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I'm not sure that these stories will ever see the light of day, but I  have to get them down.  I have to put them out there.  The world isn't  anything close to what you think it is.  We're all dangling above an  uncaring void and the line we call reality could snap and send us  tumbling down at any moment.  I tried to find the people who were  responsible.  Or at least the people affected so I could tell their  stories.  Then I became part of the story.  I don't know if my chapter  is over yet.  That's why I'm putting all this down now.  I think  something's coming.  Something big.  You know that feeling you get right  before you choke?  When you take a drink of water and you feel it go  into your lungs and the oxygen hasn't been cut off yet but you know it's  coming?  That's what it's felt like for the past few days.  That moment  of impending, suffocating panic.  I just need to....

I'll start by telling you about Andrew and Bryan.   

The first thing you notice about Andrew is his size.  Or, at an even  five feet tall, his lack thereof.  I'd arrived at the agreed upon cafe  at the agreed upon time and was starting to worry that he wasn't going  to show when I saw him walk through the door.  I'd only seen pictures of  him in various states of undress, but there was no mistaking him.  He  had a mop of raven hair and his face was offset by high cheekbones and a  sharp jaw.  He had the confounding look of Eastern europe, managing to  be pale and dark all at the same time.  He was wearing a small, tight  tshirt that showed off a lean torso underneath.  Even without his small  stature he'd be memorable.  Especially considering what he had going on  below the waist.  He was wearing a pair of mesh gym shorts that were  stretched tight across, and there's no polite way to say it, an ass that  was huge.  Like a Rap Guy's Girlfriend, he'd later joke.  But against  the rest of his short, toned body, it was jarringly out of proportion.   He didn't know what I looked like but he saw me eyeing him and came  over, clearly on guard.   

"J---?" He asked in a voice that was much deeper than I anticipated.   I nodded and shook his hand.  His eyes darted around the room before  he sat down.   

"Coffee?"  He nodded and I signaled for the waitress.   

"Nice choice of seating," he said, his eyes still darting around the  room.  I'd chosen a table behind the counter, so both the view of us  and our conversation would be impeded by the sights and sounds of a busy  line.

"I understand the importance of discretion," I said, my tone calm  and friendly.  Anyone who did manage to overhear us wouldn't think we  were anything other than a couple of friends having lunch.  There was a  pause when the waitress brought us our coffee.  It continued even after  she walked away.  Andrew stared at me, sizing me up.  We'd only  exchanged emails up to this point and I hadn't yet passed his  inspection.   

"I'm surprised you believed me," he finally said, setting his coffee down.   

"I didn't say that.  I said I'd listen."   

His smile was broad and disarming.  We'd only been in each other's  presence for a few minutes and I was already warming up to him.  I'd  never knowingly met someone who did what he did for a living, so maybe  that was a job skill?  I imagine you'd have to be good at breaking the  ice if you're expected to get intimate with someone that quickly.  But  it felt like something else was at work.  "Fair enough.  That's more  than most people give us."  The "us" he referred to was Bryan, who I'd  meet later.  Andrew handled the meeting set up for reasons that would  become apparent.  He sighed and leaned forward, his hands looking small  holding the large mug.  "So where do you want to start?"   

"At the beginning.  You and Bryan were friends...before?"   

"We were roommates our first year of college and we just hit it  off."  He lights up talking about his friend.  "He was going to school  for Geology and I was Finance."   

"And were you two always a couple?"   

He blushes, which surprises me.  "No," he laughs, but there's no  humor in it.  "Not at all.  I mean, we both had plenty of gay friends,  no issue there, but we were both straight."   

"Until the trip?"   

"Until the trip."   

"And that was..."  

"Three years ago.  Actually, two years, three hundred and forty two  days."  He shakes his head.  "I know it sounds crazy but....we were just  going camping, you know?  It was supposed to be a way to wind down  after our semester.  That's all.  I should be working in an office and  Bryan should be digging out rocks somewhere." He fixes me with an  intense stare.  "Do you know how smart you have to be to be a geologist?   Damn smart.  Dude was on the honor roll.  He should be finishing a  Master's degree right now.  Instead he can't even read."  Andrew looked  around again after his outburst.  No one seemed to notice.  "Look.  We  were just regular guys.  We had friends.  Lives.  We never hurt anyone.   Ever.  That wasn't us.  We liked playing video games and hiking and  getting drunk with our friends.  Now..." he looked down at the table.   "You've seen our videos.  One minute we're two, regular straight dudes  with our futures ahead of us, and the next we're fucking each other on  camera for money."   

