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Jay did his best to avoid people on the sidewalk as he hurried into the  store.  Bernie was in his usual spot behind the counter and beamed when  Jay walked in.   

"Jay! You took off so fast yesterday I didn't get a chance to ask if  you liked Natalia," he said with a greasy smile.  "You know the booths  aren't open yet, right?"   

"Natalia?"  Jay tried to keep his voice low.  "Who the fuck is  Natalia?  I had some skinny little guy with tattoos all over him," he  whispered harshly.   

Bernie gave him a confused look.  "Skinny guy with tattoos?  I have a  couple fellas with ink, but they ain't skinny.  You know I don't go for  that freakshow stuff."

"I'm tellin' you Bernie, it was a guy about...he had..." Jay trailed  off, his memory of the dancer from the previous day suddenly gone.   "Huh.  Just lost my train of thought...I could've sworn it was..."  

"Look, I don't normally do refunds, but seeing as how you're one of  my best customers I could give you a freebie on the house if you're that  upset about it.  How 'come you didn't just leave?"  Bernie looked Jay  up and down, finally noticing the cut off shirt and the obvious lack of  underwear.  "Unless maybe you wanted to try something new?"   

"No!" Jay blushed.  "It's just...yesterday got weird afterwards."   

Bernie cocked his head to the side.  "Weird how?"   

"I don't wanna go into it," Jay said, shaking his head.   

Bernie shrugged.  "Your business," he said, locking eyes with Jay.   "But let an old timer who's been around give you some advice - I see you  come in here day after day, same old same old.  You sit in that  apartment all the time.  Drink with your buddies, hook up with the same  kind'a girl over and over blah blah blah.  Maybe new isn't so bad.  Look  at you," he motioned to Jay's outfit.  "You're a mess."   

"What?"  he looked down at his outfit and blushed.  "No, this was  just because...I didn't have anything else to..." Jay wanted to argue  that he was perfectly happy with how things were, but for some reason  Bernie's words were resonating.  Like his clothes, his life suddenly  seemed confining and limited.   

"Here," Bernie wrote down an address on a piece of paper and handed  it to Jay.  "This is a shop on the other side of town.  We sell some of  their stuff here...specializes in men's clothing.  Start there and get  yourself fixed up.  Can't go around lookin' like that.  Tell 'em I sent  you and he'll hook you up with a discount."   

"Uh....okay, yeah, sure," Jay took the paper and nodded, suddenly  eager.  He kept mulling over Bernie's words as he sped across town.  Was  he really happy?  Did he need something new?  He told himself he was  just in a rut, that's all.  Maybe some new clothes would help.  He  hadn't changed his wardrobe in years.  "And Aaron looked damn good in  those green..." Jay nearly ran a red light at the memory of the beefy  blonde in his tiny briefs.  Even now it was so vivid he could still   practically taste the other man.  He cranked the volume on his stereo  and clutched the wheel so hard his knuckles were white the rest of the  way.   

Jay made it to the store without crashing, but he wasn't sure how  happy to be about that when he arrived.  "Christ, Bernie," he sighed,  slamming his car door.  The store was a men's clothing store as  described, but it was one that catered to a very specific clientele.   Rainbow flags adorned the outside and the mannequins in the window had  on tiny go-go shorts and tight tank-tops.  He paused just outside the  door, debating whether or not to go through with it.   

"Good morning!"  A deep, friendly voice said as soon as Jay walked  in.  Jay didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't the man he  saw coming out from behind the counter.  He was just shorter than  himself and looked to be about his same age, with messy brown hair and a  bright smile.  He was casually dressed in a thin blue tshirt and cargo  shorts, but what caught Jay's attention was the way the shirt stretched  like a second skin across his sculpted torso.  His shoulders were  massively wide and his torso tapered into a perfect "V" before bulging  outwards again at the back of his tight cargo shorts.  "I'm Ken," he  said, extending a hand.   

