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The light ringing when William opened the botanica door sounded like  thundering church bells.  He felt ridiculous even being in here.  He  rarely ventured to this part of town, and the store was so small and  nondescript he passed it twice before he saw where it was.   For such a  small space, it was filled to bursting.  From floor to ceiling the walls  were lined with candles of every shape, size, and color.  There were  bottles of oils, charms, swatches of fabric, crucifixes, and plenty of  items he couldn't figure out at all.  The store was empty save for an  old lady watching tv behind the counter.  She turned and gave him a  broad smile when he entered.  He smiled back and nodded politely.  He  hadn't known what to expect from a shop in the 'hood catering to  mystical needs.  A crooked nose and warts, maybe?  Definitely not a  kind-looking grandma watching a mexican soap opera.  And while the store  was cluttered, it was clear that everything was clean and had a  designated space.  He milled around for a few moments, trying to  decipher what everything was and feeling even more embarrassed for  having misjudged the place so much.  But he still felt out of his depth.   Mostly everything was written in spanish, which he wasn't fluent in.   His friend Theresa, who'd grown up with all this stuff in her family,  had given him a list of what to buy.  He wished he'd taken her up on her  offer to come with him.  This was her idea, after all.  She was proud  of her African and Portuguese background and routinely claimed that her  grandpa was a brujo.  William had no doubt she'd be able to pick what he  needed off the shelves blindfolded.  Still, he was here now, so he  might as well give it a shot.  Not that he really believed in this  superstitious stuff.  He was a contract analyst for a living.  His mind  was firmly rooted in the practical.  But after a rough breakup and  finally coming within spitting distance of 30, he was willing to be more  open minded.   

"Hi, uh, excuse me," he said to the old lady, trying not to sound nervous.  "Could you help me..."

"No Ingles," she said, smiling gently and shaking her head.   

"Got it," William said, feeling awkward.  He just shrugged and  decided to wing it.  Theresa had given him pretty thorough instructions,  but the sheer variety of the items was staggering.  And many of them  looked the same.  There was a bottle with a hummingbird on it, then one  with a hummingbird and a cross, then one with a hummingbird and a saint.   He had no idea what the difference was.  It was the same for just  about everything else.  He did his best to follow the list.  He grabbed a  small pink candle in the shape of a man, a bottle of oil with a down  arrow and something written in spanish on it, a bottle with a pair of  flexing arms on it, a bottle of oil that just said "macho," and, making  him blush, a candle in the shape of a dick.  This was all supposed to  make him lose weight, gain muscle, be more attractive to women, and  increase his sexual potency.  Thinking he had the basics down, he also  picked up a bottle that said "dominion" on it.  He figured this would  make him more confident and in charge.  The last thing on the list was  cord to tie a bundle with.  Theresa had told him to get red string, but  his eye was drawn to a deep royal blue ribbon with gold designs on it.   He couldn't tell what the designs meant, but it looked impressive.   

With a final shrug he walked up to the counter.  The old lady took  one look at the items and cocked her eyebrow.  "Estas seguro?"   

"Uh...si?"  William had no idea, but it sounded like a question.   

Now it was the old lady's turn to shrug.  She muttered something  under her breath, rang the items up and handed him the bag with a final,  quizzical look before going back to her show.   

William tried to ignore the bag when he got home.  The longer he was  away from the store the more ridiculous he felt.  This was all hoodoo  nonsense and he should know better.  But he also couldn't stop thinking  about it.  What could it hurt?  It's not like it had been cheap for all  that stuff.  His resolve finally broke after sundown.  He set the items  up in his office and read over Theresa's instructions.  It all seemed  pretty simple, which made him even more dubious.  Take a picture, put  some oil on the candles, melt it all down, and throw it in a fire.  Then  a miracle.  Yeah, right, he thought.   

The picture taking part was actually the hardest for him.  According  to Theresa he was supposed to include a current picture of himself,  naked, and a lock of hair.  He felt ridiculous stripping down and taking  a nude selfie.  He lived alone in a large house with a large yard, so  it's not like anyone would see him through the windows, but he felt  awkward and insecure.  He was far from an exhibitionist.  He'd been in  excellent shape in his early days, but those last couple years of  college partying coupled with a desk job meant his physique wasn't as  great as it could have been.  He blushed when he looked at his beer gut,  sagging chest, and soft arms.  His legs were spindly with no ass to  speak of, and he was starting to add a chin.  At 5'10", he wasn't  morbidly obese, but "average" was getting dangerously close to  "overweight."  He hated that he let himself go so much, but he and Beth  had been together for years, and over that time he'd just stopped paying  attention to his looks.  He'd been going to the gym semi-regularly  since the breakup; he just wasn't seeing any results.  The one thing he  wasn't ashamed of was the monster package between his legs.  He'd always  been well-endowed, and that hadn't changed.  His long, thick hose  pushed five inches soft, and almost eight hard.  True, it looked more  impressive when he'd had a flat stomach and some tone to his thighs, but  he'd get there again, he told himself.   

He took the picture and quickly got dressed again while he printed  it out.  When the candles were arranged on top of the photo he snipped  off a lock of his trim brown hair, hoping he didn't mess up his haircut  too much.  Theresa hadn't said how much of the oil to use when anointing  the candles, so William just used all of it.  The bottles were tiny, so  he figured that's the way it was done.   

"Ugh, that's rough," William coughed when he lit the candles.  The  smell was nauseating.  He opened a window, but his sizable house was  already filled with the potent odor.  He started to blow them out but  stopped himself.  The damage was already done anyway, might as well let  them burn.   

After a long 20 minutes, during which William did his best to hold  his breath, the small candles were pools of wax on top of the picture  and hair.  While the wax was soft, William rolled it all up into a  bundle and tied the deep blue and gold cord around it to take it  outside.   

"Whew!"  He took in several lungfuls of the warm night air, feeling  lightheaded.  Under the bright, full moon he got a small flame going in  his bonfire pit.  So far he didn't feel any different, but he didn't  have a lot of specifics on what to expect.  He turned the bundle over in  his hands, feeling foolish for secretly hoping it would work.  Maybe it  was just going through the motions of the ritual, but even though he  didn't really believe in what he was doing he still felt nervous tossing  the bundle in the flames.  He didn't know what would happen.  Magic  lightning?  A sudden transformation?  All he got was another punch of  the noxious smell until the wax burned up completely.  When he was sure  it was all gone he doused the flames and went back inside to air his  house out, hoping this hadn't all been a waste of time.   

