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Pete wasn’t sad to part ways with the Cipriano boys.  He hadn’t liked them from the start, and nothing that happened over the course of his mother’s ten year marriage to their father had done anything to change that.  He’d miss the eye candy they provided with their athletic, boy-next-door looks, but he wouldn’t miss the uptight, boy-next-door attitudes that came with them.  

As far as Pete was concerned, the whole family was a pack of squares.  They believed more than anything that rules were meant to be followed, authority was never to be questioned, and it was better not to stand out or make waves.  For a group of handsome, straight white males like the Ciprianos, that was an easy philosophy to adopt.  For an openly gay young man like Pete, things were more complicated.  He didn’t get to just go with the flow like his step-brothers since his very existence was a challenge to their core beliefs.  And they didn’t like being challenged.  

The entire duration of his mother’s marriage was one long, unending lecture.  When stepdad Ted wasn’t throwing his brawny weight around and trying to scare him straight, his step-brothers brothers would harass him relentlessly, as if they could haze the gay out of him.  Far from standing up for him or defending him from the other students, when they were younger and in school together it was his step-siblings that led the charge in bullying him.  They wanted to make it clear that they didn’t share in Pete’s tainted existence.  The Cipriano brothers focused on sports and girls like they were told, becoming star athletes and star ladies men as a way of overcompensating for their unwanted sibling’s stain on their masculinity.  

That just made it worse for Pete, who watched his tormentors strut their increasingly muscular, jock bodies around in front of him while he stayed thin and lean no matter how much he tried to be otherwise.  He couldn’t seem to pack any muscle on, and his step-brothers had no interest in helping.  Pete knew the family just had good genes;  all it took was one look at their father to see where their athletic prowess came from.  Though he’d just turned fifty, Ted still had a full head of cropped, salt-and-pepper hair above the lantern jaw that he’d passed down to each of his sons.  He was broad shouldered and barrel chested, with thick, beefy arms and a firm, muscled stomach.  Powerful legs filled out the khakis he constantly wore, and Pete always wondered if the older man was any good with the heavy package that bulged out the front.  

Based on Ted’s looks alone, Pete could understand what his mom had seen in him.  He was the picture of all American manliness, with a deep, booming voice and an arrogant, cocky attitude, both of which, along with his impressive looks, had been gifted down to his sons.  The three brothers were all miniature versions, packing on sculpted muscle like it was nothing while mimicking the older man’s macho posturing.  

Eventually the rift between Pete and the rest of the Ciprianos spread to his mom’s relationship with Ted.  The older man blamed her for Pete’s “condition” and couldn’t accept that she was perfectly content with her son exactly the way he was.  When he saw that she wasn’t going to cave to his demands he tossed her out and filed for divorce.  

If things had stopped there, Pete could have moved on.  But when it came to light that Ted had been seeing multiple other women while still married to Pete’s mom, and that the brothers all knew about it, he wanted revenge.  He could overlook the torment they’d put him through while growing up.  He’d just finished college and was moving on with his life without them anyway, but seeing his mom upset at their hands was too much.  

It was while helping his mom unpack at her new place that he’d come across the book.  It was in a box of his old belongings, sitting on top as if it was waiting for him, though Pete couldn’t remember ever having seen it before.  With its worn, plain brown cover and unremarkable binding it would be easy to overlook, but thumbing through the pages, Pete couldn’t imagine ever forgetting something like it.  The scrawled writing, all apparently by different hands, formed a series of bizarre, nightmarish journal entries.  

It was exactly what he needed.  


“Goddamn fake news,” Ted grumbled as he pulled his pickup into the driveway and killed the engine, cutting the radio anchor off mid-sentence.  “Queer little snowflakes don’t know what it’s like to do a real day’s work,” he continued, stomping towards the door.  “They just want everything handed to them because they’re special.”  He kicked off his loafers and loosened his tie as he gave the mail a quick glance before dropping it and his keys onto the side table.  

“You’re late.”  

Ted spun at the unfamiliar voice, a rush of adrenaline shooting through him at the sight of an unfamiliar man standing in his living room.  The stranger had a thin, wiry build and looked to have made himself at home based on his appearance.  He had bare feet and was clad only in a small t-shirt that showed off his lithe torso and a pair of equally small gym shorts that left most of his long, toned legs exposed.  He looked young-ish, early thirties at most, and whoever he was, he was glaring at Ted almost expectantly, a stern look on his sharp, angular face.  

