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Hank stirred slowly.  His first thought on opening his eyes was that he  had no idea where he was.  He was face down on a couch that wasn’t his  own.

“Mornin’ sleepy head.”   

Hank turned his head, squinting against the bright sunlight and saw  Bryan sitting in the chair.  The young man’s hair was still messy from  bed and he had a thick stubble on his lean cheeks.  He was drinking  coffee with one hand and checking his phone with the other.  Despite his  confusion, Hank smiled at the sight of the other man, the memories of  the previous evening slowly coming back.  “Mornin’,” he yawned, sitting  up on his elbows and trying to blink the sleep from his eyes.  Despite  his awkward position, he’d slept like a rock.  “What time is it?”   

“Just after nine.”   

Hank was surprised.  Even when he stayed up late he didn’t sleep  much past seven in the morning.  As he’d gotten older, sleep was harder  to come by.  He sighed and forced himself upright, noticing for the  first time that he was stark naked.  “Whoa!” he laughed, blushing.  Like  the previous morning, his eager cock was sticking straight up between  his burly legs.  Also like the previous morning, he didn’t remember  taking his underwear off during the night.  He looked around quickly for  his discarded clothing but didn’t see anything.  “Uh…do you know where  my clothes are?”   

Bryan looked over and shrugged, not at all fazed by Hank’s nudity or  rigid pole.  “Josh probably picked ‘em up with our stuff and threw it  all in the laundry.  He’s picky like that,” Bryan said, rolling his  eyes.   

“Do you know where my underwear got off to?”   

Bryan shook his head.  “You were like that when I came down.  Don’t  worry, dude.  You can borrow some of ours.  Josh and Bill are already  gone but we can track your stuff down later when they get back.”  Bryan  stood and Hank saw the other man was still in the same briefs as the  previous night.  His already hard cock throbbed even harder when Bryan’s  stuffed bulge passed inches from his face when the other man walked by.   “You okay,” he asked, grinning down at Hank.   

“Yeah, yeah, just out of it,” Hank said awkwardly.  “Not used to waking up like this.”   

“Then you need to have more fun,” Bryan said, pulling Hank to his  feet.  The older man blushed as he felt his solid cock bouncing while he  followed Bryan upstairs.  Instead of being embarrassed, he felt a  thrill at being naked in a strange house.  “I’ll grab some stuff from  Bill…it’ll probably fit you better.  Shower’s in there if you want to  wash up.”   

Hank slid the glass doors open and cranked the shower on.  He stood  under the warm water, feeling more loose and relaxed than he should for  having spent the night on an old couch.  He felt stiff when he slept on  an expensive king bed, but waking up face down on a worn out couch left  him feeling like a million bucks.  He didn’t even think about it when he  wrapped a hand around his cock and started stroking.  Unlike the  previous morning he didn’t have an instant explosion.  This time he had a  bit longer to think about the previous night.  Without meaning to, he  thought back to how Josh’s hand had felt when he was being measured.   Then he started to wonder what it would feel like if Josh was the one  jerking him off instead.  Then Hank started to wonder what Josh’s dick  would feel like in his hand instead of his own.  “UUUUUnnnnnnnn,” he  grunted and bucked his hips, dousing the wall of the shower.   

“Sounds like that felt good.”  Hank froze at the sound of Bryan’s  voice as the other man came into the bathroom.  He started to panic, but  never got beyond a few rapid heart beats.  Why should he care that  Bryan saw that?  “Looked like you needed it,” the younger man said with a  cocky grin.   

“I sure did,” Hank sighed.  “Been happening a lot lately.”   

“Oh, I know.  This stuff makes you super horny, especially at first.   You get used to it.  It’s actually pretty cool…makes messing around a  whole lot more fun.”   

Hank turned the shower off and slid the door open, taking the towel  from Bryan as he stepped out.  He was surprised when the other man  shucked his briefs, his long, thick hose bouncing half-hard out of the  tight underwear.  “I’m gonna jump in too.”   

Hank had a hard time looking away from the naked adonis in the  shower to the pile of clothes on the counter.  He felt a thrill at  sliding on a pair of Bill’s bright, tiny briefs.  He wasn’t sure why the  thought that he was wearing another man’s underwear turned him on as  much as it did.  He wiped the steam from the mirror and blinked in  surprise at what he saw.  He looked younger.  The wiry coating of hairs  had disappeared from his body, save from a dusting on his arms and legs.   He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, his blonde locks  feeling thicker than they should.  It could have also been the lighting,  but he thought it was a lighter shade of blonde than he was used to.   Beyond his hair, his face was noticeably less wrinkled.  The creases on  his forehead weren’t as deep and he looked less weathered in general.   The effect wasn’t anything that couldn’t have been achieved at a spa,  but he took it as a sign that things were working.  He pulled on the  tight tshirt next, shivering the foreign feeling of the soft cotton on  his now-smooth skin.  The thin material made each of his ample muscles  pop noticeably, like he wasn’t wearing anything at all.  The small blue  shorts he pulled on did the same with his lower half, bulging out in a  noticeable lump at his crotch while the back was wedged between his two  solid globes.

“Lookin’ good, Prof!”  Bryan stood in the open shower doorway,  toweling himself dry while he watched Hank inspect his reflection.   

“Yeah?”  Hank didn’t bother to try and hide the fact that he looked  Bryan’s naked body up and down while the younger man dried off.   

Bryan threw the towel over his shoulder and did the same to Hank.  “Look at these fuckin’ pecs, dude!”   

Hank shivered when Bryan’s huge hands reached up and grabbed the  bulging slabs of muscle.  Bryan’s hands running across his nipples, even  through the shirt, was so intense his knees almost sagged.  Being so  close to the naked hunk hit Hank like a wave.  He was acutely aware that  Bryan’s thick cock dangled mere inches from his hand.  When he found  himself fighting the urge to reach out and grab it he turned away,  crimson faced.  “I, uh, should get going.  I’ve gotta go get some real  clothes at my place before heading to the office.  Tell Bill thanks for  me.  I’ll bring these back tonight.”   

