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“hrrmmm…” Eric groaned, only half awake.  It took a moment for him to realize he was laying on top of something warm and firm.  When he finally forced his eyes open he found his face buried against Brian’s slab of a chest, the other man’s strong arms still wrapped around him.

“mm..g’mornin,” Brian stirred, smiling down at Eric.  

“uh…mornin’…” Eric blushed a bright shade of red and tried to pull away.  He’d been reluctant to share a bed last night after their romp, but this morning when he was thinking clearly he was back to being uncomfortable in his friend’s arms.  He pushed himself up, but Brian pulled him right back down.  “Come on man, lemme up!”

“Why?  This is nice,” Brian yawned and closed his eyes, but he was wide awake.  

“This isn’t funny!” Eric wriggled and squirmed as best he could, but Brian’s heavy arms were locked in place.  

“I must make a good teddy bear dude, you slept like a rock.”  

“I swear if you don’t let me up I’m gonna…”

“Fine.  Give me a good morning kiss and I’ll let you go.”  Brian gave Eric’s ass a squeeze as he said it.  

“What?! No way man.  Not gonna happen.”  The hesitant look on his face betrayed the words coming out of his mouth.  

“Fine then.”  Brian rolled over and pinned Eric beneath him.  

“Hey!” Eric fought as hard as he could against Brian’s imposing frame, but the large man didn’t budge.  He struggled until he was sweating and breathless, but he wasn’t so much concerned with escaping any more as he was with using it as an excuse to press himself against his friend’s muscular body.  “You’re a jerk,” he panted, finally giving up.  He let his head drop back against the pillow and instantly Brian’s face was brushing against his.  

“I’m still waiting.”  His lips brushed Eric’s, but the other man didn’t turn away this time.  

“I…” Eric was torn.  After the changes to his body, he could rationalize the sex.  It was just a physical thing.  Parts rubbing together in ways that made them both feel good, and nothing more.  Kissing another guy, though, no matter how badly he wanted to, felt like he was crossing a line.  To him it was a sign that he was becoming more feminine, even though he knew full well that it didn’t make his burly friend any less masculine.  But as he stared up into Brian’s piercing blue eyes and felt the firm body on top of him, he wondered if that would be such a bad thing.

“Any time now.  Aaaannnyyyyy timmppphh,” Brian was cut off when Eric’s lips rose to meet his but quickly pulled away.

“There.  Now let me up.”  Eric’s cheeks were bright red, but it was the thought of Brian’s surprisingly soft lips, not embarrassment, that caused him to blush.  

“I think we can do better than that,” Brian laughed.  This time he leaned in, and when Eric didn’t pull away, he swallowed his friend’s mouth in a deep kiss.  Eric’s mind may have been hesitant, but his body wasn’t.  The blonde man’s tongue wasted no time in meeting his friend’s half way, and his body was on fire with sensations he’d never felt before.  He’d been steadily growing accustomed to feeling a solid, muscular body against his in place of the soft, feminine forms he was used to during sex, but this was something else entirely.  

Up until now his sex with Brian had been more like a wrestling match than lovemaking.  Any lack of control or seeming to be too willing would be a concession that he wasn’t still a man.  But now that control was slipping away.  Whether he wanted it to or not, his body was ready to let Brian take over.  He could feel his friend’s mammoth cock dancing against the smooth area where his own tool used to hang, but instead of the fullness he was expecting Brian pulled back and tossed the sheets aside.  

“Wha…what’re you doing?” Eric’s chest heaved as he looked up at Brian’s large, imposing frame.  He squirmed bashfully in the bright light as his friend sat back, pinning his legs in place.  

“We always do this in the dark.  I want to get a look at you for once.”  Brian’s large hands traveled up Eric’s sides and toyed with the patch of hair beneath his belly button while he drank in the sight of his friend’s lean, muscular body.  Other than the area between his legs Eric didn’t look any different, but since his friend’s transformation Brian felt like he was looking at the other man for the first time, and he liked what he saw.  Despite his insecurities Eric was still the same buff jock he’d always been, and as long as he had his pants on you’d never know he’d changed.  And while Brian didn’t have a gay bone in his body, his friend had become the hottest thing he’d ever seen.  

“Com…come on…” Eric stuttered.  Though he loved the feeling of Brian resting on top of him, he was feeling more and more insecure by the second.  “You know I…” he started to sit up but was quickly pushed back down.

“You are so fuckin’ cute when you blush,” Brian breathed heavily, his hands slipping around and squeezing Eric’s perky behind.  

“Quit making fun of me!” Eric’s defensive expression turned bright red with humiliated anger.  