“WHO THE FUCK ARE…” Ted started to boom.  

“Did I tell you to speak?”  

At the stranger’s first, angry syllable, Ted’s mouth snapped shut so fast he nearly bit his tongue.  The older man’s heart was pounding in his beefy chest as he stood silently, for some reason obeying the man’s commands.  

“And you’re still dressed?!  What is wrong with you today?”

Before the man had finished speaking, Ted’s fingers were already fumbling with the buttons of his shirt.  “Sorr…” he started, but stopped himself.  He hadn’t been told to speak.  Without knowing why, he quickly popped each button, exposing the coating of silver hairs on his sturdy pecs that ran down his solid gut before disappearing into his stuffed khakis.  The adrenaline that had shot through him was quickly turning into something else as his shaking hands undid his belt, then his fly, and then sent the straining pants to his ankles.  

A wave of horrified humiliation turned his burly body crimson as he watched the full pouch of his white briefs start to twitch under the younger man’s gaze.  Ted hadn’t been able to look away from the stranger, a growing sense of familiarity creeping in while he stripped under the man’s watchful eye.  More confusing than his actions was the way the man’s sharp features and short blonde hair made him feel.  It was a sensation the older hunk wasn’t used to experiencing while getting naked in front of another man.  

“And who told you to get hard?”  The thin man barked when Ted finally stepped out of his briefs and stood fully exposed, his fat six and a half inches standing straight out in front of him.  “Well?   What do you have to say for yourself?”  

“I’m...sorry?”  Ted gasped and winced when the stranger shot forward and tugged painfully on his aching rod.  

“You’re sorry...what?” he hissed, his face inches from Ted’s.  

The older man had to fight to suppress a groan.  The nearness of the stranger’s face to his own, the feeling of his hot breath on his neck, sent a shudder through him.  “Sir.  I’m sorry, Sir!” Ted yelped, folding his meaty arms behind his back and puffing his prominent chest out in military fashion.  

For the first time, the stranger smiled.  He stroked a hand gently across Ted’s trembling pecs before grabbing and twisting a nubby nipple.  The confused older man moaned and felt his cock throb in the stranger’s grip as the sharp pain shot through him.  “You’re just in a mood today, aren’t you?” he asked in a condescending tone.  “Let’s get you dressed and then we can decide an appropriate punishment.”  

Ted could only stumble behind as the thin man tugged him along by his oozing pole.  He still had no idea who the man was or why he was going along with any of this.  A part of his brain told him he should be breaking the smaller man in half.  He knew he could do it without issue, only something was stopping him.  The stranger was so overwhelming that he could barely bring himself to make eye contact, let alone resist in any meaningful way.  And looking at the other man’s perky ass shifting in his little shorts, Ted wasn’t sure he wanted to resist anyway.  

When they reached his room, the burly stud stood as instructed and let himself be manhandled into a mortifying outfit.  The part of his brain that was telling him to resist was horrified as a wide, padded leather collar was closed around his thick neck and the straps of a matching leather harness slid over his chest.  The harness was pulled tight, lifting and accentuating the plump mounds of his pecs and forcing his nipples to stand nearly upright.  This was followed by a pair of ringed, padded leather bracelets that were fastened around his wrists and a matching set that found their way to his ankles.   

“I can’t very well put this on you when you’re like that,” the younger man said, holding up a leather jockstrap.  Before Ted could think of a response, his wrists were bound together behind his back and he was shoved face-first down onto the bed.  “Take care of it.”  

His face burning with embarrassment, Ted started pumping his hips against the sheets.  He raised himself up slightly with his chest and proceeded to thrust his stout cock into the bed over and over while the part of him that was still aware screamed at him to stop.  The cocky, arrogant patriarch felt nauseous as he pictured himself, his meaty rear bouncing and shaking from the force of his desperate humping in front of a strange man.  But he couldn’t stop.  He’d been told to take care of it and he had no other means of doing so.  With a quiet grunt he finally came, his naked body turning a humiliated purple as he squirted onto his bed.  

