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Jason had been second guessing his decision to visit his friend for the  past forty five miles.  The only civilization he’d seen in the past hour was a truck stop and a small market.  The nearest thing resembling a  town had been almost two hours ago when he’d gotten off the highway.   Since then it had been nothing but winding, mountain roads and  increasingly dense forest.  He was glad Bryan had given him the old  burnt-out house as a landmark because otherwise he would have blown  right past the turn-off to the cabin.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like  nature.  He’d camped plenty when he was younger and still enjoyed the  occasional hike, but any more he was a city boy through-and-through.  He  laughed to himself, knowing full well that Bryan withheld exactly how  remote this place was on purpose.  It was certainly Bryan’s speed.  His  friend had never liked being indoors.  He was partially convinced that  the reason he’d joined the army was for more of an excuse to stay  outside.  He was debating turning around.  He couldn’t call anyone  since, in true horror movie fashion, there was no cell reception.  Jason  eased the car to a crawl, looking for a space wide enough to turn his  tiny hatchback around, when the cabin suddenly came into view.  As he  suspected, the first thing he saw was his giant friend grinning from ear  to ear on the porch.   

“You made it!”   

Jason shut the car door and managed a short stretch before his  brawny friend swallowed him in a bear-hug.  “Took a little doing.  GPS  doesn’t like these winding mountain roads very much.  Especially when  you’re far enough out that they just have numbers instead of names.”  He  grinned up at Bryan when the big man finally let go.  “Look at you,  dude.  What did they feed you over there?”  Bryan had always been a big  guy, but now he wasn’t just large; he was solid.   

“Sure you just didn’t get smaller?”  Bryan tousled Jason’s shaggy  black hair.  At 5’10”, Jason was far from small.  A regular routine of  running and crossfit left him with a lean, solid build that he showed  off with as much form-fitting clothing as possible.  His impressive body  was further enhanced by an equally impressive face.  He had sharp,  angular features, a strong jaw, bright eyes, and a charming smile.  It  was the kind of body that few people would think of as small, unless  those people were 6’5” walls of muscle like Bryan.  The big man was  covered in bulky, furry muscle that made him appear wide as well as  tall. The 2XL tshirt he wore was plastered across his mammoth pecs, and  biceps the size of Jason’s head stretched the sleeves to the point of  breaking.  The same could be said for the mesh shorts that struggled to  contain tree-trunk thighs and a broad, prominent ass.  His round,  serious features and buzzed brown hair made him seem even more imposing,  and the ample wiry hairs that tufted out from under his shirt and  shorts oozed masculinity.    

Jason knew better.  To him, Bryan was just a big teddy bear that  he’d known for as long as he could remember.  He’d actually been  surprised when Bryan enlisted because his friend was the least  aggressive person he knew.  “Since I’m so tiny you can help me carry all  this shit inside, then,” Jason laughed, popping the trunk.  He followed  Bryan up a small path to the modest, one-story cabin.  The walls were  weathered, natural wood with small, ancient looking windows spaced  erratically.  They held up an equally worn tin roof that had patches of  moss spattered across it like some old witch’s hut.  It was completely  surrounded by deep forest on all sides that seemed to go on forever.   Other than the wind through the trees and small animal noises, it was  completely silent.  No hum of traffic in the background, no planes  overhead, no electrical wires; just the sounds of their voices and the  forest.  “This place is out there, huh?”   

“Just the way I like it,” Bryan said as he set the bags down.  Jason  held his breath while the rickety porch creaked under their weight.   “Nearest neighbors are five miles west…six if you include the drive back  to the main road.”  He opened the door and ushered Jason inside,  grinning proudly.  “Well, here we are.”   

Jason looked around the large, open room.  It was sparsely decorated  with mismatched furniture that looked like it came out of a 1970s  basement.  There was a small kitchen in the back and of the only three  doors, one went to Bryan’s bedroom, one went to a toilet, and the other  went out to the back porch.  It wasn’t the kind of place he’d want to  spend time at, but it was right up Bryan’s alley.  And his friend was  clearly proud of his work.  “It’s great,” Jason said cheerfully, trying  to sound sincere.   

“Thanks,” Bryan beamed, not picking up on Jason’s discomfort.  “I  put in the toilet last summer so you don’t have to use the outhouse  anymore.  Shower’s still outside, though.  There’s a generator, and it  gets enough sun for solar power most of the time.  There’s internet…but  like you know it’s kinda spotty.  Same with cell reception, but I’ve got  a satellite phone if there’s an emergency.”  He put a hand on Jason’s  shoulder and led him to the screened-in porch out back.  “No TV, but who  needs it with a view like this, eh?”  They overlooked a wide panorama  of the deep mountain valley and dense woods on one side, while a trail  flowed from the back step to a large fire pit in the distance before  disappearing into a patch of trees.  “Shower’s over there,” Bryan said  casually.   

Jason had been expecting a stall, but instead he saw a rusty pole  sticking out of a raised wooden platform.  A small tree stump sat off to  the side as a makeshift shelf for soap.  “Don’t have to worry about  neighbors?”   

“Not out here,” Bryan said, clapping Jason on the back.  “It’s like  when we used to go camping.”  Jason wanted to point out how that was a  decade ago, but decided against it.  Bryan was clearly happy, and after  his time overseas, if this was what he needed, then so be it.  The big  man clapped Jason on the back, nearly bowling him over.  “Aw man, I’m  being rude…you want a beer?”   

Jason nodded and Bryan disappeared back inside the house.  He looked  around again, starting to regret his decision to come.  Bryan was one  of his best friends, or at least he had been.  With his deployment  they’d only seen each other a few times in the intervening years and he  wasn’t sure how much they still had in common.  But When he’d gotten the  invitation from his friend, he had to at least come and see him.  If  nothing else he’d thought a trip into the mountains and away from the  office would be good, but not necessarily like this.   

“Don’t worry man, you’ll get used to it,” Bryan said, reading Jason’s expression as he handed him a mason jar.   

“No, it’s great, it’s just a little…”

“Primitive?”  Bryan smiled when Jason nodded.  “Dude, I swear, give it a couple days and you’ll never wanna leave.”   

“Thanks for the beer,” Jason said, taking a swig from the large jar.   “Whoa!” he grimaced and coughed at the bitter taste.  “Daaaamn!”

“Sorry, yeah, I should’a warned you,” Bryan said with a mischievous  smile.  “A local guys makes this stuff.  Takes a little getting used to,  but it’s potent.”  He looked Jason up and down before raising an  eyebrow.  “Soft city boy like you might wanna take it slow.”   

