cocks.  Adam discovered that the box was big enough for him to kneel in and turn all the way around, but, as his aching head could attest, not stand.  His first thought was that he’d been drugged, but as the stars cleared from his vision Adam knew there had to be something else at work.  He hadn’t noticed it in his initial shock, but he finally saw that his naked reflection wasn’t quite right.  

“Fuck!”  Adam’s eyes immediately dropped to the impossible organ hardening between his legs, nearly bugging out of his skull at what they saw.  The impressive 9-incher he was accustomed to had become a huge, swollen monster.  Sitting as he was, the now-bulbous head of the throbbing, 18 inch beast nearly came to his chin, and sandwiched between his strong thighs Adam could feel balls that had to be the size of large oranges.  It took both of his sturdy hands to wrap around the appendage that was now as thick as one of Adam’s bodybuilding forearms, and more sensitive than ever.  Simply wrapping his hands around it caused a shiver of pleasure to rip through his body.  Panicking about his freakish new girth, Adam’s eyes darted from mirror to mirror, discovering that the changes hadn’t been limited to his groin.  His face was still largely the same, but his lips had puffed out and were bright, candy apple red.  He couldn’t tell in the dim light of the box, but it also looked like he had eye makeup on, and his whole face appeared to have been coated in a fine dusting of glitter.  Adam was relieved to see that at least he still retained all of his hard earned muscles, but they appeared to have shifted.  His already-broad shoulders were much wider than they should have been, and his pecs practically ballooned off his chest.  The perpetually erect, enlarged nipples hovered over a significantly smaller waist that had been sucked impossibly inwards.  Adam shifted his weight to his knees and righted himself as best he could, gasping at the caricature of a profile reflected back at him.  His ass was easily three times as large as the perky bubble he’d had, and it jutted out in a near horizontal line from his back.  It was as if all the mass from his waist had squished up towards his chest and down to his now globular ass and trunk-like cock.  It took a moment to register in the poor light, but Adam also discovered that he was now completely hairless from the eyebrows down.  

“Hey!  How long are we going to have to stand here?” Another unseen voice pounded the mirrored walls, interrupting Adam’s dazed inspection.  The young man could just make out the faint hint of a person outlined beyond the mirror and he blushed as he realized that while all he saw was his own reflection, there could be any number of people standing on the other side of the glass gawking at his naked form.  The pounding on the glass continued, and despite his embarrassment, Adam suddenly knew why he was in the box.  All he wanted to do was cover himself up, but instead the young stud took the nearest cock in his mouth and started working the other two with his meaty hands.  Outside he could hear the men moaning as he took turns sucking and stroking each one. Adam had never had a cock in his mouth before, but he was somehow fully aware of how to deliver expert head.  If that wasn’t concerning enough, Adam, to his growing horror, found himself making a total show of it, flexing and wiggling his hips while bouncing his mammoth cock around as best he could in the little box.  He couldn’t prevent his own moans from joining in with the men outside and it wasn’t long before the mortified young man was drenched in the strangers’ cum.  

“Ohhhh!” Adam moaned lustfully while the sticky fluid splashed against his now-smooth skin.  “Ohhh…ohhh…yeah…that’s the…the…what the…!” Adam came back to his senses in the midst of smearing the sticky fluid all over his altered body.  He fell back against the glass in a renewed panic while the men pulled their oozing cocks away.  He was completely humiliated at his actions, but couldn’t deny that the cum trickling down his torso filled him with satisfaction.

“He’s so good at that,” he heard one of the unseen men say.  

“I know!  And that body…it’s a shame he’s such a whore,” one of the other men sighed.  

“Ha!  Yeah, right, a total shame.  If he wasn’t such a whore, what would you spend all your money on?” the third man laughed.  Adam blushed again at hearing the comments about his promiscuity.  He wanted to deny it, but for some reason he knew it was all too true.  His days of teasing were long gone.  Adam knew that everything he had was now always on display, leaving nothing to the imagination.  What was worse was that part of him loved it.  Even now he couldn’t keep his hands off his altered body and his addled brain was on fire with lust.  The part of himself that wasn’t craving a cock in his mouth couldn’t believe that just a few hours ago he wouldn’t so much as strip down to his underwear and get on stage, but now he was naked in a box with a freakishly altered body covered in strangers’ cum.  Adam’s trepidation grew when flashes of new memory showed that he was now the club’s star attraction, spending night after night in one compromising position after the other.

“Hey!  Gloryboy!  How ‘bout a show?”  Adam’s break was cut short when another man pounded on the glass.  Acting on instinct, Adam got up on his knees and started flexing, licking his large biceps seductively before smearing the remaining cum all over his body.  He sandwiched his enormous cock between the glass and his inflated pecs, pursing his puffy, ruby lips and moaning loudly as he humped and worked his cock up and down the length of his torso.  In his mind he was screaming bloody murder, but his hands wouldn’t stop pinching his enlarged nipples.  He could hear the sounds of a gathered crowd outside the box and wanted desperately to run and hide, but the knowledge of a crowd only egged him on.  He fell back on his new, larger ass and set to work licking the head of his conveniently lengthened rod.  He couldn’t actually suck himself off, there wasn’t a mouth on the planet big enough to swallow his new tool, but he could still lick and suck while his hands traveled up and down the impressive distance of his sensitive shaft.  When Adam finally thought his humiliation couldn’t grow, the bewildered hunk found himself tossing his legs in the air and exposing his tight hole for the gathered crowd.  Without warning, several of his fingers disappeared inside, and he started to groan and moan wildly.  He was pleading with himself to stop, but those pleas and the crowd were soon forgotten when wave after wave of pleasure washed over him.  Like his new cock, every inch of his formerly virgin hole brought him nothing but pleasure.  Adam had never been penetrated by anything before, and he’d never been in a hurry to try it, but now the moaning, made-up hunk craved it.  His probing fingers were bringing nothing but a tide of bliss that continued until one of the pleasure waves finally broke.  With little warning, the massive cock resting on his torso erupted into a torrent of sticky white fluid.  Outside, Adam could hear the crowd cheering as a seemingly endless spray of cum plastered the inside of the cube, leaving him spent and exhausted in a warm puddle.  As the applause outside died down Adam could hear that the music had been turned off and thankfully knew the club was closing.  He heard conversation trail off and eventually the sound of the club doors clicking and locking shut made it’s way to his soggy, sticky ears.

“Hang on Angel, I’ll have you out in a jiff,” Adam heard Mike say above a jingle of keys.  The young man squinted as bright light streamed into the box and gratefully took Mike’s extended hand.  He stood, stretching his stiff, soaking frame while gratefully sucking down the water bottle Mike offered.  Standing for the first time in his new form, Adam was surprised that he didn’t feel weighted down by his hardy new package.  Finally having softened, his cock still dangled nearly to his knees, swinging wildly with the slightest movement.  While his brain struggled to comprehend what was happening, his body seemed used to it.

“Mike?  What’s going on…?  What the hell happened?!”  Now that he was out of the box and his head was clearing, the shock of his transformation was really setting in.

“What do you mean?” Mike asked, concerned.  “Did someone get too rough?”  At the sound of Mike’s worried tone, Craig, who’d been sitting obediently by the door, came bounding over.

