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"There he is!"  The grizzled old man behind the counter smiled warmly as Jay walked in.   

"Hey Bernie," Jay said with a less enthusiastic smile as he  approached the counter.  He came to the shop almost every day but Bernie  still creeped him out.  He couldn't peg the dumpy man's age, and he  tried to limit conversation as much as possible, but he guessed mid-50s.   His clothes were usually stained and he always had a perpetual scruff  on his round, pugish face.  His beady eyes always seemed to be sizing  Jay up, and his plump hands would make unnecessary contact when he paid.    

"The usual?"   

"Yup...is Tonya here today?"  Jay knew couldn't judge Bernie too  harshly.  After all, he was one of the ones keeping him in business.   Bernie's was one part adult emporium, one part strip club.  In addition  to the various clothes and toys for both men and women, they had private  viewing booths with actual dancers.  Despite his creepiness, Jay gave  Bernie credit; he didn't discriminate.  His clientele was made up of  just as many gay guys as straight men, and he had something or someone  for everyone.  It made for an interesting mix.  Jay had been checked out  by guys plenty of times in the store, but he chalked it up as part of  the price of admission.  Being stared at by guys in the way he stared at  women made him more than a little uncomfortable, but while he'd never  admit it out loud, a small part of him enjoyed it.  At 6'2", he cut an  impressive figure.  He'd been an athlete in his younger days and had  kept up his build by working various labor jobs over the years.  Now at  28, he still had the body of someone ten years younger.   

His face was handsome, if somewhat plain.  Square jaw, big nose,  high cheekbones.  He was just on the verge of being striking.  His  short, messy brown hair was always covered by a baseball hat, usually  backwards.  From his long neck down, constantly lifting and holding  heavy objects for yeasr left him with a solid upper body.  Straight,  broad shoulders transitioned to thick upper arms with defined biceps and  triceps.  His forearms were corded with muscle that flowed into his  large, calloused hands.  He had a pair of solid, bulging pecs that  looked even larger than they were given his slim waist.  His lower half,  while still impressive, wasn't as built.  His long legs were a matching  set of toned thighs, rocky calves, and huge, wide feet, while two round  slabs of muscle formed his modest ass.  Guys built like Jay usually  fell at opposing ends of the spectrum when it came to dick size.  They  were either thin and short, or long and thick.  Jay easily fell at the  "long and thick" end of things.  Women who went to bed with him couldn't  tell if they were getting fucked or pole vaulting.   

For someone who looked as good as he did, Jay fit the typical  straight guy mold when it came to clothes.  A long, 2XL tshirt that  draped well past his waist, long baggy basketball shorts and his ever  present baseball hat.  Even his boxer briefs were the full-length kind,  traveling halfway down his muscular thighs.  With his wide, broad  shoulders he looked like a walking rectangle.  You could see his firm  chest pressing against the shirt and just the barest hint of an ass  under the shorts, but otherwise he miht as well have been wearing a  burka.   

"Tonya's with someone.  Guy just went back."  Bernie looked at a  clipboard on the counter.  "Guy paid for a full show, too.  Booth 9 is  open if you don't wanna wait."   

Jay mulled it over.  Tonya was his favorite.  She was five feet of  tits, ass and blonde hair.  He loved short girls, especially when they  had curves like that.  But he also knew that a "full show" could take a  while.  He got them often enough himself.  It wasn't cheap, but he had  the cash to spare.  He got injured on his last job and a large  settlement left him with both ample time and ample cash.  He was healed  and able to get back to work any time, he just didn't have much  motivation.  "Nah, I can catch Tonya on Wednesday.  Booth 9 is fine."   

"Great!"  Bernie took Jay's cash and pressed a call-button behind  the counter.  A few minutes later it buzzed in response.  "You can head  on back," he winked.   

