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~~~~ Conner ~~~~

“Uh…guys?”  Conner was determined not to panic as he heard his friends’ voices fade into the distance.  It didn’t sound like they were walking away from each other.  There were no footsteps in the silent cave, just fading voices like they were drifting apart.  Impossible as it was, he had a brief sensation of movement in the dark before he was left in silence.  

“Hey!  Anyone!  Where are you guys?!”  His voice just echoed.  He waited in the inky silence for a moment, hoping to hear something, but got no indication of a response.  He’d been standing next to the wall when the flashlights cut out and had grabbed it instinctively.  He didn’t know where his friends went, but he knew that if he followed along the wall he could retrace his steps.  

He turned around and began walking back the way they’d come.  It became quickly apparent that getting out wouldn’t be as simple as he thought.  After walking for a few minutes, he should’ve seen some trace of light coming from the entrance they’d used.  They’d only been walking for about fifteen minutes when they came in, so it shouldn’t be taking this long to see some indication of daylight.  He began to wonder if they’d passed a cut off or other opening in the darkness and he’d missed it on the way in.  If that was the case, there was no telling where he’d end up.  The relatively smooth wall of the tunnel eventually gave way to rough, naked stone, confirming his theory that he’d entered another chamber.  

The air became warm and humid as Conner stumbled along.  His pragmatic mind refused to panic, and he kept telling himself that as long as he kept going, he’d eventually find some way out.  As he trudged along further and further, that became harder to believe.  The humidity increased, becoming oppressive, and it wasn’t long before Conner’s clothes were soaked through with sweat.  He forced one weary foot in front of the other for what felt like hours, stumbling and fighting against his increasingly cumbersome clothes.  When he first saw what looked like daylight, he thought he was hallucinating from dehydration.  As he got closer, though, he could just barely feel fresh air.  He ran forward in his excitement, but was stopped in his tracks.  

“Ow!  Fuck!”  Conner’s head made a loud thud as it hit the lowering roof of the cave.  He rubbed the growing lump on his forehead.  The good news, he told himself, was that he’d found an exit.  The bad news was that it looked like he was going to have to crawl to get there.  His head still ringing, he slowly crouched forward as far as he could before dropping to his knees.  The going was slow, but the light was getting closer.  Unfortunately, the tunnel was also getting tighter.  Conner was soon forced to belly crawl, feeling weighted down and hampered by his sweat-soaked clothes.  He couldn’t tell what he was fighting more, the darkness or his increasingly stretched, clingy shirt.  Part of the problem was solved when his shorts snagged on a rock and he was forced to continue on without them.  They must have ripped, he thought, because he slid right out of them.  Not that he cared.  The light was brighter now, and safety was within reach.  The tunnel he was worming his way through seemed impossibly small, but he was making progress.  With a final push, his eyes blinded by the sudden daylight, he was free.  And falling.  

“Shit!”  Conner tumbled head over heels, his escape tunnel having opened up onto a tall hillside.  He landed in a heap at the bottom, more or less in one piece.  He was already dazed from bashing his head against the rock wall, and the tumble down the hill didn’t help.  At least, that’s what he blamed when he stood on wobbly legs and saw that his formerly tight shirt draped down well past his knees.  Did he have a concussion?  Did it stretch that much from sweat and crawling?  

“Hey!  You okay, man?”  Conner looked up and saw a giant bounding down the hill towards him.  Again, he thought it was a trick of the light, or the bump to his head, but the man seemed impossibly large.  “Talk to me dude, you in one piece?”  Conner stared up at the giant, his head only coming to the man’s waist.  From his vantage point, the man seemed like an Adonis.  His huge, shirtless body was outlined with muscle, and from what Conner could see outlined under the tiny shorts he was wearing, his lower half was just as impressive.  The man knelt down and Conner saw a young, handsome face lined with concern.  The man couldn’t have been out of his early twenties, and though Conner knew he’d never seen someone this big, he seemed familiar.  “You’ve got a nasty bump,” the man said, reaching a huge hand to Conner’s forehead.  

“Wha…what’s…” Conner stopped talking and cleared his throat.  His voice had sounded much higher than it should.  He took a hard look around, noting that he was still in a forest, just not the one he expected.  The trees seemed far too large.  As he stared at the tree next to him, his heart started racing as he gradually realized the man wasn’t huge; he’d gotten smaller.  The other man seemed to reach a normal height against the tree, but not him.  As impossible as it was, he’d shrunk.  Conner shook his head, staggering on his feet.  This wasn’t possible.  At 5’8” he’d already felt too short, so to have gone down even more was a nightmare.  

