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MHA 4x1

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Christo Badenhorst

Season 4 best season hell yea lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Christo Badenhorst

Filling in on the Ichy from characters meeting up that's adults and kids etc... A good example is Jobless reincarnation. Its one of my favorite anime - its suuuuper good. but Holy fuck that show can make me feel uncomfortable for those type of reasons and I dont like that part of the show but Its also apart of the character and I still love the show. one of my top 10 anime easily but does not mean you cant get grossed out by the stuff... I would even spectate that that show took it too far and had people drop it for that reason and thats a shame... but yea I just relate. you can not like stuff and still like the anime. Jobless reincarnation - I get the feeling you should judge the person and feel grossed out by his actions. I feel like its what the creator also wanted and was well aware of what he was dooing. Still its gross - do I still watch it... Fuck yea I do....


So its not just on my end crunchyroll acting up.

Nicholas Martin Burk

You deserve at least a few food passes at this point

Tyler Denny

One thing about todoroki that i always enjoyed was his social inexperience, and it finally clicked... he was home schooled by endeavor. Isolated, he never had a chance to develope social skills. Well passing social skills.

Amorphous rodent

This is easily one of my favourites of your reactions simply for the breakdowns of all the characters. You put into words so much that I've never been able to effectively and notice far more of the show than I ever could, to the point where I feel as though I get to watch the show again from a whole new perspective. You are genuinely a joy to watch, so thank you so much for being who you are.


I want to recommend SpyxFamily, but I’d worry your ovaries might pop


Can you imagine how crazy Froppy's powers would be if she's the one who wound up with One for All?

Jacob Harmon

As fun as it would be to see her watch it, I think you’re right, I genuinely don’t think she could take the Mount of heart squeeze that show would induce. It’s like it was made specifically to be her kryptonite—

Michael Mavis

Alicia I feel we need your rat costume whenever the principle is on screen….


Really wild how people can't handle people liking Bakugo or thinking he's a good character (he is). Liking something in fiction is not an endorsement of it IRL, and I feel the sooner people get to grips with that, the better.


Aoyama, sparkly boy, was told by Momo to guard the unconscious students during the forest attack. thats why he was hiding


Anyway love the reaction and happy to see MHA back! Lots of great stuff ahead, and the re-establishing of the main cast was cool after a bit of a break too


Alicia with that keen eye i love it

Daniel Siegfried

hey, does the journo kind of look like he could be Izukus dad?

Jacob Goodheart

I think the people are so hard on bakugo, myself included, because a bully is a real thing that people deal with. You bring up esdeath from akame ga kill, and you’d right she’s a horrible person, but we don’t all know actual despot leaders. We do know bullies, so it just hits closer to home.


Yeah! Froppy love! You should have a model outfit just for my hero and it should be Froppy!


I always thought the whole point of Aoyama was that he's a side character who thinks he's a main character.

Octavia Hutchens

Can't wait till u eventually watch the op and ed for the season. They are my favorite of both.


Bruh the comment about his right to pork a 16 year old made me cringe, that's a hell of a screwed up argument lol


Pork buns are delicious.


people can get mad at your for liking Bakugo but you actually understand what the author is trying to do with him. You've got good character analysis skills.