Hank’s mind was racing as he drove across town to his house.  He  felt fantastic, even better than he had the previous day, but he was  more than a little confused.  The increased arousal was something he  could handle, but increased arousal towards other men wasn’t something  he was ready to sign on for.  The problem was compounded when, every  time he tried to think about it, he instantly lost his concentration  whenever he thought about Bill or Bryan or Josh.  His anxiety about  being so turned on by other men was always overwhelmed by the arousal  itself, leaving him back at square one until he finally just gave up.   He’d have to remember to bring it up with Josh later.   

Hank sighed when he entered his house.  By all standards it was  gorgeous.  For what he paid, it should have been.  It was spacious and  luxuriously furnished, but walking through it just felt lonely.  The  expensive trappings that used to make him feel superior now made him  sad.  The worn, stained couch at Josh’s house was suddenly infinitely  preferable to his pristine leather sofa.  His bedroom felt the same, and  instead of being grateful to be home he just wanted to leave.   

He hurried to change, pausing again to inspect his reflection when  he’d stripped down to the tiny yellow briefs.  He couldn’t bring himself  to take those off.  “Damn,” he whistled, flexing his pecs in the  mirror.  Bryan had been right to notice.  It wasn’t just Bill’s shirt  making them look bigger; they’d actually grown.  He turned to the side  and came to the same conclusion about his ass.  This was confirmed when  he finally forced himself to pull some pants on and found that he could  barely get them on.  They were precariously tight around his thighs and  backside.  His shirts were worse.  Even his largest button down wouldn’t  close around his prominent chest.  He opted for a polo, which made his  enlarged pecs pop even more and showed off the size of his arms against  the straining sleeves.  He checked his reflection again, blushing at how  tight the clothes were.  He felt a swell of pride at just how much he  filled them out, but the flip side of that was the knowledge that they  left nothing to the imagination.  When he walked the lines of his briefs  were visible against the tight pants, and while the polo showed off his  pecs nicely, he couldn’t do anything to get rid of the two lumps where  his sensitive nipples strained against the fabric.  “Can’t do anything  about it right now,” he sighed, grabbing his gym bag.  Remembering what  happened the previous day he shoved a few extra shirts, blushing harder  at the thought that he was taking cum rags to his office, and headed out  the door, praying his clothes would make it.  

His prayers went unanswered.  Hank’s morning had been relatively  uneventful.  Just about everyone in the office commented on his  appearance, either to harass him about shrinking his clothes or to  compliment him on his apparent progress at the gym.  He took them both  in stride, enjoying that he was getting so much attention.  Especially  from his male colleagues and students, who he found increasingly  captivating.  He kept drifting off in his first class, finding it harder  and harder to not be distracted by all the young men in the room.  He  still hovered by the podium, but unlike the day before, he made it  through most of the class before finding it necessary to stay covered  behind it.  It didn’t seem like any of the students had noticed a change  in his behavior, but Hank knew they eventually would if he couldn’t get  a handle on things soon.  He used the break between classes for relief.   Locking himself in his office, Hank still couldn’t quite believe he  was actually doing what he was doing.  Bill’s briefs didn’t have a fly,  and his pants were so tight that he was forced to pull both of them down  for the access he needed.  Standing hard and bare assed in his office,  Hank tried not to think about what would happen if someone walked in  while he quickly bucked his hips into one of the many spare rags he  brought.  Surprisingly, he fell into a routine.  Class, jerk off, class,  jerk off.   

By his last afternoon class, Hank felt confident enough to venture  farther from the podium.  He was halfway through his lecture when  disaster struck.  While writing on the board in the front of the room,  Hank twisted to reach for a marker when his pants finally gave out.   There was a loud rip and a sudden breeze.  It wasn’t a small rip,  either.  The entire back blew out, giving the whole class a clear view  of the tiny yellow briefs barely concealing his growing cheeks.  The  room erupted into laugher as Hank quickly scampered back to the podium.    

“That’s what I get for not dry cleaning these,” he laughed, trying  to make a joke.  He let the class go, but he was still forced to  awkwardly scramble back to his office using his bag as best he could to  cover the blown out backside.   

The walk back to his office had been painful.  There was no way to  fully cover himself, so he had to scamper back with his ass hanging  mostly out.  The few people he’d passed only snickered quietly to  themselves, but Hank knew they had to be enjoying this.  He had a  reputation as “the hot professor” to begin with.  He was all too happy  to feed that reputation by using the student gym and wearing his  form-fitting clothing, and he knew more than a few of his students and  coworkers had thought about what was underneath his fitted pants.  While  he was happy to make people wonder, he was significantly less happy to  answer their question by exposing himself.   

After enduring more ribbing from the office secretaries he once  again found himself locked in his office.  He kicked out of the shredded  pants and leaned his head against the wall.  He’d never felt more  humiliated.  Not only was he wearing another man’s much more revealing  underwear, he’d just shown that underwear to an entire room full of grad  students.  That last part made him pause.  Yes, he was mortified.  But  the more he thought about it, idea that he’d just shown his solid bubble  to so many people  started to turn him on.  He pictured himself in  front of the class, his sculpted body on display in just the tiny briefs  with his solid cock tenting them out.  The thought was horrifying and  humiliating but he barely had time to pull down his briefs before  cumming on the spot.  His face burned as he watched the sticky fluid  spray onto his office wall.  He’d been so focused on his embarrassment  that he hadn’t felt it building.  Hank cleaned it up as best he could in  a stunned haze, the shock bringing him a moment of clarity.  He was a  college professor.  He had a Ph.D.  He shouldn’t be jerking off in his  office between classes.  He shouldn’t be getting hard thinking about his  male students.  He shouldn’t be getting off on thoughts of debasing  himself in front of people.  He picked up his phone to call Josh and  tell him he was done.   