“Woof!” he barked, gazing up at the naked, dripping Adam.  He felt like something was wrong, that Adam was different somehow, but he couldn’t get his foggy brain to piece it together.  The thought was soon forgotten when his attention focused on licking the drying cum off Adam’s leg.

“No…I mean me!  What happened to me?”  Adam ignored the man-dog for the moment and lifted his heavy arms to show off his caricature of a body.

“You made a shitload of money, for starters,” Mike said, taking the young man by the hand.  “Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up.  And not by Brutus,” Mike pulled Craig away by the collar, leaving the crawling man with a confused look on his face.  “I think you were in there a little too long tonight,” Mike said to Adam.  “A shower should help clear your head.”  

“No…this isn’t…I…” the feel of Mike’s firm hand swallowing his own brought the fog rolling back.  He wanted to argue but couldn’t find the words.  “O…okay…” he finally said, following numbly behind as the jockstrap-clad man led him through a set of double doors.  Adam’s gaze switched between the globes of Mike’s meaty ass and Craig’s broad, naked body, and the stirring in his impressive loins confirmed what Adam felt in the pit of his stomach.  The young stud knew he’d be spending quite a bit more time fooling around with guys now than he used to.  “Okay Angel, she’s all yours,” Mike said as he hissed the shower to life in the small locker room.  Adam shuffled forward under the warm stream and washed himself in a daze, feeling as though his fingers were running over a stranger’s body.  His proportions were all wrong, making him look like something out of a pulp novel, and if the body wasn’t bad enough, Adam was equally distraught over his uncontrollable behavior.  Even now he felt himself performing, moaning and squirming seductively while he bathed in front of the other two men.  He didn’t know why he was doing it, or why the other man kept calling him “Angel,” but he could feel Mike and Craig’s stares as he hoisted and manhandled his ungainly new equipment, loving every second of it.  “Did that help?”  Mike asked, shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around Adam’s broadened shoulders.

“Uh…yeah?”  When he was finally clean and dried off, Adam stood frozen in front of the steamy mirror, inspecting every inch of his surreal new physique, the floating clouds of steam adding a dreamlike quality to the whole scenario.  He caught himself pursing his crimson lips unconsciously and saw that, despite the vigorous scrubbing he’d given it during his shower, his face still looked like it was covered in makeup.  “Hey…this stuff isn’t coming off,” he said, rubbing at the blue eye shadow.  

“I’d hope not, as much as you spent making that shit permanent.”  Mike laughed, but Adam paled.  He suddenly remembered the money, the plastic surgeon – all of it.  He could remember having something close to his former body, but now he could also remember hunting for a plastic surgeon that could change all that and turn him into the lustful creature he’d become.

“Oh…” the former college jock swayed on his feet a little, the shock of this new revelation proving to be too much.  The altered stud knew that Adam, with his all-American good looks, was gone, replaced by Angel, who had a body and a look that would make the most garish prostitute jealous.

“Whoa!  Easy Angel, I’ve got you,” Mike said as he caught Adam in a bear hug.  He guided the shaking man to the bench and held him tight.  

“Sorry…I’m okay…I just got a little light headed,” Adam hated to admit it, but he was starting to feel better with his face buried in Mike’s hairy chest.  He wasn’t used to the feeling of being naked in another man’s arms, but he couldn’t deny that he liked it.  He heard Craig whimper and felt the collared man rest his head on his leg.  “No, really, I’m feeling better.”  He reluctantly pulled his head away from Mike’s chest and gave Craig a quick pat.  

“You sure?”  Mike was dubious.  “Brutus and I were going over to Scott and Derek’s tonight…but why don’t you come home with us instead?  I don’t think you should go home by yourself.”  

“Yeah…sure…that sound’s like a good idea.”  Adam vaguely remembered wanting to go home with Mike earlier in the evening.  He’d been halfhearted about it before, but now the thought set his heart racing.

“Alright then, get dressed and we’ll head out,” the older man said excitedly.  He opened a locker and handed Adam a stack of clothes before dressing himself.  

“At least these look the sa…” Adam trailed off when the pants in his hands unfolded.  They looked like the jeans he’d been wearing earlier, save for the fact they were missing a crotch and a back.  He dug through the stack, but his red briefs were nowhere to be found either.  “I can’t go out in these!” he gasped at the incomplete denim.  

“I thought they were boring too,” Mike said as he slipped into a tiny pair of skintight trunks, “but you’re the one who insists on wearing jeans.”  He pulled on a spandex tank top and turned to face the still naked Adam.  “Let me help, Angel.”  The older man took the pants and gently guided each of Adam’s firm legs inside before forcing them up to his hips.  They were just as skintight as when the evening started, the only differences now were the unnaturally large package that dangled in plain view and the gravity-defying ass that bubbled out the back.  The stunned Adam let Mike manipulate his arms into his tshirt and the young man found that, with his broadened shoulders and inflated pecs, the shirt stopped several inches above the waist of his pants, looking like a cut-off.  Though his larger new nipples poked conspicuously against cotton that was strained to bursting across his chest, the material hung loose above his impossibly skinny new waist.  “Ready to go?”

“I guess so,” Adam said hesitantly, giving himself one last look in the mirror.  Mike once again took him by the hand and Adam let himself be guided along.  Something about Mike’s hairy paw squeezing his hand made him relax, and he unconsciously leaned in against the other man while they walked.  

“Doin’ alright?” Mike wrapped an arm around his young companion’s broad shoulders reassuringly.  

“Yeah, I guess I’m just kinda tired,” Adam said, trying to come up with an excuse for why he was so eager to have Mike’s arm around him.  He was so busy focusing on his growing feelings towards the older man that he didn’t even notice when they passed through the club doors to the bustling sidewalk outside.  The street was full of people enjoying the balmy evening air and Adam found his new body on display once again.  “Shit!”  the young man instinctively, and futilely, tried to cover himself, expecting to be arrested at any moment.  He couldn’t believe that he was walking casually down the street with his enormous new cock and protruding ass totally exposed.  He also couldn’t believe that in the preceding three blocks, no one had said anything.  The eye-catching stud received quite a few stares, both lustful and disgusted, but no one actually said anything or tried to stop him.  They’d even passed a police officer who hadn’t even bothered to take a second look as the trio passed.  Though he couldn’t have known, Adam was having the same experience Craig had earlier.  He was totally aware of how wrong his current predicament was, but to everyone else, if it wasn’t “normal,” it was at least acceptable.  Even when the swaying motion from his walking and the warm evening breeze caused his rod to harden, no one said anything.  Adam was mortified that he practically had to carry his new cock while it jutted out in front of him as they walked, but he was apparently the only one.  It wasn’t obvious under his permanent makeup, but the young stud’s face was beet red with embarrassment by the time they finally reached Mike’s pickup.  Adam jumped eagerly inside while Mike loaded Craig into the back end.  

“Okay, Brutus is all set in the back.  I’ll call Scott and let him know that we won’t be makin’ it over.” Mike pulled out his cell phone, and after a brief conversation hung up and threw the truck into gear.  “I guess Derek’s not feelin’ so hot either.  He was kinda out of it earlier today at work…I hope something’s not goin’ around.”  Mike ran the back of his hairy hand up the underside of Adam’s still-hard cock, sending a shudder through the other man.  “But I can’t really complain about how things worked out,” he smiled.