"Uh, hey," Jay said, his hand tingling in the strong grip.  "Jay."   He tried not to stare at Ken's model-handsome face.  He had perfectly  symmetrical features, with high cheekbones, full lips, piercing eyes,  and manicured stubble.  Looking down was no better, as that gave Jay a  view a partial view of Ken's hairy pecs under the v-neck shirt.   

"Oh!  Jay!  Bernie just called and said you'd be stopping by."  Ken  looked Jay up and down, never losing his smile.  "I hear you're in the  market for a new look?"  He did his best not to sound judgmental.

Jay nodded.  "It was the weirdest thing...I woke up this morning and  just hated everything I have."  He looked around at the bright,  revealing clothes and felt himself blush.  "I don't, uh, know if this is  really my style, though."   

"We hear that a lot," Ken laughed and clapped Jay on the shoulder.  "Tell you what, we offer consultations, and usually we charge for it,  but since you're a friend of Bernie's we could skip that part."   

Jay didn't know why he felt so relieved to hear that.  "Yeah?   That'd be great."  He watched Ken put up a "Closed for private  appointment" sign and lock the door, suddenly feeling nervous.   

"Weekday mornings are always slow anyway," Ken said, leading him to  the back of the store.  "The first thing we'll need to do is take your  measurements.  Do you mind?"  He motioned to Jay's shirt.   

Jay felt nervous and awkward as he pulled his shirt off.  He'd never  felt insecure about his body around anyone, but he was feeling that now  in full.   

"Do a lot of heavy lifting at work?"  Ken made small talk while he measured across Jay's shoulders.   

"Used to," Jay said, trying to ignore Ken's strong hands on his bare skin.   

"It shows.  You can always tell someone who gets built from a gym  and someone who gets built the old-fashioned way.  You don't get  shoulders and arms like this at a gym."   


Ken laughed and flexed a huge bicep, then lifted up the bottom of  his shirt to show off a tank-tread stomach.  "All gym for me," he said.   "I know plenty of guys who go for the rugged look, though.  You'll turn  some heads for sure."  Jay wasn't sure he wanted to turn guys' heads,  but Ken motioned to his shorts.  "Okay, let's check out the lower half."   

Jay had his shorts to his knees before he remembered he wasn't wearing underwear.  "Shit, sorry," he said, beet faced.   

Ken just laughed.  "Since I've already seen it, no need to be shy now."   

Jay stepped out of his shorts, his whole body crimson.  Being around  Ken was making him feel both excited and anxious at the same time.   

"You will definitely turn some heads," Ken whistled at the sight of  Jay's long cock.  It took all of Jay's willpower to keep from hardening  while Ken casually measured his legs and made him turn in a circle.  His  eyes went wide when he caught sight of his reflection.  Naked except  for his backwards baseball hat, in front of a strange man in a strange  store.  Ken spoke before he could start to protest.  "Alright, let's get  started!"  Jay reached for his shorts but Ken stopped him.  "You'll  just be taking 'em off again.  Unless you're uncomfortable?"   

"Uh, no, it's fine," Jay said unconvincingly.  He followed along  awkwardly as Ken took him to a wall filled with various styles of  underwear.  Being someone who never wore anything other than boxer  briefs, Jay didn't even know half of this existed.  He stared at the  various shapes and straps and colors, doubting that he'd be able to go  through with wearing any of it.   

"Try this."  Ken pulled down a package and removed a tiny wad of  purple fabric.  Any doubts Jay had dissolved as soon as he slid the soft  material up his sturdy legs.  The bright purple briefs weren't much  more than a pouch in front and a patch of material in back, but Jay felt  a rush of relief.  His monster cock looked even more impressive  accentuated in the pouch, and you could actually see the dimpled sides  of his solid ass.  "Well?"   

Jay grinned bashfully.  "They're pretty great," he said, squirming  and feeling more free than exposed.  "I don't know, though...they're  kinda...small."   

"Well, they look great," Ken said, his eyes resting on Jay's crotch.   

Jay didn't know what was happening.  He was starting to feel out of  control.  "Yeah?  Okay, yeah," he grinned.  He felt almost giddy.   

"Great," Ken flashed his perfect smile and pulled down a few more colors.  "Anything else catching your eye?"   