Jay tried not to think about Bernie's creepy wink as he threaded his  way to the back of the store and down a dim hallway.  Guys were in the  even numbers, ladies in the odd.  Other than the person behind the  glass, the rooms were all the same inside.  Small and dark, with a  single chair on the customer side of the glass.  Behind the glass was an  area wide enough for a single dancer, sometimes two depending on how  much you paid.  Jay sat in the chair just as the music started.  It was  tribal and drum heavy, with a deep, repetitive rhythm.  He was slightly  annoyed.  He was more into country or rap, both of which Tonya always  danced to.  The whole belly dance thing never did it for him.  His  annoyance grew when several minutes passed and the curtain hadn't gone  up yet.  The repetitive pounding of the drums was starting to give him a  headache and it smelled like someone was burning incense.  Between that  and the dim lighting he was starting to feel lightheaded by the time  the curtain finally rose.   

"Whoa!" Jay's eyes went wide.  The very male person on the other  side of the glass was not what he expected.  The dancer was lithe and  thin, with hairless skin so pale it was almost alabaster.  He had an  androgynous, pixie face with a small shock of purple hair at the top of  his scalp.  Tribal tattoos of the same color covered him from head to  toe.  The patterns spiraled all over his body, incorporating all manner  of geometric shapes that seemed to slide over the man's slight frame  while he twirled and circled.  "Uh, hey, buddy, you can stop," Jay  yelled over the music.  "Bernie made a mistake.  Hello?"  He tapped on  the glass but the man continued, his eyes closed.  "Fuckin' Bernie," Jay  muttered to himself in frustration.  "Dude is giving me my money back  for this one."  Jay watched the lithe man bend and stretch in time to  the pounding drums, making all manner of dramatic motions with his arms.   In another circumstance it might have been interesting, but Jay wasn't  there for an art show.  He was also uncomfortable with the huge bulge  in the tiny purple thong the man wore.  "Alright man, knock yourself out  if you want, but you're not gettin' paid for this one," Jay yelled as  he stood.  He started to turn towards the door, but something made him  take one last look.  The swirling patterns reflecting in the light were  more captivating than he thought.  The next thing he knew he was sitting  back in the chair, his long legs spreading wide as he made himself  comfortable.  For whatever reason, he couldn't take his eyes off the  increasingly intense dance.  He tried to rationalize it.  He told  himself he just stuck around because he was bored.  He told himself that  from behind the man's supple ass really wasn't that bad.  He didn't  even notice the growing tent in his shorts.   

Jay's head swam.  The lightheadedness had only continued to grow  with his hardening rod.  He wasn't even trying to make sense of it  anymore; he was just turned on.  He licked his lips with half-closed  eyes and squirmed in the chair, his heart starting to race.  By now the  man was a flurry of motion.  The shapes formed by the purple lines on  the man's skin seemed to float in the air after he moved.  Jay had no  way of knowing that the dancer's moves weren't random, just like he had  no idea what was really happening to him.  Jay started sweating, his  solid chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath.  He clutched  the sides of the chair to keep himself upright while his throbbing cock  strained against its confines.  Without warning, the dancer's eyes shot  open and locked with his.  They were the same deep purple as everything  else and Jay felt like they were sucking him in.  He gasped noiselessly  as all of the air rushed out of his lungs and his body tensed.  He was  cumming.  Hard.  He couldn't look away.  He felt load after load shoot  out of his aching hose while he stared open mouthed at the man behind  the glass.   

And then it was over.  The music stopped and the curtain dropped,  leaving him panting in the dark room.  "What the fuck...?" Jay shook his  head and gave his face a few quick slaps to try and lift the fog that  had settled over his brain.  "Jesus!"  He blushed when he stood and felt  the excess fluid run down his leg.  His boxer briefs were drenched.   Luckily the shiny polyester of the shorts didn't show too much of a  stain, and his long shirt covered much of it anyway.  He still squirmed  uncomfortably against the wet fabric.  He was confused.  The last thing  he remembered clearly was getting up to leave.  The rest was a blur of  swirling shapes until he came to in his soaked underwear.  "Did I just  fuckin' get off to a dude?"  He hurried out of the room and past the  counter without saying anything to Bernie.  All thoughts of demanding a  refund were forgotten.  He just wanted out of there.   