“That was Mike…he said Angel wasn’t feeling too good so he’s taking him back to his place for the night.”  Scott sauntered into the bedroom, a towel flung over his dripping, naked shoulder.  “I told him you weren’t feeling a hundred percent either, so it was okay if we skipped it.”  Scott looked down at Derek’s trim frame on the bed, his eyes resting on the little yellow briefs his friend was wearing.  He wanted nothing more than to tear them off and go to town, but he knew his lover wasn’t up to it.  

“Thanks, babe,” Derek said, looking up at his hulking friend.  “Sorry I’m not much fun tonight.”  He could see the hunger on Scott’s face but he just didn’t have the energy.  

“That’s okay,” Scott said, his hardening cock betraying his disappointment.  He dropped his giant frame onto the bed next to Derek, wrapping the other man in his strong arms.  His cock was pressed temptingly against the smaller man’s back, but Scott didn’t give in.  

“Scott…I…” Derek wanted to tell him what happened during the day but he couldn’t bring himself to.  Scott had no idea about Mike, or Craig, or their old boss, or even poor Adam.  The young bouncer had been another unintended victim of the crystal.  Derek had nothing against the young man, but the minute he saw him Derek felt reality start shifting.  Even now when he closed his eyes he was greeted with images of Adam in his new body, sprawled on his back with his legs in the air while Mike plowed away.  Craig was straddling the young man’s head and Derek could see that Adam was sucking away at the former executive’s cock.  Instead of the lust he should have felt, more than anything the images filled Derek with dread.  He was losing control of the crystal and he had no idea what to do about it.  What was worse, he was beginning to feel like he was losing control of himself.   

“Yeah?” Scott asked, drawing Derek away from the scene in his head.  Scott knew Derek was keeping something from him but he couldn’t bring himself to push the other man.  

“…I’m still really sorry about all this.  I really never meant for any of this to happen.”  Derek really did want to tell Scott, but he felt his energy fading quickly.  He could barely hold his eyes open, and Scott’s warm body rocking back and forth didn’t help.

“I know, I believe you,” Scott said, his gentle tone masking the anger he wanted to feel at Derek holding out on him.  He knew it had something to do with the crystal, but Derek’s gentle snoring told him he’d have to wait for answers. 


Chapter 6


Derek knew right away that things weren’t as they should be.  He rolled over and found the bed next to him empty, instead of being wrapped in Scott’s arms like usual.  What’s more, the bed was cold, like no one else had been in it.  As his probing arm fell over the side he also realized it was much too small.  He stared at the thin arm, thinking he knew it from somewhere.  His first clue that this was a dream was the lack of panic he felt.  The second clue was the strange greenish-yellow light that bled in through the windows, bathing the foreign room in a surreal glow.  

Derek just closed his eyes and sighed.  He’d been having strange dreams since discovering the crystal, so by now this was nothing new.  Every night he was aware that he was dreaming, but he could never wake himself up.  “Look, I just wanna sleep, so all I’m gonna do is stay in bed,” he called out to the empty room.  Like the arm, the voice echoing back wasn't his, but it was one he knew.  He sat up in bed and kicked the blanket free, staring down at his flat, hairless chest and skinny legs that swam in a pair of baggy boxer shorts.  Derek hopped out of bed and, after noticing that he was shorter than he should’ve been, made a bee line across the room to where he somehow knew there would be a mirror.  Throwing open the closet door, Derek found himself staring at Scott’s reflection.  Not the hulking, oversexed beast he’d become, but the cute, tiny nerd he’d been.  He felt his stomach flutter.  After everything that happened, Derek had almost forgotten what his friend used to look like and the sight brought all of his old feelings rushing back.  Derek loved Scott how he was, but this was his original crush.  It finally dawned on him that he was in Scott’s old bedroom, and had been in Scott’s bed.  All the times Derek had fantasized about being here came flooding back all at once.  The baggy boxers started twitching and it occurred to Derek that he never had the chance to see Scott before his transformation.  He no sooner had the thought than his boxers were around his ankles and kicked free, his significantly smaller cock throbbing to attention.  Derek ran the tiny hands over Scott’s flat, scrawny frame, understanding why his friend had such a hard time adjusting to the mountain of muscle he’d become.  The aching cock between his legs was a shadow of what it had become, but that didn’t stop Derek from wrapping a hand around the skinny four inches.  

“I thought you were just going to stay in bed?”  Derek jumped at the unexpected voice.  He spun away from the mirror and saw that the formerly empty bed was occupied by himself.  Or at least someone with his body.  His lean, naked frame lounged comfortably as it stared.

“Who…who are you?” Derek asked, feeling the panic that had been missing earlier.  He struggled to wrap his brain around what was happening.  He was in Scott's old body, staring at someone in his.

"Who do I look like?"  The stranger took his time getting up and sauntering over.  Derek had forgotten how much taller than Scott he used to be as the stranger came close.  "This was one of your favorite scenarios, right?"  Derek shivered at the feel of hands that should have been his gripping the side of his face.  Those hands gently pulled him forward into a deep kiss.  He was on autopilot in Scott's body as his tiny hands began running all over the body that should have been his.  He felt his hard, lean muscles and perky ass through Scott's perspective while his own tongue felt foreign inside his current mouth.  They made their way back to the bed and he squirmed underneath his own weight in Scott's tinier frame.  He knew where this was going but couldn't stop it.  

"No...wait...you're not me," Derek said in Scott's voice.  

"That's not the way this goes."  

Hearing his voice through Scott's ears, especially the menacing tone, was even more unnerving.  But the dream took back over.  "Ohhh, Derek," Derek said in Scott's old voice.  "I need you inside me."  He tried to resist, but all Derek could do was roll his friend's lithe, former frame over.  He felt the stranger in his body writhe on top of him, kissing his neck and kneading the tiny cheeks before plunging inside his waiting hole.  "OOOHHHH!"  Derek screamed ecstatically in Scott's voice while he pushed backwards against the invading organ.  He felt his own solid abs against Scott's tiny old ass and wondered if this is really what he felt like inside others.  The warm, rigid pole filled him to bursting as it slid in and out.  Derek used to fantasize about this all the time, but he was never in Scott's body while something else was inside his.  Despite his growing horror, he moaned and grunted wildly.  That's the way it went.  When he had this fantasy, Scott was a beast in the sheets.  He found himself switching positions and lustfully working his ass until Scott's tiny cock sprayed like a fountain.  

When they'd finished he collapsed onto the bed, Scott's thin chest heaving as he caught his breath.  "Okay...okay..." he panted, "what is this?"  

"An education."  The voice was no longer his own.  It was harsh and raspy with an accent he couldn't place.  

Derek rolled over and screamed.  He was still looking at his body, but it was old and withered.  The skin was pale and stretched thin across his visible bones.  "Who are you," he managed to ask as he pushed away from the bed.  

"I am what you will become.  I am what they all become."  The withered man waved an arm and the room around them vanished, leaving them floating in a void.  Off in the distance Derek could see what looked like planets.  

"Where are we?"  The planets were growing larger.  It didn't feel like they were moving, but the void around them was changing.  

The man didn't answer.  “Where did you think the crystal came from?  Did you even bother to wonder?  Or were you only concerned with your petty, newfound power like everyone else?”