Jay didn't know why he said what came next.  "What are your favorites," he asked, looking Ken up and down.     

Ken's smile became a cocky grin as he raised an eyebrow and pulled  down a bright orange jockstrap. "I like these, and they're so soft it's  like wearing nothing."  Without warning he dropped his cargo shorts.   Jay's stomach fluttered at Ken's meaty package, striated thighs, and  round, solid bubble.  It was all he could do to keep from reaching out  and grabbing it.  "I'll make you a deal since you're nervous - for  everything you put on, I'll take something off.  Sound good?"   

"Uh-huh," Jay nodded, dry-mouthed.  He couldn't stop watching Ken's bare cheeks bounce as he walked over to a rack of shorts.   

"So you like basketball and gym shorts?  Give these a go."  Ken  crossed his sturdy arms across his bulging pecs  while Jay pulled a pair  of shorts off the rack.   

Jay was so focused on Ken's half-naked body that he didn't even pay  attention to what he was putting on until the tiny white shorts settled  in place.  They were mesh like gym shorts, but shorter than his usual  underwear, coming only partially down his thighs.  They bulged in the  front and stretched tight across his legs.  "Oh, uh, I don't know  about..."

"You've got some nice legs, bro," Ken said admiringly, his eyes traveling up and down Jay's long, hairy legs.  

"I do?"  Jay swelled at the compliment.  He still felt insecure, but  if it meant Ken would take something else off, he was all for them.

"Pretty great back here too," Ken said with a broad grin, patting  Jay's ass.  "Deal's a deal."  Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, he  slowly pulled it up over his ripped torso, exposing each muscle group  one by one.  He was tanned from head-to-toe and seemed to glow in the  bright orange jock.  The slight carpet of hair across his huge pecs and  down his bulging arms radiated masculinity.   

Just like the doll of the same name, Jay couldn't believe the  smiling adonis's impossible proportions.  "Wow...you're, uh, geez," he  laughed, blushing even harder.  Jay never thought another guy could make  him feel like this.   

Ken flexed casually, loving Jay's embarrassed expression.  "Told ya,  lots of gym time."  He pulled down the side of his jock and nodded  towards the other corner of the store.  "Ready to find some shirts?"   

Jay nodded vigorously.  At this point he'd put on anything.  Forcing  himself to look away from the beautiful man in front of him, Jay  surveyed the sea of tank-tops.  Regular, scoop neck, spaghetti strap,  open sides - the more revealing the better.  With his overly built upper  body, he was made for these. He pulled on a yellow and pink polka  dotted tank and could tell by the look on Ken's face that it was a good  choice.  It hung off his broad shoulders and across his defined pecs,  showing off his buff arms and firm stomach.  "Good?"   

Ken nodded enthusiastically.  "Very!  Come take a look at yourself."   

Jay didn't know what to think when he looked in the mirror.    Backwards baseball hat, a skimpy bright tank top that scooped down to  just above his nipples and barely reached the top of his bulged-out,  white short-shorts?  Instead of shapeless, concealing clothes he was  fully on display.  He looked very, very gay.  And hot.  The thought came  out of nowhere.  He never gave his appearance a second thought.  Now,  he was acutely aware of how good he looked.  Not as good as the  now-naked hunk next to him, but it suddenly felt like a weight had been  lifted.  "It's, uh, definitely a new look," he said to the  unrecognizable go-go boy in the mirror.  Even the broad smile on his  face and the soft look in his eyes were different.

"Someone likes it," Ken said, nodding down to his thick, twitching cock.   

Jay's heart started jackhammering in his chest.  "I...I'm not...I've never..." Jay said, swallowing hard.   

"Something says otherwise."  Ken reached over and grabbed Jay's  tented crotch.  "Relax...you're not the first guy Bernie's sent over to  get the special treatment," he said, fishing his hand into the shorts  and pulling out Jay's long, oozing cock.  "Besides, you've gotta see  some of the benefits of your new wardrobe."   