The door to his apartment was barely shut before he'd stripped down  and jumped in the shower.  The whole drive home he'd felt dirty and  confused.  He wished the warm water would wash away the memories as  easily as it did the sticky residue on his thighs.  He stood under the  water, scrubbing until it started to run cold.  When he was dried off he  wrapped the towel around his waist and inspected his reflection in the  mirror.  He flexed his arms and abs a few times just to remind himself  that he was still the same manly man he'd been before.  He didn't know  if it was because he'd been staring at a hairless guy for so long, but  Jay became acutely aware of the wiry hairs on his chest, and how they  ran down his abs to disappear under the towel.  He wasn't overly hairy.   Besides the patch on his torso he had a light dusting on his arms and  legs, but that was it.  He'd never really thought about it or paid  attention to it.  Now, though, he found himself thinking how good it  looked on him.   

He left the bathroom feeling better than when he'd gone in, but he  was still unsettled.  The image of the man dancing wouldn't leave him  alone.  After an hour of trying to distract himself Jay decided he had  to get out.  It was early evening at this point.  If he hurried, he  could still make it in time to try and pick up a happy hour hook up.  He  did it all the time.  Find a girl who'd had a long day or who just  drank a little too much too quick and he could break it off and still  have time to meet up with his buddies later.  No messy mornings-after,  either.  He threw on a variation of what he'd had on before; baggy  shirt, basketball shorts, baseball cap.  He gave himself a quick look in  the mirror and hurried a few blocks over to his usual spot.  It was in  the heart of the business district, so happy hours were usually ripe for  the picking.  He turned his hat backwards as he walked in to accentuate  his "normal bro" look.  After spending all day with suits and ties,  he'd met plenty of women who were eager to get a piece of the  boy-next-door.   

It didn't take long.  Twenty minutes later he was buying a short, buxom blonde a drink.   

"What's your name?" He asked, handing her a vodka and soda.   

"Jennifer," she smiled back, her hand lingering on his.   

"You work around here?"  He knew he had to put some effort in to make it convincing.   

"For the law firm up the street," she said, rolling her eyes.  Jay  let her go on about how boring her job was and how much she hated  working there.  The whole time he pretended to listen he was instead  focused on the cleavage that showed at the top of her blouse.  "So what  do you do?"   

"I work for a chrome shop," he lied.  Technically he'd worked for  one at one point, but that was long ago.  Still, he used it because the  office girls loved a working man.  They talked for a few more minutes  until it was clear that both of them were interested in more than  conversation.  He looked at his watch and made a face.  "Ah, shit, I  didn't realize what time it was.  I've gotta meet my buddies at 8."   

She looked him up and down and put her hand on his.  "That's enough time, right?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow.   

"I live just a couple blocks over," he nodded with a grin.  He was  starting to feel better.  Less than an hour after showing up at the bar,  he and Jennifer were walking back to his apartment.   

She was as eager as he was.  She threw herself at him as soon as  they were inside, peeling up his shirt and running her fingers over his  solid abs while they kissed.  Her arms weren't long enough to pull the  shirt all the way off so he stepped back to finish the job, flexing his  bulging arms and pecs in the process.  Her hands slipped into the front  of his shorts while he undid her shirt, stroking the growing monster.   

"That's impressive," she whistled while Jay's rough hands palmed her large breasts.   

"So are these," he said, pulling her bra free with a cocky grin.  He  worked his mouth over each of her large nipples while she shimmied free  of her skirt.  This was exactly what he needed.  He was back to feeling  like his old self as Jennifer pulled his underwear down and wrapped her  soft lips around his rigid nine inches.  He sighed and ran his hands  through her blonde hair.  She was very, very good with her mouth.   Fortunately for her, so was he.  He prided himself on how easily he  could get women off.  Part of how he justified his multitude of hook-ups  was that no one left unsatisfied.  He pulled away after a few minutes  and they fell on his bed in a heap.  He worked his mouth down her body  while he pulled her panties free.  This was how it should be.  His  broad, muscular frame on top of a soft, beautiful woman.  He dropped his  mouth between her legs and let his tongue go to work.  He loved this  part.  A lot of guys weren't into it, but he loved everything about it.   She even smelled like perfume, or incense.   

