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:3 rest are still uploading so it will be up in a few hours I think? Not sure



Watch "FMAB Ep 2" on Streamable.



Whinry is a great character, because shes written by a women lol


Its a bop but the lyrics are sad and about wanting to go back and turn back time


The OG FMA is hard to find but so much darker. If you were on the verge of crying for this you would've shuddered in fear for the OG


Roy mustang is now hawt daddy dude I'm reposting this until it sticks


yeah my sister stopped watching after the Nina episodes in the original series cause you spend so much more time with her, she never picked up anime after that because of FMA lmao


no spoilers on this. Just saying, this anime, and the manga it's based on, do have a conclusion. The story is finished, so it will not be a One Piece situation.

Daniel Siegfried

"i only snotted i didn't start bawlin" oh, alicia. this is the second episode. >: 3c

Fake Name

"They gave me that two punch emotional beatdown". *Jojo theme starts playing*


"It's only episode 2 and they got me bawlin" Ohhh, don't worry. It'll get worse.

Casey Mitchell

The Elric brothers' father went out to buy Alchemy supplies and never came back. XD

Ryan Lamarre

"I want it to be known i didnt full on cry" 2 Minutes Later: 😭😭

Marith Lizard

They don't explain it in this version, but the only reason Al doesn't take the exam too is that Roy pointed out him getting a military physical would be a Bad Idea.


MFs stole my whole body, can't have shit in Detroit.