Jay gasped when Ken's deft fingers began sliding up and down his  aching pole.  He was positioned so that he could watch them in the  mirror.  He couldn't wrap his brain around this new version of himself.   He was gasping and moaning in a flamboyant outfit while a buff,  shredded stud gave him a hand job.  He felt Ken slide his shorts and  underwear down, the tight garments staying up on his thighs but giving  full access to his exposed ass.  "NNNggg," Jay grunted when Ken's  stubbled chin scraped across a sensitive nipple before he worked it with  his tongue.  Jay couldn't hold back.  He leaned into the other man and  clamped onto the rock-hard ass.  He'd received blowjobs through the fly  of his underwear before but it was nothing like this.  He writhed  against his tight new garments and felt the breeze on the exposed parts  of him.  With just a tug of his shorts and shirt someone could make him  putty in their hands.  He didn't even have to take anything off for  someone to bring him to the edge.  "uuuUUUHHHH!"  He grunted and pumped  out a load onto Ken's eight-pack stomach.   

"See?  Not so bad, is it?"   

Jay responded by dropping to his knees and wrapping his lips around  Ken's wide, solid cock.  He could see his backwards hat bobbing back and  forth in the mirror out of the corner of his eye but he didn't care.   His body was acting on instinct.  His large hands palmed Ken's perfect  ass in a death grip, holding him in place while Jay swallowed nearly his  entire length.  He didn't think about it; he just did it.  Ken's globes  flexed against his palms while the other man pumped his thin hips until  he finally let loose.  Jay didn't flinch.  He let the warm fluid slide  down his throat like he was taking a shot.   

"What just...did we just..." Jay fell forward, panting.  He looked  over and saw his reflection on all fours, his ass still hanging out, and  turned purple with embarrassment.  "Oh shit...that was..."

"Fantastic!"  Ken reached down and helped Jay up.  As soon as they touched, Jay felt his anxieties fading.   

"Really?  That was the first time I ever...with a guy, I mean," Jay stammered, pulling his shorts back up.   

"I can see why Bernie sent you over," Ken grinned.  "I wasn't  kidding before, you really are going to start turning heads.  Gay guys,  straight guys, doesn't matter."  Jay noticed that Ken mentioned nothing  about women, but the other man continued before he could say anything.   "The only thing left is to get you some sun.  If you're going to show  that much skin you don't want it to be so pale.  You're like a ghost!"   

Jay forgot his concerns about what Ken had said, more worried about how pale he was.  "Ugh, you're right," he groaned.   

"If you don't want to pay, there's a perfect spot just up the coast.   Only a few people know about it.  It's where I go to get my sun.  And  don't worry, it's a "swimsuit optional" kind of place," he said with a  wink.

"Want to come with and show me where it's at," Jay asked, the  proposition rolling as easily off his tongue as it did at his usual bar.      

"I would love to, but I'm stuck here," Ken sighed.  Still naked, he  started bagging up Jay's new clothes without ringing him out.  "But," he  wrote down his number and dropped it in the bag, "call me some time.   Send me pics of how that stuff looks on you."   

"Do I owe you for the clothes?"   

"Nah, Bernie and I can settle up later," he said with a knowing smile.   

Jay left the store feeling invigorated and confused.  Invigorated by  the way he felt so free in his new look, and confused as hell about  what just happened.  Surprisingly, he found it easier not to dwell on  than he had earlier in the day.  He still felt odd about his dream and  about what happened in the store, but he wasn't stressing over it like  he had been.  All he really wanted to do was get to the beach.   

He passed the turn off twice before finally noticing the tire  tracks.  He drove his car down a dirt road a short distance through a  patch of trees.  Once on the other side of the trees an area opened up  where people clearly parked.  Ken hadn't been kidding about the beach  being secluded; there was no way you'd see this from the road.  He  hopped out and made the short hike up and over the small hill and found  himself looking down at a long stretch of unobstructed beach.  There was  nothing around for miles, which meant no one was out there unless they  were specifically looking for this spot.  He was surprised no one was  around.  Granted, it was a week day, but it was perfect beach weather:  sunny, mid-80s, no wind.  He shrugged and trekked towards the shore,  peeling his tank-top off in the process.  When he settled on a spot he  gave a quick look around and dropped his shorts, feeling a thrill run  through him.  On the rare occasion he went swimming, he wore long board  shorts that were just as concealing as his old basketball shorts.  He  hadn't gone skinny dipping or been even close to naked outside since he  was a teenager.  Now, the warm air and sun felt wonderful on his skin as  he stretched out on the sand in nothing but his tiny new briefs and  hat.  He lay there for a few minutes, squirming while he argued with  himself internally.  