As soon as he thought it, he had a flashback to earlier in the day.   Jennifer was gone, replaced by the tattooed dancer.  He tried to focus,  but the image wouldn't go away.  Worse than that, he wasn't just  remembering, he was imagining.  Instead of eating out a horny blonde, he  pictured the pale man's solid cock in his mouth.  He thought back on  the size of the bulge and knew it had to be large.  Jay wondered if it  was equally tattooed.  He could practically feel its thick warmth in his  mouth.  Instead of being disgusted, he felt himself working his mouth  harder as he pictured his head bobbing up and down on it.  A loud groan  from Jennifer brought him back.  He abruptly pulled his face away.  She  gave him a quizzical look, but then just nodded.  He slid up and  positioned himself between her legs, working his way in slowly.  She  felt fantastic.  She squirmed and dug her fingers into his wide back  while he picked up his pace.  He closed his eyes and immediately saw the  man again.  He wasn't fucking Jennifer, he was fucking him.  He could  vividly see his huge cock sliding in and out between the alabaster  cheeks, the designs on the man's back swirling and moving the whole  time.  He didn't feel Jennifer's huge tits beneath him, he felt the  man's firm, smooth skin.  Just like before, he pictured the man's eyes  and came instantly.  He actually let out a bellow  that drowned out  Jennifer's gasping.   

"Wow...that was...wow..." she panted.  She smiled over at him but  her smile faded when she saw the confused look on his face.  "Everything  alright?"

He shook his head and forced himself to smile back.  "Huh?  Oh,  yeah, no, you were great.  Just spaced out there for a second."   

Fortunately for Jay, she was no more interested in hanging around  than he was in having her there.  She quickly dressed and left, the two  of them not even bothering to exchange numbers.  Jay remained sprawled  naked on his bed after she left.  His long cock was draped over a leg  and he hated how good he felt.  He told himself he didn't actually get  off on thinking about that guy.  It had been the blonde, whatever her  name was.  He couldn't remember.  Or maybe she wasn't that good, and  that's why his mind wandered.  He settled on that explanation and tried  to forget it, staring at the ceiling until his phone beeped.   

It was a text message from his friend Collin.  He was supposed to  have been at the bar fifteen minutes ago.  He debated whether or not he  should go but hoped being around the guys would help where the hookup  failed.  He got dressed again and reluctantly headed out.  

"Thought you were going to stand me up!"   

"Would I do a thing like that?"  Jay was immediately glad to see his  friend, if for no other reason than he was the polar opposite of the  dancer from earlier.  Collin was a hulking 6'4" of dark brown muscle.   They'd worked on a job together several years ago and hit it off right  away.  Jay didn't have many people in his life that were more than bar  friends, but Collin was one of them.   

"Depends.  Is she blonde?"   

"She was, actually," Jay laughed as he took up a stool at the bar next to his friend and ordered a beer.   

"See?  I don't understand how a scrawny white dude like you gets it so easy."  

"Scrawny?  Fuck you!" Jay pretended to be offended.   

"Comparatively scrawny," Collin said, throwing a beefy arm around his friend.   

"Yeah, nice recovery," Jay said, trying not to think about the  sensation of his friend's arm around him.  Collin was always a  touchy-feely guy, but it had never felt like this.   

"Do you even remember her name?"   

"J- something?  Jody?  Erin?"  Jay shrugged.  "Whatever."   

"Classy."  Collin let go and raised his beer to toast his friend's  hook up while Jay tried to tell himself he didn't miss his friend's arm  being around him.  Jay was never one for physical contact unless it was  sports or sex related, and the latter was only ever with women.  He  wasn't a dick to Collin about it, but part of the reason his friend did  it so much was because he knew it annoyed him.  He blamed it on the  stress of the day.   

