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“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Kyle moaned, burying his face against Tyler’s solid chest.  Rob had been giving his ass a tongue bath for the last ten minutes while he and his other friend exchanged deep, passionate kisses.  The kneeling man alternated between them, licking one clean before switching over to the other, and then back again to check his work.  “How are you...so...good at that…?”  

“I don’t know!” The kneeling jock whined, lifting his face from between Kyle’s spread cheeks.  “This is so gross, but I...” he stopped talking and buried his face between the hairy mounds again.  He didn’t remember his friend being so furry before but it only added to his disgusting lust.  

“See?  I told you he understood the butt stuff,” Tyler laughed, reaching down to tug on Kyle’s aching rod.  

“You seem pretty comfortable with the dick stuff,” Kyle pointed out to the supposedly straight stud, already stroking Tyler.  Given what he’d seen in the locker room over the years he thought his friend’s rigid pole felt smaller than it should, but he’d never had the chance to explore it up close before now.  

“Don’t remind me,” Tyler whimpered.  “This is so fuckin’ weird.  I’ve never been this turned on in my life.”  Despite his half-hearted protest, the athletic young man dropped to his knees, swallowing Kyle’s cock while Rob continued tonguing his backside.  

Kyle gave a laughing groan at the sight.  His two straight friends, the ones he’d lusted after for so long, were on their knees going to town on his cock and ass like there was no tomorrow.   “Holy shit...bros...you’re killin’ me here” he laughed, not registering his unusual usage of “bro” until well after the fact.  “I’m gonna fuckin’ blow my...load...already…” Before Tyler could pull away, Kyle tensed and spasmed, erupting into his friend’s mouth.  “Sorry,” he laughed while his shocked friend sputtered.  

The kneeling man was red faced with embarrassment as he reflexively licked his lips clean.  “Well what now,” he whined.  

“You’ve still got Rob back here.”  Kyle pulled away from his disappointed friend and gave him a pat on the head.  “I need a fuckin’ drink...why don’t you two keep yourself busy?”  He watched his friends look at each other and then down at their oozing members, their sculpted pecs heaving.  They were still clearly uncomfortable with what was happening, but neither could deny their strange new urges.  “Make yourselves at home on my bed...I’ll be there in...a...minute…” Kyle gasped when he grabbed a bottle of wine and watched it turn into a PBR tallboy in his hand.  The bottle shimmered and vibrated as it shrunk and changed shape, the thick glass replaced by cold, thin aluminum.  “Huh,” Kyle said flatly, popping the top and chugging half the can in one long swig.  He’d never been a beer drinker, but as he lowered the can and let out a room shaking belch, he couldn’t imagine drinking anything else.  “Look, guys, you can stare at this all you want,” he said, gesturing to his naked body while Rob and Tyler stared hungrily at him.  “But it’s gonna be a minute before I’m ready again.”  

“Eh, fuck it,” Tyler finally shrugged, grabbing Rob by the hand and pulling him down the hall to Kyle’s bedroom.  “C’mon babe, my pussy is ready to pop,” Tyler said, emphasizing the last three words.  The confused jock went a deeper shade of humiliated purple when he realized what he’d just said.  Not only had he called Rob “babe” without even thinking about it, he’d referred to his eager rear as his “pussy.”  Instead of risking more humiliating speech, he kept his mouth closed and buried his face against the bed, presenting his firm bubble for Rob to take advantage of.  

The well-muscled young stud bent down and gave Tyler’s firm mounds a quick going over with his tongue before lining himself up.  “Your pussy, huh?” 

“FFFFFnnnggg….fuck...you…” Tyler grunted, shoving himself backwards onto his friend’s waiting pole before the other man even had a chance to push inside.  

“That’s...what...you’re...doing…” Rob gasped as Tyler started working his hips in rhythmic, wavelike fashion.  The brawny man whimpered, flexing his arms behind his head while his friend’s tight bottom did all the work.  “How...are you such a natural at this…” 

“I don’t...know…!” Tyler grunted, genuinely confused.  He was working his body in ways he’d never even thought of before, using his nimble bottom and trim hips to send waves of ecstasy rocketing through both of them.  His untouched cock oozed as it slapped up against his abs, but he didn’t have enough capacity left in his foggy brain to think about why the sensation felt odd.  All he could focus on was working the thick organ inside him.  Rob felt huge, leaving him with a blissfully full sensation that he never wanted to end.  