I could verify the last part.  Andrew and Bryan were fairly  prominent in the gay porn scene.  Their unique physical attributes and  good looks made them hot commodities.  There was something about them,  though, that set them apart.  I couldn't put my finger on it.  That  something became more intriguing when hours of internet research led to a  single tidbit about a medical anomaly in their backgrounds.  No  details, and this alone wouldn't have raised any red flags; there was  just a nagging instinct that their story might be related to the  research I was doing.  "So this...thing...that happened - you're saying  it changed you physically and mentally?"   

He nodded.  "Head to toe, inside and out."   

"And you have proof?"   

He looked around and leaned in.  "Nothing concrete.  They wouldn't  let us keep that.  What they gave us back was edited to fit their  story."

"So it's just your word against theirs?  Whoever 'they' are?"   

"Now you see the dilemma," he said, staring into his coffee and  shaking his head.  "Until you go through something like that there's no  way you can know what it's like.  Your whole life changes in an instant.   Every aspect of it.  Like someone paralyzed in a car crash, only the  car that hit you was invisible and everyone denies that it exists.   There are times when I wake up and wonder if I'm just going crazy.   Maybe my life before wasn't real.  Or maybe this isn't real?  Maybe I  fell and hit my head and I'm in a coma right now.  But then it passes  and I know.  I know what happened was real.  This is real."  He fixed me  with an intense stare.  "Alright, I trust you.  We need to finish this  back home.  You need to see everything if you're going to believe me."   

I asked for the address but he insisted on driving.  He was becoming  more tense and starting to fidget and I could see that arguing was only  going to close whatever door I'd been lucky enough to open.  So despite  my better judgment I agreed.  I dropped some cash on the table and  followed him out to an expensive sedan.  Not a flashy sports car, but  far from cheap.   

"Nice car," I said climbing into the passenger seat.   

"After everything happened we got set up with a nice sum.  Hush  money.  We didn't have a lot of options."  He was still fidgeting in the  car as he drove.  He itched at his legs and stomach almost constantly.   Once we were on the main drag he pulled out his phone and called  someone to let them know we were coming. He continued to itch.   

"You okay?"  I asked after he hung up.   

He smiled, laughing at a joke I wasn't privy to.  "It's these  clothes.  Ever since it happened I start to twitch if I have too much on  for too long.  Bryan's worse.  I'm lucky if I can keep that dude in  anything for long."  He laughed again, genuinely this time.  "But he was  always like that.  Speaking of, don't freak out when you meet him.   He's a total teddy bear, but sometimes his size makes people nervous.  I  was actually the bigger one of us before all this happened if you can  believe it."  He looked over at me.  "You're what...6'2"?  220?"

"Sneak a peak at my license?"   

"Nah...you just look about what I used to.  I had a bit more meat on  me than you back then.  Rugby league.  Not so much now.  Soccer maybe,  but I'd probably run into issues with the guys on the team."  We'd  driven away from the city and out into an expensive looking suburb.   "Investments," Andrew said in response to the unasked question.   "Between the hush money we got and our current gig I was able to invest a  tidy sum.  We're not millionaires, but we don't have to worry about  much.  At least I got to use that part of my degree.  "  We turned into a  long, winding driveway with a large tudor at the end.  The lot sat back  from the road in a corner, shielding the fenced in back yard from view.   "We'd probably freak out the neighbors," he laughed.  He scanned the  road before he got out, looking for any following vehicles or cars he  didn't recognize.  Having gone too far to back out I took a deep breath  and followed Andrew through the garage and into a large kitchen.   "Bryan," he called, "we're back.  I've got J--- with me."   

