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Hank watched the young man lap him for the second time, seemingly no  worse for the wear.  The spry young man was shirtless, showing off a  ripped, deceptively built torso.  At first glance he could be mistaken  for skinny until you saw the defined pecs, six-pack, and arms that  doubled in size at the slightest movement.  He had on a pair of small,  thin running shorts that showed off his long, toned legs and perky  bubble.  The younger man had no idea he was in a race, which was good  for Hank.  Hank was giving it his all and coming nowhere close to  keeping up.  He understood on a logical level that as he got older it  was going to get harder to keep in shape.  The fact that he was still as  built and fit as he was at 46 spoke to his dedication when it came to  diet and exercise.  When it came to looks and athletic ability he could  still hold his own with these kids half his age, but he’d be lying if he  said he didn’t resent the hell out of them for making it look so easy.   He toughed it out until he hit the nine-mile mark before throwing in  the towel.  He told himself it was all his extra muscle that made it  harder for him than the lithe young stud who’d run circles around him.   

“I thought that was you out there!”   

Hank turned from his locker to see the source of his ire standing  behind him.  The young man’s damp frame was clad only in a towel, the  dripping water further accentuating his lean, shredded frame.  He wasn’t  bulky, but each of his wiry muscles popped with definition.  Hank  looked him up and down.  He hadn’t noticed on the track, but standing  face to face the broad grin and shaggy hair looked familiar.  “Josh,”  the young man said before Hank could ask.  “I was in your afternoon  class last fall.”   

“Oh, Josh!  How are you?”  Hank forced a smile in return and shook  the outstretched hand.  Josh had been one of his best students, but  something about him had always rubbed Hank the wrong way.  Josh was one  of those smart, smug students who always gave the impression that he was  laughing at a joke only he was in on.  Hank knew that feeling well  since he had a tendency to do it too.  He crossed his much larger arms  over his burly chest and puffed himself up slightly, flexing in an  unconscious attempt at superiority.  All Hank had on was a pair of red  boxer briefs, and while he normally wasn’t uncomfortable by a lack of  clothing, the way Josh looked at him made him uncomfortable.  He wished  he’d used the faculty gym that afternoon.  He wouldn’t admit it, but he  liked using the student gym because it made him feel young.  “Weren’t  you going on to grad work?”   

Josh nodded eagerly.  “Just started this semester.  I got into the  chem program here.  I could’ve moved on, but I guess I’m stuck here for a  bit longer.”  He moved over to a locker a few spaces down and let his  towel drop, showing off his tight bubble and long, thick hose between  his toned legs.   

Hank couldn’t help but wince.  Not only was Josh in better shape, he  was hung, too.  Hank had been thinking back to their class, and he  didn’t remember Josh looking so good.  He tended to pay more attention  to how his female students looked, but he remembered Josh as being wiry  and bony.  “Looks like you’ve been working out,” Hank said with a raised  eyebrow.   

“Yeah,” Josh grinned, sliding on a pair of small black briefs.  He  reached into his locker and tossed Hank a water bottle.  “I figured I  wasn’t getting any younger, so I’d better get to it.”   

“Thanks,” Hank said, draining the bottle in one go.  “Whatever you’ve been doing, it looks like it worked.”   

“It’s not just the gym…I’ve been working on my own supplements.   It’s what I’ve decided to focus my grad program on.  So far so good,” he  said, flexing a solid arm and motioning to his six pack abs.    

“I’d say so,” Hank whistled.  “Got any extra?”  He laughed, making a joke, but Josh’s face was suddenly serious.   

“Actually,” Josh cocked his head to the side and looked Hank up and  down, “if you’re seriously interested, I’m looking for participants.   Some of the guys in the house volunteered but I need someone a bit  older.”

Hank shook his head.  “I don’t know if I’m your guy…”  

“It’s one hundred percent safe.  You can talk to the other guys before making your decision if you want.”   

“I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll pass.”   

“Oh, yeah, no problem.  I just saw you struggling out there on the  track and thought you might be interested.”  Hank bristled.  He couldn’t  tell through Josh’s cordial tone if that was an intentional dig.  “I  mean, not that you need it,” Josh continued quickly, seeing Hank tense.   “I mean, look at you!  You’re a stud, clearly.  This would just be a  boost.”   