“Eat a dick,” Jason laughed, flexing a deceptively large bicep while he took another swig.  Already his head swam.   

“Look at you hittin’ the gym,” Bryan said condescendingly.  He  reached over and lifted up Jason’s shirt, showing off his smooth,  defined abs.  “Bet the ladies love those.”   

“I don’t get any complaints,” Jason said proudly, flexing so that  each line of muscle was visible.  He wasn’t an overly cocky guy, but he  worked hard for his body.  

“So have the doctors figured out when you’re gonna hit puberty yet?”   Bryan pinched Jason’s trim side, causing the other man to wince and  pull away.   

“Tough talk from a guy who has to worry about being mistaken for a  grizzly every time he showers.”  Jason took another long pull from the  jar to hide his grin.  “So you’re still a total dick, at least.”   

“Some things never change,” Bryan said, throwing an arm around  Jason’s shoulder and pulling him towards the trail.  “Come on, I’ll show  you around.”  They hiked, beer in tow, and quickly fell into their old  rhythm.  Jason’s concerns about whether or not too much time had passed  quickly faded with the easy conversation.  Soon they were back to  alternating between earnest discussion and relentless mocking of each  other.  “I dunno, man.  Sounds like you’re just being a pussy,” Bryan  said bluntly.  “Did you bring enough panties with you?”    

Jason stumbled slightly, the uneven floor of the forest a bad  combination with the strong beer.  “Ha!  Easy for you to say.  What?  I  should just chuck a six-figure salary and move to the woods?”   

Bryan shrugged.  “Worked for me.”   

“Dude,” Jason motioned to the dense pine forest around them, “this  is gorgeous.  I get it.  But doesn’t it get old?  Are there even any  girls out here?  Is that how your arm got so big?”   

“Still haven’t settled down?”   

Jason grinned sheepishly.  “Hey, I’m only 27.  I’ve got time.”   Between his well-maintained body and his dark, handsome features, Jason  scored easily and often.  He wasn’t a creep, he just didn’t see the  point in limiting himself yet.  “What about you?  Doesn’t it get lonely  out here?”   

“I’ll take a mountain girl any day over a stick figure from the  city.”  Bryan was quiet for a moment, his face growing serious.  “And  after some of the shit I saw, I’ll take lonely for a while.”   

Jason instantly regretted the question.  He’d been talking about  himself for so long that it never occurred to him Bryan hadn’t once  talked about what he’d been doing for the past few years.  “Shit, man,  I’m…”

“Fuck it,” Bryan said, smiling broadly.  “Not lookin’ to get all  depressing, you’re on vacation.”  It was clear the big man didn’t want  to talk about it.   

“Still like ‘em short and curvy?” Jason asked after an awkward silence.   

“You know it,” Bryan said, looking down at Jason as his friend  polished off the drink.  The smaller man was drunk and preoccupied with  his surroundings enough so that he didn’t catch the way Bryan’s eyes  lingered.  “Check this shit out,” Bryan said, leading them around a bend  in the trail.  The trees around them thinned abruptly and they stood on  the bank of a bend in the river.  The current was slow and the water  was clear enough that Jason could see the smooth rock at the bottom.   “Perfect swimmin’ hole,” Bryan said, peeling out of his shirt.  “Wanna  take a dip?”   

Jason couldn’t help but stare.  It was easy to forget that Bryan’s  bulk was all muscle until you saw him shirtless and were face-to-face  with those furry, mountainous pecs and solid muscle gut. “I didn’t bring  any swim trunks…”

“Who needs ‘em?”  Bryan casually stripped out of his shorts and  underwear, his naked, burly frame seeming perfectly at home in the  forest.  “You get shy all of a sudden,” he asked when Jason hesitated.     

“No, fuck you,” Jason laughed awkwardly.  “What if someone comes  by?”  He and Bryan had done this exact thing in their younger days.   They’d seen each other naked plenty of times, but it had been a while  since Jason found himself in this position.   

“No one out here, remember?”  Bryan splashed into the water until it was halfway up his wide torso.  “Suit yourself man.”   

“I’m coming,” Jason sighed.  He pulled his tshirt off, exposing the  small patch of hair between his perfectly proportioned pecs.  The rest  of his torso was smooth, except for a light trail down his washboard  stomach and a dusting on his solid arms.  He took a deep breath and  shucked his shorts and boxer briefs, breaking out in goosebumps at the  unaccustomed feeling of the warm forest air on his bare skin.   

“That didn’t get any smaller,” Bryan whistled at the sight of the long, thick hose between Jason’s toned thighs.   

Jason blushed, but couldn’t hide his cocky grin.  He was surprised  that he was this comfortable being so exposed in front of the other man.  He hadn’t been this naked outside of a bedroom or a locker room in his  adult life.  It wasn’t that he was ashamed of his body.  He knew exactly  how good his tapering torso and perky ass looked.  It was more that his  routine existence didn’t provide many opportunities like this one.   “It’s a blessing and a curse,” he said with an exaggerated sigh.  

“I’m sure it is.”  Bryan sent a wall of water splashing towards the  other man, who dove in and tackled him.  Or at least attempted to.   Jason hit his friend and practically bounced off into the current.   

“You’re like a fuckin’ boulder, man,” Jason said as he surfaced,  wiping the water from his hair and face.  Unlike Bryan, the surface came  to just under his broad shoulders.  “It’s warmer than I thought it’d  be.”   

Bryan stretched his burly arms and leaned back into the deeper area.  “Told you it’s nice out here.”   

Jason was starting to believe him.  He was feeling the mystery beer  more and more, and the warm water and gentle current weren’t helping to  clear his increasingly foggy head.  He was also realizing how much he’d  missed his friend.  He kept catching himself staring at Bryan’s naked  bulk.  He told himself he was just admiring his friend’s hard work.   Bryan’s body had felt impossibly solid when he’d hit it, and he thought  about how his friend could lift him with one arm if he wanted.  He tried  to think that he was so captivated because his bear of a friend was  just so different from himself, but that’s not what he felt when he  watched his friend lumber up onto the bank.  The water cascading down  the matted hair only accentuated his muscular build, and the way his  friend’s prominent ass and sturdy thighs shifted with each step sent a  thrill through him.  He dove under the water to try and clear his head,  telling himself that Bryan wasn’t staring back just as much.  When he  felt a little more sure of himself he trudged out towards the bank.   

“Hey!”  Jason laughed awkwardly when Bryan took a picture of his  naked frame leaving the river.  “I better not find that on the internet  later,” he said, blushing.  “You want one of the back side, too?”   