“Hey Prof, everything okay?”   

“No!  No, everything is very much NOT okay.  I just blew out my  pants in front of my entire class because my ass has gotten too big for  my pants and I’m…”

“Whoa!”  Josh cut him off.  “You’re already seeing physical progress?  That’s fantastic!”   

“I…but I’m…” Hank’s sails abruptly lost wind.  Just the sound of  Josh’s voice had calmed him down, and now that he sounded so excited,  Hank suddenly couldn’t bring himself to disappoint him.  “I’m just  not…there’s a lot going…” Hank tried, but physically couldn’t get the  words out.    

“Don’t worry, we’ll talk about everything tonight, okay?”

Hank missed the condescending tone in Josh’s voice.  “I…okay…” he  stammered, hanging up.  Hank sat and stared at his phone, wondering why  he’d been so worked up in the first place.   

The rest of his day was filled with a growing excitement at the  thought of going back to Josh’s house.  He skipped the gym in favor of  reluctantly buying some new work clothes.  He hated the very idea of  putting them on, but he knew he didn’t really have a choice since he was  currently forced to wear the clothes he’d borrowed from Bill.  Hank  typically didn’t wear gym gear outside of the gym, and Bill’s was more  revealing than what he was used to, but it just felt better.  Part of  him felt like he was too old to be traipsing around in bright, skimpy  workout gear, but when he caught sight of his reflection he didn’t look  like he was pushing 50.  He was starting to look like he wasn’t even  pushing 40.   

When the time came to head to Josh’s he could barely contain  himself.  He practically bounded up the sidewalk from the driveway.  All  the reluctance and desire to quit he’d felt earlier had vanished.   

“Hey!”  He said, grinning from ear to ear when Josh opened the door.   The lean young man just had on a pair of tiny running shorts and a  baggy tank top.  Hank’s smile grew when he saw the look of surprise on  Josh’s face.   

“Damn!  Look at you!”  Josh ushered him in, walking in a circle  around Hank.  “You weren’t kidding when you said you got bigger.”   

“Hi Hank!”  Bill came out from the kitchen, his hairy torso bulging  out from underneath a purple muscle shirt while his lower half was only  covered by a pair of bright red briefs.  “Shit man, lookin’ good!” He  joined Josh in looking Hank up and down.   

“Let’s not stand around up here…let’s go get these measurements,”  Josh said eagerly.  Hank started stripping as soon as they got to the  lab.   

“I need to give these back to you anyway,” he said, tossing the  shorts and tshirt to Bill, who’d followed them down.  “These too,” Hank  grinned, peeling the briefs down and throwing them over.  It wasn’t  until he felt his rigid cock bounce in the open air that he even thought  about what he was doing.   

“Still having the increased libido, I see,” Josh said as he started taking measurements.   

“You can say that again,” Hank sighed.  He felt himself blushing  while he stood exposed and hard under Josh and Bill’s gaze.  The  awkwardness he felt only turned him on more.  “Did, uh, this happen to  you too,” he asked Bill sheepishly.   

“Oh yeah,” Bill nodded.  “Best to just deal with it and move on.”  To that end, Josh handed Hank a wad of paper towel.   

“What am…oh!”  Hank’s face burned harder when he realized what Josh  meant for him to do.  “This is…uh…a little weird…” he stammered.  It  never occurred to him to say no, or to at least ask for some privacy.   While Josh measured and Bill watched, Hank reached down and started  tugging.  He’d never done anything like this in his life.  He’d never  jerked off in front of anyone before, not even former kinky girlfriends.   Fortunately he didn’t have long to think about what he was doing  before he was holding a damp, sticky wad of paper.   

“There you go, big guy,” Bill said cheerfully.  “Feels way better, yeah?”   

“Does it, uh, always happen that fast?”   

“Your stamina will increase, that’s just a current side effect,”  Josh cut in.  “Well, you’ve definitely started growing.  Your chest and  backside are both noticeably larger, as are your thighs and arms.  Your  waist has gone down a bit, with your abs starting to show, and I can see  that your hair has started filling in on your head, but seems to have  vanished everywhere else.”  Josh looked him up and down again.  “Other  than the libido, still feeling good?”   

Hank nodded eagerly.  “Yep!”  

“Okay, then you know the drill.”  Hank did his turn in front of the  camera and let Josh stick him with the needle.  “There we go.”   

Bill came over while to Hank while Josh put his equipment away.  “So you sticking around again?”   

“Uh, yeah, sure, if that’s cool,” Hank said, hoping he didn’t sound desperate.   

“Dude, of course it is!  We like having you around.”   

Hank’s stomach fluttered at the compliment.  “I like being here!” He  started to follow Bill upstairs, but froze.  The hairy younger man was  still holding Hank’s discarded clothing, leaving him with nothing on.   “Uh, whoops,” he laughed.  “I, uh, didn’t bring any other…”  

Bill grinned and shook his head.  “Come on,” he said, giving Hank’s  bare ass a swat, “we’ll get you fixed up with something fresh.”   

For the second time that day, Hank sauntered naked through the house  as he followed Bill upstairs to his small, sparsely furnished room.   There was a double bed in one corner and a dresser with a TV on it  across the room.  It was worlds away from Hank’s bedroom, but he didn’t  want to be anywhere else.

“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got,” Bill said, taking his time  while he dug through his dresser.  He would occasionally look over his  shoulder at Hank with a mischievous grin.  “These should work.”   

Hank caught the small wad of thin lavender fabric and blushed.  He’d  never worn anything like them.  The pouch was just barely big enough to  hold him, and the thin fabric outlined his package to the point where  it might as well have been see through.  Aside from that there was a  small patch of fabric in back that left more of his ass exposed than  covered.  “I think you got ripped off,” Hank laughed bashfully.  “They  didn’t sell you a whole pair of underwear.”   