He was still feeling lightheaded when he went to bed.  The smell  persisted no matter how many windows he opened or fans he turned on.  He  drifted off to sleep, wondering if his clothes would smell bad in the  morning.  What seemed like only a few moments later, he jerked upright  in bed.  His room was dark and quiet, but his heart was racing.   Something felt wrong.  William scanned the dark room, searching for the  unseen eyes he could feel watching him.  Slowly, a blurry, man-shaped  figure melted out of the shadows in the corner.  Feeling a wave of  panic, he shot out of bed, but instead of landing on his carpeted floor,  he found himself falling.  William screamed and flailed as he  plummeted, not sure exactly when he stopped falling and started  floating.  He was suspended in a purple and green sky, face-to-face with  the blurry figure from his room.  Lightning danced through clouds  around them, and a thunderous voice boomed in the distance.  He didn't  understand what the voice was saying, and he couldn't make out much in  the way of details on the blurry figure, but somehow he knew it was him.   Like a mirror, when he moved, it moved.  He tried to focus his eyes on  it.  Even through the blurriness he could see that it wasn't an exact  reflection of how he looked.  There was something about the image that  both scared and thrilled him, but he only got dizzy the more he looked.   He reached out to touch it just as his alarm jolted him awake.   

"What the hell was that," he yawned, slamming the alarm off.  He was  tangled in his blankets, soaked in sweat and sore all over.  He chalked  it up to sleeping at a weird angle and kicked the blankets off,  exposing the throbbing rod that had escaped from his boxer briefs.   William actually gasped at the sensation of the sheets sliding over it.   He couldn't remember the last time he woke up this horny.  Even with  Beth, he'd never been much of a morning-sex person, but now he was  practically ready to pop.  He stumbled into the bathroom and cranked the  shower on, absently stroking himself while he waited for the water to  warm up.  He stepped under the water just in time to let out a soft  moan.  It had only taken a few pumps for him to fire-hose a stream of  cum onto the wall.  He caught his breath and scrubbed the sweat away,  but it wasn't until he was toweling off that he really looked at  himself.  His blurry reflection in the steamy mirror set his heart  racing as he remembered the hazy figure from his dream.  He wiped an  area clean, expecting nothing.  At first that's what he thought he saw.   Same old William.  But not quite.  The more he looked, he seemed  slimmer.  Not incredibly, but he looked tighter and less bloated.   Telling himself it was all in his head, he got dressed and headed for  work like always.   

A few hours into his morning, William was starting to doubt that  this was all in his head.  The first thing he noticed was the extreme  horniness from that morning didn't really fade.  His huge cock was solid  in his slacks almost constantly.  On top of that, his pants weren't  fitting right.  He'd gotten up to use the bathroom and had gone in an  extra hole on his belt when he pulled his pants back up.  By the time he  left that afternoon his clothes were feeling bulky and loose.  He  wasn't overly scared because he didn't want to believe that magic was  real, but something was clearly happening.  It didn't hurt that he felt  fantastic.  His usual end-of-the-day-fatigue was nowhere to be seen when  he left the office.   

He hurried home and had his pants off almost before the door  finished shutting.  He was painfully horny.  He didn't even make it past  the kitchen; as soon as he was inside he whipped his aching monster out  and blew another giant load. And another.  And another.  After the  third one he felt the ever-present arousal start to fade.  Panting, he  picked up his pants and staggered to his bedroom.  He couldn't get out  of his clothes quick enough.  "Shit!" he yelled once he was naked, his  knees buckling.  He ran to the bathroom and laughed in delighted shock  at what he saw.  He didn't just look less bloated, he'd clearly  undergone a significant change.  His gut was smaller, his chest and arms  seemed to have more definition, and his non-existent ass was starting  to puff.  He jumped on the scale: 212.  He'd been 220 the day before.   He hopped on and off several times just to confirm.   

"This could just be water weight," he told himself.  "That makes  more sense than magic candles."  Looking at himself in the mirror,  though, he was less convinced.  He hadn't just lost weight, it looked  like he was adding muscle, too.  He flexed and examined himself, feeling  none of the self consciousness he had the previous night when taking  the picture.  When he managed to pull himself away from the mirror he  slipped back into a pair of his grey boxer briefs and pulled on a baggy  tshirt, but stopped there.  The thought of covering himself up was  suddenly unappealing.  He even went out on the patio to enjoy the warm  summer evening in just his underwear, something he'd never even  considered doing before.  None of his neighbors could see him anyway,  but William doubted it would have stopped him even if they could.   

His dream that night was more frightening.  He still woke up in his  room, only this time the blurry figure was already standing at the foot  of his bed.  And when William got up to run there was no purple sky,  just his big, dark house.  He darted down the long hallway and down the  stairs to the first floor, feeling the blurry image only a step behind  him.  The chase went from room to room, back up to the second floor, and  down to the man-cave basement.  It was when William was sprinting up  the basement stairs that the figure managed to grab his shoulder.  An  electric jolt shot through him as he turned and pulled away.  The figure  was less blurry this time, and William could make out broad shoulders,  big arms, and a tiny waist.  As he stared the figure grabbed him again.   William spasmed as the current ran through him.  It didn't hurt; it was  just overwhelming.  He felt like he was vibrating to his core.   Pressure was building all over and he was afraid he was going to burst.    

"Guh!"  William's eyes shot open as he arched off the bed.  He'd  kicked off his covers and he was cumming, hard.  It felt like it would  never end.  "Je...Jesus..." he gasped when it eventually stopped.  He  was soaked.  His bed was soaked.  He didn't move for several minutes  after, he just lay there trying to slow his racing heart.  It was an  hour before his alarm was supposed to go off, but William decided to  just get up.  He stumbled sleepily into the bathroom, blushing as he  felt the sticky fluid slide down his torso.  He reached up and wiped at  it, smearing it across the wiry hairs on his chest.  He froze.  Other  than a small patch in the middle of his chest and a dusting on his arms  and legs, William had always been naturally smooth.  He flipped the  lights on and told himself he had to still be dreaming.  He'd continued  to lose weight overnight, to the point where his gut was almost gone.   He didn't have abs, but his stomach was mostly flat.  Even better, his  sagging chest now sported a pair of moderately defined pecs, and where  they'd been smooth just a few hours ago, now they had a light dusting of  wiry brown hairs on them.  The same with his larger arms and bigger  thighs.  He hopped back on the scale: 200.  He was ecstatic.  By some  miracle, this was working.  His only point of concern was that his  package looked a little smaller, but he chalked that up to his thighs  growing.  He took his time in the shower, feeling the newfound firmness  he'd acquired overnight.  He didn't look like an athlete just yet, but  he was now closer to "in shape" than "just average."   