“Whoa!  Okay, come on man.”  Conner felt himself scooped up by the young man, his strong hand feeling huge as it cradled his ass.  Surprisingly, the sensation wasn’t unpleasant.  Conner felt like he should have been tense, but he felt totally secure in the young man’s large arms.  As they reached the top of the hill he heard other voices, but he was more focused on the fact that they hadn’t passed any openings in the hillside on their way up.  But why would they?  He hadn’t fallen out of a tunnel; he’d fallen off the top of the hill.  Didn’t he?  

“Shit!  Is he okay?”  Conner saw a middle-aged man come rushing over from a group of people.  He and another man around the same age were fully clothed, but there were two other men in various states of undress.  And, he noted, several cameras.  “Talk to me, big guy.”  

“Yea…yeah, I’m okay,” Conner heard himself say in his squeaky new voice.  He had no idea why all this seemed so familiar, or why he wasn’t completely panicking.  The other men seemed just as gigantic as the man who carried him, but he wasn’t afraid.  Why should he be?  

“Oof.  That IS a nasty bump.”  One of the nearly naked men came over.  He looked to be in his late thirties and was more built than the young man who carried him.  He had a trimmed beard and a light dusting of brown hair over his buff frame.  Conner couldn’t help but notice the massive bulge in the man’s tiny yellow briefs.  

“Is he gonna be okay, Craig?”  The other man, an ebony-skinned hunk who looked about the same age as the man who held him, joined them.  

“I’ll be fine, Todd,” Conner said, unsure how he knew the other man’s name.  “I told Roger that shot was a bad idea.”  Conner had no idea what he was talking about.  Shot?  How did he know the middle-aged man’s name?

“Okay, okay, I was wrong,” Roger laughed, tossing his hands up. “Lesson learned.  I’m just glad you’re okay.”  

“Me too,” Craig laughed, throwing an arm over Todd’s shoulder, “they aren’t paying to see us.  Can’t have the star getting injured.”  

“Hey, speak for yourself old man,” Todd laughed.  He threw off Craig’s arm and flexed a ripped bicep and his 8-pack abs.  

“Alright, alright, alright,” Roger interrupted.  “We’re burning daylight, here.  Troy, take Conner inside and get him cleaned up and make sure he’s okay.  We’ll get some footage of you two in the meantime.”  

Conner watched Todd and Craig position themselves in each other’s arms in front of the camera as Troy carried him towards a cabin.  Everything inside seemed just as oversized as everything outside.  

“Okay, let’s get this off.”  Conner obediently lifted his arms and let Troy pull the now-huge tshirt off.  He hadn’t noticed that he’d lost his briefs with the shorts, but given his new size that wasn’t surprising.  What was surprising was how natural it felt to be naked in front of the other man.  None of his expected insecurity was there.  “Other than the bump on the head you look okay…how’re you feeling?”  

“Better.  A little out of it still…” Conner looked at his reflection in the mirror across the small cabin.  Aside from the overall loss of size, he didn’t look much different.  He was smaller, but he still had the same proportions, with one exception.  His already large cock was still massive, even more so on his tiny new body.  It was absolutely huge.  He still had the same cut, muscular physique and the same dusting of body hair, but that was easy to overlook with the monster between his legs.  His face didn’t appear to be that different either, with the same dark, handsome features.  It was almost easy to forget how small he really was.  Unfortunately, Troy’s massive hand on his thigh made it impossible to ignore.  Conner felt a twinge of regret when he realized that, based on how it appeared next to Troy’s average sized hand, his cock was the only thing normal-sized on him now.  

“Let’s just take it easy for a bit,” Troy said, rubbing ointment on Conner’s forehead.  Conner couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t panicking.  None of this was real, was it?  Was this really him?  If it wasn’t, why did it feel so right?  He had vague memories of being worried about three other people…was he worried about Troy, Todd and Craig?  Why did he need to worry about them?  Roger made sure everyone was safe, relatively speaking, in his movies.  And he’d shot hours worth of scenes with these three.  They were his favorite people to work with.  They knew each other’s bodies better than anyone, especially the supposedly “straight” Craig.  

Conner paused, feeling like he was going crazy.  He wasn’t a porn actor, was he?  No, he’d never…would he?  He didn’t like being naked in front of people.  Or did he?  He knew his size and endowment made him a novelty that people would pay extra for, so why not?  “There we go!”  Troy put the ointment away and kissed Conner’s forehead.  

