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Greg clutched the counter, struggling to stay upright.  His knees were weak and his vision blurry from the assault.  He tried to scream, but the most he could manage were a few pathetic whimpers.  

“Damn...Greg...what’d we...do before you...got here,” Austin grunted, plunging his thick, oozing cock in and out of the ginger officer’s battered hole.  The loud slapping echoed through the busy locker room as the rest of the precinct went about the business of either getting ready for, or relaxing from, their shift.  

“I...I was...here...before...you…” Greg groaned, pressing back with his exposed cheeks despite his humiliation.  Far from hating his circumstances, his body was on fire with ecstatic pleasure.  His confined member strained against the padded jock, tenting out his ass-less pants while the muscled young brunette pounded away.  

“Yeah, but I don’t know what I did,” Richard laughed.  The older officer had already taken a turn and was busy fixing his hair in the sink next to them.  

It had only been a day since the encounter at the library, and already Greg had been on the receiving end of just about every guy he crossed paths with.  He’d ridden Tank immediately after the change, howling like a banshee in the otherwise quiet library.  To his surprised relief, his adaptable rear seemed to adjust to whoever he was with, meaning Tank made him scream with bliss, not from being split in two.  No matter how big or small, his hole was tight and eager for everyone.  Richard’s smallish cock had brought him to his knees the same way Austin’s thick seven incher currently was, and even though only minutes had passed it was always just as intense as the first.  And instead of being considered out of the ordinary, it was almost expected, like it was part of his job duties. As soon as he’d strolled into the precinct with his firm little ass hanging out, the guys had practically lined up.  

“Made up your mind yet?”  Vincent’s voice overpowered the others in his head.  “What do you think your friends would do in your situation?  Justice is justice, after all.”  

“Not...gonna...do it…” Greg whispered back.  

“If you insist,” Vincent sighed.  

The groaning young redhead felt the difference almost immediately.  With each of Austin’s forceful thrusts, he felt his exposed rear shake more and more.  He lifted his eyes to look in the mirror and went pale at the expanding rear he could see hanging thick and wide off his lower back.  It pressed out the sides of his pants and he could feel it spilling back against the other man’s firm stomach like a small tidal wave.  If his pants hadn’t already been altered to remove the back, there was no way he’d fit the colossal mounds inside.  

Richard reached over and gave one of the jiggling cheeks a swat, his large, rough hand feeling small against the ample globe.  “Still never seen an ass like this anywhere else.  I mean, I love my wife, but damn!” he whistled, oblivious to the sudden shift in reality.  

“OOOHHHHHHHHHH!”  Greg howled without warning, pouring his fear and frustration into the powerful release pumping into his straining jock.  

“Was that...from me...or...your...condition…” Austin laughed, palming one of the supple cheeks.  

“Does it...really matter…” Greg panted, arching his back and squirming as his enlarged backside amplified the already overwhelming sensation.  

“Guess...nooooOOUUUHHHNNNN!”  Austin’s fingers bit into the excessive flesh as he tensed and sprayed, slowly pumping his hips to work out every last drop.  “Whew...damn Greg...even for you that was good.”  

“Thanks,” the stunned, altered man said, wincing internally at the copious stream of liquid trickling out of his aching hole.  He felt like he was punched in the stomach when he stepped back and saw his new profile reflected in the mirror, his inflated rear standing out behind him like two actual globes had been strapped to his body.  He grabbed a wad of paper towels and wiped himself up as Austin and Richard headed for the showers, trying his best to avoid touching the heavy new additions.  Their impossible size caused him to adopt a hip-swaying saunter, and each step sent a ripple of motion through them like a stone breaking the surface of a pond.  

“Like the new look,” Vincent asked as Greg made his way to his cruiser.  He did his best to avoid as many of the guys as he could, not wanting yet another fuck session.  If any of them asked, and they always did, he literally couldn’t say no.  

“You’re a monster,” Greg hissed, his stomach turning at the sensation of his bouncing, rotund backside.  

“But I don’t have to be monstrous.  At least not to you.”  

