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Brad tossed and turned for hours.  Now that Justin was asleep he stared  at his altered body, finally able to show the horror he didn't want the  other man to see.  His stomach turned as he grabbed his formerly meaty  package, easily swallowing it with one large hand.  It still felt good,  at least, it just didn't change size or shape like it should.  Instead,  it caused that pressure he felt inside to grow.  It didn't occur to him  to try and get out of bed until the pressure grew to the breaking point.   When he couldn't take anymore he tried as best as his mountainous  frame would allow him to gently slide out of bed.  It worked.  He should  have thought of escape.  Shrunken dick or not, he should have ran.  He  should have gone down the stairs, not into the back bedroom.  He quietly  slid the closet door open and fished around in the dark until he found  the box he'd been looking for.  He blushed as he pulled it out, turning  the silicone object over in his shaky hands.  One of the girls he hooked  up with regularly liked to be tied up and have him start with the long,  thick vibrator before taking over.  Brad was very much aware that he  was about to shove the same thing in his own body that he shoved in her  pussy.  He was also aware of the irony that he'd been the one tied up  earlier.  None of that mattered.  All that mattered was lubing up and  getting it inside, fast.  He bent over and awkwardly worked the  vibrating pole inside.   

"OOOHhhh!"  Brad couldn't hold back the moan when he worked it in  far enough between his hairy cheeks.  He quickly snapped his mouth shut,  hoping Justin hadn't heard.  His more pressing concern was what to do  with it now that it was inside.  His bulky body prevented him from  working it much himself, and the vibrating, while pleasant, wasn't  enough.  He finally broke down and squatted over the bed, pressing his  ass into the mattress and squirming, hating himself for how good it  felt.   

"Well that's a sight," Justin yawned, flipping on the light.   

"Oh!"  Brad shot up as the lights flipped on, mortified at being caught.   

"Someone's playing with their toys when they should be sleeping," Justin smiled.   

"I couldn't...I needed to..." Brad licked his lips at the sight of Justin's semi-hard pole.   

"Let's just make this quick," Justin said, motioning for Brad to  kneel on the bed.  The older man scrambled into position, his thick,  hairy arms flexing as he held himself upright.  Justin grabbed the  vibrator and pushed it in and out slowly.   

Brad let out a deep moan and started squirming.  He couldn't believe  he was in this position.  Literally.  Instead of the girl on the bed,  his round, hairy ass was in the air getting fucked by the same vibrator.   His embarrassment grew when Justin gently stroked his back.   

"How we doin', Bull?  You're going to have to let me know," Justin said condescendingly.   

"Fuuuck...." Brad moaned.  "Don't stop...don't stop..."  

"My arm's going to get tired, big guy.  You might need to put some work into this too."   

On cue, Brad started bucking his huge frame.  He pumped his hips and  rolled his back and wriggled his ass.  "Oh shit...oh  shit...yes...yes...yes...gonna...gonna..." he let out a loud grunt  before spraying onto the bed.  It wasn't nearly as much as he was used  to, but it took the edge off.  He fell over onto his back and panted up  at Justin.  He hated how captivated he was.  The sight of Justin's  black, messy hair, bright eyes and high cheeks made his stomach flutter.   Throw in the long, thick cock pointing at him and he was already  losing control again.   

"Theeeere we go," Justin sighed, tossing the vibrator onto the bed.    "But you see, now I've got a problem," he said, wagging his hard cock  in Brad's face.   

Brad hesitated, wondering how far he could fall.  But when he sat up  and the warm, pulsing organ brushed across his lips, his mouth split  open and he swallowed as much of it as he could.    

"Your technique could use some work, but you'll have plenty of  practice."  Justin ran his hands through Brad's short, buzzed hair.  He  was mostly using the older man's mouth as a warm hole, pumping his cock  in and out.  The grizzled old man was surprisingly receptive, swallowing  most of it without issue.  Justin shoved it far back when he came,  spraying his stream down Brad's throat.  The stocky man guzzled it down,  giving Justin's rod a final slurp as he pulled it free.   

Brad had already surprisingly blown another load, but he didn't want  to pull away.  It had taken the edge off, but he still didn't get the  relief he was used to.  His mouth tingled, but he told himself it was  from the unaccustomed activity.   

"What's the word, Bull?  Can we go back to bed now?"  Brad nodded  silently as Justin pulled him to his feet.  He was still painfully horny  as they climbed into bed, but the warm, content feeling he got when  Justin draped himself over him was enough to finally lull him to sleep.    


Almost immediately Brad felt like he was opening his eyes again.   "Rise and shine!"  The chipper voice pulled Brad out of a deep sleep.   He looked up at Justin, confused.   