“Whoa…easy…” Brian leaned in and planted another long, deep kiss before settling back.  “Does this look like I’m joking?”  He bounced his rigid, leaking cock against Eric’s stomach.  “I’m being one hundred percent serious, man.”  

“’Cause I’m suddenly a girl?”  Eric looked away sullenly but Brian reached up and turned his head back, forcing him to meet his gaze.

“Dude, you’re one hell of an ugly girl,” he laughed.  “But I can’t take my eyes off you.”  

Eric’s stomach fluttered.  “Are you…?  I mean, I never thought you were into…”

“No, I’m not…but when I look at you…” he trailed off, his hands roughly massaging Eric’s torso.  “There’s only one part of you that’s even remotely lady like, but it’s the rest of you I can’t keep my hands off of.”  Eric was putty in his friend’s hands.  He wanted so badly to reach up and do some exploring of his own, but he hesitated.  “It’s okay.  That’s all I’m saying.  Whatever this is…whatever’s happening…it’s okay.  I don’t care if you’re a guy or a girl.  I’ll call you whatever you want.  All that matters is that you’re you.”  Brian bent down and began working his mouth and tongue over Eric’s firm stomach, causing the other man to arch his back and moan loudly.  “I’ve been wanting to do this for weeks now but you’ve been too busy beating yourself up.”  

“I…I’m sorry,” Eric panted, suddenly feeling like he was about to cry.  Brian’s tongue was making him melt, both by what it was doing to his body and the words it said.  He could feel all the tension and fear from the past several weeks finally starting to thaw.  “This is just so weird.  I’ve wanted to…I mean…I don’t know why either but you’re so…” Eric was cut off when Brian pressed a finger against his mouth.  

“Shhh…just relax, man.”  His other hand danced against the hungry lips between Eric’s legs.  “I don’t wanna brag, but you know I know my way around one of these, right?”  

“Dude, you brag about it all the tiiiiieeeeee….!” Eric groaned as Brian slipped his fingers inside.  It was the first time since the unwanted change that he’d had anything other than his friend’s cock inside him. He gripped helplessly at the sheets, kicking himself for waiting so long.  Brian had a reputation for being good in bed, and while their sex up until that point had been okay, Eric was discovering just how much his friend had been holding back.  He lost all sense of time under the increasing waves of pleasure, not realizing when his hands his hands let go of the bed and found their way to Brian’s hairy thighs.  “Oh…shit man…this is…fantastic…” Eric moaned. His hands were venturing further up Brian’s meaty legs until one of those hands glanced against his friend’s throbbing cock.  

“What’s mine is yours,” Brian said gently at the look of confusion on Eric’s face.  “Here.”  He took his friend’s hand and wrapped it around his cock while his other hand continued working the throbbing gap between Eric’s legs.  “Ohhh….see?  Not…soooOOHH…bad…” Brian moaned as his friend tentatively explored his large organ.  

Eric had never touched another guy’s cock before, let alone one as large as Brian’s.  His own equipment hadn’t come anywhere near the size of his friend’s, and he was surprised at how different it felt in his hand.  He gave it a few gentle strokes before his hand slid back to explore the other man’s furry, heavy balls.  It didn’t take long before Eric realized he actually liked the feel of his friend’s package in his hands, and it made him hungry to explore the rest of Brian’s muscled body.  He began pumping more rapidly on his friend’s oozing tool until it was abruptly taken away from him.  

“Was I…was I doing something wrong?” Eric asked bashfully as Brian pulled his hand from between his legs.  

“No, not at all.  You were doing great,” Brian panted.  “But if you’d kept that up this party would be over way too soon.”  The beefy brunette slid down on the bed and began kissing the inside of Eric’s thigh, causing his friend to whimper and shiver.  Eric was so busy watching Brian’s large biceps and broad back flex while he supported himself that he didn’t notice where the other man was headed until his tongue arrived.  

“OHHH!” He screamed as Brian’s tongue replaced the fingers that had recently been giving his slit a workout.  His fingers dug into Brian’s broad shoulders while the other man’s stubble tickled his skin.  Eric thought back to all the times he’d used this routine on girls and never knew how much better the girls had it.  He’d loved getting blown as much as any guy, but this was light years better than that.  His friend always talked about how much he liked going down on girls, and Eric silently thanked each of them for helping Brian perfect his craft.  He ran his hands through his friend’s short brown hair, wondering how it was possible to feel this much ecstasy.  

“See?” Brian said, a smug grin plastered on his damp mouth, “Isn’t this better?”  He pulled himself upright and sat back on Eric’s legs again.  