“Sure,” Bryan said as Jason turned around.  “Blackmail material,” Bryan said flatly, putting his phone back.   

“It’s somethin’ material,” Jason grumbled as they stretched out on  the bank, relaxing more in the fading light of the afternoon.  Any  awkwardness Jason had felt at being naked was gone entirely.  All he  felt was content.  He folded his arms behind his head, flexing his  impressive biceps in the process, and drifted off.  “Huh?”  He started  and realized he was looking up at a naked Bryan.  The forest around them  was noticeably darker.

“I said we should head back,” Bryan laughed, grabbing Jason’s hand  and pulling him to his feet.  “It gets dark quick out here.”   

“Shit, sorry man, totally drifted off there,” Jason yawned, stretching and wiping the dirt from his perky ass.   

“It’s easy to do out here.  Don’t bother,” Bryan said, stopping  Jason when he went to get dressed.  “It’s a short walk back to the  house.”   

Between his grogginess and relaxed state, Jason didn’t think to  argue.  He just scooped up his clothes and followed Bryan, his eyes  still glued to the larger man.  It wasn’t until they were halfway back  to the house that he realized his cock was twitching.  Again, he tried  to convince himself that it was just the warm air and the swinging and  bouncing caused by the uneven trail, and nothing more.  Regardless of  the cause, he blushed when Bryan turned and caught it before he could  cover himself up.   

“You get used to that out here,” Bryan winked.  “It’s nice, right?”   

“Uh, yeah, I guess so,” Jason said bashfully.  More than anything he  just felt giddy.  Yes, he was embarrassed, but at the same time he  hadn’t felt this free in ages.  He was almost sorry that he’d have to  get dressed again when he saw the cabin.   

“Go rinse off,” Bryan said, giving Jason’s solid bubble a swat.   

The shorter man laughed and scampered over to the platform.  The  thought of how exposed he was only made his cock throb harder.  He  thought about the guys back at the office and wondered what they’d think  if they saw him now, naked and hard out in the woods.  For some reason  that thought sent a surge between his legs.  The warm feeling of Bryan’s  large hand on his ass confusingly didn’t help either.  He tried not to  think about it.  He tried to focus on the tepid water and the darkening  forest.  It started to work, until he felt a huge shape looming behind  him.   

“Sorry man,” Bryan said, stepping up on the platform behind Jason,  “hot water’s at a premium around here and I ain’t takin’ a cold shower.”   He practically swallowed the other man when he reached his burly arms  on either side to adjust the shower head.  “But maybe You need a cold  shower,” he said, nodding towards Jason’s long, rigid cock.

“Uh, do you want me to…” Jason trailed off when, without being  asked, Bryan lathered up his back, laughing when he felt him tense.   

“Dude, relax.  What happens in the woods stays in the woods.  This  isn’t the first time I’ve seen a boner in a shower.  First thing I  learned overseas is it’s a lot easier when you don’t worry about what  people think.” He handed Jason the soap and turned around.  “Can you get  me?”   

Jason hesitantly reached up and began scrubbing Bryan’s broad back.   “Uh, gotta be honest…when I thought about this trip it didn’t include  the two of us showering together.”  He lied to himself that he didn’t  enjoy the solid, hairy flesh against his hands, but their increasingly  eager movements said otherwise.  “Did you do this a lot over there?”  

“You learn to adjust pretty quick.  I mean, the options are be  uncomfortable and uptight for a long time, or just go with it.  Besides,  nothing brings people together like awkward nudity.  You seem to be  adjusting.”   

Jason didn’t realize he’d drifted down and was soaping up Bryan’s hairy cheeks.  “Oh, uh, sorry,” he said, letting go.   

“Whatever man,” was all Bryan said, taking back the soap and bending  to scrub his wide, solid legs.  While Jason was trying to avoid  touching, his larger friend seemed to have no such concern.  The smaller  man had already come into contact with parts of his friend he never  thought he would, but Bryan didn’t seem to mind.  It finally dawned on  Jason that even though he was a year older, Bryan was treating him like  he was a little brother.  Instead of being annoyed, Jason felt his  stomach flutter at the thought of his big friend looking out for him.  His still-hard cock bounced again one of Bryan’s meaty thighs as his  friend reached over and turned the water off.  “Alright bud, I’m gonna  go get the fire going and start dinner.  You can take care of that if  you want,” he said, nodding towards Jason’s crotch, “and join me when  you’re done.  Don’t worry, I’m gonna be on the other side and no one  else is out here.”   

Jason just stood there and watched his naked friend disappear into  the cabin.  His head was reeling from what just happened.  He could  still practically feel Bryan’s overpowering presence around him.  His  whole body tingled from where they’d made contact.  He tried to think of  anything else when he reached down and started tugging, but it was  useless.  His mind raced with memories from the swimming hole and the  walk back.  The way Bryan’s furry muscles flexed and shifted when he  moved.  The way Bryan towered over him.  The way Bryan’s short, wide  cock had felt when he’d brushed against it.  He suddenly thought about  what it would feel like to have the large man on top of him in bed.  He  pictured himself squirming in Bryan’s meaty grip, his friend’s hands  holding his trim waist while he plowed into him from behind.  He was so  small and Bryan was so big.  So in charge.  “UUUUuuhhhhh….” Jason did  his best to stifle a groan as he sprayed a torrent onto the forest  floor.  He had no idea where these thoughts were coming from.  He’d  never thought about Bryan like that before, and he’d certainly never  thought about getting fucked by a guy before.  The release cleared his  head a little and he hurried into the house to get dressed.   


“About time,” Bryan winked when Jason emerged from the dark trail  into the flickering light of the fire.  “Don’t be embarrassed dude, I  get it.”   

Jason wanted to tell Bryan that he doubted that, but instead he just  changed the subject.  “So what’s for dinner?  Pork and beans?”   

“Deer steak and veggies,” Bryan said proudly.  “Caught or grew ‘em both.”   

Jason tried not to look at Bryan while his friend cooked.  Instead  he eagerly drank down more of the bitter beer his friend had brought  out.  It seemed to kick in more quickly this time and soon he was just  as drunk and at ease with Bryan as before.  “Oh man,” Jason laughed when  they were done eating.  “Even with that food I. Am. Drunk.”   

“I’d be surprised if you weren’t,” Bryan said, eyeing the other man.   

That sat in silence, enjoying the sounds of the crackling fire and  the forest around them.  Jason sighed contentedly and rolled his  shoulders.  “Okay, I admit it, this is pretty great out here.”   

“I told you!”  Bryan raised his glass to toast his friend’s  admission.  “I knew once you got out here you’d like it.  I’m glad  you’re here, man.”    