I heard footsteps.  Loud footsteps.  I could actually feel the floor  vibrate.  Coming face to face with the giant that came through the  door, I could see why.  Like Andrew, the first thing you notice is  Bryan's size.  He had a couple inches on me.  But it's not just his  height.  He's built.  Sculpted-out-of-granite built.  This was  immediately apparent because he was almost naked.  Andrew hadn't been  exaggerating.  The only thing he had on was a pair of bright orange  bikini briefs that didn't leave anything to the imagination.  He had  broad, bowling ball shoulders, huge pecs, thick, sculpted arms, abs for  days, a tiny waist, tree-trunk thighs, and rocky calves.  His tiny  underwear could barely contain what had to be one of the largest  packages I've ever seen, and his ass, while more proportional than  Andrew's, stretched the briefs near to breaking.  On top of his physical  perfection, he was beautiful.  He had youthful, boy-next-door looks  with pouty lips and sparkling blue eyes beneath his shaggy blonde hair.   Throw in a head-to-toe tan and he was a walking adonis.  "Hi," he  chirped with a cheerful wave, both his voice and behavior seeming out of  sync with his appearance.    

"Uh, hi," I said, still stunned.  "I'm J---".   

"He's the person I told you about..."

"I know, I remember," Andrew said, less defensive and more proud.   "He's the one that's going to figure out what happened to us."   

"I'm going to try, at least."   

What happened next made me think I'd made a mistake.  Without  warning, Andrew peeled out of his tshirt.  The bare torso underneath was  as lean and defined as the tight shirt suggested.  I'd seen the videos  where he had nothing on, and despite that and the bizarre situation, I  still felt my head swim at the sight.  Modest pecs, abs, thin but wiry  arms.  Then he dropped his shorts.  He had on a blue thong that  disappeared between his impossible cheeks and bulged only slightly  between his large thighs.  He sighed and kicked them free, causing his  cheeks to bounce.  "No, this isn't some weird sex thing," he said, again  anticipating my question.  "At least for you," he laughed.  Already I  could see the tension that built in the car melting away.  I didn't know  if it was being near Bryan or the lack of clothes that did it, but this  Andrew was becoming much different from the suspicious man in the cafe.   He sighed and stretched and I felt like I was hit by an unseen wave.   The two of them next to each other was provoking an alarming reaction.   "Do you want anything?  Water?  Beer?"   

Despite my parched mouth I shook my head.  "No...no thanks.  I'm good."  It was my turn to be suspicious.   

Andrew gave me a look that told me he knew what was going through my  head.  "Okay, sorry, we can get on with the explanation."  I followed  the two of them into a large, well-furnished living room and sat on a  couch that felt like it cost a few months of my salary.  Through wall of  windows that made up the back of the room I could see a patio and pool  that were just as well appointed inside the fenced-in area.  "Here we  go."  Andrew set up a laptop that he streamed to a huge flat screen and  brought up a picture of two young men.  They were standing in front of a  line of trees, grinning from ear to ear.  I felt my stomach drop as I  stared.  The two men were very different in appearance from the two men  in the room, but there was no mistaking the similarities in their faces.    

"So...that's you two?"   

"Yep," Bryan chimed in.  "I'm on that side," he said, pointing to  the smiling blonde.  He had the same boyish face, but an entirely  different build.  He was clearly fit, as someone who spent most of their  free time hiking and climbing would be, but he was far from the  bodybuilder sitting next to me.  "And that's Andrew."   

"You really were the bigger one."   

"Sure was," Andrew sighed.  The man in the picture had the same dark  complexion and black hair, only he was much taller.  His crossed arms  were large as they flexed against a bulging chest.

"Was this from that trip?"   

"These all are.  This was right before we got started."   

"How'd you hear about this stretch of woods?"   