Hank had no idea why he was even considering it.  He didn’t  particularly like Josh, and he didn’t like the idea of home-brew,  experimental steroids.  And yet, the longer he looked at Josh’s shredded  physique and thought about how easily he loped around the track the  more curious he became.  “Alright, alright,” Hank sighed.  “You’ve got  me interested.  I’ll at least come talk to the guys and look it over,  but no promises.”   

Josh was elated.  He grinned from ear to ear and let out a deep  breath he’d been holding.  “Oh man, I’m so glad to hear you say that.   You won’t regret it!  Trust me…as soon as you see the results and the  safety data you’ll…” he broke off, shaking his head.  “Sorry, I’d go on  all night.  We’ll talk later.”  Josh jotted down his address and they  made plans for Hank to come by after his evening class.  Hank finished  dressing when Josh left, suddenly wondering why he’d been so quick to  agree.   


By the time Hank reached Josh’s house that evening, he’d already  decided to back out.  He thought about just not showing, but his pride  wouldn’t let him.  He’d go, politely decline, and then forget it.  His  plan lasted until the door opened.   

“Uh, hi…I’m looking for Josh?”  Hank couldn’t help but be taken  aback by the adonis that opened the door.  He was as straight as they  came, but the young, shirtless man in front of him was objectively  beautiful.  He had trim black hair, a lantern jaw, and cheek bones that  could cut glass.  His thick, broad shoulders flowed into a matched set  of huge, granite arms that framed his sculpted pecs.  His shredded  stomach was boxed in by deeply cut obliques that disappeared into his  stuffed gym shorts.  Looking at the large bulge was unavoidable as the  shorts were plastered on his wide, solid thighs.  The young man didn’t  appear to have an ounce of fat on him.   

“Oh, hey, are you the prof?”  He asked with a bright smile,  seemingly oblivious to Hank’s staring.  “Come on in.”  Hank couldn’t  help but gawk at the large, shifting globes straining out the back of  the man’s shorts as he followed him in.  “I’ll grab him for you.”   

Hank looked around the house while he waited in the entryway, still  reeling from the unexpected vision of perfection that opened the door.   It was clear that a group of college guys lived there.  The furniture  was mismatched, it looked like the cleaning schedule was inconsistent at  best, there was random clutter and articles of clothing scattered  around, and the entire place was covered in the unmistakeable smell of  sweat and cheap cologne.  He remembered these days fondly, but thinking  about his own large, immaculate home, he didn’t exactly miss them.  

A motion at the top of the stairs caught his eye, and Hank looked up  in time to see another suprisingly buff man coming towards him.  Like  the first man, all he had on was a pair of small gym shorts that left  his equally impressive frame on display.  Whoever he was, he wasn’t as  tall as his friend, but he was every bit as built.   

“Hi, are you Professor Hank?”   

“That’s me,” Hank said, shaking the man’s wide, firm hand.  Even  though he was a good five inches taller, he felt small next to the man’s  broad, solid body.   

“I’m Bill.  Josh said you’d be coming by.  You’re interested in his program?”   

“Uh…maybe?  That’s what I’m hear to talk to him about.”  Hank was  still unarmed a little from the two men.  Unlike the first man, Bill’s  broad, burly body was covered in an ample dusting of wiry brown hairs  that matched the mop on top of his boyish, handsome face.  Hank was  discovering that it wasn’t just their looks; the two men had an  undeniable presence about them that he wasn’t used to.  Or at least he  wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of it.  “Are you one of the  people he already roped in?”   

“Yep!”  Bill grinned from ear to ear broke into a double bicep pose,  his furry torso exploding outwards in a display of thick, striated  muscles. “If you could believe it, three months ago I was just a short  fat guy.  Don’t worry,” he said, cutting off Hank’s response, “Josh has  all the pictures.  Bryan didn’t look like this either.  He’s the one who  let you in.”

It sounded too good to be true.  “But…how?  I mean, even with  steroids there’s no way you’d get from a “fat” guy to where you are now  in that time.”   

Bill just shrugged his broad shoulders.  “I leave the science to Josh.  I just know it works.”   

“Sounds like good timing,” Josh said, rounding the corner.  “I see  you met Bill.  And this is Bryan,” he said, motioning to the walking  sculpture next to him.  Bryan’s smooth, tan skin practically glowed.  He  smiled at Hank’s stunned expression.  “See?  I told you you’d be  interested.”   