“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Bill said smugly, clapping him on the  shoulder.  “So Bryan’s out and Josh is going to have his nose in a book  all night…wanna just kick it up here?”  Hank nodded quickly.  He didn’t  care what they did, just so long as he was there.  “Cool, we can bring  some beers up here and watch a movie or something.”   

“I’ll grab ‘em,” Hank said, eager to contribute.  He hurried back  down the hallway, noticing for the first time how much his larger cheeks  bounced as he skipped down the stairs.  On the way back he stopped in  the bathroom to check out his reflection.  His heart raced a little at  the memory of where a naked Bryan had stood that morning.  It raced even  more at what he saw.  Hank was stunned.  He barely recognized himself.   His formerly thin blonde hair was now thick and full, and noticeably  lighter.  His features had continued to soften, losing nearly all of his  wrinkles by this point and making him look at least a decade younger.   The changes from the neck down were just as impressive.  His pecs  weren’t just more defined, they were bigger and were standing up off his  body, forming a shelf of muscle between his wide, broad shoulders.  He  understood why his shirt fit the way it did when he saw that his nipples  had puffed into two hard, prominent nubs.  Beneath this, his  increasingly ripped stomach tapered inwards before blowing outwards  again at his ass and solid thighs.  Hank couldn’t believe it.  He looked  less like an academic and more like a professional body builder.  He  kicked himself for ever thinking that he should have stopped this.  He  was still grinning when he got back to Bill’s room.   

“Check yourself out on the way back?  I know that look.”  Bill  grabbed a beer and flopped down on his bed.  He patted the spot next to  him and Hank dropped down.   

“This is just…I mean…wow…” Hank stammered.   

“I remember how it felt when it first started working for me.  I  don’t know how Josh did it, but I’m sure glad he did.”  Hank nodded in  agreement.  He was too focused on how close he and Bill’s bare legs were  to each other to say anything.   

Bill put on a movie while they drank and talked.  Bill did most of  the talking.  Like the night before, Hank felt himself relaxing just  being around the other man.  His firm voice made Hank feel safe and  content.  Hank wasn’t used to letting other guys be in control around  him, and he wasn’t prepared for how disarming that feeling was.  He  followed the conversation as best he could, but soon he started drifting  off.   

“Huh?”  Hank opened his eyes and jerked upright.  He was still  leaning against Bill’s wall, but he’d clearly fallen asleep at some  point.  “Oh, shit, sorry…”

“Guess I’m not exciting company?”   

“No!  It’s not that!” Hank said quickly, feeling terrible at the  thought of Bill being disappointed in him.  “It was just a long day  and…”

“Whoa, whoa,” Bill laughed.  “I’m just fuckin’ with ya.  I’m wiped  too.” He got up and turned the TV off, stripping out of his muscle shirt  before he hit the light.  Before Hank could say anything Bill was  clambering back in bed.  “Figure this is more comfy than the couch  downstairs, unless you want that?”   

“No, no, this is fine,” Hank said, thrilled at spending another night, and even more excited to be doing it in Bill’s bed.   

“Good!”  Without saying anything else, Bill draped an arm over Hank and settled in.  “You mind being the little spoon?”    

At their size, there was no way they could comfortably share the  double bed without being on top of each other.  Hank wasn’t usually one  for cuddling.  He liked having his king bed to himself.  Or so he  thought.  Now, shifting around and nestling back against Bill, there was  nowhere he’d rather be.  The other man’s furry chest was soft against  his back and Bill’s wiry leg hairs prickled Hank’s now-smooth thighs as  their legs tangled together.  Hank’s mostly exposed ass made a perfect  resting place for Bill’s stout, meaty package, and there was nothing he  could do but press back against it.  What he enjoyed most, though, was  the strong, heavy arm that Bill had thrown over him, holding him close  against the hot breath on his neck.   

“g’night dude,” Bill yawned.  

“Night,” Hank said, laying in the dark and basking in the strange new feelings.   


Hank and Bill shifted during the night.  When Hank woke up, Bill was  on his back and he was draped across the other man.  Hank had his face  nestled against Bill’s neck with an arm thrown across the other man’s  hairy chest.  Hank’s leg was draped on top of Bill’s and he could feel  his solid cock digging into the other man’s side.  

Hank didn’t move.  He watched Bill sleep, feeling the rhythm of his  beefy chest rising and falling under his arm.  He loved the way the  other man’s pouty lips looked against the rough stubble on his cheeks  and started to wonder what they’d feel like against his own.  His cock  twitched at the thought and he noticed Bill’s equally hard member had  escaped the confines of his briefs.  Hank stared at the wide, thick  organ, licking his lips.  He was moving before he even realized.  Trying  not to wake Bill, he slid down as gently as he could.  He was surprised  that he didn’t even hesitate.  He dropped his face, relishing the way  the warm, solid pole filled his mouth and felt against his tongue.  He  quickly fell into a rhythm, his head bobbing up and down while his lips  formed a vacuum seal.   

“mmm…good morning to you too,” Bill laughed sleepily, running a hand through Hank’s hair.   

Hank froze and looked up to see Bill smiling down at him.  “Sorry…oh man…I don’t know why I did…”

“Dude, I wasn’t complaining,” Bill said, folding his meaty arms behind his head.  “You’re doing great.”   

Instead of questioning his behavior, Hank was eager to get back to  it.  Now that Bill was awake he pulled the other man’s underwear free  entirely, running his tongue over the heavy, hairy balls before  swallowing the glistening cock again.  Hank imagined what he must look  like: his tiny waist squirming, wagging his round, even larger ass that  stuck up in the air while the muscles of his broad back rippled and  flexed with his bobbing motion.  The thought of himself, the  accomplished, older professor, moaning like a dog in heat around the  oozing dick wedged in his mouth, eagerly drinking in the musky, sweaty  smell of the young man was humiliating.  This wasn’t how things usually  went for him, and not just because he was blowing a man for the first  time.  Hank knew he wasn’t the one in control.  He didn’t even want to  be the one in control.  He writhed and grunted, wedging his tongue in  every crease and crevice of Bill’s crotch, the knowledge that he would  do whatever Bill wanted, no matter how debasing, driving him on harder.    

