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Interactive: The Idol

  • They both start acting weirdly aroused around each other 3
  • Chris starts acting domineering towards Alex, who becomes more submissive 1
  • Alex starts acting domineering towards Chris, who becomes more submissive 2
  • Alex starts bulking up while Chris starts losing weight 1
  • Alex starts bulking up, Chris stays the same 4
  • 2017-08-31
  • —2017-09-04
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'Interactive: The Idol', 'choices': [{'text': 'They both start acting weirdly aroused around each other', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Chris starts acting domineering towards Alex, who becomes more submissive', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Alex starts acting domineering towards Chris, who becomes more submissive', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Alex starts bulking up while Chris starts losing weight', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Alex starts bulking up, Chris stays the same', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 4, 19, 41, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 31, 19, 44, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 11}


*** The first interactive story!  This is going to involve some trial and error, but for now, I'll present the story chunks and then there will be poll options for how it should move forward.  I don't want to set myself up for failure by setting a hard and fast schedule for these, but if you want your vote to count, get it in early.  Don't feel bad if your choice doesn't win, I'm not ruling out going in multiple directions.  Or if you like where it's going and want something specific, you can always contact me about doing a custom version.  In the event of a tie, I'll randomly select between the two highest options.  Thanks for reading and on to the story! ***

“Oh my god, dude, I forgot how nice a real bed was,” Alex yawned as he stumbled sleepily into the living room.  He’d spent the past five months hiking and climbing his way through the Alaskan wilderness as part of a quarter-life crisis.  Most nights were spent on cold, hard dirt, so even the worn out mattress in Chris’s spare bedroom had felt luxurious.  

“You’re the one that insisted on living like a caveman for the past six months,” Chris said, pouring a cup of coffee for his friend.  “That beard really sells it.”  

Alex reached up and scratched at the brown clump of bushy, unruly hair on his cheeks.  “Think I should keep it?  Ladies like beards, right?”  

Chris laughed and handed him the mug.  “Not ones that make you look like a serial killer.”  

Alex just shrugged and took a pull from the steaming mug.  Other than his unkempt beard, there was plenty about the young man for people of either sex to enjoy.  He’d always kept in shape and had a naturally lean build, and the months out in the wilderness had only magnified that.  At first glance he might look skinny, until he flexed and his thin build was suddenly covered in steely, corded muscle.  His love of rock climbing had given him a set of broad shoulders and granite arms, with small but chiseled pecs between them.  The countless miles spent walking had melted away what little fat he’d had to begin with, leaving him with ripped abs and a set of toned, solid legs.  The tiny red boxer briefs he had on bulged out modestly in the front and contained a small set of rock-hard globes in the back.  His tan skin was naturally smooth for the most part, barring a small patch on his chest and a slight trail down his abs.  Underneath the shaggy mop of chestnut brown hair and primitive beard was a handsome, sharp-featured face.  “A serial killer with great abs, though,” he said, flexing his washboard stomach.  

Chris rolled his eyes.  “You impress a lot of girls with those out in the woods?  Or is climbing not the only reason your forearms are so thick?”  

“Back when we lived on campus, how many times did I walk in on you jerking off again,” Alex laughed.  

“Oh, yeah, that reminds me, make sure you knock before you come into my room,” Chris said, grabbing the stuffed pouch of his grey briefs.  Unlike his wiry friend, Chris was covered in gym-sculpted muscle.  The 26 year old had always been athletic, and now that he was out of school and didn’t have the luxury of organized sports to keep him on track, he was religious about his workouts.  He had a broad build, with large, round shoulders, thick upper arms, bulging pecs, and a flat, firm stomach with cut obliques that drew the observer’s eyes directly to the stuffed, full pouch of his briefs.  Hour after hour at the squat rack left him with strong, powerful legs and a large, round bubble that strained against the thin cotton of his underwear.  Chris’s impressive muscle would have been covered in a coating of wiry hair, but he was zealous about keeping himself shaved smooth.  This included his boyishly cute babyface, with it’s short trimmed blonde hair and pale skin.   

“Thanks again for letting me crash here, man.  I’m gonna start looking for work as soon as I get unpacked.”  

“Dude, please, you can stay as long as you need,” Chris said, his arm inflating as he reached up to scratch at his messy bed-head hair.  

“That reminds me!”  Alex hurried into his room and came back with a small bundle wrapped in an old t-shirt.  “I brought you something.  I know you like weird shit, so I figured this’d be right up your alley.  I found it in the mountains up there.  I made camp along a stream and boom, there it was, just sitting in the water.”  Alex unwrapped the bundle to reveal a stone carving of a short, squat figure.  The stone itself was speckled green and black, but Chris had no idea what the figure was supposed to be.  At first glance it looked like a toad, but the longer he looked it could have been a bird.  Or maybe a fish?  Or possibly all three.  

“Damn!  It’s certainly weird,” Chris said, whistling appreciatively as he turned the smooth stone idol over in his hands.  “You sure you don’t want to have this appraised?  It could be worth something.  Is it Alaskan Native?  Or another indigenous group?”  

“No clue, dude.  I just found it on the ground for you.”  

*** What happens next? ***


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