Hank let out a sigh, shaking his head.  “That’s one word for it.”   He followed Josh down to the basement, feeling like he’d stepped into  another building altogether.  The rest of the house may have been a  typical bachelor pad, but the basement looked like a legitimate  laboratory.  None of the many beakers or vials looked out of place and  the entire area was spotless.   

“Don’t let the upstairs fool you,” he said, reading Hank’s expression.  “Down here it’s all business.”   

“Josh…level with me.  Those guys up there….did they really…?”   

“See for yourself.”  They sat on a pair of stools and Josh pulled up  a file on his laptop.  “These aren’t the official pictures and videos.   I’ve blurred out everyone’s faces for those, but I want you to be  convinced.”  On screen, a short, hairy, slightly overweight and very  naked man walked into frame.  He was clearly uncomfortable at being  naked in front of the camera.   

“And you swear you’re going to blur the faces out and not use  anyone’s names, right,” the man on screen asked.  The voice cemented it.   It was hard to tell with the rounder face, but this was Bill.  Not the  shredded, burly man he’d just met, but the dumpy, out of shape version.    

“Dude, for the last time, yes,” Josh said from off camera as Bill  turned in a slow circle, arms outstretched.   “Now are you ready?”  He  didn’t wait for an answer.  He came into frame and stuck a needle into  Bill’s doughy behind.  The naked man laughed and winced.   

“Is that all?” Bill asked on camera.   

“Until tomorrow,” Josh said, leaving the frame again.   

“I spliced together a time lapse,” present-day Josh said, bringing  up another file.  It was the same routine: a naked Bill would enter the  frame, turn in a circle, and Josh would stick him with a needle.  At  first it didn’t look like anything was happening, but Hank couldn’t hold  back a gasp when the changes kicked in.  All of a sudden it was as if  the fat was melting off the naked man.  As he slowly rotated, his body  changed with each revolution.  He looked like he was being drawn into  himself at first, before he started expanding again.  Only now it was  his shoulders that pushed outwards while his stomach drew inwards.  His  chest and arms gradually grew larger while his thighs took on more and  more definition.  Bill didn’t look nervous or awkward anymore.  He was  positively beaming as he stood proudly naked in front of the camera,  flexing his large, now-solid ass and grinning from ear to ear.  He  thought it was just the weight loss, but Hank also noticed Bill’s  formerly smallish cock growing noticeably longer throughout the  progression until it swung slightly as the newly formed stud turned in  his circle.  “See?  Impressive, right?”   

“I don’t…” Hank stammered.  “I don’t even know what to say….”

“Check out Bryan.”  Josh pulled up another time lapse, this time of a  tall, somewhat doughy and awkward looking young man.  Like Bill, the  first few rotations showed a clearly uncomfortable Bryan bashfully  turning in a circle, but like before, he quickly started filling out.   Unlike Bill, Bryan didn’t have as much to lose, so he started expanding  almost from the start.  His flabby midsection melted away to a solid  eight-pack while his back and shoulders pushed outwards into a perfect  V.  His enlarging arms started to hang at an angle and his bird-like  thighs started pushing towards each other.  He’d had no ass to speak of  in the beginning, but now he had a set of large, meaty globes.  He’d  been fairly well endowed to start, but that didn’t stop his cock from  widening to match the rest of his perfect proportions.  As impressive as  Bryan’s body was, Hank was most surprised by the changes to his face.   He’d had an asymmetrical, ungainly appearance before.  His lips were  thin, his nose was long, and he’d had no chin.  Now he looked like he  could be a model as the Bryan on screen casually sauntered naked in  front of the camera.   

“So there you have it,” Josh said proudly.  He pulled up a series of charts while Hank stared in shocked silence.   

“What…what am I looking at?”  He finally said.   

“All the other relevant figures.  Liver enzymes, kidney function,  EKG results, cholesterol, blood pressure…all perfectly healthy.  If you  look,” he said, tracing a line, “you’ll see that they actually improved  across the board.  Like I said: perfectly healthy.”   

“Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m impressed,” Hank said with a wry grin.   

“So are you in?”   