His delight only grew as the morning went on.  When he went to get  dressed his boxer briefs felt tighter than normal on his bulkier thighs  and perkier ass.  He also had to pull his belt as tight as it would go  to keep his size 36 pants up.  His button up shirt was loose on his  stomach but tight on his chest and arms, the reverse of how it had just  been the day before.  And he felt great.  Even waking up an hour early  hadn't left him tired.  On a whim he grabbed his seldom-used gym bag for  after work.   

Once he got to the office things continued to improve.  Multiple  people asked him if he was losing weight and he got several calls of  "lookin' good!" from coworkers.  He told people that he was on a cleanse  and that it was finally kicking in.  Fortunately no one pressed him on  it.  He was still extra-horny, but not to the point where he couldn't  control it like the previous day.  His explosion that morning seemed to  be keeping the edge off.  Not that it was any easier for him to focus.   His mind was racing a mile-a-minute all day with the possibilities.   Which was bad timing, considering how his boss was riding him.  He and  Alan usually had a good working relationship, but today the older man  was barking orders at him all day.  It seemed to be just him, too.  When  William saw him interacting with other staff he was the same jovial  Alan he always was.  William did his best to get everything done,  feeling a stronger than normal urge to keep his boss happy.   

He practically ran out of his office when it was time to leave,  eager to get away from his suddenly-dictatorial boss and to hit the gym  for the first time in weeks.  Like most people, he'd always had a  membership; he just barely ever used it.  He surprised himself when he  got to the locker room.  Usually he changed as quickly as he could, but  today he didn't seem to care.  He could feel that more changes had  kicked in while he'd been at work and wanted to see what good news was  in store.  He stripped down to his much-tighter boxer briefs and stared  at himself open-mouthed in the mirror.  He officially had a set of hairy  pecs.  They'd gone from "defined" to standing up off his torso.  His  shoulders seemed broader too, but it could have just been the extra  taper formed by his trim, flat waist.  He didn't have a six pack just  yet, but his flabby sides were totally gone, replaced by a visible set  of obliques pointing the way to his stuffed underwear.  His arms now had  visible definition to them, flexing every time he moved them even  slightly.  His ass had continued to expand outwards while his thighs  pressed ever closer to each other above a growing pair of calves.  Even  his face had changed.  The extra chin was gone, replaced by a solid jaw  line and increasingly-visible cheekbones that were covered in stubble  even though he'd shaved that morning.  That trend had continued all over  his body.  He wasn't a sasquatch, but there was a thicker layer of hair  on his arms, legs, and stomach.  Even his short-trimmed, chocolate  locks seemed fuller.  Self conscious that other people were starting to  fill the locker room while he was flexing in nothing but his boxer  briefs he returned to his locker.  He pulled his basketball shorts on  and cinched the drawstring as tight as it would go, but they refused to  stay in place.  They'd been baggy before his weight loss.  Now, the only  thing keeping them on at all was the new expansion of his rear.   

"Lose some weight recently?"  William hadn't noticed the man taking  the locker next to him.  He looked to be about the same age, with gelled  blonde hair and a lantern jaw.  The man clearly came to the gym often  based on how his torso and arms strained against his dress shirt.   

"Yeah," William said awkwardly.  "I didn't even think about it when I  grabbed my bag.  I must have thrown my, uh, old shorts in here by  mistake."  William watched the man undo the buttons of his shirt and  peel out of it, exposing a torso that was every bit as beefy as it  looked.  His large arms and chest were sculpted above washboard abs that  disappeared into equally form-fitting pants.   

"That sucks, man," the blonde man said, kicking his shoes off and  undoing his pants.  William tried to look indiscreet as the man pulled  them down over his rock-hard ass and trunk-like thighs.  He had on a  pair of dark red briefs that were filled to bursting.  He casually dug  through his bag, either unaware or not caring that William was staring.   "I think I have an extra pair in here...yep, here you go.  They're  clean, I promise!" He laughed with a sparkling smile.   

William didn't know what he was feeling.  The sight of this sculpted  adonis with bright blue eyes stirred something strange in him.   "Thanks!"  William dropped his oversized shorts and pulled the smaller,  green mesh shorts up, very aware that the man was watching him intently.   "Oh yeah, much better."  The new shorts showed off his recently  acquired ass as well as the bulge that William told himself the blonde  man wasn't staring at.  

"I'm Evan, by the way," the man said, extending a hand.   


"You new here?"  Evan finally started dressing as William pulled his  shirt on. The chiseled man threw on a baggy muscle shirt that showed  off most of his pecs and a similar pair of mesh shorts.  If William  thought his ass looked good in the shorts, Evan's was on another level.   The firm, round globes stood out and formed a shelf for the blonde  man's shirt to ride on.

"Not exactly.  Had a membership for a long time, just never really used it."   

Evan pointed to the discarded shorts.  "If those used to fit,  whatever it was you did must have worked.  Glad you're sticking with  it."   

"Uh, yeah, me too," William said, blushing.  Confused at what he was  feeling, he hurried out onto the gym floor.  He destroyed his workout.   He was slinging weights and sprinting on treadmills like he'd been  doing it for years.  It all seemed perfectly natural.  He found his  attention drifting to Evan throughout the course of his exercising, and  he thought he caught the other man looking at him several times as well.   After an hour he was drenched in sweat and decided to call it, even  though he felt like he could keep going.  He made it back to his locker  and had just peeled out of his sopping tshirt when Evan showed up.  

"And you said you didn't go to the gym often?"  The blonde man's  baggy muscle shirt was equally drenched and plastered on like a second  skin.  "You killed it out there!"   

"Thanks," William said, feeling a jolt run through him when Evan  clapped him on his bare back.  "You want these shorts back?  I can take  'em home and wash 'em."   

"Nah, don't worry about it," Evan said, stripping down to his  equally damp underwear.  The already tight briefs showed off every  contour and crevice of the blonde stud's impressive package.  "Are you  in a hurry?"   

William wasn't sure how to respond, he just knew he had to pry his eyes away from Evan's crotch.  "No, not really..."

"I pay the extra for the private saunas if you want to join me.  After a workout like that it's good for staying loose."

The idea of being naked in a small hot room with another naked  stranger didn't seem overly appealing to William.  "Um, I should  probably..."  

"Oh come on man," Evan interrupted, flashing that bright smile again, "drop 'em and join me."   

"I..." William felt another strange sensation.  He didn't want to,  but he couldn't say no.  "...Sure, yeah, okay," he said with a shy grin.    

"Great!"  Evan shucked his damp briefs, letting a thick, stout cock  and meaty balls flop free.  He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his  waist.  William wasn't quite sure what he was doing when he dropped not  just his shorts, but also his boxer briefs.  He couldn't remember the  last time he'd been totally naked around a group of people.  It was  probably in his first year of college when he still played baseball, but  that was almost a decade ago.  It wasn't until he was naked that he  remembered he didn't have a towel.   