“Fffffffuuuuuuuuu…..” Hank was so worked he up he only dimly heard  Bill’s strained grunt before his mouth was suddenly full of a warm,  salty liquid.  He swallowed as much of it as he could, but the bulk  caught him by surprise and went running down his chin.  “Not bad,” Bill  panted with a cocky grin.  

Hank sat back on his knees and stared down at Bill’s burly, hairy  frame with still-hungry eyes.  He could feel the young man’s cum running  down his neck to the pecs that, he noticed for the first time that  morning, bulged even further than the day before.  While Bill’s wide,  thick cock softened across one of his furry thighs, Hank’s stood  achingly hard.  “Did I do okay,” he asked bashfully.   

Bill motioned for him to lay back down.  “Lose these,” he said,  snapping the waist of Hank’s skimpy underwear.  Hank eagerly hoisted his  thickened thighs into the air and pulled them free while Bill stroked  the underside of his smooth, meaty leg.  Without saying anything the  younger man reached down and grabbed Hank’s throbbing pole.   

“Uuuuuuuhhhh!”  Hank groaned at the touch, a spasm running through  his whole body.  Bill kept his gaze locked with a condescending grin  while he stroked Hank’s cock and tugged roughly on his balls.  It was  less romance and more like he was being milked, but Hank loved it.  He  couldn’t look away from Bill’s handsome, stubbled face with its smug  expression.  He knew his own face was wide-eyed and desperate while he  whimpered pathetically until he came.  At first all Hank could do was  gasp wordlessly while the world around him seemed to explode, but his  silent gaping was quickly replaced by a shrill shriek as he unleashed a  raging torrent all over himself.  Bill angled his cock so that the  deluge splashed all over his huge new chest and face.  Hank was  mortified at the sounds he was making while being soaked by the sticky  rain, but still he couldn’t look away from the young stud next to him.   “Oh…oh god…” he panted.   

“Geeeeez…sounded like someone was getting murdered in here.”  Hank  discovered that it was possible to feel even more humiliated when he  craned his neck and saw Bryan and Josh standing in the doorway.  He was  naked and covered in cum in front of the entire house, but instead of  trying to cover himself all he could do was stare at Josh’s lean, ripped  body in nothing but his tiny underwear while Bryan was just naked  behind him.   

“So…sorry,” Hank said, sitting up and immediately regretting it.  He  turned a deep shade of purple as it felt like he was getting slimed all  over again when the fluid ran down his torso.   

“Holy shit, man!”  Bryan pushed past Josh and came over to the bed,  his semi-hard cock wagging inches from Hank’s face.  “You look great!”   

Hank was pulled to his feet and he could see his reflection in the  mirror on Bill’s dresser.  He didn’t even recognize himself.  He looked  like he was barely out of his twenties.  His once-thinning dirty blonde  hair was now a shaggy, platinum mop.  His prominent, hawkish nose had  started to resemble more of a button than a beak, and his thin, stern  lips were noticeably puffier.  And they weren’t the only thing that had  inflated overnight.  Hank’s chest had continued to change, turning his  ripped pecs into a matched set of solid, juicy mounds of muscle with  large, firm nipples.  The rounded slabs competed for space so much that  he could barely bring his hands together in front of himself, and they  looked impossibly large above a waist that had pulled further inwards.   Top heavy as he was, Hank was in no danger of toppling over as the tiny  waist was supported by a set of wide, inviting thighs and a now-mammoth  ass.  Like his impossible chest, the huge, round cheeks constantly  fought with each other for space, shifting and flexing with the  slightest step.  He couldn’t see his softened cock over the bulging  shelf that was his chest, but in the mirror Hank watched his cock settle  into a long, semi-hard banana hang.  “What…holy shit…” He watched his  thickly muscled arms inflate while he prodded himself, not sure what to  think.  Despite all his ample new muscle, Hank felt far from masculine.   Bryan and Bill, even Josh’s smaller but ripped frame, looked athletic  and powerful.  Their muscle looked functional and broken in.  Hank’s was  starting to look less so.   

“Look at this fuckin’ chest!”  Bryan came around behind Hank and reached up under his arms to grab the new lumps of muscle.   

“Whoooaaa!”  Hank spasmed when an electric shock ran through him,  causing him to shove his bare, ballooning cheeks back against Bryan’s  cock.  The feeling of the other man’s thick hose wedging between them  sent another powerful jolt through him.  Bryan didn’t let go, which  caused Hank to squirm even more and more as he felt Bryan’s cock  starting to harden between his solid globes.  He gasped, wide eyed at  Josh and Bill, but they made no move to intervene.  Hank kept squirming,  unsure if he was trying to pull away or work Bryan in deeper.  The  other man was fully hard now, and was even moving his hips in time to  Hank’s squirming.  It happened so fast Hank barely registered it.  He’d  leaned forward, pressing against the firm grip Bryan still had on his  sensitive new chest when he felt a quick, sharp stabbing.  When he  squirmed again he was hit with a wave of pleasure so intense his knees  buckled.  The sculpted young man was inside him.  It was like nothing  he’d ever felt before.  Whatever changes were happening to his body made  him a natural bottom.  His virgin ass should have felt like it was  being torn apart, but the occasional pain that he felt only made the  pleasure more intense.  And unlike when he’d just blown Bill, he didn’t  have to imagine what he looked like.  He watched his shocked, crimson  expression panting and gasping in the mirror while he writhed on Bryan’s  dick.  “GGGnnnnnnnnnn!”  Hank grunted and came, spraying all over  Bill’s dresser.  The speed and the amount with which he came wasn’t  helping Hank feel more masculine or in control, and every time it  happened he felt like a bit more of himself slipped away.  A few minutes  later he came again and felt the same hammer blow to his old self.  The  confident, arrogant Hank was gradually being whittled down to a horny,  eager fuck boy.  When Bryan gave a final thrust and filled his insides,  Hank was actually disappointed.   