Hank didn’t know what to think.  His head was swimming from what  he’d just seen.  It all seemed too good to be true, but he couldn’t  argue with the results.  And he found himself wanting to agree with  Josh.  Like the two men upstairs, his former student had a commanding  presence that was both overwhelming and disarming.  The more time he  spent around him, the more he wondered why he’d ever been uncomfortable  around him. Finally, Hank shrugged.  “Sure.  Why not?”   

“Great!”  Josh clapped Hank on the shoulder excitedly.  “You’re going to love it.”   

“So what’s the plan?  Do I come back later?  When did you want to get started?”   

“We can do it right now if you want.”   

Hank hadn’t been expecting that.  “Uh, yeah, okay.”   

“Perfect!”  Josh eagerly went about setting up the camera and a  series of syringes.  “Go ahead and get undressed while I get everything  ready.”   

Hank felt an unaccustomed rush of nervousness at the idea.  He and  Josh had just been naked around each other earlier that afternoon, but  after what he’d just seen and the two men upstairs he was suddenly  insecure.  He bit it down and peeled out of his tight polo and slacks.   He started to pull down his boxer briefs but decided to leave those  until absolutely necessary.   

“Okay!  Let’s get to work.”  Josh went about taking a series of  measurements: weight, height, body fat, and various circumferences.   “You’ll need to lose the shorts for the rest,” he said gently.  “This  parts a bit intimate.”   

Hank slid them down, trying to hide his nervousness.  “Whoa!” he  laughed when Josh grabbed his package to take the measurement.  It  wasn’t a long, thick hose like Bill or Bryan, but the stout, wide cock  filled Josh’s hand.  “A little warning next time.”   

“Sorry, I get on autopilot,” Josh said as he wrapped up the  measurements.  “But we’re done with that.  Now I just need to take a  baseline blood sample and then we can administer.”   

Hank stood still while Josh pricked his arm and filled a small tube.   He was impressed with his former student’s clinical approach.  Instead  of feeling awkward, Hank felt like he was in a doctor’s office.   

“Alright…if you can go stand in front of the camera and give us a slow turn, we’ll do the shot.”   

Despite himself, Hank blushed.  “I get why Bill and Bryan looked so uncomfortable,” he said gruffly as he turned.   

Josh laughed.  “Those two, yeah. But you’re on another level compared to where they started.”   

Hank swelled at the compliment.  It was what he needed to hear.  He  knew he looked good.  His shoulders were broad and his beefy arms were  solid.  His chest was a slab of muscle above his firm, flat stomach, and  his trunk-like legs sported an ass that was still round and tight.   Like Bill, he was covered in a slight coating of wiry blonde hairs that  matched the unfortunately thinning ones on his scalp and accentuated  each of his impressive muscles.  With a ruggedly handsome face, he was  the picture of masculinity.  He braced himself when he felt Josh’s hand  on his ass.  It suddenly occurred to him that he was naked in a  student’s basement about to be injected with a strange drug.  Before he  could change his mind he felt the needle stick.   

“Slight pinch and a little sting is all you should feel,” Josh said as he pushed the plunger down.  “All done!”   

Hank just blinked.  He didn’t know what to expect.  “I probably  should have asked before, but any side effects I should look out for,”  he asked when his head finally cleared.   

“No major ones have been noted so far.  It’s hard to tell with a  bunch of guys in their twenties, but the most we’ve seen is increased  energy, elevated mood, and a bump in libido.”  He shrugged.  “I mean,  whether that’s the drug, or just some horny guys being happy about their  new look is up in the air.”   Josh went about putting his equipment  away while Hank got dressed.  “In your case, the variety of supplement  should kick in quicker than with Bill and Bryan.  You’re already in  better shape than they were, and I’ve learned from their results how to  hopefully speed it up a little.”     

“So when do I come back,” Hank asked, feeling a little overwhelmed.   This had all happened randomly and quickly, which still made him  nervous.   

“Daily.  That’s important.  We need to maintain a pretty strict dosing schedule, but otherwise go about your day as usual.”   

Hank was still hoping he hadn’t made a mistake as he followed Josh upstairs.   

“Since you guys were down there so long I take it that mean’s you’re  in,” Bryan asked, sprawled out on the couch.  He’d swapped out the gym  shorts for a pair of small, stuffed green briefs.  Bill was similarly  dressed and draped in a chair next to him.   

“Looks like it,” Hank said, marveling at the changes he’d seen in the two of them.   