"Daaamn," Evan whistled at the sight of William's monster.  "Don't  worry, they've got towels over there.  You can make everyone else  jealous on the way," he laughed.   

William blushed.  The walk across the locker room felt like miles as  his exposed cock swung and bounced with each step.  He was acutely  aware of all the stares he was getting.  Usually a source of pride, he  suddenly felt insecure about his endowment.  He grabbed a towel and  quickly wrapped it around his waist as Evan punched in a code to open  one of the small saunas.  He settled on the small bench while the ripped  blonde turned on the steam.  William's eyes went wide when he got a  close up view of Evan's solid ass at eye-level when the other man shed  his towel.   

"A little snug, but better than the giant one everyone uses."  He  looked down at William with a cocky grin.  "You shy all of a sudden?"   

"Oh, uh, didn't really think about it," William stammered, standing  and losing the towel.  He felt uncomfortable sitting so close to another  naked guy in a small space, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to  leave.   

"So what do you do?"  Evan asked, settling back and eyeing William's naked body.   

"Contract analyst.  Not the most exciting, but the pay's good.  You?"   

"Accountant.  So, so boring," Evan laughed, his eyes lingering on William's crotch.  "Girlfriend?"   

William shook his head, his mouth feeling dry.  "Not at the moment.  I just broke up with my girl of five years."   

"Sorry to hear that.  I tell ya man, there are days when I think  that's the better way to go.  My fiance and I have been engaged for two  years but sometimes I miss being single."  He sank further back, taking a  deep breath.  His sturdy leg brushed against William's, but he didn't  bother moving it.   

William felt himself blush, and not just from the heat.  The contact  was enough to push his barely-contained horniness over the edge.  He  was powerless to stop his cock from twitching, then shooting to  attention.  He tried to think of a way to play it off, but before he  could say anything he felt Evan's hand on his thigh.  He looked down and  the other man was equally hard.  "Uh, what's going on here?"   

"Isn't it obvious?"  Evan inched closer and let his hand drift further down William's thigh.   

"Hey, sorry if I...I mean, I thought you said you had a fiance?"   William stammered, confused.  He'd never been in a situation like this  before.   

"And you had an ex-girlfriend, but here you are."  Evan's cocky grin was like a beacon for William.     

"I'm...I'm not gay," William protested, still not scooting away.   

"I'm not either, but a mouth's a mouth.  And you owe me for the shorts."   

William wanted more than anything to get up and run from the room.   Instead he felt himself sliding off the bench.  He tried his hardest not  to lower his face closer and closer to Evan's thick rod, but soon he  had it in his mouth.  William had no idea what was happening.  He'd  never even thought of blowing a guy before, yet here he was, on his  knees with his face buried in a stranger's sweaty crotch.  He did his  best to emulate what girls had done to him, more focused on pleasing the  blonde stud than figuring out what was happening to him.  Apparently it  worked because Evan started moaning and pumping his hips, shoving the  cock in and out of his mouth.  William hated that he wasn't gagging at  the musky, salty taste.  He hated that he felt his own hose pumping out a  huge load at the sensation of the warm, solid organ on his tongue.  He  hated that his fingers bit eagerly into Evan's solid thighs.  He hated  how turned on he was while Evan's strong hands held his head in place so  he could roughly shove his cock in and out.  And he hated how eagerly  he guzzled the salty liquid that shot into his mouth.   

"Whew," Evan sighed, tousling William's thick brown hair while the  other man slurped on the softening pole.  "I'd say we're even."  He left  the addled man panting on the floor and flashed one more bright smile  with a "see ya 'round!" as he exited the sauna.   

William sat on the floor in shock, still trying to process the taste  of the other man in his mouth.  He stood on shaky legs and grabbed his  towel as he ran to the nearest shower stall. He stayed in there until he  was sure Evan would be gone.  He told himself over and over that it  didn't mean anything.  It was just this horniness he was experiencing.   The rush from the workout.  The changes he was going through.  That's  all.  When he got to his locker he found a piece of paper sticking out.   Evan had left his phone number with a note that said "call me."   Instead of throwing it away like he wanted to, William stuffed it in his  bag along with the shorts he'd been given.     

Instead of going home he drove to the mall.  He needed new clothes  and he didn't want to go home to an empty house where all he'd do is  think about what happened.  It sort of worked.  He may not have been at  home, but he was still distracted to the point where he'd purchased  several bags worth without giving much thought to what he was buying.  A  look inside showed that it was all bright, small and form fitting, like  the new outfit he'd just bought.  He told himself again that it was  perfectly natural to want to show off his new physique.  He kept telling  himself that as he bought item after item that was on the opposite end  of the spectrum from what he usually wore.  He just couldn't seem to say  no to sales people, specifically male ones.  He'd just spent nearly  $600 on clothes that he'd never imagined himself wearing.  He'd only  stopped to look because the bright, geometric patterns on the tiny  shorts were impossible to ignore.   

"Those are some of our most popular ones this season," the slim  young man had said with a friendly smile, looking William up and down  slowly.   

"They're certainly...bright," William said as he held the small  cotton shorts up in front of his baggy jeans.  They didn't even look as  long as the boxer briefs he had on.  "I don't usually go for this  style..."  

"You should try them on," the young man said, more of a command than  a suggestion.  He'd given William another look and pulled another pair  off the rack.  They were white with purple and pink concentric circles  on them like something from the '80s.  Despite the foreign style,  William was still happy to see he was handed a size medium.  "Here.   I'll find a shirt for you too so you can see the whole outfit."   

William had taken the shorts and walked back into the fitting room.   He'd felt a little ridiculous when he pulled the shorts on, but the  thought of not doing it never even occurred to him.  He'd been right  about how small they were as the bottom of his boxer briefs stuck out  from underneath the shorts.   

"Here, this shirt should work," the young man had said, coming into  the fitting room without knocking.  Before William could say anything  the man looked at the exposed part of his underwear and sighed.  "That's  clearly not going to work.  You can't wear those with these shorts.   I'll be right back."  Still dumbfounded, William pulled his shirt off  just as the young man came back.  Instead of being angry at the  intrusion, he just smiled bashfully while the other man checked out his  bulging, hairy chest.  "These should work."  The man then handed William  a pack of small, bright blue, purple and pink briefs.  "Don't worry,  you can just open them now and wear one of them out."  The salesman hand  then stared expectantly.  "Well?  We close soon," he said after a  delay.   