And as the minutes wore on, he wondered if it ever would.  “How’re you...doin’...back there…” he asked over his shoulder.  His own cock had long since sprayed all over Kyle’s bed, but Rob’s thick hose had yet to burst.  Tyler kept popping his hips, his lean body breaking out in a fine coating of sweat as he worked his friend.  

“I don’t know what’s...fuuuuck…” Rob whimpered, jamming himself into the other man.  “I feel like I’m gonna cum any second but I just can’t!”  

“Do we need to take a break?  Maybe switch positions?”  Despite having cum already, Tyler was so enthralled by the sensation of having Rob inside him that he was content to let the other man take as much time as he needed.  

“Maybe,” Rob panted, reluctantly pulling out.  “Let me just catch...my…” the bigger man trailed off as he looked down.  His cock was only semi-hard, but it was noticeably thicker and longer than it should have been.  

“What’s wroooaaahhh!”  Tyler yelped when he rolled over and saw the thick organ that had silenced his friend.  “Daaaaaaamn!  No wonder that felt so good,” he purred before catching himself.  He shook his head and tried to keep from licking his lips at the fat banana dangling between Rob’s sturdy thighs.  “Wait...why is it so big?”

“Why is yours so small?!”  Rob paled and pointed to his friend’s twitching cock.  Instead of an average six inches, the tiny rod looked to top out at just over four.  

“Shit!”  Tyler yelped, pawing at his diminished package.  He glared at Rob, who appeared to have gained the inches he’d lost.  “Did you steal it?  Give it back!”  

“I didn’t do anything!”  Rob cried.  “And the way you’re using that ass of yours you clearly don’t need it!”  

“That doesn’t mean I want to lose it!”  

Rob hefted his enlarged, drooping organ, a stunned look on his face as it filled his hand.  “”Look, forget bigger or smaller, can we talk about why I’m not hard right now?  I still feel like I’m gonna fuckin’ pop!”

“What’re you two ladies yelling about in here?”  Kyle strutted in, another beer in hand.  The naked man scratched at the newly grown hair he didn’t seem to notice on his stomach as he watched his panicked friends paw at themselves.  

“My dick is shrinking!” Tyler whined with a flourish of his hands.  “He took it!”  

‘I so did not!” Rob countered, his hands sliding to his hips.  

“Holy shit,” Kyle laughed, chugging the rest of his beer.  He crunched the can in his hand and tossed it to the ground before sitting on the edge of the bed to get a better look at his friends.  As with his couch, as soon as Kyle touched the sheets the entire thing changed.  The queen mattress shot out into a full king, the meticulous sheets and blankets on top warping into a stained, disheveled mess.  “Fuck!  Look at my bed!”  

“Forget your bed, sweety!  Look at us!”  This time it was Rob who turned bright red at the unfamiliar words leaving his mouth.  “Look at you!”  

“What do you meeaaaaah!”  Kyle felt like he’d been slapped in the face when he turned towards his mirror.  Instead of his smooth, lean reflection he saw the start of a hairy jock.  His muscles had inflated noticeably, taking a chunk of his definition with them, and on top of this new growth was a coating of wiry hairs that were spreading across his torso.  The shock was enough to bring him to his senses, and he finally registered the small cock between Tyler’s toned thighs and the limp beast between Rob’s.  “Oh...fuck...oh fuck, guys….what’s happening…” 

“The guy said something about everything snowballing, right?”  Tyler couldn’t hide the lust from his eyes as he stared at Kyle’s expanding frame.  

“Is this it?  Or is it gonna keep going?”  Rob whined and tugged on his unresponsive hose.  “Why can’t I cum?!  What good is this thing?!”  

Kyle’s cock twitched to life as he watched his friend desperately paw at himself.  “Did you try switching positions with Tyler?”  

“What?  With that little thing?”  Rob scoffed, putting a hand on Tyler’s thigh.  ‘No offense hon, but If I’m gonna get dick, I need real dick.”  

