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Brad woke up to the sound of animal grunting.  He wasn't in his bedroom;  he was sprawled out on the couch downstairs by the patio.  His body  ached all over.  The events of the previous night were still fresh in  his mind.  He didn't want to believe that what he'd seen was actually  possible, but the noises he heard told him otherwise.  He sat up and  looked towards his exercise room, where the thin new Levi was plowing  into Jack's now bodybuilder ass.  Levi's soft new cheeks and thighs  jiggled with each thrust while Jack's rock-solid new body tensed and  bulged on the bench.  Levi had always been so insufferable about his  body and maintaining his model caliber looks that Brad couldn't help but  feel a small sense of satisfaction at what he saw.  They gave Brad a  pair of dim smiles when they saw him looking and kept at it.   

Upstairs, Brad found Ernie in the kitchen.  The former senior  citizen's transformation had been the most dramatic.  His buff new body  and androgynous face were lightyears away from the sagging old man he'd  been the previous day.   

"Heeeey!" He waved when Brad entered.  His feminine new speech and  mannerisms were almost more jarring than his altered appearance.  All he  had on was a pair of bright pink briefs stretched across his tight new  bubble.

"Uh, hi," Brad stammered, hating that the first thing he did was look at the smallish outline between Ernie's legs.   

"Some night, huh?"   

"Certainly was."  Brad searched Ernie's eyes for some spark of recognition.  "How much do you remember from last night?"   

Ernie paused, counting off the activities on his fingers.  "I  remember giving that furry ass of yours a workout!"  His expression  faltered only for a second.  "Then we hung out on the patio for the rest  of the night, aaaaaaand you passed out on the couch early," he said,  sounding proud of himself for remembering.   

"And how do you feel this morning?"   

"Great!" Ernie chirped.   

"After what I did to you on the patio last night you should," Bryce  said, entering the room.  His hulking, hairy body was clad only in a  towel that barely clung to his broad waist, leaving one tree-trunk leg  exposed.   He had a goofy grin on his boyish face that looked nothing  like the pudgy, middle-aged man he should have been.  Ernie swished over  to him and gave him a pec on the cheek while he ran his fingers through  the damp hairs on Bryce's solid chest.   

Brad left them in the kitchen when Bryce's meaty hand slipped into  the back of Ernie's briefs.  His head was spinning from suddenly finding  his home turned into an over-sexed frat house.  Though frat house may  not have been appropriate.  That implied college, which from what he'd  seen didn't fit the now-young men.  His gut told him "brothel" was  probably a better match.   

He found Justin in his bedroom getting ready for work.   "I wondered  when you were going to wake up.  Hurry up and get yourself  together....we have to meet with the lawyers this afternoon."   

Brad had no choice but to comply.  "How...how did you do that last night?  Are you really going to leave them like that?"   

Justin followed Brad into the bathroom while the older man showered.   "Of course I am.  It's a one-way trip.  Even if I wanted to, once the  door is opened there's no closing it."  He shrugged.  "As for how...you  were the catalyst.  All that raw material you've been absorbing?  This  kind of thing doesn't come out of nowhere.  But look on the bright side -  now you're not alone in this giant house.  I think everyone will have  fun here."   

"So what happens next?"   

"One more day of loading you up should be all it takes to wrap things up."   

Brad's stomach dropped.  He didn't think he could take another day  like the one he'd had yesterday.  "Please...Justin...take whatever you  want.  Keep the house.  I'll leave.  Just don't keep doing this."   

"Sorry Bull, doesn't work that way.  But don't worry - this'll all be over soon."   

"If you can do...whatever it is you do...why do you need to meet  with lawyers?  Can't you just make whatever you want happen?" Brad  stepped out of the shower and toweled himself off, hating the thrill he  felt while Justin watched him.     

"Unfortunately it's not that easy.  I can grease the wheels, so to  speak, but for it to stick I need them to be in the same room as you.   And since you're signing the company over to me, I need it to stick."   

"Like hell I am!" he bellowed, his anger managing to break through  the shell-shock he was experiencing.  "There's no way in hell  I'm...I'm..." Justin locked eyes with him and he felt his protests  become hollow.  All the way down to the core of his being he knew he had  no choice.  Everything he'd worked for, his business, his house, his  reputation; gone, just like that.  He wanted to cry.  The things that  had been done to his body were one thing.  They were terrifying and  humiliating.  But this?  This felt like defeat.  He was on autopilot as  he went to get dressed, but Justin stopped him.   