“Thanks, hon.”  The flutters that went through Conner’s stomach told him that Troy wasn’t just a coworker.  Of course he wasn’t.  The two had been together for years.  He loved how Troy towered over him, and the blonde man loved Conner’s compact frame.  Conner watched Troy’s lean, built body as he put the first aid kit away.  But he didn’t go for guys, did he?  He had a girlfriend, right?  He couldn’t.  If he did his cock wouldn’t be rock hard now.  

“Save it for the set,” Troy laughed, grabbing Conner’s huge, rigid pole.  “The next scene is where you blow the three of us, but then you get a crack at Craig’s ass.”  

Conner had a flash of the hairy older man on all fours while he went at him from behind.  People especially loved watching him top bigger guys.  He was every bit as built as them, just smaller, which seemed to turn a lot of people on, especially with his mammoth cock.  He enjoyed it too, but honestly, as long as the money was good he’d do whatever they wanted.  “But if you get me off now, I’ll be able to last a lot longer out there,” he winked.  

“I don’t know how you can be so horny all the time,” Troy laughed.  

“Hard not to be when I’m lookin’ at…you…” Conner groaned, leaning back on the counter as Troy bent down and swallowed as much of his huge cock as he could.  Conner ran his now-tiny fingers through Troy’s shaggy blonde hairy, watching the other man’s broad shoulders flex as his head bobbed up and down.  Troy’s head looked gigantic between Conner’s stubby little legs, but this only turned the shrunken man on even more.  His tiny frame tensed and he shot what felt like a sizeable load into Troy’s mouth.  

“You really WERE ready to pop, weren’t you?”  Troy laughed after pulling his mouth away.  

“Yeah,” Conner panted, feeling like himself again, “I don’t know what was wrong with me.  That bump must’ve been worse than I thought.”  