Kyle couldn’t tell which of his friends was more surprised by Rob’s statement as he crawled back onto the bed.  “I can help with that,” he said, manhandling Rob to face away from him as his muscular friend gave a quick, chirping yelp but didn’t resist.  He seemed as eager as Tyler had been, working himself back against his friend’s thickened cock before Kyle had gotten himself into position.  

“OOOHHHHHHHHHHH!”  Rob seemed surprised by the grunting bellow that shot out of his mouth when Kyle pushed himself in.  The chiseled jock’s tapering back arched like a cat’s as he writhed against his friend’s lap.  “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck,” he gasped, over and over.  He felt the remaining rigidity melt out of his inflated cock, his hefty package slapping loudly and wildly as Kyle hammered away.  

“What’d I tell ya?”  Kyle slapped one of Rob’s bouncing cheeks and sped up his jackrabbit pounding.  He normally wasn’t this aggressive in bed, but now he was like a piledriver, slamming into his friend’s battered hole with concussive force.  

And Rob loved it.  He trailed off into wordless moans that grew louder and louder, his ample muscles bouncing just as forcefully as the limp, useless hose slapping against his stomach and thighs.  Despite his terror and confusion, his body was back on track.  The pressure he’d felt building grew to climactic proportions just as Kyle sprayed inside him.  As soon as his friend’s warm fluids splashed against his gut, the floodgates opened.  It wasn’t the forceful explosion he’d been expecting, but the slow, faucet-like release of pressure was even better.  It wasn’t over in an instant.  The ecstasy felt like it would go on forever, all the tension in his sweating muscles melting out through the dangling hose between his legs.  

“Wo...wow…” was all Rob could manage as he rolled over and stared up at Kyle with stunned, doe eyes.  His inflated hose draped limply over a thigh, the last of the salty fluid slowly trickling out.  

“Not bad, right?”  Kyle puffed his chest out proudly before shaking his head and looking down at his altered bed as if he’d just noticed the changes.  “Oh fuck...guys...what are we supposed to do now?”  

“Should we go see if we can find that guy again?”  Tyler gave his shrunken cock a terrified glance.  “I’d really like to make this stop now.”  

“Me...me too…” Rob panted, less convincingly.  

“Let’s start with the gym, I guess…”  Kyle climbed off the bed and pulled open a dresser drawer without thinking.  The moment his hand made contact with the wood, the stylish, mid-century piece rippled and morphed into a battered, cheaply made thrift store find.  “Goddamnit!”  Kyle cursed and tore his hand away, but it was too late.  Looking down into the drawer that should have had his briefs, all he saw were mounds of ratty boxers.  Pulling open the rest of the drawers revealed that his entire wardrobe had undergone a similar transformation.  All he found were baggy muscle shirts, unfamiliar basketball shorts, and loose, draping jeans.  

More frightening than the alterations to his clothing was the implication.  The changes were getting stronger.  Before, things changed one by one as he touched them.  Now, he’d touched the dresser and everything in it had changed.  The stunned looks on his friends’ faces told him they were wrestling with the same fear.  

“It’s getting worse…” Rob stammered, licking his lips as he watched Kyle pull on a pair of striped boxers.  He still wasn’t used to the sight of a guy in boxers driving him as wild as it did, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Kyle’s bulkier build.  By the time his friend had finished putting on a pair of loose basketball shorts and a muscle shirt he felt like he would have been rock hard if everything was working the way it should.  As it was he felt an unfamiliar throb at the way Kyle’s cock bounced noticeably against the shiny material of the shorts, and the way the other man’s rounder cheeks shifted as he walked with a slight lumber.  

“Jesus...could you stare any harder,” Tyler sneered as the naked men followed Kyle back out into the apartment.  

“I would if I could,” Rob sighed.  “You’re just jealous ‘cause you didn’t get to ride that.”  

“Yet,” Tyler snapped, his eyes going wide when he noticed the arched back, hips-out stance he’d adopted.  “Fuck, dude,” he said slowly, forcing the words, “how much worse is this gonna get?”  

“If we can find that guy he can make this stop.”  Rob winced as he reluctantly pulled on his hot pink briefs and saw the stuffed, useless bulge filling them to capacity.  It certainly looked impressive, but the fact that it was all for show somehow made the extra size even more embarrassing.  That humiliation only grew when he pulled the tiny shorts on and saw the large lump left in the front, which he was helpless to cover with his tiny cut off t-shirt.  