They drank and watched whatever baseball game was on the screen  behind the bar.  Jay kept getting distracted by Collin's thick thigh as  it brushed against his leg.  His friend's wide body took up more space  than the usual customer at the bar.  There were plenty of women present,  but he kept finding his attention wandering to the guys in the room.   He knew several of them, not well, but they'd drink together or play  pool at least once a week.  It wasn't until his third scan of the room  that he realized he was looking at the guys like he looked at the girls  at happy hour.   

"Hey man, you okay?"   

Collin's nudge snapped him back.  "Oh, yeah, sorry.  Just out of it tonight.  All day, really."   

"You pissed at Aaron?  You've been staring at him for like the last five minutes."   

Jay blushed.  He didn't even realize he'd been doing it.  Aaron was a  scrappy young blonde guy.  Jay didn't know a whole lot about him other  than that he worked in cement.  It showed.  His buff chest strained  against his red tshirt and his arms looked absolutely massive as they  rested on the bar.  "No, not at all.  I didn't even know I was doing  it."   

"Well he saw it," Collin said, nodding as Aaron got up and walked over.   

"Hey guys," Aaron said cheerfully, looking up at the other two.  He  was stocky, standing barely 5'8" with an equally powerful lower half.   His cut off denim shorts were plastered to his legs and the back of his  thin tshirt rested on the shelf formed by his round, protruding ass.   

"Hey dude," Jay said, sipping his beer as an excuse to look Aaron up  and down.  He didn't know why the short man was catching his attention  so much.  He choked on his beer when it finally hit him.  Short.   Blonde.   

"Damn, dude!"  Collin laughed, slapping the coughing Jay on the back.   

"Sorry," Jay stammered hoarsely, "went down the wrong pipe."   

He listened in stunned silence to Collin and Aaron talk about the  game while he tried to figure out what was going on.  The longer he was  around Aaron, the more captivated he became.  When the burly blonde  would motion with a beefy arm and his shirt would raise up enough to  show a flash of the top of his bright green underwear, Jay felt his cock  twitch.  He started to wonder if they were briefs or boxer briefs.   Then he wondered what he looked like in them.  Then what he looked like  out of them.   


Jay blinked and saw that he was staring at Aaron like a starving man would look at a sandwich.  "Huh?"   

Aaron blushed, realizing he was being checked out but too polite to  say anything about it.  "I just asked if you'd ever hooked up with  Brittany over there," he said, nodding towards a dark haired girl in the  corner.   

"Oh, sorry man, I don't know what my..." he trailed off when the  thought of Aaron hooking up became just Aaron naked again.  "Uh, yeah,  we did.  Last year maybe?  I don't really remember, which means it at  least wasn't bad," he laughed nervously.   

"Dude, what is with you?!"  Collin whispered harshly when Aaron  walked over to the girl in the corner.  "You were starin' at him like  you've got a mighty thirst."  He looked Jay up and down.  "Did you  finally sleep with every woman in town and maybe wanna check out the  other team?"

"What?!  No, don't be a dick," Jay said defensively.   

Collin just grinned and took a swig of his beer.  "Hey man, you know  I don't give a shit.  I'll wingman for you if you want, I just need to  know which direction to go in."   

"Alright, fuck this.  I'm going home," Jay said, slamming money down  on the bar.  He heard Collin yell after him but he kept walking.   