“Awesome!  You won’t regret it, man.”   

“Welcome to the club!”  Bryan reached up a hand for a loud high-five.   

Bill nodded towards the baseball game on the TV.  “You wanna stick around and watch the game?”   

“Maybe next time.  I’ve gotta be in the office bright and early tomorrow. Full day of classes.”   

“We’ll see you tomorrow, then,” the hairy man said with the same bright grin.   


Hank woke the next morning feeling better than he had in years.  He  came to gradually, stretching his bulky frame contentedly on his large  bed.  Hank had grown used to a constant mix of dull aches and pains as  he’d gotten older, but he felt none of them.  Knees, back, shoulders;  everything felt great.  The only thing that ached was his solid,  throbbing cock.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d woken up with  wood like this.   

“Increased libido is right,” he laughed.  He kicked his sheets off,  surprised to find that he was naked.  Usually he slept in his underwear  but for some reason he’d stripped down.  He didn’t actually remember  going to bed.  His memories of the previous night were hazy at best, but  he told himself it was just from being overwhelmed by the possibilities  of Josh’s drug.  He reached down and grabbed his eager pole, gasping at  the unexpected intensity of what he felt.  As soon as he made contact a  jolt ran through him.  “Geez!”  He sighed, feeling his muscular torso  with his free hand while he stroked.  Nothing seemed different.  Not  that he’d expected it too.  It had taken a while for things to kick in  with Bill and Bryan.  And even though Josh said it should happen more  quickly, he couldn’t expect a dramatic change overnight.  He thought  back to how Bill and Bryan had looked at the start of their treatments,  contrasted with the underwear-clad hunks he’d seen when he left.   “OOOHHHH!”  Hank moaned and arched off the bed, his cock erupting in a  geyser as he thought of the other two.  When he was finally done soaking  himself and the sheets he told himself it was just bad timing that he’d  been thinking of the two men when it happened.   

He went about the rest of his morning and into the office feeling  like a new man.  He had so much energy he didn’t even stop for his  standard morning coffee.  He was in such a good mood that he was  actually looking forward to his first Advanced Micro-Economics class,  instead of slogging through it like he usually did.  Even for someone  with a doctorate in finance, advanced economics was a chore first thing  in the morning.  But now he flitted around the room, surprising his  tired students with the sudden burst of energy.  His good mood lasted  until halfway through the class.   

Part of the reason Hank liked to pace around the room while he spoke  was because it helped him think.  The other reason was that it let him  check out all the twenty-something coeds in the room while those same  ladies got to check him out.  He was dressed in a tight button down that  showed off his powerful torso and a matching pair of equally fitted  slacks that drew attention to his taut rear end.  As he went around the  room, he kept finding his eyes drifting to the sleepy brunette in the  front row.  He liked brunettes, but he didn’t usually like them to have  dicks.  The sleepy student he kept going back to was a lean, wiry junior  named Tristan.  The young man’s thick brown hair was still messy from  bed, his cheeks were still covered in prominent stubble, and his dreamy  eyes were struggling to stay open.  Hank tried to focus elsewhere, but  he kept going back to the way the young man’s tight shirt showed off his  lean torso, and the way his thighs spread together in his mesh shorts  while he sat.  Hank wondered if the rest of him was as hairy as the  rocky calves and long, flip-flop clad feet that stuck out from under the  desk.   

It was as he was thinking about all this that he felt his cock  twitch.  It happened so suddenly that he barely managed to turn towards  the whiteboard and make his way back to the podium, praying that no one  saw and cursing himself for wearing such tight clothing.  The second  half of the class took all of his concentration, both to ignore the  now-rigid cock in his pants and the urge to continue walking around.  He  stayed behind the podium until the class was done.  He’d answered the  few questions from the stragglers after the bell as casually as he  could, but all he could think about was what would happen if one of them  saw the hard cock outlined in his pants.  As soon as the room was empty  he grabbed his bag, slung it in front of his crotch, and tried not to  run to his office.   

“Professor Fitzgerald, you’re first appointment’s here.”   