"Not today, Bull.  Let's be honest; what's the point?  This is all you're wearing today."   

"I'm not going into the office like that!"  Even as he yelled, Brad  was pulling the baby blue jock on.  The only other thing Justin handed  him was a bright orange tank top that his hairy, beefy torso bulged out  of.  The skin tight fabric was worse than the dress shirt on his  enlarged, sensitive new nipples that threatened to burst through from  underneath.  Justin didn't even let him put shoes on.   

He caught sight of his reflection on the way out and marveled that  he could still feel humiliation at all.  His masculine body looked  anything but in the bright, tight clothes.  His shrunken package was  still practically invisible even though the jock was at least a size too  small, and while the tank top showed off his impressive build, it just  made him look even older against the rough, grizzled skin of his face  and his greying hair.  Instead of four-figure tailored suits, he was  dressed like a go-go dancer at a club.  He would have given anything not  to go any further, but all he could do was follow the other man  downstairs and out to the car.  They passed Ernie and Bryce in the  kitchen trying to figure out the microwave.  Bryce's towel lay forgotten  on the floor, leaving his broad, hairy backside exposed and huge  looking next to Ernie's sculpted new figure.  Through the window, he  could see Jack's ripped body splashing in the pool while Levi's supple  form sprawled on a lounger, his huge cock draped over one leg.  "What if  they try and leave," Brad asked when they'd pulled out and were on the  road.   

"They won't," Justin said confidently.  "This is their new reality.   They remember the old one, but it's like a dream."  He shrugged.  "And  so what if they did?  Did you see Bryce and Ernie?  They couldn't even  figure out the microwave.  I don't think any of them can even still  read.  How far would they make it?"   

Brad still couldn't wrap his head around it.  These were four  successful businessmen.  Whether he liked to admit it or not, they were  on his level.  They were smart, calculating, and cruel.  To hear that,  in addition to the changes to their bodies, they didn't even have a  child's education anymore was horrifying.  His satisfaction from earlier  was fading.  In his angriest moment he'd never have wished something  like this on the others, to say nothing of what was in store for him.   

When they reached the firm, Justin followed Brad to his office.  To  his horror, the young man pulled out the leash and gag from the night  before.  "No...not that again," Brad begged.   

"Sorry Bull," Justin grinned, fastening the gag in place.  Brad got a  slight reprieve when the leash was fastened to a collar around his neck  instead of his tiny dick, but this was then hooked to the leg of a  conference table, preventing him from standing.  He could sit, lay and  kneel, but not make it fully upright.  "This is the 'bull pen' after  all," Justin joked, plopping down in Brad's chair.   

It didn't take long for his torment to begin.  "Good morning guys,"  Jeremy said, coming in to the office moments after they arrived.  Brad  looked up at him with pleading eyes, but his former assistant just  smiled down and patted his head like he was petting a dog.  "Morning,  Bull."   

Already Brad was losing control.  Jeremy's crotch was inches from  his face.  He couldn't stop himself.  He reached up and pulled the other  man's fly down, fishing out the long rod inside.  While Brad impaled  his forced-open mouth on it, Jeremy ran through Justin's itinerary like  he used to with Brad.  "Your morning is...clear..." he said, gasping  occasionally.  "I'm assuming you'd like me to seeeeend  the...guys...through...again?  The...lawyers will beeeeee....here...at  3:30 for your meeeee....!" He tensed and moaned, launching a stream down  Brad's throat.  "Sorry," he said, recovering himself.  "The lawyers  will be here at 3:30 for your meeting."   

"Sounds good," Justin said cheerfully as Jeremy put himself away.  "Tell the others that the door is open."   

There was a lineup immediately.  Brad picked up where he left off  the day before, getting stuffed and filled from all angles by the men he  used to boss around.  They all acted as if this was normal office  behavior, carrying on small talk while they pounded their former boss's  eager, hairy ass.  Brad couldn't yell with his mouth propped open, but  if the guys took too long getting to it he heard himself grunting out a  guttural command.  While this was bad on it's own, it was even more  humiliating for Brad to have all this happen to him while he was  dressed.  The shirt constantly worked his chest and the jock left his  ass open already, so there was no need to remove anything.  Since he  wasn't cumming, no matter how much he wanted to, he stayed bone dry.   The guys weren't disrobing, either.  At most they undid their flies, but  all day Brad felt their expensive suits against his skin as they  slammed into him.  He hated that he wanted to see them undressed.  He  could feel their solid abs and toned legs underneath the costly fabric.   He was desperate to tear the clothes from their tight bodies.  But he  couldn't.  All he could do was whimper and moan as the intensity built  and built within him every time his body absorbed another load.   