"What're you..." he stopped, his face paling.  Before he could speak  again the memories of the previous day flooded back.  It hadn't been a  nightmare.  He raised his head and looked down at the still-shrunken nub  and felt his body turn red from humiliation.  It didn't help that the  sight of Justin's nearly-naked body caused that painful need in his ass  to swell.  He felt his mouth go dry with a sudden urge to have Justin  fill it.   

Justin reached down and ran a hand over Brad's brillo-pad hair.   "Now come on, time to get ready for work."  Justin pointed to the open  closet.   

Brad walked over to it and froze.  "I can't go in like this!"  He  felt his stomach drop at the thought of going into the office with his  tiny dick and huge nipples, but not for the reasons he expected.  "Those  studs at the office are going to fuck me raw!  These pants will just  get in the way!"  Brad's eyes went wide at the words loudly leaving his  mouth.  "What the hell did I just say?!"   

Justin shrugged.  "Sounded normal to me."

"No it didn't!  I just said I can't wait to get stuffed by those  huge dicks!"  His face was crimson.  "No!  That's not what I meant!  I  meant I need a dick in my mouth!"  Brad stopped talking.  He hadn't  intended to say any of that.  "What...did you...do to me..." he managed.    

"I told you yesterday that everyone responds differently.  That cum  you were so quick to guzzle last night must have affected the way you  talk."   

"How are you doing this to my fuckable...body..." Brad managed half of the question.   

"How doesn't matter.  The question I'd worry about is what happens  next."  Brad wanted to cry.  It was bad enough that his body had been  changed, but now he couldn't even open his mouth.  He glared at the  Justin, in his small purple briefs and dress shirt, wishing the sight of  the young stud filled him with anything other than lust.  "But since  you're so worried about people having access...here, put this on."    

Brad took the wad of bright pink fabric, blushing when he saw it was  a jockstrap.  He reluctantly pulled it on, wincing when he felt it lift  and accentuate his cheeks while the pouch flapped, mostly empty.  "I  look ridiculous...ly hot in this!"  He stomped a heavy foot.   "Goddamnit!"  Justin only laughed at his frustration and kept getting  ready.   Brad tried to focus on anything else.  He pulled on a pair of  pants, squirming at the unusual sensation of the fabric on his bare ass  and thighs, but the shirt proved to be a problem.  The fabric running  across his altered nipples made him gasp.  When he finally got it on,  the solid nubs stood out noticeably underneath.  He just hoped he'd get  used to it.   

The morning was proving to be torturous.  He didn't get used to the  shirt, and the slightest movement sent a spasm through him.  His cock  would've burst through his pants by now if Justin hadn't done whatever  he did to him.  He tried to leave his suit jacket on, but that was even  worse.  Any hope he had that people wouldn't notice was dashed when  Jeremy came in for their morning check in.  He'd managed to delay it for   a few hours by shaking his head sternly at his young assistant on the  way in.  He thought that if he just didn't open his mouth he'd be okay,  but he discovered that even typing emails turned into a string of him  begging to be fucked.  When he didn't respond at all, Jeremy finally  worked up the courage to check on him.  Brad watched the lean young man  look at the two large nubs on his chest and then quickly away.  What was  worse, just being around him caused Brad to feel that pressure grow in  his ass.  His skin tingled where Justin had branded him and his mouth  went dry again like it had that morning.   

"Is, uh, everything okay, sir," Jeremy asked nervously.  Brad bit  his lip, trying desperately to keep his mouth shut.  He could feel a  response coming whether he wanted it to or not.  "Do you need something,  sir?"  Jeremy asked after a few moments of Brad's silent staring.   

"You're damn right I do," Brad said, standing.  "I need you to..."  he felt the words coming but was helpless to stop them, "...come over  here and fuck me.  Hard."  Brad couldn't believe what he'd just said.   

"Uh, sir?"  Jeremy, normally used to his boss's tirades, actually  blushed this time.  Brad was about to stammer and excuse when he felt  the brand burn like new all over again and he saw Jeremy's eyes glaze  over.  "Whatever you need, sir," Jeremy said as though Brad had just  given him an ordinary task.   

"Good!" Brad came around in front of his desk and quickly had his  pants down.  He saw Jeremy's eyes go wide at the sight of his miniature  nub in the bright pink jock, but the young man didn't say anything about  it.  Brad's big fingers fumbled with Jeremy's tight pants but he soon  had them down the young man's skinny legs, exposing the long, thin rod.   Brad pushed Jeremy down into a chair and dropped to his knees, burying  his face between the other man's skinny thighs.  He'd overheard the  young man talk about a girlfriend before, but after a few minutes of  Brad's tongue bath he was solid and throbbing.  "Ready?" he asked,  standing.   

"Yes sir," Jeremy nodded, panting.  Brad turned around and leaned  over, slowly lowering his hairy cheeks towards Jeremy's crotch.  His  huge thighs strained as he worked the rod in and started bouncing up and  down.  He heard Jeremy gasp behind him.  The lithe young man pumped his  hips in time to Brad's heavy bouncing.     

