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Ryan’s face was a mask of fury, his initial fear at finding a stranger in his bedroom giving way to his growing rage.  “You’re crazy!”  

“I’m a lot of things, but not that,” I said, looking the frozen man up and down.  “Though whoever you pissed off so bad that they summoned me?  They might be a little crazy.”  I watched him struggle against the invisible forces holding him in place, his muscles flexing and straining uselessly.  

It was easy to see how someone could fall for him.  Ryan had a full head of raven hair above his handsome, brooding face.  Dark eyes, prominent cheekbones, full lips, strong, stubbled chin; he was definitely a looker.  He wasn’t so bad from the neck down, either.  His stocky torso bulged against a tight t-shirt that outlined a set of meaty pecs and large arms.  His equally tight jeans were plastered on a set of thick thighs and stretched tight across a wide, round ass, and the outline of a thick hose could be seen snaking down one leg.  The only potential downside was his short stature, which the tight clothes emphasized more than distracted from, but I wasn’t there to give fashion advice.  “Take your shirt off.”  

Only Ryan’s eyes showed an attempt at resistance.  The dark haired man glared, but his arms were glad to obey, reaching down and peeling the shirt quickly off.  “What’d you do?  Drug me?”  His deep voice betrayed a quiver of nervousness and he puffed out his furry, solid chest in a display of defiance .  “Or do you still expect me to believe this is some magic bullshit?  Fuck you!  When this wears off I’m going to…hey!”  

I stepped forward and wrapped a hand around his throat.  Not hard or choking; just a gentle grab.  I didn’t actually need to make contact, but it was more dramatic this way.  

“What the fuck was tha…” he trailed off, clearing his throat.  “What did you just do!  Hey!  What the fuck!”  His deep voice was now light and high pitched, a lilting chirp instead of a bassy rumble.  His stubble covered cheeks flushed with embarrasment, the olive skin taking on a noticeable shade of pink.  “What’d you do to my voice!”

“That’s about to be the least of your concerns,” I said with a smile.  Despite the number of times I’d done this, it never got old.  “Drop the pants.”  

“Hey!  No!  How are you doing this?!” Ryan begged, his eyes nearly bugging out of his skull when he casually undid his pants and slid the tight denim down his hairy, meaty thighs.  The thick hose snaking down his leg hadn’t been an illusion as he revealed a pair of bright green boxer briefs that were stuffed to capacity.  The pouch bulged, outlining his girthy package while the back strained around a large, perky bubble.  

Without the ill-fitting clothes, it was even easier to see how someone could fall for the short, handsome man.  He was covered in athletic muscle, with a set of bulging pecs looming above the faint outline of a washboard on his firm stomach.  A coating of dark, wiry hairs spread across the muscular mounds and trailed down to disappear into the straining underwear before reappearing out of the bottom as it covered his wide quads and rocky calves.  

“You ARE a masculine little guy, aren’t you,” I said, laughing at his look of anger at being called little.  “As long as you keep your mouth shut, anyway.”  

“Fuck you,” he chirped, his exposed body flushing to join his humiliated face.  

“So aggressive,” I whistled, shaking my head.  “Why don’t you flex for me and tell me how tough you are.”  

“I’m gonna fucking kill you!  I swear to god when I get out of this I’m going to beat you to death with my bare hands!”  Ryan broke into a double bicep pose as he squeaked out threat after threat, his furry muscle inflating with the definition that his stocky frame only hinted at.  “I don’t care what fuckin’ magic powers you have!  You’re gonna pay for this!”  His olive skin was purple with a mix of fury and humiliation as he heard how ridiculous his yipping tone made him sound.  

I waited until he’d finished flexing his ample cheeks and had turned back to face me before continuing.  “You sound so intimidating!  Take off that underwear and let me see how much of a man you really are.”  

Ryan’s eyes dropped to the floor as he hooked his thumbs in the bright fabric and tugged them down, letting his long, thick hose and heavy balls flop free.  The dangling package was every bit as large as it had seemed, with a cock that was pushing six inches, soft.  It would have looked huge on anyone, but on Ryan’s short, lean frame it was massive.  “Now that is impressive,” I clapped.  

The blushing, naked man covered himself with both hands as best he could, flexing his furry pecs in the process.  “Look...just tell me who sent you, okay?  I’m sorry for whatever I did!  I’ll fix it!  I promise!”  

“Sorry, no can do.  By the time I’ve been called there’s really no going back,” I said sympathetically.  “And I’ve got very specific instructions.  Since your hands are already down there I’m going to need you to lay on the bed and jerk yourself off.  Oh, and talk dirty while you do it.  Loud.”  

“Wha…” Ryan’s eyes widened as he found himself waltzing over and crawling up onto his bed, already tugging at his dangling rod.  He squirmed on his back, moaning and whimpering as one hand slid up and down the wide shaft while the other tugged and kneaded his plump balls.  “Ohhh…fuck…oh yeah…fuck yeah,” he moaned in his new, higher octave.  “You want this fat cock in you?  You think you can take all this meat?  I’m gonna be balls deep in your gu...guts...” he grunted, sounding ridiculous with his light new voice.  “You’re gonna ri...ride the...bu...bull...I’m a fuckin’ sta...stallion…”   

“Okay, enough already,” I sighed, stopping him before he could pop.  A steady stream of precum was oozing out of his bulbous tip as he glared up at me from the bed.  “I get it, you’re hung,” I said, rolling my eyes.  “How big is that thing, anyway?”  

“Ei...eight and a quarter inches,” he stammered.  