Tyler was having the opposite problem.  The leaner jock kept poking at the significantly looser pouch of his lime green bikinis, his shrunken cock barely pressing out against the soft cotton.  The lack of a full front seemed to accentuate his perky rear, but it was small comfort for the former show off.  He pulled the tiny denim shorts on, hating how empty they felt at the front, especially when he caught a glimpse of Kyle’s bouncing hose flopping around in his shorts.  “This is sooooo not fair,” he whined, pulling on his tank top.  

“You were a thousand times better with that ass than you ever were with your dick,” Rob said as they both adjusted their hair.  

“Like you’d know,” Tyler laughed, adopting his new body language the second he let his guard drop.  

“Are you two ladies done getting ready?  I’d like to find this guy before we’re all turned into god knows what,” Kyle said as he motioned down to his socks and flip flops.  The second he’d touched his tennis shoes they’d morphed like the rest of his clothes, capping off his Gym Bro outfit.  “I look like a douche bag.”  

“Hey!  That’s how we used to dress,” Tyler chirped defensively.  

“Exactly.  Let’s go,” Kyle barked.  

“Oohhh, so butch all of a sudden,” Rob whistled, scampering out the door past Kyle with Tyler in tow.  The two had skipped out into the hallway, not realizing they were hand in hand until they’d made it all the way to the elevator.   Kyle lumbered behind, marveling at how different his two friends already seemed.  Physically, their athletic, well-muscled frames were more or less the same, but listening to them talk and watching how they behaved, no one would guess that less than twenty four hours earlier they’d been a pair of entirely straight, slightly douchey bros.  

Kyle knew the same could be said of himself.  No one would guess that the increasingly stocky, increasingly hairy meathead should really be a lean, well-dressed gay man.  What he didn’t know was whether or not his friends were as calm about the changes as he was.  He’d made a point of saying he wanted to get things back to normal, but as he looked at himself reflected in the elevator doors, Kyle wasn’t so sure.  He liked the extra bulk he seemed to be developing.  He liked the way the wiry hairs looked on his burly chest through the open muscle shirt.  He was the embodiment of everything he’d lusted after, and it felt wonderful.  Walking to the gym, he felt strong and confident, the world around him seeming simpler than it had just hours before.  

Watching Tyler and Rob, he began to wonder.  His friends seemed to be fighting their new behaviors less and less.  When they’d first left the apartment he watched them constantly catch themselves, alternating between their hip swaying new strut and their former, wide-legged jock walk.  But after only a few blocks that alternating stopped and Kyle found himself lumbering behind the constantly swishing studs, the thought of the arrogant straight guys descending into a pair of muscle queens making his cock throb.  

By the time they reached the gym he’d almost forgotten why they were headed there in the first place.  His eyes glued to Tyler’s perky little bubble and Rob’s meaty rear, Kyle was having a hard time focusing on much else.  

“Okay,” Rob said, grabbing Kyle and Tyler’s wrists dramatically just outside the doors.  “Who’s going to do the talking?”  

“Huh?”  Kyle shook his head and pulled his hand free, hoping that none of the guys inside saw them.  

“So, like, not Kyle then,” Tyler sighed, rolling his eyes.  

“I mean...I can if you want…” Kyle said, distracted as he looked at the free weights in the back corner.  

“Can you please focus?”  Rob snapped his fingers in front of Kyle’s face, noticing for the first time the layer of scrubby stubble that had sprouted to match the thickening patch on his friend’s chest.  “You’re clearly still bro-ing out,” he said, adjusting the lump in the front of his shorts.  “This thing is still getting bigger somehow, and Tyler’s…” 

“I soooooooo don’t wanna talk about it,” the smaller man said with a wave of his hand.  

“Fine!  Fuck...whatever, dudes,” Kyle grumbled, brushing past his two friends and into the gym.  He started to head for the reception desk but made a sharp turn towards the weights he’d been eyeing.  

“Why am I not surprised,” Rob sighed, shaking his head.  “Did he seem out of it?”  

“Helllllooooooo,” Tyler sang, putting a fist on a jutted hip.  “Dumb jocks, remember?  He thought people like us were idiots, and we thought people like him were...” he trailed off and snapped the waist of Rob’s shorts.  