"I didn't ask you to poke me," Brad barked over his shoulder.  "I want you to fuck me!"   

"Yes...sir...sorry...sir...." Jeremy said through gritted teeth.  He  stood and pushed Brad towards his desk, slamming harder and harder into  his boss.   

Brad let out a loud moan.  "That's better," he purred.  "Fuck me like a man, goddamnit!"   

Jeremy was pounding away as hard as he could.  He didn't last long  at the rate he was going and promptly pumped a thick stream into the  older man.  Brad whimpered when he felt the warm fluid absorb into him  like the day before.  It cleared his head a little and he became acutely  aware that he'd just begged, and been fucked by, his scrawny twerp of  an assistant.  He hadn't even taken the hot pink jock off.  Not that it  mattered.  His crotch was still bone dry.  All this had done was make  his longing worse.  "Not bad, kid," he said smugly when Jeremy pulled  out.  Again he saw the other man stare at his pitiful package as he  pulled his pants up.  "Let me know whenever you want to practice."   

Jeremy's eyes were glazed as he dressed himself.  "Thank you, sir.  I will, sir."   

"That looked like a fun meeting," Just said from the doorway.  "I  peeked in while Jeremy was slamming away.  Probably couldn't hear me  over your moaning.  The office could, though."   

"What do you want?"  Brad stared as Justin sauntered over, his eyes resting on the bulge in the other man's fitted pants.   

"Just need you to sign these.  Don't worry about what's on them."   He dropped a stack of papers on Brad's desk.  Brad knew he should read  them, but instead he just flipped to the back of each packet and signed  and dated.   

"What did I just sign?"   

"What are you talking about?  You didn't sign anything.  Forget it."   

Brad's eyes glazed over.  "What...what were we just talking about?"   

"You were going to call the lawyers and schedule a meeting.  You can talk to them like you normally would."   

Brad felt a surge of anger that faded as quickly as it came.  What  did Justin just say?  Before he even realized it he was hanging up the  phone.  "Tomorrow at two," Brad said in a daze.   

"Good!  That gives us more than enough time," Justin said cheerfully.   

"For what?"  Brad did not like the look in Justin's eyes.   

"After putting up with you for so long, those guys out there are  ready for a rodeo, if you know what I mean."  Brad felt his heart start  to race.  "Jeremy was just the first."   

"How are you doing this?  Did you do something to everyone in the office?"

"No, just you.  Technically it's you doing this.  That brand I gave  you?  It affects those around you.  Everyone will respond a bit  differently, especially the more they're exposed to it."  Justin handed  Brad the stack of papers.  "And since I don't want to have to wait for  everyone to come in here individually, you're going to walk these down  to Dylan's office to get them notarized.  Take the long way and circle  back past Eric.  That should blanket the entire office."   

Brad's body was on autopilot.  He was finding it harder and harder  to put up any resistance to Justin's commands.  He stomped out of his  office and down the hall, feeling the growing number of eyes on him.   "What in the hell are you fairies all staring at?  I pay you to work,  not stare!  If you want to fuck me, come in my office and do it when  your work is over!"  A few of the heads turned back to their computers  quickly.  Most continued staring with a glazed expression.  As he looked  out over the group of fit, handsome employees with their perfectly  styled hair and tailored suits he started to regret his hiring choices.   He liked throwing his weight around.  These were the men that other  guys were jealous of and he was the alpha amongst them.  It normally  made him feel powerful.  Now he felt anything but.   

He stormed into Dylan's office and dropped the papers on the  startled man's desk.  Dylan was a tall, fit redhead, with pale skin and  freckles.  He had a boyish face that made him look young and innocent,  something that Brad always harassed him for.  The older man also  constantly ribbed him about the "Irish Man's Curse", mocking him for  having what he assumed was a tiny dick.  The irony wasn't lost on him.   "I need these notarized," he demanded.  Dylan looked down at the papers  and then back up at Brad with the same blank stare.  "Some time today  would be nice if you want a piece of this."   

Dylan shook his head.  "Sorry, Bull.  Spaced out there for a second."   

"What did you just call me?"  Brad crossed his beefy arms, immediately regretting it when they brushed his sensitive chest.   

"Bull.  Isn't that what you want us to call you?"  Dylan seemed genuinely confused by the question.   

"Of course it is!  Why are we even having this conversation?"   

Dylan decided to change the subject.  "My stamp is in the file cabinet," he said as he stood and crossed his office.   

Brad's eyes were quickly glued to the young man.  His lean torso was  deceptively thin, as evidenced by his firm, broad shoulders.  And when  he pulled open a cabinet drawer the sleeves bulged to capacity.  The  other area that bulged to capacity was his ass.  He remembered Dylan  talking about playing soccer in college, and it showed.  His cheeks were  round and firm as they defied gravity.  Brad couldn't stop looking at  them.  When the young man bent over to open the bottom drawer he caught  himself licking his lips.   