"Eh, fuck it," he said to himself, peeling off the tiny briefs.  He  immediately felt better.  He rolled over onto his stomach, letting the  sun work it's magic on his pale back and practically reflective ass.  He  couldn't remember the last time he felt so content.  When he rolled  back over onto his back he hedged.  He didn't want to put the underwear  back on, but he wasn't comfortable with letting his dick just hang out.   Instead he grabbed the hat from his head and placed it on his crotch.   "That'll work!" he laughed, folding his arms behind his head.  He  drifted off in the warm air, the sound of the waves lulling him into a  contented doze.   

"Hey handsome."  Jay started at the sudden voice and found himself  looking up at another visitor to the beach.  He was very much aware of  his long, built body laying fully on display but didn't make any sudden  moves to cover himself.  "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," the man  smiled down at him.   

Jay sat up on his elbows, his prominent chest and arms flexing in  the process.  He looked up at the man, and from what he could tell the  stranger looked to be slightly older than himself.  He had on a loose  white tanktop and a pair of cargo shorts. His build was stocky, with  noticeable pecs and thick arms that were covered in wiry black hairs  that burst out from around the tank top.  He wasn't as short as Aaron,  but Jay could tell he had several inches on the man.  "It's cool, I  didn't even realize I'd fallen asleep.  It's great out here," Jay said  casually.  

The man's eyes traveled up and down, resting on the hat.  "I don't think I've seen you here before?"   

"Nope, first time," Jay said with a grin.  

"Lucky me.  Mind if I join you?"   

Jay motioned to the sand next to him with his head.  "Help yourself."   

The man pulled off the tank top, giving Jay a view of his firm,  hairy belly and developed chest.  He dropped the cargo shorts next and  had on a bright blue speedo that bit into his round thighs and left the  top of his ass exposed.  Jay could see a short, stout cock snaked off to  the side as the man sat next to him.  "I'm Thomas."   

"Jay.  Nice to meet you," he said, swallowing the other man's squat,  wide hand with his own.  They stared at the ocean in silence for a few  minutes while Jay felt a growing sense of anticipation.  He kept looking  at the man out of the corner of his eye.  Thomas had a round, full face  with a thick layer of dark stubble that matched his jet black hair.  He  had a button nose and full lips to complete a face that Jay was  surprised to think of as cute.  He gave Jay the impression of someone  that used to be in shape when they were younger but had since filled out  with age.   

"So can I talk you into moving the hat," Thomas finally asked, breaking the silence.   

"Give it a reason and it'll move itself," Jay said with a cocky smile.   

Thomas didn't say anything else.  He leaned over and nibbled on  Jay's ear while he ran a hand across his solid pecs.  Jay gasped at the  unexpected intensity.  Thomas's stubbled chin on his neck and shoulder  while his warm tongue worked his earlobe was electric.  The thick,  stubby fingers massaging his chest and sliding down his stomach were  like being touched for the first time.  Technically, it was.  Jay had  never been touched by another guy like this before.  "Almost there,"  Thomas whispered as Jay's hat started twitching.  He dropped from Jay's  ear to his neck while his fingers danced through the patch of hair  sticking out from under the hat.  That was all it took.  Jay's long cock  rocketed to attention, sending the hat falling to one side.   "Woooooow!"  Thomas stared at the huge pole.  "Is that even real?"   