"Bryan heard someone in his class mention it.  It wasn't a park, but  nothing said it was off limits either.  The rumor was that the  government used to have a training facility around there back in the  day.  No one knows why it was shut down...just that it was there one  day, and they were gone the next.  They let it get overgrown and just  left it.  I'm guessing they thought an inconspicuous patch of land was  safer than a bunch of "do not enter" signs everywhere.  If you really  want people to stay away, don't give them a reason to look."  He shook  his head.  "Not that it would have mattered either way.  We weren't  interested in exploring some old government buildings.  It was supposed  to be some of the nicest forest around, and some of the best climbing.   And it was.  The river was wide and easy to hike along, with the  occasional cliff wall's coming and going next to us.  Our goal was a  waterfall that was supposed to be two day's hike in.  We started early  and everything seemed normal at first.  It wasn't until that evening  that things started getting weird."  Andrew clicked through a few more  pictures.  They were pretty standard vacation pictures.  Nature shots.   Bryan climbing up a cliff face.  Andrew waving up from the bottom. They  were right about the setting being gorgeous.  The forest around them  looked lush and inviting.  He paused on a picture of the two of them at  their camp.  You could tell by the pastel sky that the sun was getting  ready to set.  The two were shirtless, standing at the river's edge.  I  couldn't help but look over at the two men to compare.  The guys in the  picture were fit, but average.  Like the earlier picture suggested,  Andrew was stocky, with bulky, hairy muscles but less definition, while  Bryan was lean and cut with a tiny waist and the defined arms of a  climber.   

"It was hot that night," Bryan said, eyes narrowing as he tried to remember.   

"That's right," Andrew said, patting the big man's thigh.  "We  decided to go for a swim.  It was just the two of us, so we didn't think  anything of it."  He brought up a video.  He was already in the water,  but a naked Bryan came running into frame and splashed in.  "I didn't  know he'd turned on the camera," Andrew said, blushing again.  I watched  them float and splash like anyone would when swimming.  The two next to  me stared at the screen with a faraway look in their eyes.  Either they  were telling the truth, or they were much better actors than porn  usually rated.  Andrew eventually fast forwarded until a scene where  Bryan tackled him into the water.  At first it seemed like the same  rough housing, until the struggling died away, leaving Andrew wrapped in  Bryan's arms.  They stayed that way in the dimming light.   

"Dude, what are we doing?" I heard the Andrew on camera ask.   

"I...don't know..." Bryan laughed awkwardly.  On screen, Andrew pulled away and sloshed back to shore.   

"That used to be a lot bigger," Andrew sighed next to me as his  formerly long, thick cock bounced into view  "And no, I don't shave.   All that hair just vanished too."  He spread out a towel on the river  bank and stretched out on his back.  Bryan did the same next to him.   They laid in silence on screen.  "This is where it officially went off  the rails," Andrew said.   

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be watching for until I saw  each of their cocks harden almost in unison.  They laughed nervously,  but it was Bryan who reached over first.  "Hey!  Dude!"  The Andrew on  screen laughed.  "What...I...uuhhh...." he trailed off into a moan,  letting Bryan stroke away.  After a few minutes he suddenly rolled on  top of the other man.  From there it was a display of pure lust.  They  went at each other like a starving person goes after food.  On screen it  was nothing but a series of grunts and moans.   

"So this was the first time you two ever became intimate?"   

Even given their current profession, Andrew was blushing.  "Yeah.   This is where it started.  We couldn't keep our hands off each other."   

"What was going through your heads?  You said you were totally straight guys."   

Andrew just shrugged.  "It's hard to explain.  There was a part of  my brain that was screaming at me, like, 'what are you doing?!' but we  didn't stop.  We couldn't stop.  No matter how much we knew this was  wrong for us we didn't WANT to stop.  It felt so....picture the most  intense orgasm you ever had, now picture it lasting for hours."  He  trailed off as the duo on screen knocked the camera over.  The grunting  and moaning continued until the scene cut out.   

"Bryan, do you remember any of this?"   

The big man squinted again and wrapped an arm around Andrew.  "Sort  of.  I know I didn't used to be...like this.  I was smaller....my brain  worked better.  We were just swimming!"   

"It's okay big guy," Andrew said gently, rubbing Bryan's stomach.   

"Sorry," he said bashfully.  "I get upset sometimes."

"It's okay, you don't have to..."  

"No," he cut me off with a determined look, "I want to remember.  We  were swimming and I saw Andrew and he was so pretty.  Prettier than any  girl I'd been with.  I knew he wasn't pretty before but then he was all  I wanted.  It just...happened."  Bryan reached an arm around Andrew's  shoulders and stroked his hair.  On screen, the video started back up.   