“I knew the legends…I read the books…” Derek tried his best to avoid the piercing gaze of his twisted doppelganger.  

“Legends?  Books?  You have no idea the power you hold!” The other Derek’s voice echoed through the emptiness around them.  “You alter reality itself but you can’t even control your base urges!”  The emptiness was suddenly filled with images of all the men Derek had changed, in both their current and original states.  “You have the power to build a universe at your fingertips and this is what you limit yourself to?  Pathetic.”  The other Derek waved an arm, dissolving the images.  

“It’s not my fault! I can’t control it!”  

“Of course you can’t."  The man gave a spare, wheezing laugh.  "No human can.  The only thing you could control was your decision to pick it up in the first place.”  Derek felt a surge of guilt thinking about how Scott had begged him not to go after the stone.  “You should have listened to your friend,” the doppelganger said, reading Derek’s thoughts.  “The ‘legends’ you speak of are only about those who have tried to control the power.  Did you hear any about where the crystal originally came from?”  He waved another decaying arm and they were suddenly floating above what looked like Earth.  “Other beings inhabited this planet long before the race of man.  They summoned dark and terrible powers.  They had knowledge of the universe, of the nature of reality, that no one has had since.  The things they had to sacrifice for that knowledge..." The man gave an evil smile, one of his teeth falling out in the process.  "They broke rules that should not have been broken.  The very planet rose up against them."  Derek saw massive waves breaking over enormous buildings whose architecture defied all physical laws.  He could see crowds of beings that looked only vaguely human scurrying in vain to avoid the rushing onslaught.  Beyond them in the distance, mountains were outlined against a violent, raging sky.  Even they seemed to give way to the endless deluge.  Derek watched the scene with increasing horror, his brain struggling to comprehend what it was seeing.  As impossible as it seemed, the mountains were indeed moving, but not because of the waves.  They weren’t mountains at all.  These weren’t piles of rock formed by volcanic upheaval or tectonic shifts.  These were monstrous creatures of enormous proportion.  Had he not been dreaming, Derek felt like he would’ve passed out.  He wondered if this is what newborns felt like looking at the world for the first time, with no frame of reference for what they were seeing.  The gargantuan creatures he saw defied any attempt at description.  There was nothing human or humanoid about them, nor did they bear a resemblance to any animals that ever walked on the planet.  Their incredible forms were amorphous, constantly shifting and pulsing.  Even though he was witnessing a memory, as the waters descended the incomprehensible beings let loose a cry that drew blood from his ears.  These events occurred countless millennia ago, but now that he knew what to listen for Derek could still hear their cries ripping through time and space.  “Mother nature is very…thorough,” his doppelganger continued.  The catastrophic scene died down and was replaced by what looked like the bottom of the ocean.  The scenery around him appeared to be in time-lapse; the ruined structures decayed and were buried by the shifting sediment, and the massive horrors lay motionless in the murky depths.  “When the oceans shifted again there was nothing left of what had been.  The cities were dust buried under tons of earth, and with no other choice, their titanic rulers had departed this dimension for the next.”  The time-lapse continued, taking the water with it until Derek was standing on dry land.  His relief must have been evident.  “Don’t think that’s the end of the story.  We both know that’s not the case.”  The man’s toothless smile chilled the blood in Derek’s veins.  “Everything was not completely destroyed.  You don’t tamper with the things they tampered with and expect a little water to wash it all away.  No…there are still echoes, pockets of decay that rot the very fabric of this reality.  There are pieces of themselves they left behind, and a fortunate few of us are lucky to stumble across them.”  The surroundings darkened to a dim steam of light and Derek found himself back in the cave where he’d found the crystal.  The still-decaying creature picked it up and turned it over gently in his hand.  "Every time we use one of these the barriers get a little thinner.  Only a little, but they're very patient.  They can't come through.  Not yet.  But some of us can."  

“Oh god…” Derek felt his stomach drop.  He’d always known he was messing with something big, but this was beyond anything he could’ve imagined.  

“You’re in good company.  The crystal isn’t the only artifact left behind,” the man said cheerfully while the cave was suddenly crowded with ghostly figures.  Derek couldn’t make all of them out, but the ones nearest to him were an older man and a younger man standing around an onyx idol surrounded by strange, glowing writing, and next to them were what appeared to be two college students, one constantly changing while the other wrote in an intimidating tome.  “Impressed?  Don’t be.  These toys are nothing…they’re the dead skin cells and we’re but dust mites scavenging what we can find.  Compared to the real thing…well…” the room went dark and Derek was floating again.  His ghoulish partner was gone, leaving him to tremble in the inky blackness alone.  “They’re waiting, Derek.  And watching.”  The unseen voice was startling, but Derek was more concerned with the crimson glow expanding before him.  “They’re always watching!”  The unseen voice lost its steady veneer and came as a hysterical shriek.  The crimson glow continued to grow larger and Derek felt that he was slowly being pulled towards it.  “They’re always watching!” The shriek bled into the same monstrous tone that pealed through the millennia, and Derek saw that what he’d come to think of as a crimson sun was actually the giant eye of one of the creatures.  His slow descent turned into a plummet towards the unblinking glow until a shriek of his own joined the deafening roar.

“AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!  AAAAAAHHHHHhhhh…” Derek’s eyes shot open.  He thrashed against the heavy weight holding him in place until Scott’s gentle voice pierced the fog of his terror.  

“Shhh…easy babe…it’s okay…it’s okay…” Scott rocked slowly back and forth, trying desperately to calm the other man.  

“Scott?  Where are…” Derek’s chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath.  He was slick with sweat from head to toe and his heart only reluctantly slowed when he saw the familiar surroundings of his bedroom around him.  “I just had the…I mean…holy shit…”

“It must’ve been a hell of a dream.  I’ve never heard a scream like that in my life.”  Scott continued to rock back and forth, feeling the tension gradually melt from the man in his arms.  “You want me to get you some water?”  

“NO!” Derek clutched at the large arms encircling him, terrified at the prospect of being alone, even for a moment.  “I mean, I’ll, uh, I’ll come with you.”  He followed numbly behind his lumbering, naked friend, not letting go of the other man’s giant hand until they reached the kitchen.  

“All this sweat makes you look like you’ve been workin’ out.” Scott had wanted to say something else entirely while Derek guzzled down the water, but the sight of his friend’s lean body glistening with sweat was making it hard for him to focus on anything else.  He rubbed his frightened lover’s sweat soaked back, unable to resist as his hands made their way to the clinging briefs.  “These are a little damp…” he said, pulling the sopping underwear down.  Derek simply stepped out of the briefs in a mechanical fashion, not saying anything.  He knew Scott couldn’t help himself.  He let Scott swallow him in a meaty embrace, the physical contact helping to reassure him that he was no longer dreaming.  “So do you wanna talk about it?”

“Not yet…I need a minute,” Derek sighed while Scott rubbed his chest.  He relaxed against the other man’s muscular frame and let out a quiet moan when he felt Scott’s soft lips on his neck.  The beginning of the dream was fresh in his mind.  Despite the horrific ending, he felt his pulse quicken at the thought of how it began.

