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One Piece Ep 99

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I kinda get what they were trying to do, Show off some people from Alabasta to make you care about the kingdom, but the stories the told are rather bland. Ep. 100 does a much better job than these two episodes...mostl due to not being filler lol. I guess 101 is also sorta fun. After that no filler.


Thank god that after these fillers you’ll be done until AFTER Alabasta has ended (at least I think so it’s been a year since I’ve watched it lol)

Ranginald Vagel

One Piece filler wouldn’t have such a bad rep if it was all worth watching


this is why people skip fillers lmao


These filler episodes don't really annoy me that much. They're okay. It's been years so I forgot what these fillers were even about.


Just wanted to mention that the only reason these episodes were filler was because oda had to think of a back story. At the time he mentioned ( or maybe someone made it up) that oda didn’t initially intend to give this person a back story. But without it, the later episodes of one piece wouldn’t make sense

Gamer Kane

Filler within arcs is almost always bad on the other hand filler arcs are usually good with two exceptions. Also I don't like the last two filler episodes but there are some I do like that don't entirely focus on the straw hats because I like to look at it from the perspective of seeing their influence on the places and people they visit even if they aren't focused on.


Please don't hate on the fillers. I also started OP bcuz of u. And when i got to this part, i can still feel the heart in the writing for this EP. They wanna make sure those guys actually have heart to protect this town when the time comes. So the crew tested them. And i actually liked it! Now im on episode 150 now XD.


I'm gonna hate on episodes I don't like. It's okay to not like something even when you love a series. It's like anything in life. You don't have to fake liking everything about something. I didn't like these two episodes and they weren't even written by the creator Oda. Which is why they feel so shallow and disconnected. Warship Island was filler and I enjoyed the entire arc. This was just bad.


damn she ain't gotta cook him like that. he got a family and shit.


This filler arc is one of the few recommended skips. There are a few filler arcs tho that are beloved by fans but ye this ain't one of em lol


Alicia going for the Golden Robin unlock!!!


The funny thing about One Piece filler is that you can always tell which characters are by Oda or not lmaoooo

Yagi di Hoshi

Same with the young Sabrina not looking like a Pokemon character in the anime, lmaoo. She used to creep me out back then, but nowadays I'm just like "AAAAHH, UNCANNY" not actually scared


I like Luffy isn't too proud macho manly man to fake losing, he did that for Coby ages ago, kinda, but you're right these clowns aren't worth the investment the episode is asking


This episode damaged my ability to literally even.

Jordan Rudnick

I couldn't stand this opening the first time watching, and since then, it grows on me every rewatch and is hands down my favorite