“What?  Totally cute?”  Rob shrugged.  The look in his eyes told Tyler that he was well aware how wrong his speech was, but he’d reached the point where he could no longer control it.  Tyler just sighed and pulled him along by the hand.  

“Haaaay girl,” the former ladies man waved to the young blonde behind the counter.  She was exactly the kind of girl he would have hit on the day before, but now it was the farthest thing from his mind.  “OMG I looooove your nails,” he said, leaning against the counter and sticking his perky bubble out behind him.  “Anyway, I was hoping you could help us out...we’re trying to find this, like, super weird dude we ran into yesterday…” 

The young woman behind the counter sat and listened to Tyler’s rapid fire speech with an amused grin.  Like his friend, Rob was surprised that he wasn’t the least bit interested in her, his attention instead focused on the many men working out around him.  He always sized the other guys up, but now he looked around with the kind of hungry gaze he usually saved for when he was trying to find a hookup.  And everyone was fair game.  Tall, short, thin, bulky, young, old; Rob could see himself with all of them.  He was just as interested in the smooth skinned young man with the rail thin body on the treadmill as he was in the ‘roided out, middle aged, balding wall of beef working out next to Kyle.  

“Hey!”  Rob’s attention snapped back to Tyler when the other man slapped him on the ass.  “Could you stop looking at boys for thirty seconds, please?  No one has seen the guy we’re looking for.”  

“O...oh,” Rob said, his gaze drifting back towards the men working out.  

Tyler rolled his eyes again and pushed Rob towards the door.  “Alright thirsty thotty, I’m gonna go tell Kyle we’re leaving.  Can you manage to stay here without throwing yourself at one of these guys?”  He waited for Rob to nod before stomping off, his cut-off shorts bouncing with each step.  

Rob’s stomach dropped as he watched Tyler argue with Kyle.  Their friend didn’t seem to want to leave, but what bothered him was the way he kept catching himself winking and waving at men whenever they made eye contact. Some of the guys just laughed it off, but more than a few shot angry glares in his direction.  Rob was well aware of how angrily he would have responded in their shoes, but he couldn’t stop.  

“Soooo Kyle’s gone full meathead on us,” Tyler said when he finally strutted back over.  “I tried to get him to leave, but he said he, and I quote, ‘needs to get his pump on,’ so he’ll meet us back at our place when he’s done.”  

“Awww, can’t we wait,” Rob whined.  

“Are your brains leaking into your dick?  Is that why it’s getting so big?  Look at us,” Tyler hissed, shoving Rob out the door while his friend kept stealing glances over his shoulder.  “Kyle’s turning into a neanderthal, you’re going boy crazy, and I can’t stop waving my hands around while I’m talking!”  The lean young man’s voice was just below a shriek as he waved his arms overhead.  

“Okay, okay!  God...sorry,” Rob pouted, wrapping his meaty arms around Tyler’s trim waist from behind.  He ground the grapefruit sized lump in his shorts against the smaller man, nibbling on his ear as they walked.  “I can’t wait to get you out of these anyway.”  

Tyler laughed and leaned into Rob’s embrace instead of pulling away.  “So you can do what, exactly?  That thing’s for show, isn’t it?”  

“Um, hello, we can look at it, can’t we?”  

Tyler sighed and squirmed against the thick package, the sensation sparking his new instincts.  “Ugh...I don’t even want to think about mine...it doesn’t feel like there’s hardly anything there.”  

“Are you…shouldn’t you be, like, panicked or something?”  

The chiseled brunette nodded.  “Shouldn’t we all?  It’s whatever that guy did...I know I should be fuh-reaking out right now.  I’m just...not?”  

“It all feels normal, doesn’t it?”  Rob reluctantly let go when they reached their building and climbed the stairs to their apartment.  “It’s getting hard to even remember what’s real and what’s not.”  

“This,” Tyler tugged the front of Rob’s shorts down as soon as they were home and exposed his friend’s overly stuffed briefs.  The other man had inflated to the point where his heavy package pulled down the elastic waistband and his hefty balls spilled out the sides.  “Isn’t real.”  