Scott whispered in Derek's ear.  “Want me to take your mind off it?”  He didn’t wait for a response before swallowing the smaller man’s modest package with a large hand, relishing the sensation of it hardening against his palm.  Scott had been ignoring his own rock hard cock since they’d left the bedroom, but now he pressed it into Derek’s lower back while he stroked his friend.  “Come on sweety,” Scott gripped Derek’s rod and gently pulled him back to the bedroom, “I’m all yours.”  He flopped his massive frame spread-eagle onto the bed, his giant cock standing straight up, and flexed.  He loved having his muscles groped as much as Derek loved doing it.  

Derek stayed silent, but he showed a hint of a smile as he climbed up and sat on Scott’s solid stomach, eagerly massaging the slab of muscle that was his friend’s chest.  Scott flexed each of his pecs one at a time under Derek’s probing fingers until the hands made their way to one of his thick arms.  Scott’s arm bulging and softening in his grip caused Derek’s cock to throb.  

“Ohhhhh, yeahhhh,” Scott pursed his lips and moaned under the other man’s touch.  He should have been miserable.  A part of him still hated the heaviness of his bulky new form just as much as he’d hated the changes to his mind and personality.  Scott was mortified the first time he laid there flexing his unwanted muscle while Derek crawled all over him, but he was discovering that he enjoyed it more and more each time.  The awkwardness of his new shape was quickly passing and the added growth was going from being a burden to a blessing.  It was all happening so fast.  Too fast.  Scott knew he shouldn't be falling into such a foreign role so quickly, but that didn't stop it.  Being a sex object should be new for him.  He simply wasn’t used to turning people on.  In his mind he still saw himself in his skinny, awkward old body.  He had never been more humiliated in his life than the first night he’d taken to the stage wearing nothing but a tiny thong.  But whether he wanted to or not he soon stopped fighting and started to realize that he enjoyed turning guys on.  It became just as much of a turn on for him.  More and more he couldn’t imagine going back to the short, skinny, bookish nerd he’d been.  He was still adjusting to the personality and mental changes, but even those were becoming less worrisome.  He still became frustrated sometimes when his brain wouldn’t work as fast or as well as it used to, but on the whole this new life wasn’t bad.  It was definitely different; there was no denying that.  But he was far from unhappy, especially with Derek’s naked body on top of his own driving him wild.  “This helping?”  Scott asked, eagerly picking up where he’d left off stroking Derek’s oozing cock.  

“You could…say…that…” Derek groaned, his fingers digging into the sides of Scott’s huge thighs as he leaned back.  He reached around behind and devoted some attention to his friend’s aching equipment, kneading Scott’s heavy balls while his friend continued stroking.  Derek knew he wasn’t going to last much longer; he never did when they played this game.  He’d felt guilty the first few times because he knew how out of character this was for his friend, but that guilt dissipated as Scott grew to like his role more and more.  Now instead of feeling bad when he thought about the old Scott, Derek just felt turned on when he ran his hands over the muscular beast his once-tiny friend had become.  “Shit, Scott, I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” Derek let the stream of cum finish his sentence for him, covering his friend’s chest in the sticky fluid.  

“Mmmm…” Scott purred and wriggled under the warm cascade.  The first time Derek shot a load on him, Scott thought his life couldn’t get any worse.  He was disgusted at how much he enjoyed the sensation of the warm fluid trickling over his skin.  As he was growing into his new role that disgust vanished.  He relished the fact that he was the source of his friend’s lustful eruption.  “My turn already?” In one quick movement Scott rolled and had Derek pinned beneath him, smearing the sticky fluid on his friend’s chest.  He pumped his hips, working his cock against the wiry hairs on Derek’s stomach while his tongue explored the inside of the other man’s mouth.  Scott had been surprised at how quickly he adjusted to kissing another man.  It may have been his relative inexperience with women, or that Derek was just very good at it, but the newly grown hunk had difficulty keeping his mouth to himself.  He reluctantly broke off the kiss and sat back on his knees, pinning Derek’s legs to the bed.  His dripping cock was heavy on his friend’s torso while Derek ran his hands over Scott’s ripped 8-pack.   

“You’re dripping,” Derek laughed, finally dropping his hands from Scott’s abs to the throbbing rod on his torso.  The large cock had gone from a slight drip to oozing like a leaky faucet, covering Derek’s stomach in a sticky film.  He joked about it now, but Derek knew this had been another adjustment for his altered friend.  His new equipment seemed to have an endless supply, and once his girthy new rod was hard it oozed constantly.  They saved on lube, but Scott still wasn't quite used to it.  

“Ooohhhhhhh…” Scott’s deep groan was his only reply.  He was too overcome by the feel of Derek’s hands on his cock to say anything else.  He bucked his hips, thrusting his cock against his friend’s palms and eliciting a series of creaks from the straining bed.  “Oh…oh man…” Scott ran his hands through his hair, striking a double bicep pose in the process.  He hated how much he'd grown to love flexing his new muscles while Derek got him off, the sensation of tensing and releasing adding to the electric bolts shooting through his body.  One of those bolts finally found their mark and Scott arched his expansive back with a yell.  The small pool of cum that Derek had left between Scott’s meaty pecs was nothing compared to the torrent that sprayed out of his friend’s rod, covering Derek's chest and face.  "Whew..." Scott sighed with a grin, catching his breath.  He leaned forward and planted another long, deep kiss on Derek’s cum-covered lips before climbing off the bed.    

“I think you cut off circulation to my legs,” Derek laughed.  He sat up and felt Scott’s sticky residue slide down him.  

“Really? So you don’t feel this then?”  Scott grabbed one of Derek’s feet and held it in a vice grip, tickling the underside.  

“Hey! Come on! Knock it off!” Derek begged between bouts of breathless laughter.  He thrashed on the bed but there was no escaping Scott’s firm hands.  

“Only if you agree to tell me what’s been going on.” The large man was unrelenting in torturing his ticklish friend.  

“Okay…okay…fine,” Derek panted, collapsing against the bed when Scott released his leg.  

“Good!” Scott said cheerfully.  “Come on, you can tell me in the shower.”  He manhandled Derek upright off the bed and led the other man into the bathroom.  

Scott was quiet while Derek filled him in on the events of the past few days.  He cleaned the two of them up without saying a word, letting Derek get his story out.  The implications of the dream were just as disturbing to him as they’d been to Derek, especially since Scott had actually read the book that told about the crystal.  He couldn’t remember much of it now, but what he did remember made him fear for both of them.  

“So…uh…that’s it,” Derek said sheepishly while Scott toweled him dry.  He hadn't been able to say anything about the specifics of his dream.  He wanted to, his mouth just wouldn't cooperate.

“So Mike and Craig were just regular coworkers?” Scott asked as he walked back into the bedroom.  

“Pretty much.  Mike was your standard security guard and Craig was your standard douche bag.”  Derek was surprised that he wasn’t getting the lecture he’d expected.  

“And our boss wasn’t always Kurt?  It used to be Tiffany, but Tiffany was a guy named Tim?”  Scott’s memories of working with Derek at his old job were dim since they never occurred in this new reality, but as he listened to Derek’s story he realized that even those had been altered.  His memories weren’t of an abusive old man as their boss, but of the friendly, handsome Kurt.  “And Adam was just some ordinary kid working as a bouncer?”  