"Touch it and find out," Jay said, short of breath.  Thomas wasted  no time.  He reached out and gave a few strokes before sliding down to  bury his head between Jay's thighs.  Jay let out a series of soft  whimpers.  He was aware that he was getting a blowjob from a strange man  on the beach, he just didn't care.  He watched Thomas's thick, hairy  shoulders flex and thought about Aaron and Ken.  He even thought about  Collin's huge, broad frame and wondered what it would feel like to be on  top of it.  He was surprised that it was the thought of his giant  friend that had Jay moaning and spraying into the strangers mouth.   

"Someone was eager," Thomas grinned, wiping his chin.  Jay didn't  bother saying anything in response.  He just rolled on top of the other  man and began working his lips across the hairy pecs.  Jay couldn't get  enough.  He instinctively knew his way around the other man's sturdy  body, working Thomas like he'd been hooking up with guys instead of  girls this whole time.  He didn't hesitate in the least when he pulled  the speedo down and the thick, oozing rod sprang out.  He somehow knew  exactly how to bring Thomas to the brink and back down, repeating the  process over and over until the older man finally screamed.  Jay eagerly  sucked down the seemingly endless stream of warm fluid loving every  part of the taste and smell and feel of the softening organ in his  mouth.  "Sheeee-it....this was my...lucky day..." Thomas panted as Jay  climbed up next to him on the sand.   

Jay wrapped himself around Thomas, wanting nothing more than to feel  the warmth of his burly body next to him.  It didn't matter that he  didn't know him.  Like with Aaron in his dream, the heat and weight of  the man's body next to him made him feel safe and secure, even though he  was a total stranger.   

Thomas tolerated it for about five minutes before he extricated  himself from Jay's grip and left the younger man by himself in the sand.   "Sorry, not really one for cuddling," he said, getting dressed.  "But  hopefully we run into each other here again."   

Jay was aware enough to know he'd just been on the receiving end of  what he'd done to countless women.  Part of him felt cheap and dirty,  but he was mostly disappointed that he didn't have someone next to him  any more.  He laid there for a while longer until the sun started to go  down.  It wasn't until he was in his car that it occurred to him he'd  been waiting to see if anyone else showed up.   

The first thing he did when he got home was peel off the shorts and  tank top.  They felt better than his old clothing, but he still didn't  feel like wearing much.  He went through his apartment, filling a  garbage bag with his previous wardrobe.  The only thing he kept were his  hats.   He'd just finished when there was a pounding at his door.   

"Dude!  I've been trying to get you all fuckin'.....day...."

Jay never even thought about the fact that he was opening his door  in nothing but the little purple briefs and a hat.  Even when he saw  Collin's wide frame filling the doorway, the only thing he felt was  happy to see his friend.  "Hey!  Sorry man, it's been a long, weird  day," he said, ushering Collin inside.   

"I...uh...I can see that," Collin stammered, quickly closing the  door behind him.  "You okay?  Did I come at a weird time?"  He looked  around the apartment, expecting to find a random woman.  When he didn't  find one, he looked Jay's mostly naked body up and down.  "Is someone  here?  WAS someone just here?"   

"No, just getting rid of some old clothes.  You want a beer?"   

"Sure," Collin said distractedly as he looked at the bags full of  bright, skimpy clothes spread out on the table.  "And are these your new  clothes?"

"Yep," Jay said casually, handing Collin his beer.  "I felt like it was time for something new."   

"Uhhh," Collin laughed and took a large swig of his beer, "are you  just fuckin' with me right now?  Like, are you recording this?"   

"No," Jay laughed.  "Dude, it's not a big deal.  I just got some new clothes."   

"And a tan," Collin said, pointing out Jay's glowing skin and lack of tan-lines.   

"Oh man, I found this great new spot up the coast just past the light house, totally secluded."   

"You mean where all the dudes go to hook up?"  Jay blushed and took a  swig of his beer.  "Oh hell no," Collin gave a stunned laugh.  "You did  not hook up with a guy up there?  What...is this you coming out?"   

"No!"  Jay blushed even harder, his mind racing.  "No, nothing like that...I'm not...I don't even know why I'm..."  

"Whoa, take it easy," Collin said, interrupting Jay's stammering.   "Let's not rehash last night.  I told you I don't care at all.  Call it  whatever you want.  Dress however you want.  I don't remember the last  time I've ever seen you seem this happy."   