William was utterly humiliated when, for the second time that day,  he'd stripped naked in front of someone.  He had no idea why he was even  doing this.  Even before his changes he could have snapped the small,  lean young salesman in half.  Now he could do it one handed.  But what  he'd done instead was stand there struggling with the packaging of the  underwear he didn't want while the other man stared hungrily at his long  hose.  "Sorry, got 'em," William blushed when he'd finally opened them.   He grabbed the first pair, the pink ones, and slid them on.  Calling  them "briefs" was a stretch.  He was expecting the old school, fly-front  underwear from his youth.  These weren't much more than an elastic  waist, a contoured pouch in front, and a small patch of fabric in back.   His already large cock looked huge as the pouch thrust it forward, and  his perky new bubble stretched out the back.  He'd pulled the shorts  back on, blushing when he saw the large bulge in the front of the short,  baggy garment.  And while he'd been mortified at the lime green tank  top, he couldn't deny that the sight of his hairy pecs and broad  shoulders pushing out of it made him feel great.   

"That's better!" The young man had said with a clap.  William had  felt an unaccustomed rush of satisfaction at the compliment.  He then  followed the young man around the store and eventually left in his new  outfit with several others in tow.  Now he stood staring at his bags in  the mall concourse feeling more confused than ever.   

Determined to prove to himself that this was nothing to be concerned  about, he decided to stop at the bar on the way home.  If he could pick  up a girl, and looking like he did now it shouldn't be a problem, he  had nothing to worry about.  Using his car as a shield in a dark corner  of the parking lot, William traded his shorts and tanktop for a pair of  slim-fit jeans that showed off his new ass and toned legs much better  than his old baggy ones did.  He topped this with a bright blue button  up.  The slim fit showed off his pecs and solid arms, and he left the  top button open to expose the patch of wiry hairs.  He looked sexy and  masculine.  Feeling confident, he fixed his hair and examined his  increasingly-attractive face.  His lips looked fuller compared to his  leaner cheeks, and his strong jawline accentuated the extra mass his  neck had acquired. Even his teeth seemed whiter.  He not only looked  better than he used to, he was starting to look like one of those guys  he'd always hated with their gym-built bodies and perfectly symmetrical  faces.   

Two hours later, he didn't feel any better.  None of the women, of  which there were plenty, would even give him a second glance.  However,  during that time he'd had four dudes hit on him and one of them buy him a  drink.  When the fifth guy started up, he decided to call it a night.   He collapsed naked on his bed when he got home.  He was finding that  even with a better fit, he didn't like wearing his new clothes any more  than his old ones.  He stared at the ceiling, trying to piece the events  of the day together.  "It's only the second day," he told himself.   "Don't worry.  You're good.  That thing with Evan was just a one time  thing.  You were rattled at the mall.  That's all.  The ladies at the  bar just picked up on that."  Even just thinking about the blonde stud  from the gym sent his cock rocketing.  Determined not to let it get to  him, he grabbed his computer and pulled up the usual porn sites.  No  matter what he did, he couldn't get the image or the taste of Evan out  of his mind.  More concerning, he didn't feel anything when he looked at  the women on the screen.  Girls that pushed him over the edge before  did absolutely nothing at all now.  He didn't blow until one of the  videos zoomed in on the dick of a guy that was getting a blowjob from a  chesty redhead.  The troubling part was that he came when he pictured  himself as the girl, not the guy.   

That night, William found himself back in the sauna.  He was naked  and sitting on the bench with the blurry figure in front of him.  There  was no running this time.  The figure was more in focus, enough so that  William could see the man's buff upper body.  He had a figure like Evan,  with bulging pecs, shredded arms, and ripped abs.  The man's lower body  was still blurry, not that William had time to look at it.  Reversing  the roles from earlier, the blurry figure dropped and swallowed  William's cock.  The sensation, coupled with the electric jolts whenever  they made contact, caused him to scream.  He watched himself start to  blur as well while the figure sucked away.    

William gasped awake.  Unlike the previous night he wasn't flailing  or arched up off the bed.  He was flat on his back.  He shifted and  rolled over, his body feeling heavier than it should.  Looking down, he  could see why.  His pecs had grown dramatically over night.  He shot up  and stumbled from the bed in what was becoming a morning ritual.  His  enlarged legs and ass made walking a challenge at first.  He was  speechless at his reflection.  His torso was ripped.  He could  practically count each of his individual muscles.  His pecs were huge  and perfectly proportioned, melting into broad, built shoulders and  thick, solid arms.  His flat stomach had sprouted a six-pack with a set  of cut obliques on either side of the hairy trail that led down from his  chest.  He didn't seem much hairier, but what hair he did have looked  even better on the larger muscles.  His ass had officially reached "big"  territory, but it was solid and defied gravity proudly.  His thighs had  also continued to grow, now a hairs-breadth from touching when he  stood.  As excited about all of that as he was, he felt his stomach drop  at the sight of his solid cock.  It wasn't just because his thighs  grew; it had definitely gotten smaller.  He wrapped his thicker fingers  around it and guess it to have lost almost an inch.  That still put him  well above average, so he wasn't letting himself get too concerned.  He  stepped on the scale: 205.  He'd actually started putting weight back  on, only now it was muscle.   

This was starting to become too much for him.  He called off sick,  opting to take the day to try and figure everything out.  When he was  done inspecting himself he went to get dressed, heading for the bags  from last night instead of his dresser.  He blushed when he pulled out  a  package of the brightly colored briefs.  He still didn't know what  possessed him to buy so many of them, but the thought of the confining  boxer briefs on his growing legs was awful.  He blushed a little when he  slid on a bright purple pair, noting with pride that the pouch was  still stuffed to capacity.  He didn't bother with anything else.  He  spent most of the morning switching between his computer research on the  ritual he'd performed, and checking himself out in the mirror.  He  didn't look much different as the day went on, but he couldn't shake the  feeling that he was still changing.  That was confirmed when he bent  down to plug in his laptop and felt a breeze on his cheeks where there  hadn't been one before.  His ass had plumped further to the point where  the top of his round globes were exposed above the waistband.  He was  more concerned with the growing room in the pouch.  It was still  stuffed, but not nearly as much.  He grabbed a measuring tape and  dropped the briefs as fast as he could.  Even before it was hard he  could tell it was smaller.  His once-long hose didn't hang nearly as far  as it used to. It shot to attention quickly, now clocking in at 6 and a  1/4 inches.  It was still big, but that was almost two inches gone  already.  His balls were smaller, too.  Now he was panicking.  He'd  tried to call Theresa but she wasn't answering.  He even tried to call  the store, but again, no answer.  He spent the rest of the day doing  frantic research and checking his measurements.  The rest of him didn't  change, but his former beast kept dwindling.  By early evening he was at  just under six inches.  When he wrapped a meaty paw around it he could  cover it entirely where he used to have several inches exposed.  He was  in a full-blown panic when his phone finally beeped.  He was so frantic  for a response from Theresa that he almost dropped it while he fumbled  with the lock screen.  His heart sank.  It was a text from his friend  Andy.  "On my way," it read.   