“Yeah…but I didn’t mean to change him.  Or Mike.  Or you.”  Derek watched Scott methodically strip the dirty sheets off the bed before pulling out one of their many sets of spares.  He was beginning to wish Scott would start yelling at him instead of being so nonchalant about the whole ordeal.  

“But you DID mean to change some of them.”  Scott’s calm veneer finally started to slip.  “Christ, Derek, what did you think was going to happen?”  

“I didn’t…I don’t know!  I thought…” he stammered.  He wanted to yell about the thing trapped in the crystal, about how it was controlling him, but his tongue still refused.

“You thought what?  That it wasn’t real?  What did you think happened to me? A growth spurt?  This should have been enough for you,” Scott motioned to his hulking, naked frame, “but you kept going.  I was your only real accident.  Everything that happened after me was a result of your actions.  If you’d stopped after destroying my world then you wouldn’t have been in a position to lose control, and those other guys would be the way they should.”  He wanted to be screaming, but once again Scott found that he could barely raise his voice.  

“What about Kurt?”  Derek said defensively, trying to find anything that could justify his actions.  

“What about him?  From what you’ve told me he was a kid that you aged into his thirties as part of a revenge scheme on our boss.  So you made him wealthy and good looking…so what?  Did you ask him?  What if he was happy how he was?  What if he had plans of his own?” Scott stretched a skin-tight muscle shirt across his broad torso and stepped into a pair of custom-tailored briefs that still struggled to contain his package.  This was actually a modest outfit for the new Scott, but Derek knew that covering himself up was the only way Scott could express how upset he was with him.  

“It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this,” Derek said quietly, feeling defeated.  He followed Scott’s lead and stepped into a pair of his own briefs before throwing on a baggy tshirt.  He knew his friend was right.  There was no excuse for what he’d done no matter how he tried to justify it.  And he knew deep down that whether or not the thing in the crystal made him, he couldn't be sure that he wouldn't have done it all anyway.    

“What’s done is done,” Scott sighed.  “Look, Derek, I was your friend before all this and that hasn’t changed.  I don’t just care about you because I have to, I care about you because I still want to.  We can’t change what’s been done but we CAN try and make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.  We found the book and the crystal once.  We can find a way to stop all this.”  

“I don’t think it’s…that easy…” Derek said through gritted teeth.  His eye felt like it was bulging out of his skull again and he desperately covered it with his hands.  "It doesn't WANT to stop.  I dont...I don't think it will let me stop."  With the crystal growing, Derek finally found the words he'd been searching for.  The crystal didn't care at this point; there was nothing he could do to stop it.  "There was someone inside the crystal!  Some...thing...inside the crystal.  It made me...it's trying to..."  There was a raspy voice in his head.  He couldn't understand what it was saying but the intent was clear.  The room started spinning and his head felt like it was splitting open.  

“Derek?  What’s…” Scott was cut off as Derek darted out of the room  “Derek!” He bounded after the other man, the house shaking with the weight of his thunderous footfalls.  He found Derek standing in the living room, hunched over the couch.  “What is it?  What's wrong?”  Scott took a tentative step forward and couldn’t hold back a gasp when Derek spun around.  His friend’s right eye was bulging and insect like.  His whole body appeared gaunt and frail, his normally tan skin taking on a pale hue.  “De…Derek?”  Scott tried to move forward but was frozen in place.

“I can’t…I can’t control it!  It's...fighting me...” Derek spat through gritted teeth.  The thing in the crystal wanted out.  It finally had the strength to snuff out Derek once and for all.  The only thing he had keeping it at bay was the thought of what it would do to Scott once he was gone.  He couldn't let that happen.  "No!  You...can't...have...him!"  Derek staggered towards the door and threw it open, falling to his knees on the front porch.  His thinning frame shook with strain as he tried to keep his gaze fixed on the ground.  “I’m…I’m sorry…” he whimpered, finally losing the struggle.  Unseen hands jerked his head upright, letting the crystal’s gaze cut a swath through reality.  

“No!” Scott lurched forward, able to move again now that the crystal was focused outside.  He rushed to the open door but slammed into an invisible wall.  It had already started.   

He arrived just in time to see the world changing before his eyes.  Scott saw their neighbor, an older man in his late 60s, standing at his front door talking to a deliveryman.  He was helpless to do anything other than watch as they slowly changed.  His neighbor’s thinning, grey hair started filling out to a shaggy mop that lightened to a bright red while the wrinkles on his face began disappearing.  The frail arms that poked out of the older man's tshirt grew toned and smooth, and the man’s posture straightened as the years melted away, taking his clothing with them.  The man’s shirt vanished completely, exposing the sagging skin of his torso that was rapidly tightening and shedding the wiry, white hairs that covered it.  His khaki pants drew upwards, revealing firm, lean legs before changing color and texture as they settled into place as a pair of tiny purple running shorts.  Scott had never actually witnessed someone other than himself change, and despite his horror he marveled at what he saw.  Where once stood an elderly, balding man was now a young, lithe redhead.  His neighbor’s newly toned skin was a smooth, ruddy pink, and noticeable dimples, along with a smattering of freckles, offset the once wrinkled face.  Scott couldn’t tell if it was just the change in posture, but their neighbor seemed taller than before, looking at least several inches over the six-foot mark.  There was no way the once-elderly man could be much past 20, and his skinny runner’s build looked right at home in the little shorts.  The bottom of the paper-thin material barely reached the top of the now-youthful thighs, showing off every inch of his supple new legs and leaving his long cock clearly outlined.

When the older man's changes stopped, they started for the deliveryman.  The man looked fairly nondescript, with trimmed brown hair that matched the brown shirt and brown pants of his uniform.  He was about the same height as the suddenly youthful man in front of him with a slight belly pressing out against his shirt.  He'd probably never been described as anything other than average his entire life, but it was becoming clear that this would never be the case again.  The man’s brown hair turned to a bright, platinum blonde and the brown shirt pulled upwards and apart until it was nothing but a tiny, cutoff vest that was far too small to ever close.  The exposed flab of his torso didn’t last long as his belly drew upwards into a firm muscle-gut and his flabby chest ballooned outwards into a set of prominent pecs.  His shoulders pushed apart and exploded, sending waves of muscle down his expanding arms and back.  Had they not already vanished, the man’s pants would have shredded under the expanding tide of flesh.  As it was, his once-saggy briefs were suddenly stretched to capacity when his ass inflated to a pair of muscular globes and his thighs became competing tree trunks.  His face still showed the same age lines, but his small double chin had been replaced by a firm, square jaw and prominent cheekbones, leaving a ruggedly handsome, middle-aged hunk in place of the formerly dumpy deliveryman.  For a moment it appeared that the man’s ordeal was over as the last of his new muscles settled into place, but it became apparent that the man’s new mass didn’t come without a cost as he started rapidly losing inches in height.  Where he'd once stood eye-to-eye with the new redhead, now the tips of his spiky blonde hair barely reached the bottom of the skinny man’s chest.  The straining briefs were the last to change, melting away from behind until settling into place as a brown, elastic pouch that matched his tiny brown vest.  The pouch slid over the man’s package, thrusting his equipment forward, but covering nothing else.  The short, wide cock saw straining against the tiny pouch complemented the man’s new look perfectly.  