After a few hours Justin came over and removed the gag.  Brad winced  and rubbed his aching jaw.  "Please...I can't take more of this..." he  begged.   

"Easy now, it'll all be over soon," Justin said, gently stroking  Brad's flushed face.  The older man just groaned and leaned against the  table leg.  Justin walked back to Brad's desk and picked up the phone.   "Jeremy, can you take the Bull for a walk?  Maybe to the bathroom?  I  think he needs a break."   

Brad didn't know what was worse: being chained to the table or  walked through the office like an animal.  Several of the guys gave his  hairy cheeks a slap on the way, whistling for him to stop on his way  back.  He was grateful to find the bathroom empty.  It felt odd for him  to even be in it, considering that he had a private one attached to his  office.  What he didn't care for was Jeremy standing behind him at the  urinal, holding the leash.  He wanted to tell the other man to get the  hell out, but he was having a hard time even speaking.   

One of his tenured guys, Sam, walked in as soon as he pulled the  jock down.  "Hey Jeremy.  Hey Bull," Sam said, positioning himself at  the same urinal.  Instead of putting the young man through the wall,  Brad just shuffled over to make room and stared hungrily as he fished  out a cock that looked huge next to his shriveled appendage.  "They say  it's not the size, it's how you use it, but I dunno, Bull," Sam laughed,  wagging his hose next to Brad when he was done.   

Free of the gag, Brad picked up where he'd left off the day before.   "I don't pay you to look at my little dick," he bellowed.  "I pay you  to fuck me with yours!"  Brad reached over and grabbed Sam's cock,  stroking until the other man was throbbing in his thick paw.  He gripped  the urinal and bent over unceremoniously, giving Sam access.  Brad had  never felt so disgusting in his life.  Every time he thought he hit  bottom, there was something else.  He practically had his face in a  urinal while he begged a guy to fuck him for the twentieth time that  day.  He hoped this would at least be the one that gave him the release  he was desperate for.  The young man felt wonderful inside him as he  squirmed and writhed on the solid organ. Brad was so desperate that he  was thrusting himself back to the point where his hungry hole had  swallowed all Sam had to offer.  He would have done anything to get  relief.  Instead, his frustration only built when he absorbed Sam's load  like everyone else.   

Jeremy walked him back to his office and chained him back up to the  table just as the lawyers arrived.  They took one look at Brad and their  eyes went wide.   

"What the hell's going on here?!"  The first man to enter reached for his phone.   

"Christ!  What is this?!"  His partner stepped towards the conference table but hesitated.   

"Right on time, gentlemen," Justin said casually.  Brad felt the  brand on his ass burn again and both men stopped in their tracks.  They  looked back and forth between Justin and Brad until their expressions  matched the men outside.  "Why don't we have a seat at the table?"   

The lawyers took up chairs on either side of Brad.  One of them  stroked his bare, hairy shoulder and smiled down at him.  "So Justin  says you're finally ready to hand over the company and retire?"  Brad  was able to keep himself from speaking, but not from nodding.  "Great!   We looked over the forms you sent and everything seems to be in order.   We'll just need to go over some specifics and get some signatures..."  Brad didn't hear the rest.  He sat dumbfounded, helpless to stop what  was happening.  He was chained in his office, nearly naked, treated like  something between a whore and a pet.  The body that he was so proud of  betrayed him at every turn.  Instead of using his bulk to intimidate the  other men, he'd spent the past two days using it to get them off.  It  was too much.   

"Brad?  Bull?"  Hearing 'Bull' snapped him back to attention.  One  of the lawyers was holding a pen in front of him.  He wanted to jam it  in the man's neck.  He wanted to jam it in his own neck.  Instead, he  signed his name in several places and handed it back.  He watched them  leave, feeling his grip on sanity starting to slip.   