“Mu…much better,” Eric groaned.  He was so hot for his friend that he couldn’t stand it.  Before Brian could push him back down, he bolted upright and planted a rough kiss.  The taste of himself on his friend’s lips only turned him on more, and his hungry hands traveled up and down Brian’s expansive back, roughly squeezing the large globes of his hairy, ample behind.  “I never realized how big you really were,” he whispered, inspecting Brian’s expansive chest and thick arms.  Even though they were both sitting upright, the bulky man was still several inches taller than Eric and significantly wider.  The lean blonde had always known his friend was much larger than him, but he’d never been in a position to experience that size difference so intimately.  “Fl…flex for me?”  Eric asked timidly.  He was embarrassed by his request, but he also desperately wanted to see it.  

“All you had to do was ask,” Brian smiled, thrilled that his friend was loosening up.  He wasted no time striking a double bicep pose and holding it while Eric felt every inch of his solid muscle.  He held a few different positions while the other man’s mouth hungrily attacked his hairy chest, biting and licking his nipples until he couldn’t hold back any longer.  

Without warning Brian wrapped his arms around his friend and pinned him to the bed.  “We should have done this sooner,” Brian said between mouthfuls of his friend’s neck as he lined himself up.  Eric was ready and willing when he finally slid his large cock inside and gently bucked his hips.  

“Give it…to me…harder…” the blonde moaned.  

“I didn’t want to...hurt you…” Brian grunted, thrusting in deep.  

“Just...fuck meeeeeEEEEE!”  Eric screamed, the bed shaking from his friend’s rapid fire pounding.  Both of their muscled frames bounced wildly, their whimpering moans mingling together and echoing down the hall.  Brian was only too happy to oblige, picking up the pace until they were both groaning and panting in time to his rapid plowing.  Eric was surprised that he came first, the pressure releasing like a tidal wave of bliss as he dug his fingers into Brian’s broad back.  He relished the sensation when Brian came a few moments later, loving instead of dreading the warm liquid that hit his insides.  

They collapsed in a sweaty tangle, catching their breath as best they could.  “That was…you were…wow,” Eric finally panted, running a hand through the hair on Brian’s chest.  Usually when they were done fooling around he was quick to cover himself, but for the first time in weeks he was okay with lying naked, nestled in his friend’s meaty grip.  

“That was just a start.  You haven’t seen anything yet,” Brian said, giving Eric a quick peck on the forehead.  

Eric reluctantly pried himself out of Brian’s arms and stood, stretching.  “Wanna go get cleaned up?  I’m suddenly starving.”  

“You bet!” Brian hopped out of bed, eager to jump in the shower with his friend.  It was one of his favorite post-sex activities, but Eric never let him anywhere near the shower while he was in it, even after they’d had sex.  And this was on top of the fact that they’d showered together for years at the gym.  “Come on.”  Brian grabbed a pair of towels and pulled Eric out the door behind him.  

“Hey!  What’re you doing?” Eric quickly scampered down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door behind them.  “Jesus!  What if someone had been out there,” he hissed.  

“You mean Mark or Tom?  Dude, I think they’re the last people you need to worry about.”  Brian swallowed Eric in his meaty arms again and kissed the top of his head when he saw how upset the other man was.  “Sorry man, I wasn’t thinking.”  

“No…it’s okay,” Eric sighed.  “I just don’t think I’m ready for other people to see me like this yet.”  He cranked the shower to life and stepped inside, pulling Brian in behind him.  The two took turns soaping each other up and exploring the other’s body.  Eric in particular devoted extra time to Brian’s girthy package, feeling the difference in his cock when it was soft and hefting his friend’s low hanging balls.  By the time they were done they were both ready for round two, but they knew if they started down that road they wouldn’t get anything else done all day.  

“Mornin’, love birds.”  Eric froze at the voice as he stepped into the hall, grateful that he’d wrapped the towel around his waist.  

“Mornin’ Tom,” Brian sauntered past into the kitchen, casually wrapping the towel around his waist as he went.  They’d all played on the same sports teams and lived together for years, so nudity was nothing new.  Still, Eric contemplated darting into his room to get dressed but forced himself instead to follow reluctantly behind.  

“Looks like someone’s finally pulling the stick out,” Tom laughed.  “It’s about time, dude!  Welcome to the club.”  

Tom and Eric shared a similar affliction.  They both had the same genetic trigger, so both men had undergone the same transformation when the event happened.  One night they’d gone to sleep as regular guys, only to wake up the next morning with their dicks missing and a new orifice between their legs.  The current theory was something to do with a passing meteor since the changes were happening all over the globe, seeming to only affect men between the ages of eighteen and forty.  They’d identified the trigger so that people could be tested, but even if you had it, there was no guarantee you’d go through a change.  It was a constant state of dread for a lot of guys, never knowing when their life would get turned upside down.  