"This was the next morning," Andrew explained.  The scene was the  inside of the tent looking down at a sleeping Andrew.  Bryan's hand  reached into the frame, tossing aside the sleeping bag and exposing  Andrew's bulky, naked frame and large, solid rod.  I still couldn't get  over how different he looked, this picture of masculinity compared to  the tiny person he'd become.  The camera was set down and an equally  naked Bryan was in the frame, his thin profile equally as jarring when  compared to his current look.  He stared down at his sleeping friend  before bending over and swallowing Andrew's larger cock.   On screen  Andrew moans and squirms in his sleep.     It's like a scene from one of  their movies now.  On the couch, it's Bryan that squirms and I can see  his stuffed briefs start to twitch.  The video ends and we're back to  pictures.  A selfie of the two of them cuddling in the tent, trails of  liquid running down their chins.  A shot of Andrew's smaller, hairier  ass while he's bending over and gathering up their camp.  Another naked  selfie of them sitting on the river bank. Bryan is straddled by Andrew's  hairy thighs as he leans back against the other man and Andrew nibbles  on his ear.  "Like I said....we couldn't stop.  We barely made it out of  camp that morning."  Andrew clicks again and another video starts up.   It's a shot of him, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, boots and  backpack, hiking along the river.   

"Come on man," he laughs into the camera with the same deep voice he has now.  "Since when are you all about video?"   

"Since you were naked in it," Bryan says from off camera.  His arm  reaches forward and pulls down the back of Andrew's underwear, exposing  his ass.  Andrew just laughs and grabs the phone, spinning the picture  around to show Bryan similarly dressed.  He reaches over and tugs open  the front of Bryan's underwear, pointing the camera at his friend's  exposed package.  "Hey there," Andrew laughs.  There's a struggle.  The  camera gets dropped so all we can see are their feet tangling together.   The sounds of struggle die away and then one back pack hits the ground.   Then another.  Then Andrews underwear is around his ankles, followed  by Bryan's.  We can hear grunting while the two press against each other  and move away from where the camera fell.  When we can see the both of  them from the chest down, on screen Andrew drops to his knees.  He  swallows Bryan's cock and jerks himself off while Bryan pumps his perky  ass roughly back and forth.    

Present-day Andrew's eyes have that far away look again.  "Even  now," he says, "it all feels so raw.  It was like we were teenagers  fooling around with our girlfriend for the first time.  We'd been naked  around each other almost as much as we were ourselves over the years and  not once did a gay thought enter our heads.  Now we couldn't keep our  hands off each other.  And when we weren't fucking, we were flirting  like a couple on a date.  I mean, I've had weekends with girls where we  only left the bedroom to refuel and rehydrate and this was like that.   Only in the woods and with your best friend who happens to be a guy that  you've never been attracted to."   

The scene shifts again to a picturesque waterfall.  There's a large  clearing on the river bank where the two set up camp.  A naked Bryan is  showering under the falls, his tiny waist and perky ass the only things  visible.  It's the last peaceful scene before the brief tranquility is  shattered by an abrupt transition.  Andrew is on all fours right in  front of the camera with Bryan pounding him from behind.  His cock is  making a loud slapping sound as it bounces up against his stomach from  the force.  It's hard to tell with the moaning and the sound of the  waterfall but a faint humming can be heard in the background.  The scene  ends when Andrew abruptly looks up and starts to speak.   

"That was when it happened," he said as the screen went dark.  "I  remember Bryan behind me.  It felt so good.  Even now just thinking  about it..." he blushed as he realized his thong was tented.  The small  rod outlined under the fabric was worlds away from the thick hose that  was just on screen.  "Anyway...this noise came out of nowhere.  Like a  jet engine.  It was everywhere.  Even plugging our ears didn't help.  It  got louder and louder until I blacked out.  I don't know how long I was  out, but my ears were still ringing when I came to."  He paled when he  spoke, the pain of the memory written on his face.  "The first thing I  remember feeling was pain.  Head to toe.  My whole body felt like  someone grabbed it and wrung it out like a towel.  Like every muscle was  cramping at once.  The next thing I remember was Bryan's voice.  He was  moaning in pain.  I looked over and he..." he paused to compose  himself.  "Sorry," he said, his voice almost breaking.   