Scott had a hard time wrapping his brain around what he was seeing.  He didn’t remember much about the actual experience of his own transformation and no amount of descriptions from Derek could’ve prepared him for what he witnessed.  His brain kept telling him to look for their elderly neighbor and an average looking deliveryman, not a tall, skinny redhead and a short, stocky fireplug.  As time lurched back into motion for the men next door, Scott watched the now-short man stand on his tip toes and give the young man a quick peck before pulling him inside the house.

“Scott…I can’t…” Derek’s pleading voice snapped Scott’s attention away from the situation next door.  His friend was still fighting, and failing, to contain the runaway power.    

Scott pounded his fists against the invisible barrier.  “Derek!  You’ve gotta fight it!  You need to get it out!  Whatever it takes!  Just break...” He was cut off when Derek’s gaunt frame spun around and lifted him off the ground with one skinny arm.  Scott struggled for breath as he was held several inches above the ground by his neck before Derek flung him aside.  He landed with a loud thud in their garden and struggled back to his feet.  The commotion had caused a passing couple to stop in front of their house.  The sight of a huge, nearly naked man flying through the air wasn't something you usually saw on the way to get coffee.  

"Jesus!"  The thing young man started towards Scott.  He looked like one of the students at the University.  V-neck band tshirt, skinny jeans, bright canvas sneakers, and a slicked, angular haircut.  "Are you okay man?"  

Scott waved them away, yelling.  "Run!  Run!"  

"Maybe we should just call the cops," the young woman said to her friend.  She had on an oversize shirt, leggings, and a similar pair of bright shoes.  She started to reach for her phone, but it was too late.  Her bobbed, blonde hair, already streaked with bright blue, pulled upwards to form a short blue mohawk running down the middle of her otherwise bald scalp.  Her shirt and bra vanished completely, causing her sizeable breasts to spill free momentarily before drawing upwards and settling as a flat, muscular chest.  Her abdomen and hips started to lose their curves and her shoulders pushed outwards, shaping her torso into a prominent “V”.  The leggings she was wearing were stretching to capacity as her legs widened, and a noticeable lump was bulging out at her crotch.  While her body was growing and expanding, her face was losing its feminine features.  Prominent bones invaded her round cheeks, and her soft chin became squared and firm before sprouting a layer of stubble.  The dark hairs on her cheeks spread downward, covering the flat new chest and muscular arms in wiry hairs before trailing down the firm stomach and disappearing beneath the straining leggings.  As if the hair was the last straw, the leggings finally reached their breaking point with a loud rip, exposing a pair of sturdy, hairy legs and leaving what was now clearly a male in nothing but a pair of tiny women’s underwear. A meaty cock and pair of heavy balls spilled out from the small garment, and where once a pretty young woman stood was now a very masculine man.  

The former girl’s boyfriend looked even skinnier than before next to the sudden hunk, but that comparison didn’t last long as he started undergoing similar changes.  Like his once-girlfriend, the angular haircut on his head vanished, replaced by a shaven scalp and small, hot pink mohawk.  The tshirt he was wearing disappeared in a similar fashion, but instead of losing curves like his girlfriend, the rail-thin young man seemed to gain them as his shapeless torso expanded outwards with muscle.  His thin face filled out with the exact same cheekbones and lantern jaw as the man next to him, complete with the sprouting stubble that poured down his body.  The jeans that were already tight on the young man’s stick-like legs practically exploded as his thighs grew, leaving him in a small pair of rapidly tightening boxers with the same meaty cock that his former girlfriend had grown hanging out through the fly.

At this point, the only remainders of the couple that had been were the straining panties on the one man and the stuffed boxers on the other.  They appeared to be the same age as when they’d started, but beyond that there was no recognizing the young couple in the twin studs.  Other than the hair color, the two had become mirror images of each other, including the matching tattoos that suddenly draped over them from the sides of their bare scalps to the tops of their feet.  As the ink settled on their hairy skin, the underwear they were wearing began to change and morphed into small, terrycloth shorts.  The boyfriend’s were a bright hot pink to match his hair, while the former girlfriend’s were a vibrant blue to match his mohawk.  Both of the men’s furry, tattoo covered behinds spilled out of the shorts, and their thick packages bulged out obscenely against the soft material.  On their feet, the canvas shoes they were each wearing had spread upwards and thickened into clunky work boots: hot pink for the boyfriend, and bright blue for the former girlfriend.  When time stuttered back into motion around them, the altered couple resumed holding hands and continued to saunter down the street as if nothing had happened.  

“Scott…” Derek wheezed, “…you’ve gotta…stop…me…” Derek could feel himself fading as the crystal’s power grew.  He’d lost hope of freeing himself, but he was determined to minimize the damage that happened before the gem swallowed him whole.

“How?” Scott asked desperately.  He saw a group of people on bicycles heading down the street and knew he didn’t have much time.  

“Break the…crys…crystal…” Derek turned his face towards Scott, his crystal eye bulging out ever farther.  He hoped his friend’s altered muscles would be strong enough to finish the job.  "I can...hold it still...but not long.  You've gotta....be quick..."

“What’ll happen to you?” Scott didn’t want to hurt Derek, but that didn’t stop him from grabbing a paving stone from the mulch.

“Please…” Derek moaned, a pleading look in his remaining eye.  Scott was torn.  He didn’t want anything bad to happen to Derek, but the group of cyclists was drawing close.  Not having any other choice he dove at his friend, aiming for the crystal and hoping that he wouldn’t hurt Derek too badly.  For a split second it looked like Scott would be successful, but Derek’s thinning arm shot upwards in a rapid blur, stopping Scott’s swing.  

“Derek!  You’ve gotta fight it!” Scott struggled in Derek’s grip, his arm feeling like it was about to break.  

“I’m…trying…” Derek fought against his hijacked body but couldn’t get his arm to let go of his friend.  

For the first time since his transformation, Scott was able to finally yell at Derek.  “Quit trying and do it already," He bellowed.   "We can beat this thing!” Scott emphasized the “we” on the last part, still not willing to give up on his friend.  

“I…I…” Even in his current state, Derek was touched by Scott’s concern.  He thought about what he’d done to his friend, and all the things he’d done to the others, and couldn’t believe that Scott was still willing to try and help him.  He couldn't let this thing win.  The raspy voice in his head was deafening.  His body felt like it was ripping apart, but he managed to let go of Scott's arm.  "Do it!  Now!"  Derek saw the stone coming towards his face in slow motion.  He braced himself for the impact but there wasn’t any pain, just the sound of thunder and a brilliant flash of light before a tide of darkness.  


“G’morning sweetie.” Scott’s cheerful voice punched through the darkness, causing Derek to stir.  

“mornin’…” he mumbled, opening his eyes to the familiar sight of his hulking lover smiling down at him.  “So what is it today?”

“This one looks like fun,” Scott laughed.  

“For you, or for me?”  Derek looked down at himself and was surprised to see that he looked relatively like his old self, at least until Scott threw the sheet aside.  “Oh.  Well, that’s different,” Derek sighed.  His body was more or less untouched, with the exception of the dual packages that vied for space between his legs.  Derek just rolled his eyes.  He’d long since given up on being surprised at what he found when he awoke, but it would always cause his mind to wander over the events that led him here.  