Greg gasped when he climbed in the cruiser and experienced what it was like to sit on his inflated bottom for the first time.  “You think I’m going to do this to someone else?!”  

“Not that specifically, not necessarily,” Vincent laughed.  “There are so many options.  Take this, for example.”  

As if to balance out his obscene bottom, Greg’s sculpted pecs suddenly shot outwards.  They lifted and puffed like someone had attached an air hose, growing thick and round to the point where the horrified ginger could barely lower his chin.  The expanding slabs of meat were overly round, looking fake and surgically altered instead of gym built, with huge, nubby nipples like the tip of a thumb.  

Greg’s knuckles were white around the steering wheel, his heart beating like a jackhammer beneath his fake new muscle tits.  Like his pants, the top of his uniform had altered, looking like a button up muscle shirt.  There was as dark patch of fabric that ran up and down the middle of his torso, ending at a collar around his neck but leaving the bulbous lumps of his chest entirely exposed.  

“Oh, come ooonnnnnnnnuuuunnnn….” he groaned, spasming in his seat when he reached up to feel his altered chest and brushed against one of the exposed nipples.  The jolt of bliss that shot straight to his dick was like a live wire, the pleasure all the more terrible as he thought about what his lopsided, constantly cumming body would look like from then on.  

“You do know that eventually we’ll run out of things on your body to change, which means we’ll have to move on to your mind.  And after that, we’ll start in on more of those friends of yours.  And after that, we’ll…” 

“Fine,” Greg spat, punching the steering wheel and gasping when the motion caused his arm to rub against the side of an exposed pec.  He didn’t know what was worse, the thought of getting his oversized tits worked like he was being milked while eagerly getting fucked and cumming helplessly over and over for the rest of his life, or the feeling of defeat at giving in to Vincent’s demands.  He hated the idea that he’d be doing this to someone else, but as bad as the changes to his body were, he couldn’t take the thought of literally losing his mind.  “You win.”  


“Aw, fuck,” Tony spat at the sight of the flashing lights in his rearview mirror.  

“Goddamnit!”  Glen turned and slapped his friend in a thick, tattooed arm.  “I told you not to run that fuckin’ light, man.”  

“Calm down, jeez...it’s just a podunk cop,” Tony said, pulling the car over.  “We haven’t even scored yet.  Just keep your fuckin’ piece under the seat...we don’t need that right now.  We’ll tell him we’re not from around here and it’ll be fine.”    

“Nah, man, you haven’t heard the stories about this town.  I heard all kinds’a crazy shit about Pikesburg.”  The brawny man rubbed his bald scalp nervously, a breaking out in a thin layer of sweat.  “Christ, just look at that guy.”  

They both tried to act casual as they watched the oddly shaped man approach in the mirror.  From the neck up, the young redhead looked like any other cop, but from the neck down it was a different story.  He had a set of huge, impossibly round pecs hanging out of his skimpy shirt, and they could see what looked like the sides of his bare, oversized ass bouncing before he’d even turned around.  

“Just...be cool,” Tony said, shaking his head and forcing a smile at the officer’s approach.  “Uh, everything okay, officer,” he stammered, his voice catching at the other man’s obvious erection.  

“You know you ran that light back there,” the officer said, leaning down and scanning his eyes across the two beefy men in the front seat.  

“No, actually,” Tony said with an awkward laugh.  “Sorry, we’re just passing through town and I guess I got a little distracted…” 

“I’m going to need you both to step out of the vehicuuuuhhhnnn….”  Tony and Glen exchanged a quick, surprised glance as the officer appeared to spontaneously orgasm in front of them, mesmerized by the shaking rear as he spasmed in place.  “...to step out of the vehicle,” he continued a few seconds later as if nothing happened.  

“Sure thing,” Tony said, lurching his thick frame out of the front seat.  He adjusted his straining t-shirt and plastered on jeans as he stood, grateful for an excuse to look away from the strange officer.  Glen came around and stood awkwardly next to him, the pair looking like brothers with their matching, muscled frames.  

“The problem here is that I ran your plates, and your friend has an outstanding warrant,” the ginger officer said, his eyes falling on Glen.  