Hank silently cursed the receptionist and his waiting student as he  hurried past them.  “Sorry, I’ve got an emergency call waiting.  It’ll  just be a minute.”  He shut and locked the door, sighing as he leaned  back against it.  For the first time, he was glad his office didn’t have  windows as he fished out his aching cock.  He couldn’t believe what he  was doing.  He’d hooked up with a student in his office once, but he’d  been so paranoid afterwards that he’d sworn never to do it again.  And  now here he was about to jerk off.  He started to reach down but  stopped, remembering the explosion from that morning.  The last thing he  needed was a cum-stained office.  Hank was frantic as he dug through  his spare gym bag and pulled out an old tshirt, his face burning even  harder as he felt his solid cock wagging around exposed in his office  while he did so.  He pumped into it a few times, barely managing to bite  down on his fist in time to stifle his moan when he abruptly came.  He  stood spasming, his knees weak, while his cock sprayed stream after  stream, soaking the shirt.   

“Definitely need to talk to Josh about that,” he panted, dropping in  his desk chair.  Despite his humiliation he felt wonderful.  It was  deeper than the typical afterglow; like his whole body was liquid.  He  quickly stuffed the shirt back in the bag and sprayed on cologne to mask  any smell, feeling like a teenager trying not to get caught by their  parents.  When he finally softened enough he stuffed himself back in his  pants and tried not to think about it.   

Hank made it through his morning and most of his afternoon classes  before it happened again.  He made it a point to stay behind the podium  for each of the lectures so he wasn’t left scrambling, but as the day  went on he found himself increasingly focused on his male students.  It  was the end of the day before he realized he hadn’t even given his  female students a second thought.  He went through the same motions as  earlier, locking his office door and pumping into his damp shirt like a  jackrabbit.  He told himself this would all level out.  If not, he’d  have to keep a steady supply of rags in his office.   

Surprisingly, he was less worried the second time.  Despite feeling  awkward and slightly embarrassed, his good mood hadn’t cracked as the  day went on.  And while he was confused by his behavior, he couldn’t  bring himself to be overly concerned.  He was too busy feeling better  than he had in years.   

After his classes, Hank breezed through his workout.  Usually he had  to strain to the point of exhaustion, but he actually felt refreshed  when he went back to the locker room to get cleaned up.  Like in his  classes, he was having a new experience at the gym.  Especially in the  locker room, surrounded by fit men in various states of undress, he felt  overwhelmed.  He was so focused on the men around him that he didn’t  even realize he’d stripped naked, with his thick, solid cock as eager as  ever and on display until he finally caught a glare from a passing  student.  His whole body blushing, he kept his towel firmly in front of  his crotch and scampered into a shower stall.  He was mortified, but not  so much that he didn’t spray for the fourth time that day.   

He didn’t know what to think as he made his way to Josh’s house  later that evening.  Part of him wanted to discontinue the treatments.   He knew something wasn’t right.  But at the same time, he couldn’t deny  how good he felt.  He had none of his aches and pains, he wasn’t  dragging at the end of the day, and he was still just as horny.  True,  there had been some embarrassing moments during the day.  He could have  done without the awkward scene in the locker room especially, but it  also felt good to feel so virile again.   

“So you decided to come back?”  Josh had a warm smile and clapped  Hank on the shoulder when he ushered him inside and down into the  basement.  “How’re you feeling?”   

“Great!  Better than I have in ages, actually…”

“I sense a ‘but’ coming.”   

Hank blushed.  “You weren’t kidding about that libido part.”   

Josh went from friendly to all business.  “What do you mean?”   

“I’ve, uh, jerked off four times already today and it feels like I  could four more times,” Hank said awkwardly.  “There was almost an  embarrassing moment in front of my morning class, and I kinda lost track  of things at the gym.”   

“I’m confident that’ll even out.  It’s just a matter of adjusting.   Like I said, you’re our oldest test subject so far.  Given that libido  drops after a certain age, that’s probably hitting the hardest.  A lot  of hormones and receptors are suddenly reactivating.  But I’ll totally  understand if you wanna call it.”   

Hank was silent.  Being back in the house brought back the memories  of Bill and Bryan and their transformations.  And Josh had been so  excited when he’d said yes.  “No, let’s keep going.  I mean, I feel like  a new man otherwise, and that was only after one day.”  Hank couldn’t  help but return Josh’s eager smile.   

“Awesome!  I think you made the right choice.  Go ahead and get undressed so we can take the measurements and get your dose.”   