Jay's dreams that night were just as confusing as the rest of his  day.  He'd stripped down and climbed into bed, feeling both confused and  sorry for himself.  He had no idea what was happening, but he didn't  like it.  He finally drifted off hoping that he wouldn't dream of the  dancer.  He didn't, but the alternative wasn't much better.  He found  himself dreaming of Aaron and Brittany, only his perspective was off.   He wasn't watching them; he was sitting where she should have been.  It  was so vivid.  He was back in the bar and he could smell the stale beer  and years of cigarette smoke that soaked into the walls.  Aaron's cheap  cologne punched through all of that as he leaned in close so they could  talk without shouting in the noisy room.  Jay heard himself, in his own  voice, actually giggle as Aaron flirted and turned up the charm.  The  blonde man's soft lips burned his neck when he leaned in for a quick  kiss and he felt his fingers bite into Aaron's rock-solid thigh.  Then  they were leaving quickly, hand in hand.  Jay was still looking down at  Aaron as though he were actually there, not Brittany.  They made out in  the front seat of his car, exploring as much of each other as they  could.  The buff little blonde was just as built as he seemed when Jay's  hands made their way up his rock-hard torso.  Eventually they made  their way back down to his pants, quickly undoing the fly.  At least in  the dream, Jay's question was answered when he saw the bright green  briefs in full before fishing a rigid cock out of them.  It wasn't as  big as his own, but it was definitely big for Aaron's stature, and  thicker than average.   

Then they were on the road.  Jay couldn't see that they were moving  because his face was buried in Aaron's crotch.  His head bobbed up and  down on the thick pole and he could feel every bump and ridge running  over his tongue.  Aaron's strong fingers stroked through his messy hair  while he sucked away.  He tucked himself away as best he could when they  reached his apartment and raced inside, laughing as they stumbled up  the dark stairway.  Jay had never been to Aaron's apartments, but the  details were just as vivid as the bar.  It was the typical young  bachelor pad.  Filthy, cheap furniture, dishes piled on ever surface,  and it smelled like a mix between a locker room and the cheap cologne he  was wearing.  Unframed posters were taped to the wall and a pile of  videogames was dumped in front of the tv on the floor.  It only turned  Jay on more.  Aaron went to pick up where they'd left off, but Jay shook  his head.   

"Uh-uh," he heard himself say, again in his own voice, "you first."   Aaron blushed and smiled bashfully, his boyish face looking so cute  that Jay couldn't stand it.  The blushing blonde reached down and peeled  his shirt up from the bottom, flexing his muscular stomach and chest in  the process.  He locked eyes with Jay as he undid his shorts and let  them drop, exposing the tented, bright green briefs and tree-trunk  thighs.  He snapped the waistband of his briefs playfully before tugging  them down, his throbbing cock bouncing free.  He turned in a slow  circle, letting Jay get a good look.  His compact, burly body radiated  power.  He bulged with bulky muscle from head to toe.  Not the  gym-sculpted kind, but the kind that was earned through hard work.  Jay  couldn't believe that the young man could even get his mammoth ass in a  pair of pants to begin with, and the thought drove him wild.   

"Okay, your turn," Aaron said, sitting on the edge of the couch with his stout cock standing out.   

Jay looked down at himself.  He was wearing his usual outfit and  suddenly felt ridiculous in the baggy, oversized clothing.  He slowly  worked the shirt up, showing off his trim waist before reaching his  built upper body.   He dropped his shorts next, feeling trapped by them  as they bunched at his feet and he immediately hated the long, clingy  boxer briefs.   

"Goddamn you're sexy," Aaron whistled when Jay was naked, launching  himself at the taller man.  They fell onto the rickety couch, their  bodies writhing together.  The prickly, wiry blonde hairs that covered  Aaron were electric on Jay's relatively smooth skin.  Even though this  was supposed to be Brittany, when dream-Aaron dropped his head between  Jay's toned thighs he swallowed as much of the long rod as his mouth  could handle.   

"Uuuhh...." Jay moaned, his fingers biting into the couch while he  watched Aaron's thick shoulder muscles flex in time with his bobbing  head.  The young man was relentless.  "Oh shit...oh shit..." Jay panted.    