"Here we go!"  Dylan stood and slammed the drawer shut.  He turned  just in time to catch Brad staring hungrily at his lower half.   "Everything alright, Bull?"   

"It will be as soon as you notarize those forms and let me eat out  that juicy ass of yours," Brad ordered, screaming at himself in his  head.  He watched Dylan blush as the young man quickly stamped the  forms.   

"All done," he said with a bashful smile.   

"About time."  Instead of grabbing the forms, Brad grabbed Dylan's  belt and sent the other man's pants to the floor.  The bulge in the tiny  black trunks wasn't huge, but it was much larger than Brad's current  endowment.  He spun Dylan around and dropped to his knees, gnawing on  the plump cheeks through the underwear.  His hands had a firm grip on  the front of Dylan's solid thighs, his fingers sliding up underneath the  underwear.  The young man gasped and squirmed and pressed his cheeks  back against Brad's face.  The older man wanted to gag when he finally  pulled the underwear down and buried his face between the solid globes.   He reached around and stroked Dylan's solid cock, loving the feel of it  in his hand.  He took his time exploring every inch of the firm  backside, hating himself for how he couldn't get enough of it.  He  didn't even want to fuck the young man.  The thought never crossed his  mind.  He'd love it if Dylan rammed him, but the notion of him doing the  penetrating didn't even register.   

As he felt Dylan oozing more and more he spun him around and  swallowed the throbbing rod, burying his face in the patch of dark red  hair at the base.  He didn't blow him, just slathered the young man up  enough to lube the pole his hand was stroking.  Dylan couldn't take it.   Just as Brad pulled his mouth away he came, showering the older man's  face, shirt and tie.  They both panted in silence.  Brad felt the warm  fluid on his face absorb into his skin.  The same couldn't be said for  his clothes, which were dripping.  "Thanks, Bull," Dylan said, patting  Brad on the head as he pulled his pants back up.   

"Fine job, son," Brad said as he stood and grabbed the papers.  He  couldn't stop himself from completing the circuit of the office in his  cum-drenched clothes.  He wanted to throw himself out one of the windows  as one-by-one the heads turned and looked at him again.  Justin was in  the middle of them, grinning from ear to ear.   

Brad always kept a spare set of clothes in his office.  He dropped  the papers on his desk and pulled off the dripping tie and shirt.  If  nothing else, he was glad to have a reprieve for his sensitive chest.   He was trying not to think about what he'd just done.  He didn't want to  linger on how much he'd loved the taste and the smell of another man's  ass.   

"Oh, sorry Bull, did we catch you at a bad time?"   

Brad turned and saw Bryan and Thom in his doorway.  "Doesn't anyone  knock anymore," he said gruffly.  Brad was fully aware that he was  standing shirtless with his enlarged nipples poking out.  Worse, he'd  undone the top of his pants to tuck the shirt in, leaving a bright shock  of hot pink standing out against the deep navy of his pants.   

"You, uh, told us to come back today with the updated figures,"  Bryan said, his eyes traveling up and down Brad's beefy, hairy torso.   

"Ah, damn, you're right.  Forgot about that."  Brad looked over at  Thom, who was staring at his crotch.  "And what are you looking at?  You  act like you've never seen a tiny dick before!"  Brad was mortified  when he shucked his pants and thrust out his pitiful crotch.  "Bet you  never saw one that small," he said, almost proud.   

Bryan and Thom exchanged glances and shook their heads.  "No," Thom said, smiling "we've never seen one that small."   

"You're damn right," Brad said smugly, pulling down the jock and  exposing the shrunken package.  "Now let me see some big ones."  Again,  Bryan and Thom gave each other a look and then shrugged and unzipped  their pants.  The hose that Bryan fished out was longer, but Thom's was  thicker.  "Those are real man-sized," Brad said as though it were a  compliment.  He walked over to his conference table, dangerously close  to his open door, and sat on the edge.  The table groaned under his  heavy weight as he scooted further back.  "Now come over here and show  me how real men use 'em."   

Brad stretched out on his broad back and raised his legs to expose  his eager hole.  Thom took the bottom spot while Bryan went around and  brushed his hardening rod against Brad's face.  There was no hiding what  was happening.  Brad let out a deep bellow when Thom shoved his thick  rod in.  Even when his mouth was full of Bryan, he still whimpered  loudly.  From his vantage point he could see out his open door and onto  the office floor.  He felt himself starting to break.  His body was on  fire with pleasure while his brain tried to process what was happening.   He was naked on his back getting stuffed at both ends by two of his  employees while the office watched.  The two men pounding away were  still impeccably dressed while his hairy bulk writhed and squirmed on  the table.  He didn't feel powerful anymore.  He didn't feel in charge.   He felt weak and dominated.  His tiny, useless little dick throbbed  helplessly while he was debased by the men he used to take so much  pleasure in bossing around.  Now he wanted them to be the boss.  He  wanted them to do things to him that he couldn't even imagine yet.   Bryan and Thom were done all too soon.  Brad lay on the table, feeling  humiliated and frustrated.  The pressure inside him was stronger than  ever.  Luckily Eric was standing in his doorway.  And behind him a line  was forming.   