Rob gave a stunned laugh as he pulled the briefs down and he flopped free.  His limp snake had to be nearly ten inches long with the thickness of a beer bottle, hanging like a hammer between his solid legs.  He kicked free of his shorts and underwear, looking like the portrait of masculinity.  His wide quads rippled and flexed as he shifted his weight, the pendulous cock swaying below his washboard stomach.  Even the tiny cut off shirt didn’t diminish the effect, accentuating the size of his impressive pecs rather than taking away from them.  

“Whoooaaaaa!”  It wasn’t until Rob opened his mouth and giggled that the illusion was shattered.  The stunned jock tugged on the limp monster and swayed his hips to make it swing.  

“Congratulations,” Tyler said flatly.  His hands hesitated by the waist of his shorts, afraid of what lurked underneath.  

“Oh, come on, don’t be jealooooooOOOOOUHHUHUHH!”  Rob’s mouth fell open into a long moan as he sat on the stool by the kitchen counter.  He clutched at the countertop, squirming wildly with a shocked look on his face.  

“What?!  What’s wrong?”  Tyler told himself he wasn’t really seeing what he thought he was seeing.  Rob’s squirming had taken on a familiar, bobbing rhythm.  “Is that…” he gasped as he rounded the corner to find his friend dropping up and down on a thick, silicone dick sprouting from the top of the stool.  “What the fuck is that?!”  

“I don...I don’t know…” Rob said breathlessly.  “I sat down and...it was just...there,” he grunted, wriggling his hips.  

“Well knock it off!” Tyler cried, backing away.  Their apartment was already unrecognizable, most of the furniture having changed during their initial romp.  It was bad enough for Tyler to look at the stylish trappings that had replaced his ratty-but-comfortable furniture without worrying that it would all turn into some sort of sex toy.  

“You’re...no fun…” Rob moaned, reluctantly sliding off the stool, the thick beast between his legs soft as ever.  “You should take a turn!”  

“I don’t want to...hey!”  Tyler tried to pull away when Rob darted forward and grabbed him, but the bigger man was too quick.  He writhed in his friend’s grip while Rob tore his cut off shorts open and pulled them down.  

“Come on!  I showed you...mine…” Rob trailed off at the sight of his friend’s flopping, empty pouch.  

“What?”  Tyler squirmed free and spun out of the other man’s arms, his jaw dropping as he looked down.  “That’s...I don’t...have a…”  He looked back up at Rob with pleading eyes, not pulling away when his friend stepped forward to rip off the bandaid.  With a quick tug Rob stripped the bikinis free, exposing the new slit where Tyler’s package should have been.  The smaller man stared down at the flattened area beneath his abs and stumbled back towards the couch.  “It’s gone...oh fuck...it’s really gUUUUUUUNNNNN!”  

Like the stool, as soon as Tyler’s exposed rear hit the sofa the stunned young jock felt a thick, vibrating object shoot inside him.  Unlike his friend, though, that object was joined by an attachment that shot into his new opening, leaving him a spasming, moaning pile.  

“Ohhhhhhhhh...oh fuck...oh fuck...,” he finally managed to hiss, arching his spine and falling against the back of the sofa.  All he could do was gawk at the invading object between his toned thighs as the dual sources of ecstasy held him locked in place.  “Ro...Rob!” he whimpered desperately, not sure if he wanted his friend to make it stop or help it along.  

The limp, hung stud grinned and scampered over.  He stood next to his moaning friend, wiggling his plump cheeks above a cushion.  “Don’t hog all the fun!” he chirped.  


“Holy shit, bro,” Kyle panted, his thick, furry pecs heaving against Tyler’s gripping fingers.  His lean friend rocked his hips a few more times before dismounting and sliding off Kyle’s widened lap.  “Gettin’ hard to believe you ever had a dick in the first place.”  

“Kind of like your brain,” Tyler teased, stretching his sculpted frame next to the burly man.  

“Fuck you,” Kyle grumbled, furrowing his more prominent brow.  The changes had long since stopped, but they were all still adjusting to their drastically different new outlooks.  When the stranger said things would snowball, he hadn’t been kidding.  What started off as changing outfits and stereotypical behavior ended up in radically altered bodies and minds.  They’d all adopted the traits they’d thought about each other, but to caricature proportions.  