Instead of being furious about the semi-consensual fucking he’d just  received, Hank blushed and looked at the sticky mess he’d made.   Bryan’s cum was dripping down his legs, making his face burn even  harder.  “Uh…sorry about the mess…” he said bashfully, scratching at his  thickened scalp.  He could feel that he needed to say more.  It felt  important.  There was something just under the surface that he couldn’t  get out.  Under the smug, arrogant gazes of Bill, Bryan and Josh he  could hardly focus.   

“Whatever man,” Bill said, finally climbing off the bed and slapping one of Hank’s sore cheeks, “you can clean it up later.”   

Hank had already missed his first class by the time he finally drug  himself out of the guys’ house.  He’d squeezed himself into the new  clothes he’d bought the day before and hurried out in a daze.  Hank was  glad he’d gone shopping because even the larger clothes he’d bought were  stretched tight across his changing frame.  He had to leave the top  button of his shirt undone and the sleeves barely held together around  his huge biceps.  His pants were even tighter, creeping between and  accentuating the beachball sized ass, but they didn’t feel like they’d  give in.   

Hank tried to process what had happened that morning, but any  thoughts of the guys quickly devolved into distracting fantasy.  And he  was having a hard enough time keeping it together as it was.  He had to  double check the schedule in his phone to even remember what class he  was about to teach.  He wouldn’t have time to go to his office first, so  he hoped he could hold out.   

“Good morning everyone, sorry I’m late,” he said, scurrying into the  room a few minutes after class should have started.  He dug through his  bag to pull his materials out with his back to the class, oblivious to  the quiet gasps that spread throughout the lecture hall.  He was so  focused on remembering the points of his lecture that he also missed the  subtle phones being pulled out to snap his picture.  The class didn’t  go well.  Hank kept trailing off mid-sentence, losing his place.   Material that he’d taught hundreds of times no longer made sense, and  every time he looked out at the class their stunned expressions only  made it worse.   

A voice from the hallway saved him.  “Okay folks, let’s call this  class early.”  Hank was relieved to see his fellow professor Ted come  swiftly into the room.  They weren’t exactly friends, but they’d hit the  gym or the golf course together on occasion.  Hank was just glad to be  bailed out.  “You’ve all got a syllabus, so you know what chapters to  work on.  Professor Fitzgerald isn’t feeling so great today, clearly,”  Ted said, positioning himself in front of Hank until the students were  gone.  He went over and shut the door, his face furious when he turned  back around.  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Hank?  What is this?!  I  barely recognized you.”  Ted kept looking Hank up and down in  disbelief.  “Did you lose some kind of weird bet?  I know how you are  about the gym, is this a steroid thing?”   

Hank didn’t understand why Ted was so furious.  “I just…I don’t know why I couldn’t figure out the lesson…”

“The lesson?!  Christ man, that’s the least of your problems!”  Ted  pulled out his phone, his face going pale.  “Goddamn students already  have it all over the internet.”  Ted held out the phone and Hank’s  stomach dropped at what he saw.  His clothes didn’t exactly fit after  all.  It wasn’t just his top button that was open, but almost the entire  top half, leaving a large swath of his meaty new chest on display, with  his enlarged nipples sticking out obviously underneath where the shirt  managed to cover.  Worse, though, was the long, obviously hard and  clearly outlined cock straining against his skin-tight pants that didn’t  even cover all of his rotund behind.  The top of his globes, barely  covered by the tiny lavender underwear, hung out above the waist of his  pants while the back of his shirt rode on top like his cheeks were a  shelf.  He’d been walking around rock hard with his ass hanging out and  hadn’t even noticed.  “Tenure or not you could lose your job over this,”  Ted said grimly.   

“Ted…I…I don’t know what I’m doing…I…” Hank wanted to tell him about  Josh and the supplements but he couldn’t get the words out.  He was too  stunned by what he saw on the phone.  Not only did he look a few  decades younger than someone his own age, he looked nothing like a  professor.  He was a doe-eyed, overly built, hyper sexed freak.  The  shock of the situation and his distance from the guys was enough to let  him see himself clearly.  His exaggerated proportions weren’t anything  close to what he’d ever want.  The solid, athletic body he’d worked so  hard to maintain had been replaced by a disproportioned gym bunny twink  who only sculpted very specific parts of himself.  His ass wasn’t just  prominent, it was obscenely huge.  Watching one of the videos that had  already been posted, he hadn’t noticed the new waddle to his step or the  awkward angle at which his thick arms hung.  He had to get Josh to fix  this.   

Before Hank could say anything else, Ted ushered him towards the  door.  “Look, Hank, you need to get out of here.  Now.”  Ted looked out  to make sure the hallway was mostly empty.  “Before the classes let out.   I don’t know what’s going on with you, but laying low is your best  bet.  Go to a doctor.  Say you’re going to rehab.  Anything that will  give you an excuse for this.  Crazy is better than…” Ted trailed off,  shaking his head.  “Go!”   

Hank ran, or at least scampered the best he could with his awkward  new lower half.  He tried to ignore the way it made his pants rub  against his still painfully hard dick or the way the air felt on his  increasingly exposed ass.  He had to hold his pants up as the bouncing  motion finally caused them to drop below the crest of his ample mounds.   It looked less like he was running and more like he was twerking his  way forward.  He squirmed out of them when he got in the car, unable to  stand how confining they felt on his legs.  It took all of his  concentration to drive to the house.  He was determined not to let his  focus slip, no matter how much his cock begged for attention.  Still  without pants, he bounded up the drive and let himself in, oblivious to  the people passing on the sidewalk out front.  The instant he saw Josh  in the kitchen he felt his resolve slip.   