“It scared the shit outta me,” Troy said, handing Conner a pair of tiny briefs.  The little man hopped off the counter and pulled them on, marveling at the huge bulge as they struggled to contain his giant equipment.   But then again, why wouldn’t they?  If he didn’t have it tailored, chances are it wasn’t going to fit.  He followed Troy back outside and they got back to the set just in time to see Craig on his knees with Todd’s long, thick rod in his mouth while he worked his own mammoth pole.  Conner could practically taste the guys already.  

~~~~ Tom ~~~~

“Guys?  Yo!  Guys!  Anyone?!”  Tom’s voice echoed through the stygian darkness.  He knew his friends were gone.  He knew that should be impossible, but it didn’t make it any less real.  He’d had second thoughts the instant they saw the tunnel.  His every instinct told him this was a terrible idea, yet he ignored the warnings.  This whole thing had been his idea so he didn’t want to back out after dragging his friends out here.  He was the outdoorsy one, after all.  If anyone could see them through this it should be him.  Now, he was alone in the dark with no idea what happened to everyone. 

He walked forward in what he hoped was a straight line.  His pace was slow as he dragged his feet across the floor, feeling for any sudden changes or pitfalls.  The steady, humid breeze kept up its rhythm and the loud hum buzzed ever louder in his ears.  Tom wanted to scream.  Something about the sound and the breeze was becoming increasingly unsettling.  It never wavered or altered.  A gust of warm air, a pause, then a gust of warm air.  Over and over.  He was already trembling when it finally hit him.  

“Oh...oh no...no no no…” he froze in his tracks.  It felt like the cave was breathing.  The strange warmth and humidity, the evenly spaced breaths; it all crashed together in Tom’s mind as he suddenly felt like prey in the maw of a huge, slumbering predator.  

He turned and ran as fast as his toned, runner’s legs would carry him in a blind panic.  He knew sooner or later he’d crash into a wall, or fall down a hole, but he didn’t care.  He just needed to move.  On and on he ran, never hitting a wall, but running through what felt like giant webs.  They clung to him like cobwebs but he didn’t stop.  They kept coming and coming, growing thicker and stronger the farther he ran.  The more he was covered the more he panicked, which only drove him further into the sticky mess.  

Eventually he was so covered that he couldn’t move.  It was so dark he couldn’t actually see the webs that were covering him, but he could feel them vibrating.  He thrashed blindly with all his strength.  The vibrating was coming closer and he had to tell himself that he didn’t really feel things crawling on him.  Or were they crawling in him?  He couldn’t tell if the sensation was coming from on his skin or under it.  His whole body tingled and felt like it was swelling.  His thrashings grew weaker and weaker until he could hardly move.    

He didn’t know how long he hung in that darkness.  The pain he was waiting for never came, and Tom gradually noticed the webs felt different.  They weren’t as confining.  He squirmed and squirmed and soon discovered that he wasn’t held all over, just his arms and legs were bound.  The rest of him was on something soft.  A mattress?  How could he have been on a mattress?  He still couldn’t see, but it was clear he wasn’t in the cave anymore.  Was he blind?  He started to panic until he turned his head and felt something on his face that was obstructing his vision.  He wasn’t blind, just blindfolded.  He squirmed against his restraints and realized that he was also totally naked.  

“So you liked that, eh?”  The panic Tom started to feel came back in force at the sound of the strange male voice.  He wanted to yell, but something metallic was in his mouth forcing it open.  He could feel the man coming closer and he fought harder when he felt rough hands on his bare torso.  There was a sudden flash of pain as the man roughly worked his nipples, but that quickly gave way to jolts of pleasure.  Confused, Tom felt his cock shoot to life under the alternating barrage of pain and pleasure.  Despite his fear, he was incredibly turned on.  Somehow he knew he wasn’t in any real danger.  What was becoming concerning, though, is what he felt when the man touched him.  When the man’s firm fingers roamed his stomach, Tom felt them bite in too much.  He felt his body squishing in places it shouldn’t.   When he thrashed on the bed, he felt things jiggle that shouldn’t be jiggling.  He didn’t have much time to ponder before he felt the man shift position and he found himself gagging on the cock shoved into his forced-open mouth.  The man’s heavy balls were all over his face, but instead of disgust, this only turned Tom on more.  His own cock was rock hard and throbbing by the time the unseen man came, shooting a huge load down Tom’s open throat.  

They both lay there panting for a moment before the man climbed off and undid Tom’s restraints.  Tom slid the blindfold off and saw that he was staring up at a mirrored ceiling and an unfamiliar reflection.  He’d grown up as a cross country runner in high school and had taken up lifting in college, which meant he had a solid, whipcord body.  He could count his bodyfat percentage on one hand; the rest was lean, solid muscle.  Now, he couldn’t have been more different.  His six pack abs were gone, replaced by a soft belly below what looked like the start of two small tits in place of his pecs.  His solid arms were thin and shapeless, and his toned legs were now round, supple thighs.  Even his face had changed to match, with his sharp features softening into pink, full cheeks.  He’d never had a huge package, but Tom still winced at the sight of the tiny nub sticking out between the soft thighs.  He was so focused on his body that it took a moment to register what he was wearing.  He had fishnet stockings up his comely new legs and his shrunken cock had escaped the confines of a pair of lace panties.  

“You were great today.”  The strange man was non-descript.  Middle aged, slightly out of shape, balding, but, as Tom noticed for some reason, with a nice package.  

“Thanks,” Tom said, smiling bashfully, “same time next week?”  Somehow, he knew who this man was.  Not his real name or anything about him, he didn’t know that about any of his clients, but he wasn’t a stranger.  Clients?  Tom was confused.  

The man had finished putting his clothes back on.  Business casual.  Tom also saw him slip a ring back on his finger.  “Of course!  Money’s on the table.”  He pointed to a large wad of bills on the small table and hurried out of the room.  

“What the hell…?”  Tom fell back on the bed, his heart racing and his cock aching.  What was happening?  Where was he?  Where were his friends?  He was terrified, but he couldn’t remember about what.  