"Well THAT was an interesting day," Justin said as they drove back  to Brad's house.  The older man just stared out the window in a daze.   The entire afternoon had been a rotating line of his guys taking a turn  at him.  He'd spent hours getting fucked and drenched in cum.  The whole  time he kept barking orders, telling the guys how to dominate and  humiliate him.  He'd loved it.  He knew he should hate it.  He told  himself he hated it.  But that's not what he really felt.  What he  really felt was hungry for more.  Instead of bringing relief, the more  he was stuffed and the more they pounded into him,  the worse the  pressure got.  His body wasn't even sore.  He felt like he could have  kept going.   

"I...I can't believe that just happened..." a surge of his old anger  came back.  "You won't fucking get away with this!  I swear you're  going to..." his voice dropped "...fuck me silly later."   

"Not me," Justin laughed, still loving Brad's new vocabulary.  "What  YOU'RE going to do is make sure the house is ready when we get home  because we're having company tonight."   

"What?!"  Brad felt a bit of his old fury come back hearing Justin talk about the house like it was his.   

"That big house is so empty.  And it's just made for entertaining.   You're wasting it, really."  Justin patted the big man's thigh.  "I  think you'll appreciate the guest list."

"Guys from work?" Brad asked, trying not to sound excited.

"Sort of.  Not from our office, but I think you know them.  Bryce Thompson, Jack Stoddard, Levi Callahan and Ernest Brandson."   

Brad's stomach dropped.  Those four men were his biggest  competitors.  They had a professional relationship where they were  cordial to each other's faces but wouldn't hesitate to shove each other  down the stairs given the chance.  He could only imagine their reaction  at seeing him like this.  "You can't...not them...anyone but them."   

"They'll be here in a few hours," Justin said as he pulled into the  driveway.  Brad was ordered to strip down again before going from room  to room to tidy up.  Justin loved watching the burly bear of a man  almost as much as Brad loved watching the hunky young man.  Justin  stripped down to his underwear to work out, teasing Brad in his  clinging, sweaty briefs when he was done.  He wanted Brad driven to the  breaking point by the time the guests got there.  He'd rub Brad's hairy  belly while the older man cleaned, or make him lick the sweat off his  own sculpted pecs.  He worked the older man's tiny cock constantly,  knowing that alone would never get him off.  By the time he was done and  they'd both cleaned themselves up and gotten dressed again it was time  for the guests to arrive.   

Brad was surprised that Justin had even bothered to make him get  dressed.  He was wearing a shirt and tie and a pair of dress slacks with  nothing on under that.  Brad was under no illusions about how long that  would last.  At least he was able to talk normally again.  For now.   

Levi was the first to arrive.  He'd gotten his start with Brad's  company but had quickly advanced.  His natural charm and stunning looks  helped.  At 40, he was just as well off as Brad and still looked just as  good.  His thick, brown hair showed no signs of thinning and his fitted  shirt and linen pants showed off a body that someone half his age would  be jealous of.  His handsome, tanned face showed no signs of wrinkles  and his perfect teeth sparkled.  He looked like a model who'd just  walked off a photo shoot.  "Levi," Brad said, shaking the man's hand as  he entered.   

"Brad," Levi said, looking past the bulky man at Justin.  "Still picking on those young guys?"   

"It worked out well for you."   

Levi grinned.  "And I'm sure you're just thrilled about that."  He  patted Brad on the shoulder and introduced himself to Justin.  "If you  ever get tired of being yelled at by this guy give me a call.  We're not  a sausage fest, either.  Plenty of women looking to advance their  careers, if you know what I mean," he said with a wink.   

"I'll remember that," Justin said, his smile predatory.   

Ernest was the next to arrive.  In his mid-60s, he was the oldest of  the group.  He owned a rival firm that Brad could never seem to get a  leg up on.  Brad watched as he said his hellos, the aging man's sagging  stomach pressing against his polo shirt and thinning hair a sharp  contrast to the young, beautiful Levi.  Brad knew Ernest hated Levi for  his looks as much as for his success.  The older man had been just like  Levi until time caught up with him.  Surgery could only do so much.   

Justin still hadn't given any indication as to what was going on  when Bryce arrived.  Bryce was Brad's same age, and like the other two  he ran a firm that was neck and neck with everyone in the room.  Unlike  Brad, Bryce was short and scrawny, with male pattern baldness and a  rat-like face that matched his personality.  He was on his fifth wife.   The money stopped being impressive after a while.   