“Whoa!”  Josh’s grin, sinister now, still melted Hank on the spot.   Josh walked over and looked Hank up and down slowly.  Hank’s long hose  had escaped from the small underwear and bobbed freely, while his top  heavy torso bulged half out of the button up shirt.  “What happened to  you,” Josh laughed.   

“You know what happened!”  Hank managed to at least raise his voice.  “What did you do to me?”   

Josh was calm, his firm, thin fingers slowly undoing Hank’s remaining buttons.  “Only what you wanted.”  

“I didn’t want this!  I’d never want this!”   

“Oh, come on.  Look at you.  You’re young and hung,” Josh said, squeezing Hank’s oozing rod.   

Hank fought to maintain what little control he had.  “You…you turned me into a freak!”  

“You might think so.  Someone else might think you’re perfect.”   Josh pulled the shirt free and tossed it aside.  “Okay, I’ll admit, I  wasn’t completely honest with you.  I’ve already completed the original  supplement.  That’s what Bill and Bryan were for.  But don’t get  jealous.  They started as partners, but then I asked myself why would I  want to share my profits when instead I could just have two dumb horny  beefcakes who’d do whatever I said?”  Josh’s smile was as triumphant as  it was evil.  “They’re not still in classes here.  I just had them  pretend so you wouldn’t get too suspicious too quick.  I didn’t know how  long it would take before you crossed over.  Imagine my surprise when  you agreed right away.  Remember that water bottle I gave you in the gym  the other day?  It had a formula in it to make you more agreeable, but I  had no idea if it would actually work or not.”   

Hank felt a flash of rage.  All of the confusion he’d been feeling  over why he’d agreed to any of this made sense.  He’d been drugged from  the start.   

“Given the exaggerated nature of your changes I expected a last  breakthrough right before the end.  I honestly thought it would’ve been  this morning with the pounding Bryan gave you, but I can see how  exposing yourself to an entire class would do it.  I already saw the  video,” Josh said, patting Hank on the shoulder as he continued.  “No,  with you I was interested in something more…specific.  You’d be  surprised how much of a market there is for putting someone in your  position.  Can you imagine?  Corporate rival?  Slip them a few doses and  you’ve got a slutty little moron to do with as you please.  What’s  more, no one would even recognize them.”  Josh circled behind and  wrapped his arms around Hank’s thin waist, resting his chin on a broad  shoulder.  “Hell, someone could even weaponize it.  That would be  interesting.  Slip it to an enemy army?  Or an unsuspecting city?”  Josh  dug his crotch against and Hank’s ass and laughed at the whimper the  other man tried to suppress.   

“O…okay…” Hank said through gritted teeth.  He wanted so badly to  pull away.  “Now that you know it works you can undo this.”  He winced  when Josh’s hands drifted down to palm each of his enormous cheeks.  He  could feel himself slipping.   

“Sorry, Prof.  This is a one way trip.”   

“You can’t leave me like this!”  Hank wanted to sound commanding but came off as desperate.   

“I’m not going to leave you like THIS.” Josh laughed when he felt  Hank tense as the unseen needle stuck his backside.  “That was the last  dose, but you’ve got enough serum in you that it’ll probably be a couple  weeks before everything settles into place.  Don’t worry, when it’s all  said and done you won’t care about much at all.  This formula enhances  the important parts, like pleasure responses and how to use this new  body of yours to its fullest…” Hank squealed when Josh pinched his  enlarged nipples and his whole body spasmed, “…and gets rid of all that  other stuff like memory and critical thinking and aggression.”   

Hank started shaking in Josh’s grip at the thought of what was  coming.  His difficulty focusing, his inability to remember the lesson  earlier; all of it was just going to get worse.  “No!  You…you can’t!”   

“Don’t worry,” Josh said gently, stroking Hank’s ripped stomach.   “You’re not going to be a vegetable or anything.  I mean, Bryan and Bill  got dumbed down from where they started too.  Granted, they’re most  likely going to look like geniuses compared to you, but we’ll take care  of you.”  Josh spun him around to face Bill and Bryan who were waiting  on the stairs.  Hank searched their faces for any hint of help, but all  he saw was his own intense lust reflected back at him.  He looked  towards the front door.  He could make it.  There was nothing stopping  him.  All he had to do was walk through it.  Hank felt a surge of hope  as he started walking towards it, but that only lasted a few steps.   Instead of walking through the door he turned and let the two men take  him upstairs.   


“OOOOOHHHHH!  OOOuuuhhhHHHH!”   Hank’s lustful wailing drowned out the sound of the bed frame slamming  against the wall as he bounced up and down.  He was on his knees, his  smooth, meaty legs straddling Josh while he bounced his giant ass,  impaling himself on Josh’s long, solid pole.  Hank’s ample biceps flexed  as he ran his hands ecstatically through his shaggy platinum hair or  across his bouncing, bulging pecs.  His oozing cock slapped against  Josh’s abs over and over with the motion while Hank gazed longingly down  at the lean hunk between his legs.   