"Shit!"  William had forgot that his friend was coming over to watch  the game.  He started to tell him not to come, but instead responded  with "See you soon!"  He stared at his phone in disbelief for a minute  before it occurred to him that he was still just wearing his underwear  and Andy would be there any minute.  He quickly threw on a pair of  jogger sweatpants that showed off every inch of his thick new ass and a  bright orange tank top just as his friend pulled in.   

"Hey maaaahhh!  What the fuck!?"  Andy's jaw hit the floor when  William opened the door.  "I don't even...dude...how did you...I  mean...what?!"  The big man just laughed in disbelief.   

"I told you I've been working out man," William said, trying to  sound casual.  He was just as shocked.  Andy was 6'3" and an avid rugby  player.  He was built like a brick wall made of bulky muscle and had  always seemed huge to William.  Now, though Andy was still a few inches  taller, they were on more equal footing when it came to their builds.

"Yeah, but dude, I just saw you two weeks ago.  You did not  do...this...in two weeks!"  Andy's big hands squeezed William's solid  new biceps.  "Steroids?"   

"No!" William laughed, letting his friend poke and prod him.  "Herbal supplements and working out."   

"What the hell kind of herbal supplements do this?!"   

"Would you believe magic?"   

Andy just shook his head and sighed.  "Fine.  Don't tell your best  friend who's been working out for years this wonderful secret."   

"Believe me, man, once I know it works for sure you'll be the first  to know."  William let Andy take another look before his friend brushed  past him.   

"Fuck me.  I need a drink," Andy said, heading for the basement.   William followed, trying not to think about how good Andy's tight tshirt  looked stretched across his broad back.  Andy needed mass, not sculpted  muscle, for his sports.  William didn't expect the sudden rush of  insecurity.  He had, mostly, the body he'd always wanted.  He'd make any  guy jealous.  But next to his friend's natural bulk he just felt pretty  and feminine, not masculine and in control.  They'd known each other  for years, but this was the first time William ever felt anything other  than a brotherly affection for his friend.  He tried to push it from his  mind.   

They turned the game on and caught up on the past few weeks.  Andy  didn't press any more about William's sudden transformation, but William  caught his eyes lingering.  The big man was also drinking more than  normal and seemed nervous.   

"Wanna get me another beer?"  William started to tell Andy that he  knew where they were and could get one himself, but instead he heard  himself say "sure!" and went across the room to the bar.  When he came  back, Andy was standing and pacing nervously.  "Thanks bud," Andy said,  giving William's ass a swat when he handed it to him.   

"You alright?" William asked, blushing from the hand on his ass.  "You seem nervous?"   

"Nervous?  Nah, I'm just antsy about this game," Andy said  unconvincingly.  He turned to the dart board for an excuse to look away  from his suddenly studly friend.  "Wanna play HORSE while we watch?"   William nodded and shrugged.  They threw a couple practice rounds, the  big man seeming more anxious with each throw.  William caught his  friend's eyes on him more often than not.  Andy took a large swig of his  beer and grinned.  "Let's make it more interesting.  You miss, you take  something off."   

William couldn't believe what he was hearing.  His friend was never  into games like that.  But again, "sure!" he said excitedly.    Andy  threw first, landing a 20.  William stepped up and didn't come close.   His new bulk was throwing off his coordination.  "Damnit," he said,  stomping his foot.  He peeled out of the tanktop, giving Andy an  unobstructed view of his hairy, sculpted torso.  The big man just shook  his head with a glazed look in his eye.  William took his turn and threw  an 11.  A distracted Andy missed by one.  The big man grinned and  pulled his tshirt off, exposing a mountainous chest, huge shoulders and  arms, and firm muscle-gut.   

"Looks like we're even so far," he said with a hungry look in his  eyes.  He took his throw and William just barely matched it.  The same  couldn't be said for Andy's next turn.  The big man missed again and  pretended to be upset as he pulled his jeans down and kicked them free.  William practically drooled at the meaty thighs and stuffed black boxer  briefs.  Andy adjusted his package and snapped the waistband, causing  William to barely hit the board on his next throw, let alone the number  he was aiming for.  "Hey, nice panties man," Andy laughed when he saw  William's revealing underwear.   

William heard the insult, but he was more focused on what he saw  between his legs.  Not only was the pouch far from stuffed, there was  actually room in it.  He could see the outline of a short, chubby cock  pressing against the thin fabric, but not the lengthy hose that should  have been there.  He wanted to scream, but all he could do was take his  next turn.  Andy could hit his target, but William couldn't.  With  shaking hands he tugged the bikinis down and his nightmare was  confirmed.  Instead of a thick banana hang, he had a short, pudgy stub  above balls that were a fraction of what they had been.  Between his  beefier thighs, his shrunken package looked even smaller.   

"NOT steroids?  Whatever you say, tiny," Andy laughed, pointing at William's little cock.   

William was stunned.  Just 24 hours ago guys had been commenting on  how huge he was.  Now his friend was making fun of him for how small he  was.  "Still, damn dude, you look good," Andy whistled.  "Let me see  what you've got."  William blushed and flexed, turning in a circle so  the big man could see his perfect new physique.  "You've got some  serious cakes, bro," Andy laughed when William's cheeks bounced and  flexed.   

William was crimson with embarrassment.  "I guess you win..."  

"No way, we still got two letters!"   


"You just have to do what the other says if you miss and run outta clothes."   

William just sighed and nodded. He couldn't get over how different  it felt to not have the heavy weight between his legs.  Not surprisingly  he didn't come close to the number he was supposed to hit.   

"Oh, what a shame," Andy clapped, laughing at William's expression.   "Cheer up, Billy!  Will it make you feel better if I'm naked too?  Come  over here and take these off me." Billy?  William hated that name.  No  one called him that.  Hearing Andy say it, though, made his stomach  flutter.  He didn't even think about the command, he just went over to  his friend and started to pull the boxer briefs down.  "Not with your  hands.  Your mouth."   

He didn't hesitate.  He dropped to his knees and grabbed the  waistband in his teeth, burying his face against his friend's meaty  package in the process.  Like the previous day, William hated how much  he loved it.  He was so confused when his face pressed between Andy's  hairy cheeks as he tugged the underwear down and it made his shrunken  cock surge.  He grabbed it and guessed that it couldn't be more than 4  inches now, if that.  Even Andy's thick six inches seemed big by  comparison, and he got a close up look when his face dragged across the  hardening rod.  By the time he had the underwear free, William's mouth  had explored every inch of his friend's lower half, accidentally or  otherwise.  He stood, his tiny cock oozing.  They took the final throw,  but William didn't even try.  He didn't want to.  He wanted to do  whatever Andy told him.  "Tough break," Andy said, wrapping his beefy  arms around William's trim waist.  He ground his cock against his  friend's back and swallowed William's shrunken package in one thick  hand.   