Jack was the last to arrive.  Where Levi had just entered his 40s,  he was getting ready to exit his.  His lean, wolfish features were  offset by his salt and pepper hair and dark complexion.  An avid  marathon runner, Jack had a thin, solid body that he moved with the same  precision that he ran his company.   

The group drank and mingled with surprising ease considering their  dislike for one another.  If someone just walked in on them they'd have  no idea.  Brad had no idea how Justin even got them all to agree to come  to the house to begin with, but he had his suspicions.  He played the  gracious host knowing that Justin was letting him squirm on the hook.   He was so worked up from the preceding day that it was taking every  ounce of control not to throw himself at his rivals.

"So, it's probably time we talk about why everyone's here," Justin  finally said, gathering everyone's attention.  "Brad here has recently  adopted a new outlook on life that he'd like to share with each of you.   I know you're not fans of each other," he said, scanning the room.   "Kudos for your acting skills, by the way.  But this might be a unifying  force.  Brad?"   

All eyes turned to Brad.  He hadn't been told what to do, but his hands still rose and started unbuttoning his shirt.   

"What is this?"  Ernest waited until Brad had his shirt off to speak.   

"Patience," Justin said calmly.   

Brad prayed for a miracle that never came as he undid his pants and kicked them free.   

"Well that's one thing tonight that's not surprising," Jack laughed at the sight of Brad's shriveled member.   

"What are we supposed to be looking at?  Other than Brad's hairy ass," Bryce said between sips of his drink.   

"This is what I'm offering you."  Justin came up behind Brad and  shoved a metal ring in his mouth, forcing it open.  Brad could do  nothing but stand there and let him fasten it in place behind his head.   "Brad is yours for the taking. Do with him as you please."  Justin  fastened the cock-leash back on and handed it to Levi, who was closest.    

Brad stared at the other man, his heart racing.  He never imagined  his day could get worse.  He watched Levi look back and forth between  him and the leash.  He could tell the other man's mind was running  scenarios, but then he got the look in his eyes that he saw all day at  the office.  "Uuunnnggg!"  Brad winced and staggered forward when Levi  gave the leash a pull.   

"What the hell," Levi said, his immaculate smile turning sinister.   "So this is the Bull in all his glory?"  He pinched and prodded Brad's  stocky body.  "A real prime cut of beef, mostly," he laughed, tugging on  the leash again.  "You've got some serious udders, though."  He tweaked  the huge nipples roughly, loving Brad's squeal.  He did it again and  again until the bound man was trembling.  Brad wanted to run when Levi  finally stopped, but the handsome man just pushed him to his knees.  "Do  I really need to explain," Levi spat with another pull of the leash.   Brad almost frantically pulled down Levi's pants and underwear, exposing  a long, heavy cock that was just as impressive as the rest of him.  If  he cared about being so exposed in front of the others it didn't show as  he shoved his hardening cock into Brad's forced-open mouth.  "Ohhh...oh  yeah..." he laughed, thrusting in and out.  "If I'd known you could use  your mouth for something other than yelling at everyone I'd have gotten  you one of these years ago."  Levi kept pumping while he pulled off his  shirt, showing off his broad shoulders, perfect pecs, and washboard  stomach.  "What'd you used to say about guys that were cut like this?"  He flexed for emphasis.  "Gym muscle wasn't real?  We weren't "real  men"?  Was that it?"  Levi grabbed the back of Brad's head and thrust  even harder.   

"Easy now, pretty boy.  We don't want to break him too early."   Ernest surprised everyone in the room by stepping up next, his dick  already in hand.  "Not bad for an 'old-timer', eh?"  His thick rod  rivaled the naked man's.   

Levi gave another thrust and pulled his dripping rod free.  He  crossed his arms over his smooth pecs and nodded.  "Okay, we can share."    

Ernest slid his cock in more slowly, working it around Brad's mouth.   "Usually have to pay for this," he sighed.  "You must've had a lot of  practice over the years," he mocked.   

Brad's body was on overdrive, thankfully drowning out his panicked  brain.  If he could have fully comprehended getting face fucked by his  arch rivals he would have gone insane.  Instead his hungry hands reached  up and undid the old man's pants the rest of the way before sliding up  under his shirt to paw at the saggy belly underneath.  

"Eager little thing, isn't he?"  Ernest laughed as Brad started unbuttoning his shirt.   

"It's a party," Jack said as he came up from behind and pulled  Ernest's shirt free.  The wiry silver fox had already stripped down to a  pair of light grey briefs which he quickly shed.  "Better than passing a  joint around."  He picked up where Ernest left off, sliding his  surprisingly fat, short cock in.  The trio took turns, getting more and  more into it with each pass at Brad's drooling mouth.   

Bryce was the last hold out.  He watched the other three but hadn't joined in yet.   

"What's wrong Bryce?  Shy?"  Levi finally asked, motioning for him to come over.   