At this point I was thoroughly convinced.  "Take as much time as you need."   

After a few deep breaths he continued.  "Bryan was...swollen.  He  looked like someone was inflating him like a balloon.  I didn't know  what was happening.  I remember trying to stand and falling.  I couldn't  get my balance.  My body wouldn't cooperate.  Luckily I was able to  drag myself over to my bag and activate the beacon I'd brought before  blacking out again."  He's pale as he continues.  "This part is hazy.  I  remember a helicopter.  People came to get us, but they didn't look  like typical search and rescue people.  When I woke up again, I knew  they weren't.  We were in a government hospital.  When I woke up, I was  like this."   

"I don't even...what was that like?"   

He shook his head.  "Whatever you're thinking it was like?  It was  worse.  I'd gone from 6'2" and 250lbs to 5' nothing and 120.  I went  into shock.  I spent the next couple days more sedated than not.  The  only thing that calmed me down remotely was my worry about Bryan.   Eventually I was able to focus on that enough to make it a few hours  without having a panic attack.  It wasn't just that my body felt wrong;  everything was out of whack.  They said it was my altered hormone level.   When I wasn't in a panic, I was overcome with lust.  If a male nurse  so much as helped me stand I practically came.  I still remember one  time this tall, young nurse came in.  He was built like Bryan is now.   Before, I'd see a guy like that and think "wow, he works out a lot," or  "that lucky son of a bitch is handsome."  Now I saw that guy and my body  went into overdrive."  He took a deep breath to calm himself.   "Thinking back, they knew more than I thought at the time.  I was so  shell shocked that I could barely function.  I was sick at the sight of  myself and at what I'd become, but I had no way of hiding from it.  They  came in every few hours to strip me down and take my vitals and  measurement to see if I'd changed any more.  It was humiliating.  So  this nurse that I mentioned comes in.  He's a nice guy, very calm and  gentle.  He helps me off the bed and to my feet.  My brain still expects  us to be eye-to-eye, but now my eyes come right to his chest.  I can  see these meaty, hairy pecs in the v-neck of his scrubs and already I'm  overwhelmed.  He seems so gigantic and I seem so small.  It was such a  foreign feeling.  Instead of being scared I was...I kind of wobbled on  my feet, still not used to my new legs and this new ass.  He grabs my  arm and puts a hand on my back to steady me.  His hands feel huge and  strong.  The one on my arm closes all the way around it's like I can  feel every one of the hairs on his arm prickling against my back.  I'm  rock hard instantly.  I just look down at my thin, tiny new cock.  It's  not even half of what it used to be and I know it's a fraction of this  guy's.  He's this picture of manhood, like I should be, but instead I'm  this small, hairless little thing.  And just like that, boom.  All I can  do is stare at this hunk while my little hose spurts out load after  load.  The nurse just took it in stride, but I came two more times  before he was done.  Even though I was out of it, I was almost sure his  scrubs were tenting when he left.  After that it was always a male  nurse.  Again, they knew something was up.  They were trying to see if  the reaction changed at all, on either side.  It didn't.  While I was  affected, I was also having an effect on the men at the base.  This was  confirmed when, a few days later, the nurse from before came into the  room wearing nothing but a towel.  I practically started drooling at the  sight of his furry chest while he pulled my gown off and dropped his  towel with no explanation.  He seemed nervous, like he didn't want to be  there, but he went through the measurements like before, only this time  we were both naked.  Sure enough, after a few minutes his stout, thick  cock was solid and he was giving me a very confused look.  He'd been  instructed to go with whatever happened.  I don't remember much until  soldiers were pulling us apart.  He was on the bed on his back while I  was sitting on his stomach, bouncing my new ass up and down his cock.   We'd apparently been at it for so long they were afraid we'd injure each  other.  After about a week it got to the point where I wasn't cumming  against my will, but I was practically jerking myself off before the  nurses were out of the room."   

"So you give off a pheromone?"   

"As far as I can tell.  I never got confirmation but that's the only  thing that makes sense.  To this day if I'm around men for too long  they start to react that way."   

I laughed nervously.  "And here I thought you two were just really good looking."   

