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Watch "FMAB Ep 3" on Streamable.


Grei Glace

"You can't skip this, it's the middle of the video" oh no she doesn't know about youtube sponsorblock


Whether or not wanting to punch god in the face makes one religious sounds like a good topic for a religious debate ngl.


"My loyal follower, your good commands you to put a cap in his ass." "Yes lord Alicia"


If you watched this as a kid you would've seen the OG FMA. Rose's story was so much darker

Daniel Gonzalez

Funnily enough Cornelo was actually a 2 episode villain in the original anime but that one changed one key thing about the story then after a certain point just diverged completely because the manga was still ongoing still a decent show but i prefer Brotherhood even though I think the original might've done some of the earlier stuff better since some was cut or skipped altogether in Brotherhood

Zakarin Talvas

Well, to be fair the truthy-guy only said some people call them God. They never claimed to have created the world or anything. Besides, you can choose not to "be religious" even knowing there's a god... guess Edward just didn't see someone he should be worshipping. And I wouldn't have been praying to that creepy MFer either!

Justin Payne

"What if we didn't have enough sodium" Funny you mentioned that. Matpat (GameTheory guy) actually did a whole video about FMAB and found out almost all his ingredients were wildly incorrect in its quantities so even if he was able to bring her soul back, the body would probably still look the way it did because he got the math wrong

Cody Galo

Fun fact! Lust is the VA for Vex, and Hot daddy dude is the VA for Grog from vox machina


in the original version the priest guy used a bird to mimic her fiancé to make her do what he said and mind you this is from the normal full metal alchemist show before it was redone into brother hood


Ed took one look at god and said “nah - you ain’t it.”


Nah not really, I don’t think much about the guns, you see them a lot in this anime. This anime is literally centered around the military, so get use to them. Ed is against killing, so it isn’t like him to use guns.

Steven Dorsey

I'm gonna be honest, the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime tells the early story arcs much better, because more time is fleshing out the scenes in this story, and one or two others. Brotherhood is true to the canon of the manga, but the first 1/3 - 1/2 of the series rushes through the story arcs that the original anime already told, and thereby does them a disservice. However, Brotherhood is absolutely worth watching, and under no circumstances should you cancel any FMA series like you did with Korra just cause of a personal opinion like mine.