"Andy...this isn't...we shouldn't..." William was panting, his  sculpted, furry pecs heaving while he stammered a weak protest.  He'd  never thought of his friend like this.  He didn't want to think of his  friend like this.  Something had clearly gone very, very wrong with the  spell.  He could see their reflection in a picture frame on the opposite  wall.  True, he got the body he wanted.  He looked like he could pass  as an underwear model if it weren't for the minuscule member between his  shapely legs.  But this?  He didn't want guys coming after him.  He  didn't want to be going after them, either.  Why was he doing what Andy  said?  All he had to do was pull away.  But he couldn't.  It would be  like saying all he had to do was not breathe.  William knew for a fact  his friend was very, very straight.  This wasn't a stranger like Evan.   He'd known Andy for years.  How was the spell making him do this?   

"I didn't tell you to talk," he said, biting William's ear.   

William stopped talking and sagged against his burly friend as Andy  nibbled on his earlobe.  That was new too.  Andy was a teddy bear, with  guys and girls.  He was the least aggressive person William knew.  Not  at the moment.  William was spun around so Andy could work his mouth  down his friend's neck and across his hairy pecs.  William watched  Andy's bowling-ball shoulders flex as he worked lower and lower.   "UUUuhhhhhhh...." he groaned and went weak in the knees when Andy  grabbed onto his huge new ass and swallowed his entire cock.  William  would have cried if it didn't feel so good.  His beastly cock was now  small enough for someone to take the whole thing in their mouth.  The  sensation was overwhelming.  He squirmed and writhed but Andy's steel  arms held him in place.  He could only whimper, which he did loudly  until spraying down his friend's throat.   

"Damn Billy," Andy grinned, wiping his chin when he stood, "that  little guy packs a load."  He leaned in and kissed his friend roughly,  giving him a taste of his own juices.  William wanted to gag.  Instead  he shoved his tongue eagerly into his friend's mouth.  He pulled away  and started to kneel, but Andy stopped him.  "Nope, that's not what  we're doing."  Andy spun him around and pushed him against the couch.   William wanted to run.  He told himself over and over this wasn't about  to happen.  He felt Andy's broad frame against his back, pushing him  forward.  He tried to stop his solid globes from jutting backwards.   Then he tried not to pass out when Andy shoved himself inside.  William  tensed and gasped, feeling like he was being split open.  It felt like  the electric sensation from his dream all over again.  It was painful  and arousing and intense all at the same time.  Every one of his newly  acquired muscles felt like they were going to burst.  He could see their  reflection in the TV - Andy's bulky, manly frame behind him while his  own pretty face and sculpted body contorted and writhed in time to the  thrusting.  Despite his buff new build, William felt small in Andy's  grip.  His friend seemed so powerful and in charge that it was almost as  frightening as it was a turn on.  The pain eventually ceased altogether  as William's new body quickly adapted.  When Andy pulled out he was  actually disappointed.  Fortunately the other man just wanted to switch  positions and soon William was on all fours on the ground.  Then he had  his legs up on Andy's broad shoulders.  Then he was on his side.  Then  he was on the kitchen island.  Then the table.  Then the stairs.  As the  night went on there wasn't a room in the house left untouched.  Andy  had cum several times, but William's new vigor seemed to be contagious.   Eventually they passed out in his bed with Andy's softening cock still  inside.   

There was one final dream that night.  This time the figure was in  total focus.  William found himself looking at his new body.  Tan skin,  coifed hair, sexy, stubbled cheekbones, puffy lips, strong jaw- a face  that was a mix of pretty and handsome.  Below that were broad, thick  shoulders and hairy pecs that hung off his chest like a shelf.  His  furry arms were covered in large, defined muscles that only accentuated  the tapering "V" shape at his trim waist and washboard stomach.  He saw  the familiar, meaty new thighs, rocky calves, and rotund cheeks of his  new ass.  And there, between those hairy new legs, was a tiny, wrinkly  nub.  It couldn't have been more than two inches soft with a pair of  balls that were barely worth mentioning.  William wanted to run when the  reflection reached out to him.  He knew what this meant.  He kicked his  legs and tried to scream but he couldn't move.  The familiar jolts hit  when his twin made contact, and he saw the tiny cock shoot to attention.   It only extended out another inch at most.  He writhed as the figure  merged with him and let out a wordless scream.  Now HE was the blurry  figure.   

He opened his eyes slowly.  He was pressed against Andy with his  friend's heavy arm draped across him.  He tried to gently extricate  himself but Andy stirred.   

"Where you goin', Billy?"  Andy held him in place, his rough fingers  digging into William's pecs.  "I didn't say you could go anywhere."   

All thoughts of getting up left William's mind.  He just laid there  while Andy dozed, feeling his friend's warm breath on his neck and solid  rod against his ass.  He drifted off again as well, at least until he  felt Andy's cock work it's way inside him.  He was still on his side,  but his friend had propped his leg up and was slowly pumping in and out.   William heard himself let out a purring moan and he started writhing  against Andy's muscle gut.  William tried to ignore how good it felt and  focus on the fact that his friend had started fucking him without his  permission while he was asleep.  "Mornin' Billy," Andy said, driving all  other thoughts out of William's head.   

"Goo....good morning..." William grunted, wondering why just hearing  Andy's voice made him melt.  His friend gave a few more pumps before  William felt a stream of warm liquid hit his insides.  He'd already shot  his own stream off the bed while Andy had humped away.  He draped  himself across Andy's broad torso when his friend pulled out, hating how  content he felt.  True, Andy was suddenly incredibly intimidating, but  William felt totally safe with his larger friend.   

"Shit," Andy finally said, shifting William off from on top of him,  "I've gotta get going.  I'm gonna be late."  William watched his  mountain of a friend's broad back and muscular ass shift as he hurried  into the bathroom.  A few minutes later the dripping hulk came back out,  holding a towel and looking around the room.  "Do you know where we  left my clothes?"   

"The basement, I think.  Do you want to borrow some of mine?"   

"That bright little gay shit?  No thanks."  Andy grinned down at his  prone friend on the bed.  "I've got practice tonight but I'll come by  after.  Wear something sexy for me."  He leaned over and gave William a  peck on the forehead before hurrying out of the room.   