Bryan beamed at the compliment and Andrew gave me an apologetic  look.  "Sorry, but if I'd led with that it might have spooked you."   

"No, I get it.  I probably would have had a hard time believing it  if I didn't, uh, experience it first hand."  I did my best to look away  from their almost-naked bodies and changed the subject.  "So what about  Bryan during all of this?"   

Andrew looked up at the blonde man and tousled his hair.  "He was in  a coma for almost two weeks.  At first I thought the swelling would  never go down; but then I realized it WAS going down, he was just much  larger.  Eventually the swelling settled altogether leaving Bryan  looking like the stud he turned in to."  Bryan smiled at another  compliment.  "I remember feeling so many different things.  I was turned  on, that's for sure.  I mean, look at him.  And I was jealous.  I'd  become this shrunken sex addict while he turned into a fucking body  builder and was hung like a horse?  But then he woke up."   

"And what was that like for you, Bryan?"   

The blonde man snapped back to attention.  He'd drifted off while Andrew was talking.   

"When you woke up," Andrew prompted.  "What did that feel like?"   

"Oh.  Scary, I guess."  Bryan sat in silence, concentrating.  "I was  so...big.  And it hurt.  My head the most.  They kept trying to tell me  stuff but I couldn't understand.  The words didn't make sense.  I knew  they should.  I know I was smart once.  Only Andrew made me feel better.   He was so small, but I knew it was him.  I wasn't so scared with him  around.  The nurses kept coming in and poking me with needles and  measuring me, too.  They'd take my clothes off and make me flex while  I..." he blushed.  "I couldn't help it.  I came all the time.  My dick  was huge now.  Seven inches!"  He sounded proud as he pulled down the  front of his briefs, exposing his thick, still-solid rod.  "The guys  liked me too.  I liked it when they took their clothes off too.  Then  they let me and Andrew stay together for a while."   

"That was intense," Andrew sighed.  "He had the same effect on men  as I do, and we're not immune to it.  The first time we got the chance,  we picked up right where we left off, only with our new bodies.  I was  hor..." he changed words quickly, "...worried about Bryan's mental  state, but our bodies were on autopilot.  Like everything else, it  eventually calmed down.  But Bryan's brain never really came back.  They  did all sorts of cognitive tests on both of us.  I still have a hard  time focusing if things build up too much, but I'm more or less where I  was.  The IQ tests they did on Bryan showed him around 60.  He's also  got gaps in his memory and lost some skills.  Things like reading and  math.  He can function, but...." Andrew's face was a mix of pain and  anger.  "After about a month we were told we were being released."   

"Just like that?"   

"Just like that.  I guess a part of me always thought they were just  going to kill us, or lock us away when they were done experimenting.   But surprise!  Instead of bullets to the head they gave us fake medical  documentation.  Exposure to toxins and allergic response was the  official reasoning.  I got the sense that the government wasn't directly  responsible for what happened to us, but they had an idea and wanted to  keep it quiet.  They set us up with a sizeable chunk of hush money and  told us not to tell anyone what really happened."   

"Why didn't they erase the film?  Why let you keep any evidence?"   

"What evidence?  All this film shows is a horny gay couple hiking.  I  think that's why they left it.  It pokes holes in our credibility.  If  we were lying about our obvious relationship to everyone, what else were  we lying about?  Still, we had our freedom back.  We hadn't had any  direct contact with our family and friends and they were worried sick.   The happy reunion didn't last long."   


"Bryan's family took it hardest.  The mental stuff combined with the  physical and the change in orientation was more than they could deal  with.  Their smart, charming son was now this huge, slow, horny beast.  I  don't have much of a family to begin with, but it was a similar boat.   Their rugby playing, all american son was now this tiny little stranger.   Our friends..." he sighed.  "The guys finally all came over to try and  cheer us up.  They really were trying to be supportive.  They were all  freaked out but they were taking it better than our families were.  We  were drinking when things started to get....weird.  I think we made it  an hour before it turned into an all out orgy.  Once it got started, the  guys weren't just interested in us, either.  They went after each other  with equal abandon.  After that the guys didn't come around any more."    

"Except Chad!" Bryan added.   