Despite their initial horror, Tom and Eric knew they were actually some of the lucky ones.  Many guys woke up one morning to find the bulk of their muscle gone, or that they’d shrunk considerably, or sprouted a pair of breasts.  Gender had been turned on its head, and everyone was struggling to adapt.  

Unlike the reluctant Eric, though, Tom was quick to find his footing.  Where the lean blonde stood clutching the towel around his waist with a death grip, Tom’s athletic frame leaned against the counter in nothing but a t-shirt and blue panties.  

“Holy crap, is that Eric without any clothes on?”  Eric spun around, clenching his fist against any attempts to remove the towel, to see their other roommate Mark stumble yawning out of his bedroom.  “It’s about time things went back to being casual around here.”  

Mark scratched sleepily at the front of his ratty boxers while giving Tom a peck on the cheek.  “Mornin’ babe,” he said, grinning as Tom ran a hand across his bare, sculpted chest.  Like Eric and Brian, he and Tom had been friends for years, but after the big change they’d quickly hooked up.  

It was easy to understand.  Both men never had a problem roping in women, so it made sense that they’d gravitate towards each other.  Mark had wrestled for years, which gave his short frame a wide, stocky build with sturdy arms and legs that were each thicker than both of Tom’s put together.  Tom had focused more on soccer and track, which left him with a lean frame and trim waist that poured outwards to form the bouncing, supple behind that spilled out around the tiny panties.  

He’d never said it, but Eric was envious of the way Tom was able to adapt so quickly.  His friend had been freaked out for about a week, but he hadn’t batted an eye when Mark brought home some lacey panties for him to try.  At first it had just been a sex thing, but after a few weeks Tom had taken to wearing them all the time.  

It wasn’t just the clothes, either.  Tom never seemed to struggle with falling into his new role as Mark’s partner.  They didn’t know if they should call each other a boyfriend or girlfriend, but whatever the label, Tom, seemed perfectly at ease with the burly man’s displays of affection, even in front of others.  Eric hated to admit that he wanted to do the same, but it wasn’t as coming as easily to him.  

“We’ve all been sayin’ it’s cool,” Mark yawned, turning his attention back to Eric.  “It sure sounded like the big guy got you to loosen up a little,” he laughed.  Eric blushed, thinking back to all the times they’d had this conversation about some random girl Brian brought home, only this time HE was the random girl in question.  “So is he as good as he always brags about?”  

“Dude, come on, back off,” Brian said, wrapping a defensive arm around Eric.  

“No, it’s fine,” Eric said, surprising the entire room by running a hand along Brian’s hairy stomach instead of pulling away, “and yes, he lived up to his reputation.”    

“Should I be jealous?”  Tom asked, making a show of eyeing Brian up and down.  

“Hey now,” Mark laughed, puffing out his chest defensively.  

“Easy stud, you know I’m kidding.”  Tom gave Mark a kiss and slipped a hand down the back of his boxers, giving the ample, solid behind a squeeze.  

“So, uh, has anyone talked to Chris or Tony?”  Brian hoped to change the subject.  It was one thing to brag about boning some random girl, but it was another when it was his friend.  

“Yeah, I talked to ‘em last night…” Mark hesitated.  “I guess the doctors said Tony’s done changing.  The bad news is he went through a pretty big change a couple nights ago.  Chris said it’s not going so well.”  He ran a hand through his obsidian hair and shook his head, his eyes dropping to the floor.  

“More than us,” Tom asked, motioning to Eric.  

Mark nodded.  “Guess he’s all of a hundred pounds and barely comes up to here,” he said, holding his hand at the bottom of his pecs.  “Chris said he’s still got a dick, just a really little one.”  

“Holy shit…” Brian said, letting out a slow breath.  Tony was a teammate who should have been bigger than him.  He tightened his grip on Eric’s shoulders, trying to imagine what it would feel like to wake up in a small, lithe little body.  

“Should we go over there?”  Eric let the towel hang low on his waist, suddenly not as concerned.  

Mark shook his head.  “He said give it a few days.  He’ll call if they need us.” 

There was long moment of silence as they mulled over what they’d just heard before Mark and Tom headed out of the room to get ready for the gym.  

“Well that’s heavy,” Eric said, feeling more and more like he’d dodged a bullet.  

“He’ll get through it.  Chris won’t let him do anything else,” Brian laughed, already picturing the equally brawny Chris doting over his shrunken friend.  “So you wanna do anything today?”  

Eric blushed and grinned.  “I was thinking of hitting the mall.  It’s about time I got some underwear that fit, and I liked Tom’s…” 

The blonde man didn’t have time to finish his sentence before an eager Brian was pulling him down the hall to get dressed.  



holly molly . that s hot

Chaotic Djinn

Sigh. What have you done to me. I see the cuntboy tag and get instantly excited