William laid there in shock until he heard the back door open and  shut.  His head was swimming.  He'd been afraid to look down all  morning, but there was no avoiding it.  He kicked his beefy new legs  over the edge of the bed and took a deep breath as he stood.  Just like  he dreaded, the tiny nub barely poked out through the patch of curly  hairs.  He sat back down in shock, wondering how all of this was even  possible, and how it could have gone so wrong.  He had a body and looks  that most guys would kill for, except for the sudden need to be  dominated and a miniature little cock.  He cleaned himself off in a daze  and wandered around his house like a zombie.  He picked things up and  put things away that had gotten knocked over from the night before.  He  had to go through the motions to keep from going into shock.  The  morning faded into the afternoon in a haze.  He'd eventually managed to  put on a pair of his tiny new briefs.  From the waist up and from behind  he looked like a greek statue come to life.  From the front, his tiny  new equipment barely dented the contoured pouch.  He was staring at his  horrified reflection for the hundredth time when the doorbell rang.  He  looked out the window and saw Theresa's car in the driveway.   

"Theresa!  Thank god!" He panted, throwing the door open.   

"Wi...William?"  The dark-skinned, raven haired girl on the doorstep  was visibly stunned.  She looked the nearly naked stud up and down  several times.  "What...how did you...what?!"   

"Just come in, please," William said, quickly shutting the door.  He prayed that Theresa would know what to do.   

"Okay, okay," she said, still looking him up and down.  "You...wow,"  she took a deep breath, her eyes settling on his floppy pouch.  "Beth  told me that was a lot bigger."   

"It is!  It should be!  I did what you told me to and...this...happened!"   

"Start at the beginning.  What exactly did you do."   

William rambled out the events of the past few days.  He told her  about the store, and the ritual, and how the physical changes and  strange behaviors started.  "You should have seen Andy!  He was acting  like a total stranger.  Have you ever heard him yell at anyone?"   Theresa shook her head.  "Me neither, but he was ordering me around like  a fucking dog.  And I did it!"   

"Easy, easy," she said gently.  "Do you still have any of the stuff  you bought?  Let me see it."  William took her to his office where the  empty bottles and leftover materials were.  He didn't like how her eyes  went wide when she saw it.   

"You used all of it?!"  She picked up the empty bottles.  "You used this and this?  Together?  All of it?!"   

"You told me to!"   

"I told you to buy it!  Not to do the ritual on your own! And you  didn't even buy the right stuff!  Why didn't you call me first?!  I  offered to go with you!"  Theresa fumed.  She started to yell again but  her voice caught in her throat when she saw the remaining cord.  "You  used that," she asked, pointing.   

William definitely didn't like the sudden drop in volume, or how Theresa's face paled.  "Yeah, why?"   

Theresa covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath to collect herself.  "Oooookay....sit down, hon."   

William sat in the chair, his meaty thighs pressing firmly together.   He was trembling.  "What?  What is it?  You can fix this, right?"  The  look in Theresa's eyes gave him his answer.   

"Here's what happened.  You bought some of the right things, but you  used them totally, totally wrong.  Couple that with the wrong things  you bought and..." she motioned to his altered body.  "Yeah, you got the  muscles, but this," she picked up the bottle with the down arrow, "on  your dick?  What were you thinking?  And this?" She picked up the macho  bottle.  "This ATTRACTS men.  And you coupled it with dominion oil?   That doesn't make you confident.  The way you used it makes OTHER PEOPLE  control you.  That's why that guy at the gym and the mall happened.   That's why Andy happened.  And I told you to get a RED candle, not a  pink one.  Why do you think you're starting to act and dress like a  horny gay guy?  You essentially melted away any inhibitions while  cranking up your sex drive."   

"Just tell me how we fix it?" He couldn't believe what he was  hearing.  Instead of what he wanted, he'd managed to turn himself into a  tiny dicked, submissive, muscle-femme.  He was a gay Ken doll, complete  with nearly flat crotch.   

Another deep breath.  "We MIGHT, emphasis on might, have been able  to reverse it.  Even with you using way too much of this stuff, we maybe  could have salvaged it.  But that?"  She pointed to the cord.  "That's  God cord.  As in, God's will.  As in, permanent.  As in, 'you only use  this when you're goddamn good and sure of what the fuck you're doing.'   And you did this on the new moon?  That's prime transformation time."   She shook her head.  "I'm sorry hon, but even if we could find someone  strong enough, and that's a big if, they'd risk bringing down some nasty  vibes if they tried to undo this."   

William paled.  "So...so I'm stuck like this?"  He felt his eyes start to water.   

Theresa bit her lip, wracking her brain for a solution.  "There's  something I can do that might help," she finally said.  "It won't undo  this, but it might make things easier."  She left the room to get her  bag and came back with it and an old picture of William and Beth.   

Even though it had only been a few days, the average looking guy in the picture felt worlds away.  "What is that for?"   

Theresa took the picture out of the frame and ripped it in half so  just William was in the picture.  She pulled out a small metal bowl and  tied the picture to a candle with black string.  She placed a few drops  of oil on the bundle and set them in the bowl.  "Okay, just bear with me  here..."

"Is that the fucking grim reaper?!"  William interrupted when he saw the candle was in the shape of Death.   

"It's symbolic," she said sternly.  "Right now you're suffering  because the old William can't reconcile the new William."  She narrowed  her eyes and looked at him.  "You're...you're all blurry.  Your two  selves aren't merged.  This will help with that process."   

"I don't want the new William!  This isn't how I'm supposed to be!"   He pictured his life from that point on.  Scantily clad, doing whatever  any guy told him to, filling his mouth and ass with cock after cock  while his own tiny dick was useless, his buff, hairy body nothing but a  front for a prissy queen who wanted nothing more than to be ordered  around.  To the part of him that was still the average,  straight-guy-businessman, it was horrifying.   

"Be that as it may, this IS how you are.  You're going to go crazy  if we don't line things up."  William started to say he'd rather go  crazy, but Theresa had already lit the candle.  As soon as the flame hit  the wax his head started to spin.  Theresa guided him to the floor and  stretched him out on his back.  He tried to focus on what was happening.   He tried to hold on to his old self.  Everything went black.   

"William?  William," a gentle voice brought him out of the void.   

He stirred, looking up at Theresa.  "What just happened?"  He didn't remember why they were in his office.   

"How do you feel William?"   

He thought about it as he stood and stretched his hairy, muscular  body.  He felt great.  Why wouldn't he?  He saw his reflection in the  window and thought about how hot he looked in his tiny little panties.   The barely visible lump in the pouch didn't even register.  He was  excited that Andy would be there in a few hours and he was going to get  another working over like the night before.  "Great!" he chirped.  "But  William?  Are you my grandma?  It's Billy," he said with a grin.



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