“Me too.  I’m gonna have a hard time leaving in a few days, that’s for sure.”   

“I wouldn’t worry too much about that.  You won’t be going back.”   Bryan smiled at Jason’s confused expression.  “Sorry, that was dramatic.   I just mean the woods change a person.  You wont’ be the same as when  you got here.”   

Jason just cocked an eyebrow, unsure how to read his friend.  Bryan  had always got like this every now and then, especially after imbibing  something.  “Dude, I’m wasted, but how drunk are you right now,” he  laughed despite a growing uneasiness in the pit of his stomach.  He  looked at the empty glass, wishing he hadn’t let his friend talk him  into draining the whole thing.   

Bryan looked away back at the fire, his smile fading.  “You know I  don’t talk about the shit I went through over there.  I just…can’t.  I  hear it all the time, ya know?  It’s almost deafening sometimes.  It’s  like the desert baked it all into me.”   

Jason’s uneasiness grew even more.  He wasn’t just feeling drunk.   He was starting to feel flush and lightheaded and the full strangeness  of the day’s events was sinking in. He trusted his friend, but at the  same time it occurred to him just how isolated they were.  Bryan’s face  was pained when he looked back at him.   

“The only time it’s quiet is when you’re around,” the big man said, his face softening.   

Jason was not expecting that.  Bryan didn’t seem  overly-emotional-stoned yet, and even then he usually just managed a  slurred “I love you man,” followed by a punch in the stomach.  This  didn’t feel like that at all.  “Hey man, you don’t have to…whoa…” Jason  leaned forward and the forest spun around him.  He shook his head, but  that only made it worse.  “I think I may have had too much,” he laughed  awkwardly.  He righted himself on the log and almost fell over  backwards.  The cool night air was suddenly oppressive and the modest  fire felt like an oven.  He pawed at his tanktop, his sweat-soaked torso  begging for freedom.   

Jason had his shirt halfway up when he started to fall backwards.   Only Bryan’s strong grip stopped him.  “Here,” his friend said, lifting  the shirt up and off.   

“Whhheeeewwwww, that’s better,” Jason sighed, rolling his bare  shoulders and leaning into his friend’s much larger frame with a drunken  giggle.  “Sorry dude…I don’t think I should sit on this log…mebbe the  ground’s a better idea…”

“I got ya.”  Bryan put a solid arm around Jason’s trim waist while his friend continued to lean into him.   

Jason felt equal parts confused and elated.  The bitter liquid was  coursing through his system made him feel fantastic.  His foggy brain  tried to stay grounded, but it was fading.  He struggled to remember  what they’d just been talking about.  It felt important, but he couldn’t  put his finger on it.  All he could focus on was how warm and sturdy  and large his friend seemed.  For someone as bulky and built as Bryan,  he was surprisingly comfortable to rest against.  “What…what were we  talking about?”  Before Bryan could respond, Jason’s hands were fumbling  with the big man’s shirt.  “Aren’t you hot too?  It’s roasting out  here!  Come on…” he pulled up on Bryan’s shirt until his silent friend  casually pulled it off.  Jason leaned back in and squirmed against  Bryan’s exposed, hairy side.    

“Better?”  Bryan’s hand had risen up from Jason’s waist and was gently stroking his back.   

“Uh-huh,” Jason sighed, drinking in the sensation of his friend  being in control.  The dizziness was fading, but he didn’t want to pull  away.  Where they made contact felt wonderful.  It was like his skin was  new and feeling things for the first time.  Bryan’s rough hand  traveling up and down his back made his whole body tingle and when he  finally noticed it, Jason had no idea how long his own had had been  kneading Bryan’s firm thigh.  Only a small part of his brain was left to  even register this as odd behavior, let alone do anything to stop it.   

“You okay?” Bryan asked when Jason started squirming again next to him.   

Jason’s remaining clothes had begun to feel as confining and  limiting as his shirt had.  His loose briefs and baggy gym shorts were  like spandex to his addled brain.  “These shorts are so tight…” he said  absently, pawing at the loose fabric.   

“So lose ‘em.”   

Bryan’s deep voice made perfect sense.  They were alone out here.   They’d been naked for a good chunk of the afternoon.  Why not?  He stood  on shaky legs and would have gone over if Bryan hadn’t been holding his  arm.  “Whoa…bad idea…” he laughed, his legs shaking.   

“Hold onto me.”  Bryan guided Jason’s hands to his broad shoulders  while he reached out and pulled his friend’s shorts and underwear down.    

“Much better,” Jason giggled when his long cock swung free.  The  night air on his naked body made him feel like he was floating.  He  smiled down at Bryan while he felt his friend’s hands come to a rest on  his solid, perky cheeks.  He didn’t really want to let go of the solid  shoulders.  Jason was dimly aware that his dangling hose was starting to  twitch towards the meaty chest he’d been staring at.  He went to step  out of his discarded shorts but stumbled.  Bryan’s firm grip on his  solid bubble pulled him onto his friend’s lap.   

“Don’t want to end up in the fire,” Bryan laughed as Jason squirmed  his bare ass against his lap.  “Probably more comfortable than the rough  log anyway.”  He kicked out with his foot and sent Jason’s clothes into  the flames.

“Hey!” Jason slurred with a confused look.   

“Don’t worry ‘bout it.  You won’t need ‘em anymore.”   

This was enough to cause a bit of reality to punch through.  For a  brief flash Jason was aware that he was naked and hard on his friend’s  lap in the middle of nowhere.  Something was clearly happening to him.   Bryan had done something.  He needed to get away and try and get help.   He needed to…the thought faded.  Most thoughts faded.  He leaned his  head against Bryan’s furry chest while his friend wrapped his beefy arms  around him.  They sat in the flickering light in silence.  Jason  listened to Bryan’s heart beat a steady rhythm while his own sped up.   He wasn’t twitching anymore.  His long, thick pole stood straight up and  throbbing again.  When Bryan finally loosened his grip and ran a hand  up the inside of Jason’s toned thigh the addled man wanted it.  Bad.  He  gasped when Bryan wrapped a meaty paw around his cock and pressed his  bare ass into his friend’s lap even harder.   