Andrew laughed.  "Right.  Except Chad.  Turns out Chad had been in  the closet.  He's not now.  He's the only one from before that we still  hang out with.  It was actually Chad's idea for us to do what we're  doing now."   

"The adult films?"   

"I was mortified at first.  I was supposed to be an accountant with a  wife and kids by now, not a tiny little porn star.  But what else were  we going to do?  This is literally the only place we could work.  Even  if we control ourselves, things inevitably get weird with other men.  So  here we are."  Andrew clicked the laptop again bringing up a scene from  one of their movies.  Bryan was sitting in a chair while Andrew  squatted on his lap and impaled himself on the large cock.  His large  cheeks bounced while he moaned and Bryan attacked his lean chest with  his tongue.  Especially for porn, the chemistry with them was electric.   "We get a good response from the other guys.  Authentic.  There's a lot  of straight guys in gay porn.  We bring out the best in them  apparently."  More recent pictures.  There were modeling shots of them  in various clothes and underwear, pictures of them on stage in clubs,  pictures of them with each other, with different guys, and lots of  pictures of Andrew's ample rear with various objects in it.  "I'm still  not used to it.  Every morning when I get up and my feet just hang over  the bed without touching the floor it all feels brand new."  His  despondent tone was a stark contrast to the glittering smile on the  screen.  "Inside I still feel like that hairy, regular guy.  I know  Bryan does too.  He has a hard time saying it, but I can see it in his  eyes."   

"I didn't want to be like this," Bryan said, holding up his giant  hands.  There's a flash of intelligence in his eyes that wasn't there  before.  His voice and body language change.  "Something in those woods  made us this way and it's out there.  And they know it's out there.  It  took everything from..." he trails off, his eyes almost visibly dimming.    

"See?"  Andrew says, squeezing Bryan's thigh.  "Bryan is still in  there, just like me."  He could see the look of shock on my face at  everything they'd told me.  "And if that's not enough - this was almost  three years ago, right?  Bryan doesn't work out and his body hasn't  changed at all.  I work out like crazy and I can't bulk up at all.   We've never been healthier, either.  We're just not changing at all.  Do  we even age?"  He shrugged.    "We've also tried some cognitive  therapies with Bryan and tried to increase his reading and math, but  nothing's stuck there either."   

"Sorry," Bryan said, sounding contrite.   

"No, don't apologize babe, you're just fine."  Andrew hesitated,  looking at the other man.  "You've had enough, huh?"   The blonde man  just nodded.  "Okay, I think we can handle it from here.  You were  great," he said, giving him a quick kiss.  Bryan just grinned and stood,  quickly shucking the confining briefs.  His monster package bounced  free as he waved and scampered from the room.  "Sorry about that,"  Andrew said.  "He can only make it for so long."  We watched Bryan  through the windows as he dove into the pool.  Andrew smiled but looked  sad.  "That's why we have the fence.  God...he was so smart.  Seriously.   The smartest person I knew.  Now...he's like a big kid.  He's such a  sweetheart, too.  He was always a nice guy, but now it's magnified.   He's so big, but he's so fragile.  I almost wish he didn't remember what  things were like before.  He tries so hard, and there are flashes like  you just saw where I see the old Bryan in his eyes, but it doesn't last  long.  I gotta be honest...if I didn't have to take care of him I'd  probably have offed myself by now."  He stared out the window for a long  while.  "So you'll help us?"   

"I believe you, if that's what you're asking.  I don't know how, but  I believe this happened to you.  Where to go from here, though....I've  got some digging to do.  I don't know how fast I can promise any  answers."   

"I understand.  Just having someone believe us is huge.  You have no  idea what that means."  He reached over and put a hand on my thigh and  it took everything I had not to throw myself at him.  "As for where to  go next...."  He turned back to the laptop and a list of names popped up  on the screen.  "This might help.  I've been digging too, and I think  all of these people have been through something similar."  The list of  names was surprisingly long.  I had no idea where any of this would  lead, but I couldn't just leave it.  "Partners?" He asked.   




Are you gonna make a part 2?


There’s already a part 2 that is scheduled to go up tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that. Haven’t done chapter 3 yet. These were the first ones that went up after a pretty long hiatus and I didn’t really think the scope through.