Aaron just looked up and grinned.  "Not yet," he said, pulling Jay  up off the couch and into the bedroom.  Jay let Aaron shove him onto the  bed while the blonde man crawled on top of him.  He felt the other  man's thick tool oozing on his stomach as he worked it back and forth  between them.  Even though he knew what was coming, he didn't try and  stop it.  The only thing that surprised him was that Aaron didn't roll  him over.  Instead, he hoisted Jay's legs up onto his shoulders so they  were still face-to-face.  Jay gasped loudly when Aaron plunged in.  In  the dream it didn't hurt, at least.  He felt his own unused cock  slapping against his stomach while Aaron hammered into him.  It was  incredible.  He was moaning loudly and couldn't have stopped himself if  he'd tried.  Aaron was nibbling and sucking on his thighs while he  pounded mercilessly.  It was finally too much.  Jay screamed as he shot  all over himself, the precarious angle launching the fluid across his  chest and onto his face.  Aaron's stamina lasted a little longer, but  soon the dazed Jay felt a rush of warm fluids hit his insides.   

"Aaah!"  Jay shot up in bed, his heart racing.  He blinked against  the invading sunlight, slowly taking in the features of his own house.   He was dripping in sweat and something else.  All of his covers had been  kicked off and his fitted sheet was half-removed as well.  He fell  back, his head a mix of confusion, disgust, and disappointment.  Jay  hated sharing his bed.  He wasn't a cuddler.  And yet, his first feeling  was one of disappointment that Aaron wasn't actually there.  In the  dream the other man's presence was comforting and reassuring.  He could  still practically feel the weight of his meaty arm draped over him as  they slept.  "What. The. Fuck."  Jay pressed his hands against his face,  as if he could push out the memories.  "Okay.  Okay.  I've just  gotta...fuck.  Fuck!"  He punched the bed in frustration.  He'd clearly  recently blown a sizeable load, but his cock was still throbbing.  His  ass still tingled from the dream-pounding he'd received and he was  already on the verge.  Hating himself for it, he wrapped a hand and  started stroking.  He couldn't have fought it if he tried.  All he could  think about was the blonde little stud from his dream.  His dimpled  smile.  The tiny little nipples on his huge pecs.  The way his ass was  too big for even Jay's wide hands to palm completely.  The powerful  thighs that pressed against his head while he gave Aaron's heavy balls a  tongue bath.  "OOHHHHH!"  Jay yelled and arched up off the bed, an  erupting geyser.  He usually tried not to make a mess when he jerked  off, but now he didn't care.   

He stumbled into the shower in a daze.  He did his best not to think  about anything at all while he scrubbed the crusted and fresh residue  from almost every inch of him.  He tried to take stock, mentally.  Other  than his confusion, he felt great.  Dream-sex or not, he had the same  relaxed feeling as always after getting laid.  Even the anxiety he felt  when he thought about it grew less and less the longer he was awake.  It  was just a dream, after all.  He hung his towel on the door and  sauntered out into his apartment.  He wasn't usually one for walking  around naked, even at home, but this morning he didn't seem to mind.  On  a whim he grabbed his hat when he walked by and slid it on backwards,  the only thing he put on while he scrolled through the multiple texts  from Collin he'd received over night.  He'd have to apologize to his  friend at some point for freaking out like he had.  Still in just the  hat, he ate some breakfast and caught up on the scores from the previous  night.  Other than his nudity, it was a normal morning.  Until he went  to get dressed.   

"Ugh," Jay actually groaned when he opened his dresser.  He started  to pull on a pair of his usual boxer briefs but stopped half way up.  They felt like straight jackets for his legs.  He physically couldn't  bring himself to put them on.  He felt the same about his oversized  shirt as it draped down past his waist.  He clearly needed to buy new  clothes.  Without giving it a second thought he pulled the shirt off,  grabbed a pair of scissors, and cut off the bottom third.  He'd gone a  little high, as he discovered when he pulled it on and it came to just  above his belly button.  It still felt light-years better.  He felt like  an MC Hammer reject in the baggy shorts, but he didn't have much choice  with those.  Without any underwear, and with his shirt now a cut-off,  Jay was slightly self-conscious about the way his huge package swung  visibly against the shiny polyester.  The long hose was clearly outlined  as it dangled and bounced.  "Goddamnit," he sighed when he caught his  full reflection.  "Bernie's gonna explain what the fuck happened  yesterday."


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