“I…what…” Jason looked at Bryan, intending to speak, but instead  pressed his lips against his friend’s.  Instinct took over.  All the  strange thoughts from earlier came to life.  While Jason’s tongue  explored the inside of Bryan’s mouth his hands were exploring his  friend’s bulky body.  He clutched and kneaded the hairy mounds of pecs  and felt a hardening lump underneath him.  When he finally pulled his  mouth away it was just long enough for Bryan to heft him with one arm  and shed his shorts with the other.  He spun Jason around on his lap so  the smaller man faced him with his lean legs wrapped around his stocky  waist.  Their equally hard cocks pressed against each other, Jason’s  seven inches reversing the roles and towering over Bryan’s five.  He  pumped his hips and ground his cock against his friend’s.  He flexed his  sculpted muscles against Bryan’s eager hands, but knew it was  pointless.  His gym-built body was nothing compared to his friend’s  natural size.  Bryan’s bulk was overwhelming.  Jason’s lean, solid arms  were wrapped around and he dug his fingers into Bryan’s broad back while  his friend sucked at his neck.  He wasn’t trying to tell himself to  stop anymore.  He wanted the electric sensation he felt to continue more  than anything.  He groaned loudly when Bryan reached down and stroked  both of them together in one huge hand.  The giddiness from earlier came  rushing back with the knowledge that he was doing and loving something  he shouldn’t be.  He actually giggled when Bryan grabbed his ass and  stood, oblivious to the scratching bark on his back when his friend  pressed him against a tree.   

He writhed in Bryan’s grip, his friend holding him up while their  mouths fought with each other.  He felt Bryan’s thick fingers press  against and then inside his virgin hole, but he didn’t try and stop the  other man.  Bryan was in charge.  He gasped and squeezed and flexed his  cheeks, unable to get away from the stubby invaders.  Jason stared, wide  eyed and open mouthed, at his friend when the discomfort turned to  pleasure.  For the first time in his life he had someone else inside  him, instead of the other way around, and he loved it.  He was actually  eager when Bryan turned away from the tree and lowered him to the  ground.  He left his legs propped on the other man and dug his nails  into the dirt when Bryan finally pushed his stout pole inside.  The  flickering firelight exploded into a sea of stars as he grunted and  moaned against the tide of sensations.  It was unlike anything he’d ever  felt.  The entire scenario was.  The cool night air and rough forest  floor on his naked skin made him feel exposed and raw.  He felt small  and out of control but it only turned him on.  Bryan’s invading organ  felt like it was ripping him apart but he wanted it, badly.  The lustful  look on his friend’s handsome face drove him on and he couldn’t look  away.  He stared into Bryan’s deep blue eyes, feeling like he was  melting into the earth while the other man pumped away.   


Jason’s eyes struggled open.  “Oww…” he winced when he sat up.  His  whole body was sore and the scratches he felt on his back told him the  blurry memories weren’t just a dream.  He blushed at the thought of what  they’d done.  He knew it was the influence of whatever it was that he’d  drank, but even now the thought of his friend sent a flutter through  his stomach.  He hoped that was the strange brew’s fault too.  He felt  queasy as he stumbled out of bed and into the other room.   

“Look who’s finally up,” Bryan laughed from the couch.  The big man  was naked except for a pair of worn briefs that were stretched tight  across his thick lower half.   

The sight of Bryan’s brawny, exposed body hit Jason like a wave.  He  felt himself blush again and the stirring at his crotch made him  realize he was standing naked in front of his friend.  “Uh, hey,” Jason  said sheepishly.  It occurred to him that he could turn around and put  something on, but he just stood there, naked and blushing under Bryan’s  hungry gaze.  “So, uh, last night…” he said after a long, awkward  silence.  He wanted to tear into his friend, to accuse him of slipping  him a roofie, to say that he took advantage of him, but the words  wouldn’t come.   

“Hell of a night,” was all Bryan said as he stood.   

Jason started to feel dizzy as Bryan came near.  “I don’t feel so  hot…whatever was in that stuff…I don’t think it’s agreeing with me…”  

“Looks like it’s working from here,” Bryan said, looking Jason up and down.   

Jason was confused at what Bryan meant, but was more focused on his  growing weakness.  He was feeling shaky and exhausted.  “What…what do  you mean?”  

“It’s the changes starting.  I know it doesn’t feel so great now,  but it won’t last.  A couple days, tops, and you’ll be good as new.”   

It finally hit Jason what was off.  Instead of being eye level with  the top of his friend’s chest, he was looking at the middle.  He took a  step back and stumbled, right into Bryan’s arms.  “No…let go of me!”  He  tried to struggle, but the weakness was spreading.  He could barely  stand up.   

“Let’s get you back to bed,” Bryan said gently, like Jason just had a  hangover.  “You’ll see.  When this is all over, you’ll see.  Take a  look already.”  Bryan propped Jason up in front of the mirror in the  bedroom.  The smaller man paled.  He was clearly a few inches shorter  than he had been, but the most obvious change was his lack of body hair.   What few patches he had were gone.  His chest was smooth.  His arms  and legs were bare.  His crotch and armpits were equally bare.  Even the  two-day stubble he should have had on his face was absent.   

“What…what is this?  What are you doi..aaaahhh….” Jason doubled over  in pain as Bryan lowered him to the bed.  He stared up at his friend in  horror as another spasm hit him.   

“This part’s gonna be rough, but you’ll get through it,” Bryan said,  stroking Jason’s forehead.  “Just relax and don’t fight it.”   Jason  didn’t get a chance to ask what that meant before he blacked out.   


Jason faded in and out of consciousness.  He ached from head to toe.   His body felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out.  He  couldn’t so much as lift his head to look at himself, but even through  the pain he could tell significant changes were happening.  Bryan kept a  vigil next to him, bringing him water and making sure he was still  alive.  After what felt like an eternity, Jason was at least able to  speak.   

“Bryan…” he croaked.  His voice was hoarse, but sounded different  than it should have beyond that.  “I need to get to a doctor…please…”

Bryan just smiled down at him.  “No you don’t.  If you’ve made it  this far, you’re in the clear.  The first twelve hours were the  riskiest.  You should start feeling better now.”

“No…I can’t…you can’t keep me here!  I need to…” Jason tried to sit  up but Bryan pushed him back down.  Even that small amount of exertion  made the room spin around him.   

“Just rest,” Bryan said sternly.  Jason couldn’t argue.  He managed one more pleading look before blacking out again.   


When Jason woke again he was surprised to find himself alone.  He  was also relatively pain-free.  His body ached, but the agonizing spasms  had stopped.  He winced when he shifted under the sweat-soaked sheet,  but at least he was able to move.  He rolled over to slide out of bed  and froze.  The motion felt wrong.  He looked down and his stomach  dropped when he saw the body that was outlined under the sheet.  It  didn’t look like his.   

“See?  I told you it would start getting better.”  Jason jumped at  Bryan’s unexpected voice from the doorway.  “If you’re trying to get out  of bed you’ll still need some help.  You’ll be weak for a couple days.”    