Bryce shook his head.  "I'm not interested in his mouth.  I'm interested in that," he said, pointing to Brad's hairy cheeks.   

"We can make that happen," Ernest said, picking up the leash and  giving it a tug.  "On your feet, Bull."  Brad stumbled to his feet, the  other men laughing at his oozing little nub.   

"It's a nice night.  Let's do this out there," Jack nodded towards  the patio.  They were like eager teenagers as they hurried downstairs,  Brad doing his best to keep up.  Bryce stripped along the way, revealing  an average, undefined body with an equally unimpressive cock.  He  didn't seem too concerned about his appearance as they bent Brad over a  few stools and he plunged inside.   

"Looks like this bull's been through a few rodeos," Bryce laughed as Brad quickly fell into rhythm.   

Levi resumed his position in Brad's mouth while Bryce pumped away  from behind. This set the tone for the rest of the evening.  They took  turns plugging Brad from both ends.  At one point Jack and Levi worked  both of their impressive poles inside, causing Brad to nearly black out  from the pain.  When they were finally finished Brad was in a heap on  the patio while the men were sprawled in the various loungers catching  their breath.   

"I trust everyone had fun," Justin asked as he stepped out onto the patio.   

"That's one word for it," Levi sighed, stretching his ripped frame.   

"Good!" Justin clapped.   "That just leaves the question of who's going to be first."   

"First?"  A hint of awareness crept back into Ernest's eyes.  "What do you mean fir..."  

"Uuuhhhnnn!"  the old man was cut off by Levi's sudden moan of  agony.  "What...what's happening...?"  He was wide eyed as he stumbled  off the lounger.  The wall of windows leading into the house formed a  mirror and he watched in horror as his reflection started to change.   His muscles dwindled, his thick arms shrinking by the moment while his  shoulders pulled towards each other and his sculpted chest pulled back  into his body.  His washboard abs faded while his muscular thighs lost  their definition.  His face didn't escape the changes as his chiseled  jaw took on a softer look.  His prominent nose pulled back to a cute  button and his dark brown hair lightened to a bright blonde.  When he  righted himself it was clear he'd also shrank by several inches.  He'd  been an even six feet when it started, but now he was well below that.   Everyone stared at the impossible figure before them.  Where there was  once a middle-aged hunk, there was now an early twenty something twink.   He had bright blue eyes, rosy cheeks, full lips, and a cute little  nose.  His shoulders were thin with soft, shapeless arms and dainty  hands.  Where his meaty pecs had been was now the faint outline of what  could maybe be considered definition, and where his rock hard abs had  been was now a soft, supple belly.  His formerly toned thighs jiggled  with the slightest movement, as did the large, bouncing globes that had  replaced his solid bubble.  What hadn't changed was his impressive  package, which looked almost freakishly large on his altered body.   "What did you do to me?" He let out a high pitched, panicked squeal.  He  gave the others a pleading look as he felt his soft new body.   

"Holy shit!"  Jack got up to run but didn't make it far.  "No!   No..no..no..." he grunted as his body exploded.  His lean runners build  was swallowed by expanding waves of flesh.  His neck disappeared as his  back and shoulders surged outwards.  Ripples of muscle flowed down his  expanding arms while his pecs puffed ever outwards.  His flat stomach  pushed forward, arching his back as it piled on layer after layer of  muscle.  His toned runners legs suddenly pressed together as meaty  trunks above softball sized calves while his formerly small ass grew to  match.  His pointy chin squared off and his forehead developed a slight  slope to it.  His salt and pepper hair was gone, replaced by a tight,  jet black buzz cut.  His fat cock looked appropriately short and thick,  just like the rest of him.  He'd been the shortest of the group at 5'8",  and while he hadn't gotten any shorter, the extra mass drew attention  to his lack of height.  "What the fuck?!"  He bellowed in a deepened  voice.  He ran his thickened fingers over the new mass while his arms  hung outward from his body at an angle.  He was still every bit as lean;  each of his plentiful new muscles was striated and stood out.  But  instead of a runner, he now looked like a competitive body builder.  A  young competitive body builder.  He stared at his dull, meat-head face,  looking no older than Levi.   

The others were in no position to offer help.  Ernest had already  started changing.  The years melted away in rapid succession, his body  tightening up to match.  He stopped sagging and started growing.  Frail  arms filled out with sturdy muscle.  His flabby chest popped into a pair  of sculpted pecs while his gut pulled upwards into a jagged washboard.   Thighs grew and toned.  His ass lifted up further and further until it  formed a tight bubble behind him.  In minutes he'd gone from portly old  man to young stud.  He had a tapering "V" to his torso and not an ounce  of fat on him.  His face shed the wrinkles just as fast, but the person  it revealed was not a young Ernest.  High, jagged cheekbones poked out  while his mouth puffed and pursed to form a permanent duck-face. He had a  sharp, angular jawline that matched his angular haircut as his dark  hair filled back in.    From the neck down, he had a hard, gym body, but  from the neck up he had androgynous, almost feminine features.   Accordingly, unlike the others, his cock did shrink, pulling back to a  squat 5 inches.  "Oh my gawd!" He squealed exageratedly in a feminine  voice.  It could have been his androgynous features, but he now appeared  to be the youngest of the group.   