“That’s….very precise.  You measure it a lot?”  He winced as he nodded, embarrassed at his admission.  “Alright, come over here and join me at the mirror.  It’s time for some reflection.”  He scrambled off the bed, waddling awkwardly over with his oozing club wagging in front of him.  “I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to have to come up with some new material.”  

“Okay…look…I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ve got money.  I can…” he gasped when I reached down and grabbed his still-throbbing rod.  I wanted to at least get in one good feel of the beastly organ before it was gone.  Ryan’s mouth fell open as it happened, feeling nothing but a slight tingle between his legs as he watched his pride and joy dwindle in my grip.  The glistening head drew towards his body, disappearing into my hand as his low hanging balls were pulled upwards.  “Aaaaaaahhh!” he shrieked when I pulled my hand away and he saw the squat, nub sticking out between his legs.  The formerly proud organ now topped out at just under three inches, the shrunken balls barely visible in Ryan’s dark, dense bush.   “This isn’t…you can’t do this!”  

“You can finish what you started.”  

His eyes wide with horror, he reached down and picked up where he left off.  His meaty fist now completely covered the diminished package as he tweaked the little rod with a pair of fingers.  “It’s...fuckin’ huge...gonna...bust you...open…” he whined pathetically, bucking his hips into his fist until a few drops of fluid leaked out between his closed fingers.  

“At least it still works,” I said.  

“Please,” he begged.  “Whatever I did…”

“Stop.”  I raised a hand and he fell silent.  “I don’t actually know what you did, and honestly it doesn’t matter.  All I know is that you hurt someone bad enough for their pain to find me.  I’m not the one doing this, I’m just the tool they’re using.”  I put a hand on his stomach and nodded.  “You’ve already seen this won’t hurt.  So there’s that.”  

Ryan gave another shocked gasp as his furry abs started steadily pressing outwards against my hand like a balloon being inflated.  Inch by inch his stomach grew and rounded until he had a large, firm gut, the formerly flat midsection now looking like someone had stuffed a beach ball inside it.   I gave it a quick pat before sliding my hand up to his chest, causing his defined pecs to follow suit.  They kept their muscular shape, but they puffed and rounded to match his new midsection.  The growth spilled over his shoulders and down his arms until his entire upper body was thick and round.  His arms were strong, undefined logs, capped with sausage-like fingers.  In a matter of moment’s Ryan’s tapering torso was gone, swallowed by an avalanche of extra flesh. 

I followed this up by squeezing his already prominent backside.  The furry globes practically exploded outwards, growing like his new gut before the extra flesh dropped down his legs, pressing them together almost to the knees and piling on at his calves.  His diminished nub was almost entirely obscured beneath the onslaught of growth and his lean face looked totally out of place on the hefty new body.  “Almost done,” I said to the petrified man as I placed my hand back on his throat.  His altered voice remained the same, but his neck seemed to shorten and widen to match his shoulders.  The growth spread upwards, swallowing his lantern jaw and prominent cheekbones as his face rounded and puffed like the rest of him.  The thick head of hair was the last to go.  I swept my hand up his forehead, pushing the hairline far back before giving the bushy locks a swirl and leaving a short, thinning scalp with a large bald spot.  

“Not bad,” I nodded, stepping back to admire my work.  There was almost no trace of the formerly athletic man left in the broad, pudgy bear he’d become.  

“No...no...you...you can’t do this…” Ryan cried in a hoarse whisper.  He pawed at his protruding gut, wincing as he turned in place and felt his extra flesh shake and bounce.  His ass stuck out just as far behind him as his beach ball stomach did in front, and his inflated muscle tits sent little jolts of pleasure through him with each jiggle.  “Don’t leave me like this!”  

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you like that,” I said with a casual wave.  “I’m going to leave you like THIS.”  I pointed over at the large pillow in the corner of the room and gave Ryan’s inflated rear a quick slap while he looked at it.  The enlarged man grunted, his eyes going wide when he felt the long, silicone rod filling his insides.  

“Wha...what did…” he spun in place in a lumbering circle, unable to see the invading object around his new growth.  

“You better hurry up and go lay down or he’ll be angry,” I said, nodding towards the bedroom door.  

Ryan gave me a confused look but did as he was told, stomping over to the pillow and dropping down onto it, looking horrified as his heavy new body squished and pressed against itself.  

“Who are you talking to in here?”  

I smiled at Ryan’s horrified expression when the door opened and a tall, shirtless man walked in.  He was built like Ryan used to be but stood at least a foot and a half taller, clad in nothing but a matching leather harness and jockstrap.  He was everything Ryan had lost, only magnified.  He stood tall and chiseled compared to Ryan’s short and round, the straining jockstrap struggling to contain a package that was every bit as large as Ryan was small.  The man’s lantern jaw was a mockery of Ryan’s new double chin, his razor cheekbones and full, raven hair a glaring reminder of what the shorter man would never have again.  

Despite his fear and confusion, Ryan’s stomach fluttered and his little nub went rigid at the sight of the handsome stranger.  He looked around, feeling like someone else should be in the room but finding only the muscled leather daddy.  “I...no...no one…” he stammered.  

“That’s right,” the man said sternly.  “You know you don’t talk to anyone unless I tell you to.”  Ryan nodded quickly, overcome with pride when the man smiled at him.  “Good boy.  It’s time for dinner.”  The man set a bowl of food on the floor in front of Ryan, and I watched the mortified young man lurch forward, his extra weight sagging, as he crawled towards the bowl and buried his face in it.  He whimpered, still eating, when the man reached down and began twisting and pulling on the end of the club sticking out from between his plump cheeks.  

“Enjoy,” I whispered, taking one last look at the former hunk on all fours in front of his new keeper.