“What did you do to…” Jason heard a high, soft voice where his deep baritone should have been.   

“Take a look.”  Bryan reached over and pulled the sheet free. Jason  wanted to scream.  He broke out in a clammy sweat and his mouth went  dry.  All he could do was stare.  He was still in shock when Bryan  helped him stand and he saw that now he barely came to the bottom of his  friend’s meaty chest.  They shuffled over to the mirror and Jason  stared at the foreign reflection.  Instead of his built, lean frame and  chiseled looks, he saw a short, buxom stranger.  His broad shoulders  were thin and narrow and his solid arms were soft and shapeless, but the  worst was between them.  His defined pecs had inflated into a pair of  perky breasts that stood out above the soft belly where his abs should  have been.  There was an increased arch to his back that caused his  massively inflated ass to stand out even more.  Gone was his solid  bubble, replaced by two bouncing globes that jiggled at the slightest  movement.  Given his shrunken size, it looked impossibly large for his  tiny body.  His toned thighs had likewise rounded and pressed outwards  into a pair of short, supple legs, and the cock that he’d always been so  proud of was a barely visible nub between them.  His face had changed  to match the rest of his new look.  The handsome, masculine features  softened and took on a decidedly feminine tone.  His lips were full and  pouty and his jaw wasn’t as prominent.  His cheekbones seemed higher and  his nose had gone from a prominent hook to a small button.  He wouldn’t  be completely unrecognizable if you knew him well, but you’d have to  look.  He couldn’t decide if his face looked like a feminine man, or a  masculine woman.   

Jason refused to believe what he saw.  He refused to believe that  this soft, curvy little person was him.  He was a man.  He was toned and  solid and hung.  He didn’t have tits and a micro-dick.  He fucked  women; he didn’t look like one.   

“Goddamn you’re hot,” Bryan sighed behind him, his expression a mix  of triumph and lust.  He swallowed Jason’s lithe new shoulders in his  huge hands and slid them down to cup the new additions to his friend’s  chest.   

“Oh!” Jason gasped at the electric sensation that shot through him.   His brain was having a hard time putting together that the strange  looking person in the mirror getting felt up was him.  Bryan’s seemingly  giant hands slid down, biting into his soft abdomen and making their  way down to his widened hips.  There was another jolt when his  now-shrunken cock was squeezed, but it was nothing compared to what he’d  felt from his chest.  The fact that the tiny organ was still soft after  a few tugs only added to his numb horror.  He wanted to pull away, but  quickly realized that wasn’t the case.  What he really wanted was the  desire to pull away, not a growing sense of comfort in Bryan’s  overpowering grip.  “Bryan…stop…just…” Jason panted in his soft new  voice.  “Damnit!  Stop!”  He finally pulled away, wincing as he felt his  tiny body shake and bounce.  “Just what…haha…what hahaha…is this?”  He  kept looking down at himself and laughing.  First in shock, then  hysterically.  He ran thin, shaking fingers over arms that were devoid  of muscle and almost casually bounced his new chest with now-tiny hands.   “Oh man,” he said, out of breath from laughter, “this is still the  drugs, right?  Whatever shit you made me drink just sent me on a bad  trip?”  He looked around the room from his shortened perspective and  clutched at his minuscule cock.  “That’s some potent shit.  This all  seems totally real.”  He wiggled his hips and sent his new cheeks and  thighs rippling.  “Jesus…this feels so intense.  Like it’s….it’s not…it  can’t be real…” he was cracking under the shock again.  “How can this be  real?”  He stared at his dainty hands and nearly fell when he backed  away from Bryan as his friend stepped closer.  “No!  No.  What did you  do?!”  His high new voice was a shriek.   

“Easy…just relax,” Bryan said calmly.  He sat on the edge of the  bed, his hulking shoulders slumped, and stared at the floor.  “It was  right before I came home.  My unit was out on a recon mission and I got  separated.  Sounds like a rookie mistake, I know, but Afghanistan…those  mountains are something else, man.  It’s like another planet.  I tried  to radio my guys but all I got was static.  The area was pretty secure  so I was more worried about the shit I was gonna get back at base, but  then I heard someone say my name.  I knew right away it wasn’t one of  us.  Behind me, right where I’d just walked, was this old lady and a  cave.  I swear to god, dude, there was no cave there.  I’d literally  just walked by it.  Solid mountain.  Now all of a sudden there’s a cave  and an old lady?  She looked like a local, but she was speaking perfect  english.  No accent.  Perfect.  And she knew me?  How did she know me?  I  didn’t even draw on her.  I just stood there while she stared at me.   Into me.”  He shook his head and shrugged.  “Look, I know how crazy this  sounds.  But she started talking and all I could do was listen.  She  knew everything about me.  Everything.  Things I’ve never told anyone,  not even you.  She knew about you!”  Bryan finally looked up at Jason  with desperate, watery eyes.  “The things we did over there…and then she  starts talking about you.  How I can have…how we can have…what we  wanted.  I just remember nodding and her voice changing over to some  language that I’d never heard.  It wasn’t native to the area, that much I  knew.  She just kept droning on and on, almost like a chant, and next  thing I know I’m staring at a solid mountainside.  No cave or old lady  anywhere in sight.  I thought I hallucinated the whole thing until I  look down and see a box at my feet.  I don’t know how, but I knew  exactly what it was and what to do with it.  I ground up the mushrooms  it had inside and used them for the tea you drank the other night.  And  now, uh, here we are.”   

Jason stared in silence for several moments before breaking out in  laughter again.  “So a witch in the mountains gave you magic mushrooms  that turned me mostly into a chick because…what?  Uou’re in love with  me?”  His laughter trailed off at Bryan’s stone-faced expression.   “You’re serious?  You’re serious?!  That’s crazy!”   

Bryan pointed to the mirror again.  “Is it?”   

“I…you can’t just expect me to…this is…” Jason stammered in  frustration, looking at his curvy new frame in horror.  Shock threatened  to overtake him again.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath,  trying not to hear his own altered voice.  “So let’s say this is real  and not just a bad trip…did this lady tell you how to undo this?”

Bryan shook his head.  “It’s a one-way trip.”   

“Why?  Why would you do this to me?!”   

“I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen!”  It was the first  time Bryan raised his voice and Jason shrank back from the sound.  “She  told me it would give us what we wanted!”   

“Why would I ever want this!  Look at me!”  Jason spread his thin  arms and turned in a circle.  “Bryan…you know I love you man, but not  like…”

Bryan shook his head gently.  “You don’t remember.”   