Kyle hadn’t just taken on a straight bro persona, he’d gone full meathead.  His lean body had been replaced by stocky, furry bulk, and his once reserved attitude was a thing of the past.  Now he was a loud, belching neanderthal who was great with his overly masculine body, but not much else.  The brawny man could fuck for hours as long as he didn’t have to think too much about it.  Where once his apartment had been well kept and full of books, now it was a musky, disheveled den of empty beer cans, dirty laundry, and ratty furniture.  Not that he was there often.  He spent just about every waking moment at the gym, and when he wasn’t there he was working his new warehouse job or slamming beers at a local bar.  Every so often the old Kyle would surface and feel a rush of embarrassed horror at the sight and smell of his surroundings, but those moments never lasted long enough for him to act on.  They were just enough to remind him that things weren’t the way they were supposed to be.  

The same went for his two friends.  Where Kyle’s apartment had become a filthy bachelor pad, the formerly straight roommates now lived in a mix of stylish furniture and kinky sex toys.  Visitors had to watch where they sat lest they pick the wrong chair and end up with a slick silicone pole somewhere they didn’t expect it.  

As with Kyle, their physical changes were just as extreme.  The two athletic young men still had their chiseled, jock builds, only with some significant alterations.  By the time everything had stopped, Rob was left with a thick, eleven inch hose dangling perpetually soft between his meaty thighs.  It was like a hood ornament, constantly bulging out of whatever tiny shorts or briefs he wore, which were just about the only thing he owned after his clothing changed, and serving no purpose other than to attract attention.  

And it attracted plenty.  The guys in town couldn’t get enough of the muscular, overly hung stud who just happened to be an eager bottom.   The contrast of his masculine looks against his revealing, feminine clothes and massive package turned heads wherever he went, and unlike the old Rob, his new self loved it.  He was never happier than when he was on display, unless he was on display with something, or preferably someone, filling his large, solid cheeks from behind.  It was the driving purpose in his new life.  Tyler had joked about his friend being boy crazy at first, and that became more accurate as time went on.  

Not that Tyler didn’t also share in his friend’s new hobby.  The lean jock had taken to his new equipment like a fish to water.  There were times when he’d look down at his altered body and the shock would hit him, but it was usually while someone’s rigid cock was sliding in and out.  In those moments the blissful sensations his new opening brought him would quickly push his anxiety away.  It was what the guys were there for, so why should he worry?  Tyler’s exhibitionist streak had only been magnified since the changes, and he was all too happy to let everyone see exactly what set him apart from the other boys.  If his perfectly styled hair, handsome features, and chiseled build didn’t get someone’s attention, the perky bubble spilling out the back of his small shorts coupled with their flat front usually did the trick.  

“Is it my turn yet?”  Rob whined from the doorway, a thick, silicone cock sticking out from between his cheeks like a tail.  He kicked at the pile of Kyle’s dirty boxers on the floor.  “I’ve been warming myself up for, like, ever.”  

“You bring me a beer?” Kyle grumbled expectantly, folding his thickened arms behind his head.  

“Of course,” Rob said, scampering over.  He gasped when Kyle took the beer and pulled the rubber stopper from his ass with his other hand.  He squirmed against the empty sensation while his friend drained the beer in one long drag.  

“AlriAAAAPPPPPP,” Kyle belched, “climb on up.”  He patted his furry belly like he was calling a dog up onto a couch.  

Rob giggled excitedly and straddled the other man, his heavy package resting like a brick on Kyle’s torso as he reached behind and started tugging on his friend’s stout cock.  The big man’s rumble of pleasure was like a revving engine as Tyler stretched and purred like a contented cat next to him.  


While Kyle, Rob and Tyler enjoyed the experience of their new lives, a well dressed stranger stood listening to another group of young men, somewhere else in the world, heatedly discussing whose perspective was right.  The topic wasn’t important; it always started the same.  

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help overhearing your argument,” he said.  



I wonder if they would try to go back to that life if they return to normal. Wonder how many " Straight " guy would not change line if they explore. Seamed girls are a lot less afraid to experiment .


The rules for guys and what’s considered “masculine” and acceptable behavior are stupidly rigid. Girls have a bit more flexibility, but even then only if it appeals to the male gaze.


Super hot...love all the cuntboy stories!