The bald man folded immediately, the rumors he’d heard about the town fresh in his mind.  “Officer, please, I’m sorry.  We really are just passing through!  Look, let us go and you’ll never see us again!  I swear!  I can’t go back...I’m about to be 40...I can’t spend anymore time inside.”  

“Jesus, bro,” Tony groaned, rolling his eyes at Glen’s unexpected display.  “You’ve been through this before….don’t be such a pussy, man.”  

The officer’s head shifted back to Tony, the redhead’s slight grin chilling him to the core.  “Pussy man.  What a wonderful idea,” he said in a voice that sounded deeper than the one he’d just been using.  

Tony gasped, sucking in a deep breath as it felt like he was falling even though he knew he wasn’t moving.  The odd sensation passed, but it was quickly replaced by an even stranger feeling of warm air on exposed skin.  When he blinked and looked down, Tony discovered that his tight t-shirt was gone, leaving his beefy, tattooed torso on display.  His lumpy, prison-built muscle looked as imposing as ever, but the small red shorts that were plastered around his midsection ruined any chance at being intimidating.  They were skin tight, fake snake skin, and so tiny that they left the bottom of his ass hanging out in back while they clung tight to his meaty, solid thighs.  

Tony stared at them with wide, shocked eyes, equally confused by the flat front as he was by the stiletto heels his wide feet were wedged into.  “What...what the fuck!  Where are my cloth….WHERE’S MY FUCKIN’ DICK?!”  The beefy man’s hands shot to his altered crotch, showing off his painted nails in the process as he pried the front of the shorts open.  He let out another yelp at the lacy thong he saw barely covering his feminine new opening.  “Dude!  What the fuck just happened to me!” he cried to Glen.  

“You?  What just happened to me?!  I’ve got a fuckin’ pussy, man!”  Glen spread his equally bare arms wide, giving Tony a glimpse of his similarly clad, meaty frame.  The only difference was the bright gold color of Glen’s shorts.  

Neither of them looked as surprised by the other’s appearance as they each thought they should.  “So?  You always did!  Mine just disappeared!”  

Glen glared at Tony, momentarily forgetting his own predicament.  “Are you high right now?  I don’t understand why I even bother hanging out with your hooker ass.”  

“My wha...ME?!  You’re the one out here turnin’ tricks, bitch.  Are you not hearing me?  My.  Fucking.  Dick.  Is.  Gone!”  Tony pawed helplessly at his missing package, turning crimson as he staggered on the heels.  He turned back to Greg, pleading, “officer...please...you gotta help me!  Something just…” 

“Ignore him,” Glen interrupted.  “I’m the one who…” 

“You’re BOTH being busted for prostitution,” the officer said, puffing out his ridiculous pecs as he pulled out two pairs of cuffs.  “I don’t know where you’re from, but that’s illegal around here.”

“But...but we...I…” Tony’s bare, inked pecs were heaving as he panicked, finally noticing their car was missing.  He was too shell shocked to fight as the officer spun him around and cuffed his hands behind his back before doing the same to Glen.  The two stunned men staggered forward, blushing a humiliated purple at the sound of their clacking heels, each of them horrified by the way the tight shorts felt rubbing against the empty space between their legs.  That horror grew when they saw their reflections in the cruiser window and caught a glimpse of the bright, garish red lipstick and heavy eyeshadow on their otherwise masculine faces.  

“But...but this isn’t...we can’t…” Glen mumbled, falling against Tony as they were ushered into the cruiser, the hard plastic seat cold against the exposed parts of his meaty rear.  

“Welcome to Pikesburg,” the officer grinned from the front seat.  “We do things a little differently around here.”  

****** And with that, we're done with this one for the moment.  Thanks to all of your input, I think we actually wound up with a really cool foundation for future stories.  As far as scheduling, there will be a short break before the next interactive starts.  I'll post the full text of Pikesburg next week, and then a poll to get the next interactive started the week after.  Thanks to everyone who voted! Be thinking about what you'd like to see in the next interactive.******



You ran a little dry on this one but the 11 chapters were amazing