Bryce was the last to change.  Like Jack, his soft, average body was  suddenly consumed by an explosion of flesh.  He grew wider and wider as  flesh piled on flesh.  His non-existent chest now rested heavily on his  solid, muscle gut.  On either side thick, trunk like arms with wide  hands hung out at an angle.  His once-thin legs were massive and  powerful.  They had to be to support the extra weight and height.  Bryce  had been just under six feet, but now he rivaled Brad for height.  He  actually looked like a younger version of the man they'd been tormenting  as hair sprouted all over.  His now-youthful face filled out, with  round cheeks and a slight double chin as auburn hair filled in the bald  scalp.  His package was still average, but it couldn't help but look  small against the mountain of a man he'd become.  He looked like he'd  fit in on any college football team.  "This can't...this can't be  possible..."   

Brad watched the men change in a daze.  The pressure that had been  building and building popped as soon as the alterations began.  His  massive body was wracked with spasms as he was hit with the most  powerful release he'd ever felt.  He couldn't scream.  He couldn't moan.   He could barely breath.  While he was grateful for the incessant  pressure to be gone, he was equally horrified.  Enemies or not, seeing  his peers changed into unrecognizable versions of themselves was  jarring, to say the least.  The implications for what awaited him were  less than comforting.   

"Oh my gawd turn us back!" Ernest waved his hands in horror.   "Waaaiiiit, like, why am I talking like this?!"  He continued to be a  ball of dramatic motion, his buff, youthful new body prancing in a  panic.   

"Like I told your friend over there," Justin said, pointing to the prone and panting Brad, "it's different for everyone."   

"You can't do this to us!"  Levi was actually crying as he looked at  his lithe, soft new frame.  "What do you want?  Money?  We'll give you  as much as you want!  Just...just don't leave us like this!"   

Justin shook his head.  "I don't want your money.  I have more than  enough of that.  None of you should be surprised; it's just business.   I'm taking over Brad's firm and you're the only real competition.  It's  not personal."   

"People will come looking!"  Jack sounded surprised by how deep his  voice was.  The newly-formed bodybuilder squirmed uncomfortably, unable  to get away from all his recently acquired flesh.   

Again, Justin shook his head with a gentle sigh.  "No, they won't.   You didn't actually tell people that you were coming here.  I know you  THINK you did, but..." Realization dawned amongst the altered group.   Repressed memories sprung to the surface.  No one had said anything  about coming here.  They'd gone on business trips, or vacations, not to a  rival's house.  "See?  Your cars have already been disposed of while  you were having fun with Brad.  The four of you officially just went  missing, permanently."   

"You can't...you can't get away with this..." Bryce stammered.   

"Even if someone did come looking, what would they find?"  Justin  motioned to the reflection in the windows.  "Not only do you not look  like yourselves, you've changed on the cellular level.  DNA?  Nope.   Dental records?  Nope.  Fingerprints?  Sorry.  You're essentially  newborns."  Justin let that sink in.   

"You can't...can't keep us...keep..." Levi was having a hard time  speaking.  He gripped his head, followed shortly by the others.   "Aaaarrrgghh....what's...aaahhh...."

"Newborns," Justin said flatly as the men writhed in agony.  "Being  born is never easy.  You'll probably remember bits and pieces of your  old lives.  Enough to know what happened, at any rate.  It's not a  gentle process.  You all live here, now.  You do what I say, when I say.   I don't need you smart, so you can kiss that goodbye.  I need you for  your bodies.  I'll be blunt: when this is over the four of you put  together will probably be half as smart as one of you were, if you're  lucky.  I mean, I don't have an IQ test, but I wouldn't plan on spending  your free time reading."   

Brad watched the writhing men's expressions change.  The pain seemed  to stop, replaced by a dull look in their eyes.  They looked at  themselves, confused, but seemed to recognize each other.   

"Ernie?"  Levi was the first to speak.  "What just happened?"  He seemed to want to say more, but couldn't find the words.   

"I have, like, no idea," Ernest, now Ernie, said.  "Girl you know I can't remember for shit," he said with a hand toss.   

Bryce went over and threw a now-beefy arm around Levi's thin new  shoulders.  "I know what I want to do," he said with a goofy grin.   

Jack was flexing in the window, his muscles popping one-by-one.  "I don't know either dudes," he finally said, turning around.   

"You guys came out for a swim," Justin said calmly.  They looked at each other hesitantly, but then smiled and nodded.   

Brad heard a series of splashes before he passed out.



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