Collin's hand was warm and large on his bare shoulder.  It seemed  like there was a jolt the instant they made contact.  "Thanks...I  just...it feels good, ya know?" Jay said, not breaking eye contact.   

"Whatever makes you happy," Collin said as he reluctantly turned  away.  "So you wanna go out tonight?"  He looked down at the bag of tiny  clothes and thought about their usual hangout spots.  "Uh, maybe we  better hang here instead."   

Jay didn't feel like going out either.  He didn't want to share his friend with anyone else.  "Videogames?"   

"Sure," Collin shrugged.  They sat at opposite ends of the couch,  but considering both of their broad statures that still left them close  together.  If Collin was uncomfortable by Jay's lack of clothing, he  didn't let it show.  If anything, Jay kept finding Collin staring at him  when he thought he wasn't looking.  Throughout the course of the  evening they steadily managed to work their way closer to each other  until they were side by side.   

"Damnit!" Jay stomped his foot when Collin beat him in another round.   

"Hey, this was your idea," Collin grinned, stretching his meaty arms  above his head.  In the process he reached over and flipped Jay's hat  off.   

"You're such a dick," Jay laughed.  He went to retrieve his hat, but  Collin's fingers lingered in his shaggy hair.  There was heavy pause.   "Everything oka-mphhh" he turned to ask but was cut off when Collin  leaned over and planted his lips on top of his.  Jay returned it without  thinking until Collin finally pulled away.  

"Oh...okay...what the hell was that?"  Collin blushed and sat back, surprised at his actions.   

"You're the one who did it," Jay said, leaning in.   

"Yeah, but...but why?  I don't know what's going on with YOU, but  I'm straight.  I've never th..." This time Collin was cut off when Jay  picked up where they left off.  They went longer this time until Collin  broke it off again.  "Damnit dude!  What the hell?!"   

"You seemed to enjoy it," Jay said, his hand sliding up underneath  Collin's shirt and across his solid stomach.  He didn't expect his  friend's deep brown skin to be so soft.   

"Hey...come on man...don't..." It was clear the hulking man was  confused.  Jay leaned in again and Collin couldn't stop himself from  returning the kiss a third time.   

"You definitely seem like you enjoy it now," Jay said as he undid  Collin's pants and fished out his friend's solid cock.  He was equally  confused; he just didn't care to stop.  In the years that they'd been  friends there was never anything close to a sexual tension between them,  and he knew for a fact that Collin was straight.  But he would have  said the same thing about himself prior to yesterday.   

"We better stop...I don't know if this is such a gooooohhh..."  Collin gasped when Jay nonchalantly swallowed his cock.  "Okay...maybe  we can go...with this..." he said, wide-eyed, leaning back.   

That was all it took.  They went at each other in a frenzy.  Jay was  already mostly naked, but he quickly had Collin stripped to match.  He  marveled at his friend's huge frame.  He'd never been with someone that  was bigger than him.  He'd never even come close.  Like everything else  in the past two days, it was a totally new experience.  And he loved it.   The feel of his friend's smooth skin against his own while Collin  towered over him was overwhelming.  He let his friend take the lead as  they explored each other.  Collin manhandled him into the bedroom and he  giggled and squirmed under his friend's heavy weight.  Jay's fingers  bit into Collin's broad back while he pumped his hips and ground his  short, wide pole against Jay's stomach.  Neither of them needed to say  anything.  Jay simply rolled over and lifted his ass off the bed to give  Collin access.  He grunted in pain when the other man's slid inside,  writhing until they fell into a rhythm.  Jay was in heaven.  Collin's  bulk was inescapable.  His beefy arms were straddling Jay on both sides  and his meaty legs had Jay pinned.  All Jay could do was work his hips  and ass back against the welcome organ inside him while his giant,  unused cock oozed against the bed.  Jay had no idea that being on the  receiving end of a dick could feel like this.  He started regretting all  the wasted years he spent plowing into others, instead of the other way  around.  They went long into the night.   