Josh’s original assessment had been fairly accurate.  It had taken  another three weeks for the serum to fully absorb.  The first few days  after the final injection had been a nightmare for Hank.  He was still  coherent enough to know what was happening, but too far gone to do  anything about it.  He’d spent the next two days completely out of  control, constantly bouncing between the three of them in a lustful  haze.  While his body was in over drive, his brain was slowing down  exponentially.  By the third day he couldn’t hold a coherent thought for  more than a few minutes at a time, and he was developing a gold fish  memory.  By the end of the day, he could barely remember how it started.   He still had his long term memories, but even those were quickly  filling with holes.  Even if he’d been able to escape, he had no idea  how to get to his house any more.  Laying on top of Bryan or Bill in a  small room on a tiny, cum-stained mattress he could still remember his  giant king-sized bed.  He just couldn’t remember where it was.  And  calling for help was out of the question.  The one time he’d been left  alone by a phone, he didn’t know what any of the buttons meant.  He knew  he should know, but the symbols on the screen didn’t have any meaning.   It was the same when he looked at pieces of paper in the house.  He  knew he should know what the markings meant, but he was clueless.  Every  time it happened he would start to panic.  His stomach would drop and  his heart would start racing, but after a few minutes he couldn’t  remember why he was upset.  And by the end of the first week, even that  stopped.  Hank still remembered that he had a life before all this, but  it took a herculean effort to recall any details.  If he was left alone  in front of a mirror long enough he could start to remember.  The barely  21 year old staring back at him would start to look like a misshapen  stranger.  His shaggy hair, the dimly innocent, doe eyes and button  nose, the full, flushed cheeks and puffy lips all looked wrong.  His  broad shoulders and round, juicy pecs shouldn’t have been as big as they  were.  His waist shouldn’t have been so tiny.  His ass shouldn’t be  that size; no one’s should.  And the long, ample cock dangling between  his legs shouldn’t always be so close to hard.  He knew no one else was  shaped like him, at least not outside of drawings he’d seen in some of  Josh’s books.  Hank would always just end up confused.  He didn’t  understand why it felt wrong if it made the other guys so happy.  He  wanted them to be happy.  He NEEDED them to be happy.  By the end of the  second week that was what occupied the few fleeting thoughts he’d have  during the day.  All he wanted was to please the guys, Josh especially.   He couldn’t do much to help out around the house because of how easily  he got confused, but he could do simple things.  He liked to work  outside, but they yelled if he went out without at least putting some  underwear on.  Hank didn’t like that part, but he did like the way  people looked at him when they saw him outside.  Josh took lots of  pictures of him, too, and said that helped.  He’d dance or flex for the  camera, and Josh would film him and the other guys all the time.  He  said people paid a lot of money to watch, which would make Hank happy,  even though he didn’t have much of a concept for what a lot of money was  anymore.  By the end of the third week Hank no longer had any idea of  how much time had passed.  His days existed largely independent of each  other.  He could spend one day with his face buried in Bill’s ass,  tongue bathing every inch of the hairy behind, and eagerly do it again  the next day.   

After a month had gone by, not that Hank knew, Josh started taking  him out of the house.  Hank didn’t like it, but if Josh wanted him to,  he’d do it.  He had to wear clothes, which he rarely did anymore, and  driving through town made him start to feel the same panic he used to  feel.  Not that he could explain it.  For someone who used to deliver  lectures, Hank’s vocabulary had diminished considerably.   The best Hank  could do was say he didn’t like how it felt.  They usually wound up in  some old building where Josh would talk to some other people and make  him take his clothes off.  Hank liked the way the other people would  check him out and touch him.  He didn’t understand a lot of what was  said, but the other people usually seemed happy to look at him.  Josh  also brought his computer, and he’d show videos of an older naked guy.   Hank thought the guy was super manly and hot, and the other people must  have too because they were always surprised to see whoever it was.  But  sometimes when Hank looked at him he felt funny, like he knew who it  was.  He’d seen pictures of the man before when some angry looking  people had come around the house asking questions about someone.  Hank  couldn’t follow most of it, and they didn’t seem to like his lack of  clothes as much as he did.  They came around a few times to ask about  the old guy going missing, and all Hank knew was at some point they  stopped coming around.  Josh said he took care of it, so Hank didn’t  worry.

The one thing Hank did like about the outings was that Josh would  give him a treat when they got back.  The current bouncing he was doing  on top of the other man was a reward for just such an outing.    

“Don’t…forget….” Josh said as Hank’s bouncing increased.  As soon as  he said it, Hank grabbed the end of his flopping dick just in time for a  steady flow of cum to ooze out between his fingers.  “Good job,” Josh  said like he was talking to a dog who just rolled over.  Hank kept  bouncing, rubbing his cum soaked hand all over his chest.  He knew Josh  didn’t like it when he sprayed all over him.  Hank didn’t understand  that.  He loved it when the guys would do that to him, but if Josh  didn’t like it, he wouldn’t do it.  He kept bouncing, his insatiable  lust barely lessened.  Josh still hadn’t cum, so he had to keep going.   

“MMMMMMmmmmmmmm….!”  Hank arched his back and purred when he felt  Josh unload inside him.  He grabbed the cock with his dexterous hole and  made sure to squeeze every drop out, loving how it felt.  “That was  fun!”  Hank beamed down at Josh, who was now the older of the two by  almost ten years.   

“It sure was,” Josh panted, pulling Hank down on top of him and  kissing him roughly.  The addled blonde had no way of knowing how much  Josh loved their new dynamic.  It wasn’t just Hank’s impossible new body  and eager attitude, either.  Josh had already made deals with half a  dozen clients for more money than most people could even imagine.  “Hey,  tomorrow night you and the other guys are going to go meet with some  new people who are having a party.  They saw your guys’ pictures and  wanted you to come.”   Josh laughed and kissed Hank’s button nose at the  other man’s sour expression.  “It’s not like the meeting tonight.  You  guys are going to have fun.  You won’t have to wear anything.”   

That was all Hank needed to hear.  “Good! I hate it when I have to.  It feels weird.”   

Josh grinned, thinking about how the old Hank would have reacted to  being told he was going to be whored out at a party.  He reached down  and bounced Hank’s still-solid cock before throwing his legs over the  edge of the bed.  “Alright…why don’t you go play with Bill?  I’ve gotta  get some work done from the meeting tonight.”   

“Okay!”  Josh was shaken on the rebounding mattress as Hank eagerly  bounded out of bed.  The now-young blonde hurried down the hall like an  excited puppy, already forgetting what Josh had just told him.  He knew  it didn’t matter.  He trusted the other guys to take care of him.   

“You finally wear Josh out?”  Bill and Bryan were in Bill’s room, sprawled out on his bed in a pile of sculpted muscle.   

“Yep!” Hank said proudly.   

“Good job!”  Bryan and Bill exchanged glances.  “So is it our turn?”


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