"See?  That wasn't so hard, was it?"  Justin's look was of mock  concern as he undid the collar and pulled Brad to his feet.  "You did  great.  I think it's time we celebrate."  Justin pulled Brad out into  the meeting area in the middle of the work floor.  The guys in the  office crowded around as he called for everyone's attention.  "We have  an announcement," he said cheerfully.  "Bull is finally stepping down  and handing the reins over to me.  Don't worry, he's not leaving us,  just taking a new role."  Justin scanned the crowd.  "There's going to  be some changes around here, but I think you'll all be happy with them  in the long run.  But for now..." Justin turned his attention back to  Brad.  He slowly pulled the jock free and lifted the tanktop off,  leaving the beefy man totally exposed.  "Anything to say, Bull?"   

Brad's hairy chest heaved with anticipation.  He turned around and  bent over against the table.  "Just that if someone doesn't get over  here and fuck me in the next five seconds you're all fired!"  The men  laughed like he'd just made a normal retirement speech as Justin stepped  up behind him.   

"Say goodbye to the Bull," Justin said, thrusting himself inside.   

As soon as he entered, Brad knew this was it.  He felt the pressure  build to the breaking point as Justin thrust in and out.  Just when he  thought he couldn't take any more, he felt something inside him pop.   "OOOOOOHHHHHHH!"  He screamed louder than he thought possible as the  pent up energy rushed out.  A shockwave seemed to shoot through the room  as Brad felt his body tense and push out stream after stream.  Any  relief he felt was short lived.  It soon became clear his muscles  weren't just tense from an orgasm.  His skin felt like it was crawling.   His whole body was rubber as the room swam before his eyes.  It didn't  last long, and soon he was slumped against the table, dizzy and sore.   

"Well?"  Justin said as he pulled out.  "Check out the new you."   

Brad was horrified, remembering the previous evening.  Nothing could  have prepared him for what he saw.  He turned, but instead of looking  down at Justin he stared at the middle of the other man's torso.  Worse,  even the slight movement of righting himself and turning caused his  body to jiggle in ways it shouldn't.  He looked down at himself, his  mouth opening in a silent scream.  His solid, mountainous body was gone,  replaced by a soft, portly frame.  His bulging pecs were now flabby  tits, and his muscle gut was just a squishy, ample belly complete with  sagging lovehandles.  Brad's formerly beefy arms were shapeless rolls  with sausage fingers, and his fattened thighs shook like jello at even  the hint of motion.  The carpet of hair he'd had since adolescence had  vanished, leaving him with ruddy pink skin that only accentuated his new  girth.  He looked around desperately until he caught his reflection in a  computer monitor.  Like the other men, he looked significantly younger.   Younger than most of the guys in the room.  But what he focused on  were his two chins, full lips, round, pink cheeks, and bald scalp.   "I...I..." the voice was soft and light, not his usual booming bass.  He  turned in a circle, looking up at the smiling, laughing faces.  The men  he used to dominate now towered over him.   

"I told you the other night I wouldn't leave you like that," Justin  said, his strong fingers pinching Brad's softened sides.  "But don't  worry...we can still use a little Piglet around here."   


Brad woke up sandwiched between Jack and Bryce on the bed.  Mornings  were the worst.  That moment between sleep and the waking world was  when his head was the clearest.  Every morning when he opened his eyes  and saw his fat, short new body he felt the same rush of horror.  Being  surrounded by walls of muscle like the ones he should have had didn't  help.  Fortunately it didn't last long.  As soon as Jack's strong hand  squeezed his supple love handle he forgot all about how things "should"  have been. He vaguely remembered how the others used to be.  He had  dreams about the night they all changed sometimes, but he couldn't  remember them long enough to say anything when they woke up.  And once  he was awake long enough he had a hard time believing his young  roommates were anything like the people in his dreams.  Ernie, with his  ripped body and makeup covered face an old man?  Skinny little Levi with  muscles?  It didn't seem possible.   

Brad hurried up and got dressed.  He had to go into the office with  Justin, and Justin didn't like to be kept waiting.  Brad slipped on one  of the bright jockstraps he always wore.  Every time he felt the tight  elastic bite into his soft thighs and stomach he winced without knowing  why.  He was running late.  He pulled on a tanktop that left the bottom  of his stomach hanging out and tiny shorts that stretched over his pudgy  legs like tights and raced down the hall as fast as his jiggling body  would allow.   