Jason wasn’t expecting that.  “Don’t remember what?”   

“Seven years ago.  Right before my first deployment.  My last night in town.”

Jason did his best to recall.  “I vaguely remember that.  We got real, real drunk that night.”   


“And what?  I don’t remember much after we left Iggy’s.”  Jason  squirmed in his unwanted skin.  “What does this have to do with what you  did to me?”     

“Everything,” Bryan sighed.  “I didn’t think you remembered.  You  never brought it up and I was too embarrassed to say anything again.”   He blushed.  “I was drunk enough that night to tell you how I felt  then.”

Jason was stunned.  “I don’t remember any of that.”   

“I’m not surprised. You were pretty blitzed.  That’s part of the reason I did it.”

“I…” Jason struggled to think back.  It could have been the effects  of the brew, but he started to remember.  “Wait…we were at my place,  right?”  Bryan nodded.  “You basically carried me up the stairs.  I  remember you laying me on the couch.  You took my shoes off and then I…”  Jason’s eyes went wide.  “I wouldn’t let you leave.  I remember trying  to stand and you catching me.  We sat on the couch and I…oh…oh shit…I  knew?”  The conversation was suddenly clear in Jason’s mind.  “I told  you I knew how you felt about me.  I said I loved you too but I wasn’t  gay.  And you said you…weren’t either?”   

Bryan nodded slowly.  “I wasn’t.  I mean, I’m not.  It’s not like  that!  I’m not into guys.  You’re the only one I’ve ever felt this way  about.”

“And I said the same thing…” Jason said quietly.  “And then you were gone the next day.”   

“She said it would give us both what we wanted,” Bryan repeated.   

“Why this?!”  Jason prodded at his new body.  “I was happy the way I was!  I’m not a girl!  What about my life?  My job?”  

“You can go back to it if you want,” Bryan said sadly.  “Nothing’s keeping you here.”   

“Except these,” Jason cried, grabbing his chest.  He was having a  hard time focusing.  “What I want?  Why would it think I wanted…” he  trailed off, thinking about what he’d felt before.  He remembered how  small he felt against Bryan, and how turned on he was.  He loved the  feeling of Bryan being totally in control instead of himself.  He’d  loved the sensation at having the other man inside him, how it felt to  get off and get someone off without being the one doing the penetrating.   Even now, knowing that his buxom little body turned the other man on  was a rush in and of itself.  “What we both wanted…” he said absently.   This revelation was almost as much of a shock as his physical  transformation.  Jason was still horrified at what happened, but he felt  his rage towards Bryan melt away.   

“I’d never hurt you,” Bryan said defensively.   

“I know big guy,” Jason sighed, hopping up on the edge of the bed  next to Bryan.  He gave a short laugh when he realized his feet no  longer touched the ground.  Something was happening in his head.  The  idea that maybe he really did want this was taking root.  Whether he’d  asked for it or not was beside the point.  He put a hand on Bryan’s  bulky thigh, the contrast between his friend’s solid muscle and his soft  new body turning him on.  He knew his shock shouldn’t be fading so  quickly, but his altered body wasn’t as concerned as his brain.  “So  this is what we wanted,” he finally sighed, resting his head on Bryan’s  shoulder.  His friend tentatively wrapped a beefy arm around him,  squeezing tight when Jason didn’t pull away.  The altered man was  wrestling with what he was feeling.  He should be in a panicked heap.   He’d just been told that his built, handsome body was gone for good.  He  had a sizable pair of perky breasts instead of the pecs he’d spent so  much time working on in the gym.  He was significantly shorter.  For all  intents and purposes his dick was gone. But all he wanted was to throw  himself at his friend, the one who’d done this to him.  He finally gave  in and slid his hand to the inside of Bryan’s thigh, the wiry hairs  pricking against his softened skin, and gave a squeeze.   

That was the only signal Bryan needed.  He fell back on the bed and  pulled Jason with him.  The shrunken man gasped when the soft new  appendages at his chest pressed against Bryan’s solid, hairy shelf.   They’d spent a considerable amount of time exploring each other’s body  just the other night, but it still felt brand new.  Under his slender  new hands Bryan’s body felt like a giant carved out of stone.  Despite  how turned on he was, Jason was mortified at first.  He winced every  time a soft new part of him shook or yielded to Bryan’s eager hands, but  once it became clear that this was exactly what Bryan wanted, he  stopped caring.  It was hard to miss his lean, hard body when this new  one made him feel so good.  It was like every inch of him had been wired  for pleasure.  When he wormed his way down and wrapped his puffy new  lips around Bryan’s thick, stout cock, even that drove him wild.  The  warm, rigid cock sliding against his tongue was better than any head  he’d ever received.  He felt a warmth spread down his hourglass figure  as he bobbed his head eagerly up and down and his chest swayed with the  rhythm.  Bryan had to physically pull Jason’s head away from his  throbbing pole to get him to stop, and even then the altered man buried  his smooth cheeks between Bryan’s meaty thighs to give his aching balls a  tongue bath.   

Jason was like a wild animal in his new body.  He couldn’t get  enough.  He moaned and writhed as he straddled Bryan’s stocky torso  while the other man kneaded his huge, supple cheeks.  Already it felt  more natural for Jason to reach up and work his new chest than to reach  down for his absent monster.  He’d given his shrunken nob a few tugs,  but it didn’t come close to feeling like it used to.  Not that he’d  minded when Bryan had swallowed the entire thing in his mouth, but he  wanted something else.  He’d been inching closer and closer and he  finally felt Bryan’s wide pole on his backside.   

“Uuuuaaahhh!” He squealed.  In one smooth motion he lifted his  widened hips and then dropped himself onto the other man.  Like his soft  new mouth, his inflated cheeks wrapped around Bryan like a vacuum seal.   He wiggled and bounced and screamed ecstatically while Bryan reached  up and worked his enlarged nipples.  The sound of his high pitched new  voice ringing through the cabin cleared the fog slightly and Jason had a  flash of awareness.  His friend was working his tits while he bounced  up and down on Bryan’s cock with an ass that would break the internet.   Instead of a solid 7-inches, he had a soft nub that oozed steadily onto  Bryan’s hairy stomach while he clutched at his head, bending arms that  would never flex with muscle again.  He could never want this.  It was a  nightmare.  He had to get away.  “Iiiiieeeeeeeeeooooooohhhhh….” his  shrill cry broke off into a long moan as the most intense wave of  pleasure he’d ever felt washed over him.  By the time he was able to  think clearly again he was on all fours with his swinging breasts  bouncing.  He didn’t have long to think before another wave hit him.   Then another.  And another.  Soon it was all he wanted.   