The two had been successful in their attempt to destroy the crystal, but in the process Derek had become trapped in an ever-changing body.  In the months since Scott had broken the gem he’d been a little bit of everything.  Sometimes he was a man, other times he was a woman, and on multiple occasions he'd been combinations of the two.  He’d been short, skinny, obese, and muscular.  He’d been old and he'd been young.  He’d been strikingly handsome and stunningly ugly.  On some days he’d have extra arms and legs, but on others he’d have none at all.  And as with everyone else, the changes weren't just physical.  He’d spent time as a genius, but he’d also had days where he was barely smart enough to form a sentence.  There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the changes, or how long they'd last.  Derek wasn't sure what was worse: the thought that he'd keep changing, or the thought that one of these days it would stop, leaving him in whatever altered state he'd landed on.  While he and Scott were always aware of the changes, reality would adjust to accommodate whatever bizarre state he was in as if it was perfectly normal.  Throughout all his changes, Derek had come to rely on Scott not just for the occasional physical support, but also as the only constant in his life.  Once it became known that the crystal had been in control the whole time, Scott was finally able to forgive Derek completely, and no matter what state the constantly changing man found himself in he knew his lover would be there.  

Unfortunately, breaking the crystal didn’t undo anything that had already been done.  Scott remained a muscle-bound go-go boy who was fond of working out but wasn’t very fond of clothing.  The trio from the club were frequent visitors at Derek and Scott’s house, and Mike was still a very gay, scantily clad security guard/bouncer and Craig was still his loyal guard dog.  Adam was still Angel, and he still showed off his surgically altered body at every chance.  Like Scott, the young stud had grown to appreciate that he was no longer bound by the same inhibiting rules as everyone else.  He was still very much aware of his previous life, and it had taken some time, but he eventually came to see his situation as a blessing, not a curse.  

On the days that reality said he still had a job, Derek saw that Kurt was still a successful young executive and still had his improved physique.  He was as charming and friendly as ever, especially towards his assistant, Tiffany.  Tiffany would still get confused, insisting sometimes that her name was really Tim, and that she was really an older man who should have Kurt’s job.  No one paid any attention.  

On his way home from the office, Derek would pass the mechanic’s shop where Jackie worked and he would see the once bear of a man still prancing around in his twinkish new body, decked out in a skimpy, garish outfit in place of his old jumpsuits.  He would inevitably be lisping incessantly to his former partner until the beefy man would finally stop what he was doing and silence Jackie with a long, rough kiss.  At that point the garage door would usually slide down, but not before Derek could see Jackie's clothing landing in a pile at his feet.  

Derek’s gym was also on the way home, and every now and then when he would pass, he’d catch the two frat boys lumbering out in their altered bodies.  The ex-jocks were still morbidly obese and shortly misshapen respectively, and their frat brothers still loved tormenting them.  On one occasion Derek arrived just in time to see the formerly lean swimmer waddle down the street in nothing but what looked like one of his old speedos.  His plump new body was red with embarrassment as it spilled around the edges and nearly concealed the small garment in its rolls.  At his side, the once-handsome wrestler practically knuckle walked on the apishly long arms that hung next to his disproportionately short legs.  He was clad only in cut off sweatpants, allowing a full view of his now-asymmetrical muscles and the hooked, crooked cock that would occasionally slip out the bottom of his makeshift shorts.  They would always be accompanied by one of their athletic, former friends, only instead of laughing WITH the two ex-studs at someone else, the two men would always find themselves the objects of ridicule.  

Back at home, one of the positive changes that resulted from the crystal nightmare was the new friendship Derek and Scott had formed with their neighbor.  Before the incident on the front lawn, all Derek or Scott knew about the old man next door was that his name was Mr. Daniels and he was in his late 60s.  He’d never been very responsive to attempts at conversation, so the most contact they ever had was an obligatory wave if they saw each other outside.  But since his change, they discovered that they actually enjoyed each other’s company.  The man who had been pushing 70 had now just turned 24 and he was quick to correct Derek and Scott that he went by Teddy, not Mr. Daniels.  The now-young man’s tall, skinny frame was never covered in anything other than a pair of the revealing running shorts and his new, youthful face was always smiling.  Both Scott and Derek found that it was impossible to resist Teddy’s dimpled, freckled cheeks and shaggy mop of red hair, especially since the young man was so friendly.  

Their surprise at the change in their neighbor grew when they discovered that Teddy and the delivery man were now a couple.  They didn’t know anything about the formerly average man’s life before his transformation, other than the tag on his shirt said his name was “Jason.”  And since his current memories reflected his new reality, there was no way to find anything out about his past.  Both Scott and Derek had felt incredibly guilty over this at first, but the altered man seemed happy in his current life.  What was most apparent about the man was that even though there was almost a 20 year age difference between them, the now blonde, stocky bulldog was completely devoted to the young Teddy.  Wherever Teddy was, Jason would be right next to him, looking overdressed in his tight jeans and bulging tshirt when compared with the young man’s seemingly endless supply of running shorts.  Having witnessed his transformation, Scott and Derek were surprised when they saw him fully clothed.  Sure enough,  he was your ordinary jeans-and-tshirt guy.  Until it came time to go to work.  The first time Scott and Derek saw it happen they'd been having breakfast with the two next door.  They were wrapping things up when Jason announced he had to go to work.  Without breaking conversation, the buff little man stripped naked.  He then donned his shrunken vest and slid his widened feet into his work-issued brown socks and shoes before covering his thick, squat cock and sizeable balls with the elastic pouch.  The two men couldn’t help but stare at the little stud as he stood in the outfit that, while incredibly revealing to them, was seen as a regular work uniform by everyone else.  They especially couldn’t keep their eyes off the bouncing pouch that danced around with each step he took.  He came over and kissed Teddy goodbye, and all eyes in the room were glued to the muscular globes of his exposed ass when he walked out the door.  It wasn’t long afterwards that the four of them got to know each other intimately on a regular basis.  

As for the former boyfriend and girlfriend, Derek still didn’t know much about the new twins.  They saw them all over town, and the identical, masculine bodies were still always on display.  What little clothing the two wore was always coordinated, and no matter where they were the two were always touching, whether holding hands while walking or tangling together on a park bench.  They’d started coming to the club on leather nights and Scott heard that Mike had gotten to know them, so he knew it was only a matter of time before their paths crossed.  

“Yo…earth to Derek…you okay?”  Scott’s voice startled Derek back to the here and now.  

“Yeah, sorry, I was just wondering how these are gonna worrrrrrRRRR!” Derek was cut off as Scott grabbed one of his new appendages and started stroking.  Both of the sensitive rods hardened rapidly, and he was overcome by the sensation of having his dick stroked, yet still feeling the hungry throbbing from the untouched organ.  Scott leaned over and took the other one in his mouth while he continued stroking, sending waves of pure pleasure through the other man.  

Derek didn’t know how long he’d remain this way or what shape he’d find himself in tomorrow, but he really couldn’t complain.  The whole crystal fiasco had started as an excuse to have an adventure with Scott, and that’s exactly what the two had on a daily basis.  It may not have gone the way either man wanted, but both had learned to take things day by day.  Considering how it could have gone, this was close enough to a happy ending.  


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