"Sorry," he said, panting from even the short jog when he ran into  Justin in the kitchen.  He was always conflicted with Justin.  Part of  him was so turned on he couldn't stand it, but another part of him was  terrified.  Brad had no idea why he should be terrified.  Justin had  never been anything but good to him.  But he always felt like he was  forgetting something whenever he was around him.  "I was up late with  Jack and Bryce," Brad said as they went out and climbed into the car.  

"I heard," Justin grinned.  "We're having guests this evening, so  hopefully they get their rest."  Brad knew what "having guests" meant.   If someone paid enough, usually one of Justin's clients, they had their  pick of the guys.  It didn't bother any of them; they liked the  attention.   

Brad felt his heart start racing when they pulled into the office.   He couldn't wait to get inside.  Every so often he felt nervous and  embarrassed without knowing why.  This morning wasn't one of those  times.  "Morning Jeremy!" He waved happily when they walked in.   

The lean young man got up from behind his desk and followed them  into Justin's large office.  Brad loved the way he looked in his tight  black tanktop and little matching black briefs.  "Morning Piglet,"  Jeremy said, giving Brad's ass a squeeze.   

"How many meetings today," Justin asked.   

"Only a few.  You've got two potential clients this afternoon, but the rest are just sit-downs with the guys."   

Brad stripped out of his confining shorts and walked out onto the  work floor.  All around him, equally exposed, built young men towered  over him.  There were guys in little briefs and ties, small trunks, even  a few jockstraps like his.  Brad felt a mix of exhilaration and  jealousy every time.  The office looked like a mix between a financial  advisement firm and an underwear catalog.  He loved spending his time  with so many gorgeous men, but again, something in his brain told him it  wasn't always like this.  He had no way of knowing that when Justin had  changed him, he'd altered the rest of them as well.  They now had  fewer, but more specific, clients.  Those new clients paid astronomic  amounts.  Having a beautiful, naked man at your disposal who also knew  how to manage your finances was a niche they were happy to fill.  Brad  didn't understand any of that stuff.  He mostly did menial tasks for the  guys like getting coffee or stocking supplies.   

"Piglet!"  Brad turned to see Eric, his tall, ripped body on display  save for a bright green tie nestled between his sculpted pecs and a  pair of tiny, stuffed orange briefs.  His handsome face was perfectly  manicured with his gelled blonde hair and freshly-shaven cheeks.  The  only other things he had on were a pair of thin dress socks and  expensive looking loafers.  He still carried himself like he was wearing  an expensive suit.   

"Hi Eric," Brad chirped, his eyes running and up and down the blonde man's washboard stomach.   

"My ten o'clock likes me to go for a while, so I need you to help me out here."   

"Sure thing!"   

"Thanks bud, you're a lifesaver," Eric said, sitting back down in  his chair and turning to his laptop.  While he went back to work, Brad  dropped to his knees and started his day.  He fished the long cock out  of the confining underwear and worked it with his tongue.  His small  mouth and puffy lips made him a hit amongst the guys in the office.  He  spent a good chunk of his days on his knees.  This was his real job, not  going on coffee runs.  Every so often he'd have flashes of himself  yelling at everyone.  He was big and tall and ordering everyone around  like he was in charge.  This was one of those times.  Eric didn't see  Brad's eyes go wide, or feel the sudden fluttering in his chest.  Brad  remembered.  He wanted to vomit at the sensation of his pudgy new body  squirming on it's knees with his face buried between Eric's naked  thighs.  He wanted to run.  He wanted to get help.  But his brain didn't  work like it used to.  He couldn't think things through beyond a step  or two without forgetting what he was thinking about in the first place.   Already all he could focus on was how good Eric tasted.  The long rod  felt nice and warm in his mouth.  Maybe if he was lucky Eric would fuck  him later.  "No," Brad thought desperately.  "That's not right.  That's  not what's supposed to..."  his mental train derailed when Eric shot a  huge load in his mouth.  He guzzled it down excitedly, feeling a rush of  satisfaction at getting the other man off.  He felt like he'd just been  upset about something but he couldn't remember what.  Eric, still on  the phone, just smiled down at him and waved him away when he finally  pulled his mouth free.   

"Piglet!  Over here," another one of the guys called.  Brad stumbled  to his feet and hurried over.  It was going to be a busy day.



Have you ever consider an similar one but an happier less dark harem?


For whatever reasons my stories tend to skew darker, but I don’t rule out the occasional happy ending.