“Mornin’ babe,” Bryan said, snapping the waist of the lacy red thong  that quickly disappeared between Jason’s bulbous cheeks.  He bent down  to kiss the other man on his full, puffy lips, smiling at the red  lipstick.  He’d gone out for his morning run like usual, and like usual,  a scantily clad Jason was waiting for him on the porch when he got  back.  Even after the intervening months, Bryan still couldn’t get over  his friend’s new look.  The made-up face, the matching panties and bra,  the way his hips swayed when he walked on his soft, short little legs;  it always caused his sweaty shorts to twitch like it was the first time.    

“How was your run?”  Jason reached up and ran his hands through the  sweaty hair on Bryan’s chest with a hungry look in his eyes.   

“Good!  Think I beat yesterday’s time.”  He reached over and tousled  Jason’s hair.  His friend had dropped over a foot in height during the  transformation, settling at just under 4’6”.  This lack of height only  made the curves on Jason’s new frame stand out even more.   

“You’re so sexy when you’re sweaty,” Jason purred, toying with the  waistband of Bryan’s shorts.  This was also standard.  Jason’s new body  was insatiable.   

“Yeah?”  Bryan wrapped his huge arms around Jason and flexed,  squeezing him tight against his hairy body.  Jason giggled and squirmed  delightedly.   

Bryan had been nervous at first.  He wasn’t sure the implanted  memory trick would work.  But, just like the old lady said, as soon as  he hinted at it he’d been able to make Jason remember a night that never  happened.  True, they’d gone out drinking, and true, Bryan had carried  Jason inside.  But that’s where the real memories stopped.  Bryan was  impressed.  Jason hadn’t just remembered a non-existent conversation,  he’d felt something deep enough to think that this was something he  wanted.  He didn’t turn into a mostly-female sex machine because he  wanted to; he turned that way because that’s what Bryan wanted.  He  could have just as easily turned him into a hulking stud or a skinny  twink.  The bit about the lady magically appearing was just as made up.   He just needed to keep Jason distracted while his body learned to  respond to his voice.  Yes, there’d been an old lady, but Bryan had  sought her out in a village after hearing stories about things she could  do.  She could have made Jason into whatever Bryan wanted.   

The part about Bryan wanting his friend - that was true.  Bryan was  obsessed with Jason.  Their time apart and the things he’d seen and done  had only made that obsession grow until it was dark and twisted.  All  the things he loved about his friend grew to become things he resented  because he couldn’t have them.  Jason’s sculpted build, his natural good  looks, his huge endowment; all had to go.  Bryan was clearly in love  with him but Jason was too interested in hooking up with girl after girl  to notice.  Not any more, Bryan had thought.  Let’s see him hook up  when he looks like they do.  The only interest Jason had in women now  was in borrowing clothes.  Still, Bryan hadn’t been able to push Jason  all the way over.  He took no small joy in the knowledge that the little  mound between those supple thighs used to be a long, thick monster.  It  was the same with Jason’s face.  He wanted to see the man he’d loved,  but with just a bit of makeup it was almost impossible to tell that  Jason wasn’t all woman.  Jason had flashes of resistance at first.   There would be moments where he’d panic and remember the truth.  He’d  see himself as he was and remember how he should have been.  They never  lasted long, and they faded entirely with time.   

Despite his new appearance, Bryan loved that Jason still thought of  himself as all man.  Underneath his oversexed, thick little body, a part  of his straight masculinity lingered.  This caused more than a little  confusion for the altered man.  Bryan would never forget how mortified  Jason had been the first time he’d been made to put on panties and a  bra.  Even though they were clearly meant for his new body, Jason  refused to accept them.  The same with makeup.  If it were up to him,  Jason would still be wearing boxer briefs and his old clothes.  But it  wasn’t up to him anymore.  Nothing was.  His transformation also meant  that he’d do whatever Bryan said.  He might be confused about it, or  argue at first, but eventually he’d give in whether he wanted to or not.  This meant Jason spent most of his time prancing around the cabin and  surrounding woods in his lacy new underwear.  The only article of men’s  clothing he ever still wore was one of Bryan’s old, baggy tshirts that  fit his new body like a gown.  Bryan loved the way it spilled over  Jason’s thin new shoulders and accentuated his chest and puffed out at  his ass.

“I still want to come with you some morning,” Jason pouted in Bryan’s grip.   

Bryan smiled at the thought of the former avid runner bouncing along  on his short new legs.  “Next time we go into town we’ll have to get  you some shoes.  I don’t think your heels would be so good for it.”  He  watched a flash of fear play across Jason’s expression at the mention of  town.  He lived at the cabin with Bryan now and didn’t get out much.   Even though he could pass fairly easily, the former stud still felt  embarrassed at being seen in his current condition.  Since the make up  and women’s clothing didn’t feel natural, he was convinced they didn’t  look natural.  Investigators had come to question Bryan when the old  Jason never turned back up, but by that time Bryan had already disposed  of his car and had a cover story.  They even questioned Jason directly.   Despite the passing resemblance, no one would ever believe that the  short, chesty woman they spoke to was the one they were looking for, so  they didn’t pay much attention to him.  A part of Jason had wanted to  beg for help.  He knew this would be his only chance at escape, but  instead he just played along until they left.  After a few weeks he  didn’t think about it, or his captivity, much.  Between his new body’s  constant desires and Bryan’s commands, he didn’t think about much  anymore.  “How ‘bout we go for a swim instead” Bryan asked  condescendingly, like he was talking to a pouting child.   

“Okay!”  The uncertainty left Jason’s face in an instant.  He’d  spent so much time being in control at work and in his previous life  that he loved it when Bryan talked down to him now.  Bryan swallowed one  of his tiny hands in a rough paw and led them down the well-worn path  to the river where this had all started.  He still regularly looked at  the picture he’d taken of Jason that first afternoon, his tight, naked  body glistening as he came out of the water.  He loved the contrast.   Watching his friend’s new chest flop free when he unhooked his bra and  his inflated cheeks jiggle as he stepped out of his thong and bounded  into the water, Bryan couldn’t have been happier.  He’d been concerned  at first that he’d miss Jason’s old body, but he quickly came to  discover that this was infinitely more satisfying than a few muscles.   And if he ever did want a man, he’d just take Jason up to the truck  stop.  It was never hard to find someone who was interested in both,  especially when they found out Jason wasn’t exactly all woman.  “You  coming?” Jason chirped, his tits bouncing as he splashed towards the  shore.   

“I think that’s up to you,” Bryan said, peeling out of his shorts and diving in.



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