“Lick it up,” the man said, annoyed.  “You know better than to leave a mess.”  

On command, Ted’s lantern jaw fell to the mattress, his tongue eagerly lapping up the salty deposits he’d just left.  His mind reeled with the impossible familiarity of it all when the taste of his own cum failed to register as odd.  Though he knew on some level that none of this should be happening, as far as his body was concerned everything was as it should be.  

“Since you’re feeling so eager today, you should enjoy this.”  Still bent over face-down on the mattress, Ted didn’t see the massive vibrator in the stranger’s hand nearing his exposed hole.  

“GGGGnnnnn!”  He grunted when the invading club was slid inside, noting through the shock that the sizeable object settled in without difficulty.  His arms still bound behind him, Ted gasped against the bed while the younger man fastened the leather jock in place, not noticing the cage inside the pouch until it was too late.  

“There we go,” the younger man said, giving Ted’s ample rear a loving pat.  “Now we can get you set up proper.”  

“OOOHHHHHHHHHH!”  Ted spasmed on the bed when the man pressed a button in his hand and the object inside him sparked to life.  The bedframe shook and slammed against the wall as he arched his back and jerked uncontrollably.  The sensation was overwhelming in its mix of pain and ecstasy.  

“You can’t stay there all night,” the smaller man said sharply.  “Follow me.”  

Feeling like he was learning to walk for the first time, Ted staggered to his feet, waddling behind the other man as best as his electrified body would allow.  The intense vibrating lit up every one of his pleasure receptors, making anything other than a slow stumble an impossibility.  When the younger man motioned to a large pad on the floor he fell to his knees in relief, so overcome that he failed to notice his wrists being fastened to his ankles, locking him in place.  

“Wait...what’re you doooaauuughhghghgh...” The shock of his predicament allowed the old Ted to surface just enough to force a question through his lustful haze, but he never got the chance to ask it as a brace was shoved into his mouth, forcing it open.  

“Muuuuuch better,” the younger man smiled, petting Ted’s greying hair as the brawny man knelt, wide-eyed and trembling in front of him.  “This is a more productive use of that mouth you’re so into this evening,” he said, running a finger around the inside of Ted’s lips.  

The older man’s chest heaved as he stared up at his captor, his body still on fire with painful ecstasy from the vibrating forearm sticking out of his stretched hole.  He knew what was coming, but instead of dread, he longed for it.  When the younger man went from stroking his head to grabbing it and forcing it against the hardening lump in the front of his shorts, he was practically giddy.  His confined cock throbbed painfully, unable to harden inside the cage, but that didn’t stop him from whimpering wordlessly as the young man toyed with the waist of his shorts.  Ted’s broad shoulders flexed as he strained reflexively against his bonds, his piston-arms inflating uselessly.  He was desperate to tear the other man’s shorts free and get at what lurked underneath.  

He didn’t have long to wait.  The younger man let his shorts and briefs drop, a surprisingly long, seven inch hose springing free.  He batted it against the side of Ted’s head while it hardened, laughing as the older man rooted for it like a hungry infant.  Only when it was completely rigid, after he’d rubbed his musky balls around Ted’s excited face, did he plunge into the forced-open mouth.  

As soon as the pulsing organ hit his tongue, Ted felt the floor drop out from under him.  The room spun as a sea of new memories flooded in, overwriting the previous ones.  The confusing lust he’d been feeling grew by leaps and bounds as he remembered that the young man in front of him wasn’t a stranger at all.  He was Andy, one of Pete’s friends, but what mattered was that Andy was in charge while Pete was away.  

The thought of his former step son made Ted’s muscled stomach flutter.  He loved how Pete took care of him and his boys since they weren’t much good for anything that didn’t involve their bodies.  They needed someone with a good brain to handle all the things they couldn’t, and they repaid that support the only way they knew how.  

Even as he thought it, Ted knew that was all wrong.  The thought of his sons was just enough to let a shred of the former, macho alpha hang on, but as he felt Andy’s bulbous, oozing head hit the back of his throat, he didn’t know if that was a blessing or a curse.  

“There we go,” Andy purred, pumping rapidly in and out of Ted’s drooling mouth.  “We’ll have you nice and warmed up by the time everyone gets here.”  


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