"mmmm..." Jay's eyes struggled open. His face was pressed against  Collin's chest and his friend's thick arm was draped over him.  An  unaccustomed surge of emotion washed over him.  He couldn't remember the  last time he'd been that happy to wake up to someone in his bed,  especially after the night they had.  Collin had taken him several times  throughout the course of the evening and he could still feel his ass  tingling.  He did his best to stay still, not wanting his friend to wake  up and ruin the moment.   

"Ohhh shit," Collin's deep, sleepy rumble didn't sound until much  later.  "So we really did that, huh?"  Instead of pulling away, Jay felt  his friend's strong, thick hand stroke his back.   

"Sure did," Jay said, fingers dancing across Collin's meaty chest.   

"Look at us!" Collin laughed in shock, dropping his head back on the  pillow.  "Gotta say man, never would've expected to wake up like this."    

"Same here," Jay said as he nuzzled his head on Collin's shoulder.   

"Not that I regret...I mean...oh hell man, I don't know what I  think.  I don't even know what this is.  We were playin' games last  night and when I looked over at you in your little undies I just...."  Collin trailed off.   

"You don't hear me complaining," Jay purred.  

"I heard plenty of other things last night," the large man said,  blushing at the memory.  "You were, uh, vocal."  Before Jay could say  anything he heard his friend curse.  "Aw shit, I'm gonna be late for  work!"  Collin climbed out of bed and hurriedly started picking up his  discarded clothing.  "I don't normally split like this.  I'd at least  take you to breakfast, honest, I just wasn't planning on an overnight."   He shook his head again.  "That list of things I never thought I'd say  to you keeps on growing, doesn't it?"  

"As long as you come back," Jay said, stretching out on the bed.  He  loved the way Collin couldn't take his eyes off him.  His large friend  talking to him the way he usually talked to one of his bar hookups only  turned him on more.   

Collin chuckled.  "Of course.  Damned if I know why, though."  He  came over to the bed and leaned over his friend.  "I don't know if  we...I mean do we...oh fuck it," he said, bending down and planting a  quick kiss.  "Just text me later!"  

Jay heard Collin's bulky stumbling in the other room and then the  door open and close.  He stayed in the large warm spot left by his  friend on the bed until he could finally pry himself up.  After that, it  was like any other morning.  He cleaned himself up and got dressed in  his new clothes as naturally as he would have in his old.  He headed out  to Bernie's like always, but he walked this time.  Instead of feeling  self conscious, he loved that he turned heads.  He'd put on a pair of  cherry red shorts that were so tight you could see the outline of the  bright yellow jock he was wearing, and a striped pink tank top that  perfectly showcased his buff upper body.  He wasn't surprised to find  that many of the heads that turned were men.  

"Look who made it out to Ken's!" Bernie clapped when Jay walked  through the door.  "Damn kid, you look like a million bucks in that get  up!"   

Jay smiled bashfully.  "You like it?"  He leaned against the counter, his exposed arms flexing.   

Bernie looked Jay up and down and made him turn in a circle.   "What'd you think of Ken?  Did I tell you he used to be a regular here  too?"   

"Really?  He was great...he said you sent guys to him pretty often,"  Jay said, the words triggering something in his head that he couldn't  quite put together.   

"Eh, I like to help out guys who're stuck."  Bernie just waved it  off and changed the subject back to Ken.  "You made an impression on  him, too.  He called and told me to send more guys like you out to him.   And get this; then he asked if you were gonna be one of my booth guys!"   Bernie laughed loudly at the last part.  "I told him no, of course  not, and he told me to try and talk you into it."  Bernie spread his  hands and shrugged.  "Yesterday I would've said never, but lookin' at  you today....you interested?  I could make an opening.  You said you  were looking to get back to work.  Beats a dirty old factory."

"Oh, no, I don't think I..." Something clicked in Jay's brain.  He  started thinking about all the guys who'd get to see him and for some  reason loved the idea.  The thought of their hungry eyes on his hard,  naked body was intoxicating.  "...I don't think I need to wait.  When  can I start?"