Hank stripped naked without even thinking about it.  He was kicking  off his boxer briefs before it even occurred to him that he could’ve  waited until absolutely necessary for that part.  He shrugged it off.   Josh had already seen everything and the young man was good at putting  him at ease.  And, he was surprised to realize, it just felt good.  He  hadn’t noticed how confined he’d felt in his button down and slacks.   

Josh came over and started going through the measurements as he had  the day before.  The difference this time was that as soon as he touched  Hank, the older man’s still-eager cock rocketed to attention.   

“Shit…uh…sorry,” Hank stammered, his whole naked body flushing.   

Josh was unfazed.  “Don’t even worry about it.  The other guys had  the same issue.  It actually helps when we measure down there.”   

Hank wanted to make small talk to distract himself, but he was  already plenty distracted.  Every time Josh’s hand made contact with his  bare skin he felt a shiver run through him, surging straight to his  aching cock.  Hank started to wonder if he was just imagining Josh  touching him more than the day before.  He told himself the extra  sensitivity just made it seem that way.  He tried not to think about it  when Josh’s hand started reaching towards his crotch.  He hoped what he  knew was coming wouldn’t happen.  “OOHOHHHhhhh!”  Josh’s hand had barely  come into contact with his throbbing organ when he exploded.  There was  no time to stifle his cry, or to try and contain himself.  All he could  do was spray like a fire hose and try not to fall over while he groaned  like he was being tortured.  He clutched at Josh’s surprisingly solid  arm and stared at the young man with wide eyes.  “Oh…oh god…I’m so  sorry. I didn’t…I couldn’t stop myself from…” Hank stammered, panting  and beet red.   

“Easy there, Prof,” Josh said calmly.  He put a hand on Hank’s  shoulder and felt the older man relax.  “Don’t pass out on me,” he  laughed.  “This is actually really useful data.  Did you always produce  that much,” Josh asked, motioning to the ample fluid on the ground.   

“No, never like that.  Especially not after so many times,” Hank  said, still mortified.  “Jesus, I made a mess didn’t I?  At least let me  clean that up…” he grabbed a roll of paper towels off a nearby table  and dropped to the ground to wipe up his mess.  That small part of his  brain that had tried to warn him was trying to get his attention again.   It was screaming at him that he was naked on all fours in a student’s  house wiping up his cum.  It was begging him to get out of there.  The  confusing feeling that ran through him when he looked up and saw Josh  staring down at him drowned it out entirely.  He sat up on his knees,  coming face to face with Josh’s crotch.  “I, uh, think I got it all.”   

“Thanks man, I could’ve gotten it,” Josh said, watching the older man stare at his crotch.   

Hank shook his head and stood.  “Least I can do,” he said, clearing his throat.  “So we ready?”   

“Yep.  You know the drill.”  Hank took his place in front of the  camera and did a slow turn like the previous day.  “It’s going to be  hard to tell when this kicks in…you really are in great shape, Prof.”   

Hank swelled at the compliment.  He puffed his meaty pecs out and  felt himself flexing his perky cheeks.  He drew his flat stomach as  tight as he could.  “So is this going to give me abs?”   

Josh laughed.  “Not that you need ‘em, but yeah, it should.”  He  came over and stuck the needle in, giving Hank’s ass a squeeze  afterwards this time.  “Alright stud, all done.”   

Hank reluctantly got dressed.  He knew he had to, but suddenly he  didn’t want to.  “Same time tomorrow,” he asked as they made their way  upstairs.   

“Yeah, if that works for…”

“Hank!”  Bryan’s eager voice cut Josh off.  Like the night before,  the sculpted hunk was sprawled on the couch in a pair of tiny briefs.   “I didn’t know you were here, man.  I would’ve come down and said hi.”   

Hank blushed at the thought, not sure if he was glad that Bryan  hadn’t seen what happened, or if he felt disappointed.  “Just wrapping  up,” he said, trying not to stare at Bryan’s huge bulge.   

“Aww, don’t tell me you’re leaving already?  The game’s just about  to start.  Bill’s gonna be home in a minute.  You should stick around!”    

“I’m not sure I…”

“Dude, you bailed on us last night,” Bryan said, sitting up and fixing Hank with a mock-glare.   

