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Watch "FMAB Ep 4" on Streamable.



You were right not trusting him.

Marion Ette

Heads up, the 2003 anime had this as episodes 6 and 7, and it was so much more fucked up. I'd recommend only when you've got the spare mental health to weather it. It's so fucked up.


Roy mustang is now hawt daddy dude I'm reposting this until it sticks


FMAB Pain Part I. Wait for Part II.

Sean Nelson

yeah when I saw the episode one reaction pop up I said oh no lot of kid trauma in this one lol she's on the internet so probably seen the meme I wonder how long till it hits lol

Fejk Namn

Yeaaaah, this episode is infamous. As much as I LOVE the dub, this episode has the 1 translation error I get hung up on. It's not 2 human souls that the killer sends to God, just 2 souls. Because Shou Tucker did for SURE not end up in heaven!


The only reason Ed didn't kill Shou and impale him on a spike, was because the one hurt most by Shou's actions asked him not to.


Partway through the episode, I REALLY hope someone reminds Alicia of these wife jokes later.

Tobias Sumrall

"I'm not going to be the same person after this anime is over." No. No you won't. You have no idea. And that's okay. That's how you know it's good. When a piece of art changes you somehow fundamentally, that's how you know it's worth viewing.


Yup. This is the rite of passage we all went through. Dog memes aside, no one comes out mentally unscathed from this. And we never forget T.T It's also interesting that episode 3 and 4 are back to back. Each a cautionary tale showing the extremes of the folly of religion and science. Stray too far from the road, no matter which one you take, and only the most twisted things await you there.


Death is too good for this jackass.


Alicia advocating for the abduction of randos off the streets for human experimentation is wild, though 🤣


"progress yourself then you bitch" 10/10 line


im so sorry you were right about the closed eyes


You’re lucky actually, the manga was much much more gruesome with Nina’s death, I mean blood and bits splattered on the wall type of gruesome. This is just the beginning, you were right when you said you won’t come out of this anime the same person. It’s a journey, a painful, but fulfilling one. THIS IS NOT A KIDS SHOW. So prepare yourself.

Ryan Elzinga

this is one of the sadder episodes of this anime, not sure if you've seen Overlord or not but i think it'd be a good anime to do a reaction for


Say hello to one of the most hated anime characters of all time.


Alicia: kill all the adults you want but don't hurt baby's. Show: Ok *que episode 10