“Hey, you okay man?”  Tom sat up and saw a jockstrap-clad figure in the doorway.  The man looked the way Tom felt he should look himself, with a lean, muscular body and handsome face.  “That guy didn’t get too rough did he?”  

“No, he was fine.  I’m just a little…out of it…” Tom looked the man up and down slowly.  

The man just grinned.  “I had the guy who just likes to look.  He used to be an athlete, so he’s always “Bart, wear these pads” or “Bart, wear this jockstrap.”  Can’t complain…all I usually have to do is flex or jerk off or something.”  Bart looked around the room at the discarded lingerie and variety of restraints and toys scattered around. “I don’t know how you do it, man.”  

Tom pointed to the large pile of money on the table.  “That’s how.”  He stood and stretched, noticing the increased arch to his back.  He winced as he felt his large, soft new ass jiggle whenever he so much as shifted his weight.  

“You sure you’re okay?”  Bart came close and inspected Tom’s new body.  A thrill ran through the altered man when he felt Bart’s strong hand on his back.  

Tom shook his head again.  “Yeah, I’m fine.  Are you?  I feel nervous…like I’m forgetting something.”  He looked down at his now-curvy figure.  “Do I look okay?”  

Bart could tell his friend wasn’t just fishing for compliments.  “You look great, man.”  He let his hand drift down Tom’s arched back and settle on his inflated ass.  His fingers toyed with the back of the panties.  “Got anyone else coming in today?”  

Bart’s hand on his ass was quickly driving away Tom’s worries.  “No, just him,” he said, his heart racing.  “You?”  Tom’s answer was a shove back onto the bed.  He rolled over onto his back as Bart crawled on, straddling him with his strong, toned thighs.  

“Just you,” he said with a smile that caused Tom to melt.  Bart claimed to be mostly straight, and he typically didn’t fool around with guys for free, but Tom was the exception. The other man had driven him wild from the first time they met, and it wasn’t like Tom was the most masculine with his soft, femme body.  

Tom sighed as Bart’s fingers slowly pulled each of his stockings down before his lips traveled back up Tom’s bare legs.  He was just as into Bart as the muscular man was into him.  Normally he didn’t get involved with anyone, but something about Bart’s charming smile and gorgeous body totally disarmed him.  He let people do just about anything to him for the right price, but Bart got to do whatever he wanted for free.  Not that his friend ever wanted anything other than to see him happy, as evidenced by the time he took kissing around Tom’s soft new stomach before finally pulling the panties free.  Tom started to reach for Bart’s jockstrap, but the other man stopped him.  

“Uh-uh, this is about you right now.”  

Tom groaned as Bart fell on top of him, feeling small and weak under the other man’s solid body.  His hands were all over Bart’s toned pecs and he had another flash that this was wrong.  He shouldn’t be in bed with a guy.  His body should’ve been the firm one on top.  The feeling passed when Bart’s mouth attacked his enlarged nipples.  All Tom could do was lay there awash in pleasure.  It wasn’t surprising that it felt so good.  Both he and Bart got paid to bring other people pleasure, and they were very, very good at it when money was involved.  Now, when it was for their own pleasure, they were even better.  Time and again Bart brought Tom to the brink, pulling away just as the other man was about to lose it.  Even the knowledge that his package was small enough now for Bart to swallow almost the entire thing didn’t lessen his pleasure.  Why should it?  He never wanted one of those monster cocks.  He liked having them inside him, not the other way around.  Wait.  Was that right?  “Come on…let me see you…” Tom finally panted.  

Bart grinned and climbed off the bed.  He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his tented jock and slowly pulled it down, gyrating his hips while he did.  Tom practically drooled at the sight of Bart’s long cock and heavy balls as his friend teased him with it, leaving the throbbing organ just out of reach.  He finally draped himself around Tom again, who rolled over in his arms.  They didn’t need to say anything.  Bart heard Tom sigh when he slowly pushed himself in and their bodies fell into rhythm.  

Tom moaned in Bart’s arms, loving the familiar feel of his friend inside him.  He lost himself to the sensation of Bart’s large rod sliding in and out.  The other man’s strong, rough hands working his soft chest while his plump cheeks squished against Bart’s hard abs was intoxicating.  Tom writhed and whined, his thin arms shaking under the weight of holding himself up, until a strange image popped in his head.  He saw four men standing in the woods outside what looked like the mouth of a cave.  They were hot, he thought, but he had no idea who they were.  And the woods?  No thanks.  He hated being outside, let alone camping like these guys.  He wondered where he’d seen them and why they seemed so familiar.  Tom chalked it up to a porn site; he had vague memories of what they looked like naked and he’d have remembered them if they were clients.  It didn’t matter.  The image passed quickly, pushed out by the feeling of Bart filling his ass with fluid.  Those guys are missing out, he thought, his tiny nub launching a stream of its own.  

He and Bart collapsed against each other in bed and Tom stared up at his curvy reflection on the ceiling.  He was trying to figure out why he’d wanted to look like the stud next to him.  Yeah, Bart looked good, but Tom loved the way his panties and corsets felt.  He loved his heels and fishnets and couldn’t imagine himself wearing them if he looked like his friend.  The thought made him grin as he wondered if he could get Bart to try them on for him later.  

~~~ Epilogue ~~~

“Whoa!  Here it is!”  Bill wiped the sweat from his brow and gave his friend a triumphant smile.  They’d been hiking for days and didn’t think they’d ever actually find the tunnel.  

“Damn!  That’s...creepier than I thought,” Brent laughed, taking a swig from his water bottle.  “That’s not really what I...what the fuck?  Is there someone else here?”  He pointed at the four packs propped up outside the cave entrance.  

“Uh, that’s weird.”  Bill walked over and poked at one of the weathered bags.  “Dude, these things have been here for a minute.”  

“That’s not ominous or anything.”  

Bill shrugged.  “Whatever, I’m sure someone just made it to the other side and forgot about them.  Come on, man, you’re not backing out on me now.  We came all this way...we’re going through the tunnel.”  



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