Hank was surprised by how much he actually wanted to stay.  “Okay,  what the hell…I don’t have an early morning class tomorrow.”  He felt  his stomach flutter at Bryan’s smile when he agreed.  He was twice the  young hunk’s age, but it felt like Bryan was the one with the authority.    

“I’ll grab some beers!” Bryan hopped up and scampered into the  kitchen with Hank’s eyes glued to his broad back and bouncing cheeks the  whole time.  Josh excused himself to go work on the evening’s data and  Hank settled into the couch when Bryan came back with the drinks,  falling quickly at ease with the other man.  He listened to Bryan  complain about his classes that semester, noticing for the first time  how deep and smooth his voice was.  It was relaxing to the point that  Hank had to force himself to pay attention to keep from drifting off.   

“Hey, the Prof stuck around!”  Bill was just as eager to see him  when he came through the door.  He tossed his bag aside, kicked off his  shoes, and then immediately peeled his skin-tight tshirt off, exposing  his hairy, beefy pecs and washboard stomach.  “Game start yet?”   

“Nope!  Just about to,” Bryan said, tossing him a beer.  Hank  watched while Bill casually undid his equally tight jeans and squirmed  out of them with his one free hand.  The young man’s thick, hairy thighs  flexed and shook while he struggled to kick them free.   

“Uuugggghhh, that’s better!”  Bill sighed and kicked the jeans next  to his shirt, stretching his thick arms overhead.  “I couldn’t wait to  get the fuck outta those all afternoon.”  He snapped the waistband of  his briefs and adjusted his stuffed pouch as he dropped into the chair  next to Bryan with a soft thud.  “Dude, Prof, you can relax here.”  He  laughed at Hank’s confused look.   

“You’re a little overdressed, is what he’s saying,” Bryan said, tugging on Hank’s shirt sleeve.   

“Oh! Uh, nah, I’m…” even as he started to say he was okay, Hank  could feel his skin crawling.  Seeing Bill undress had been like dying  of thirst and watching someone take a drink of water.   

“Hey man, you’re in the club now, it’s cool,” Bryan said as he  clapped Hank’s thigh.  “Probably not an issue for you, but after years  of looking like we did, me and Bill aren’t in a hurry to cover up so  much any more.”  He leaned back on the couch, spreading his meaty legs  and settling in.  “We got it, so we’re gonna flaunt it.”   

Hank couldn’t argue with their logic.  And they did seem more  comfortable than him.  “Alright then,” Hank said, hopping up.  He  unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, feeling like a weight had been  lifted.   

“Damn, Prof!”  Bill whistled from his chair while Hank undid his  slacks and let them drop.  “Josh wasn’t kidding.  You ARE a stud.”   

Hank grinned and broke into a double bicep pose, feeling  surprisingly happy at the way Bill and Bryan were checking him out.   He’d thought he’d be self-conscious in front of their perfect bodies,  but it wasn’t like that.  He felt relaxed and free, like he hadn’t felt  in years.  They made quite a sight, the two young men with their perfect  bodies and Hank with his older, bulkier frame, all nearly naked.   

“Welcome to the club,” Bryan said by way of a toast.  They chugged  down their beers and Hank flopped back down on the couch.  As the night  went on he felt more and more like a college student again and less like  a professor.  He forgot how much he missed just hanging out with the  guys like this.  He lived alone and typically viewed other guys as  competition.  This wasn’t like that.  Around Bill and Bryan he felt  totally at ease.  He dropped his guard and didn’t even think twice about  what was going on.  He was happy just being around them.   

Hank was so caught up that he entirely lost track of how long they  were all hanging out until Bill let out a loud yawn.  “Damn,” the burly  man said, standing and scratching his hairy abs.  “How is it almost  three?”   

“Shit!”  Hank yawned and stretched, trying to force himself up off the couch.   

“Dude, just crash here tonight,” Bryan said.   

“Yeah, for real man, it’s fine.  Just crash on the couch if you want.”   

Hank didn’t really want to leave anyway.  “You sure it’s cool?”   

“Of course!” Bill reached down and tousled Hank’s blonde hair when  he said it, eliciting a sleepy giggle that surprised the older man.   “Just make yourself at home.”   

“g’night dude,” Bryan waved, clicking off the light as he and Bill  went upstairs.  Hank sprawled out on the couch, feeling totally content.  He tried to remember the last time he’d actually slept on someone’s  couch as he drifted off to sleep.


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