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LOL LORDDDDDDD. I like warship island filler but I aint okay with this one.


One Piece Ep 98

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This is filler, definitely one of the weakest, if not worst filler of one piece.


What a strange experience. I could not remember this episode. At all. Yet every time a new scene or character rolled up I got this sudden realization. Like remembering something super nostalgic that happened once. And it was that for the whole episode. I don't think I'll feel something like that ever again.

Gamer Kane

I always forget how much dread the desert traveling fills me with until I get to it, I think on one of my rewatches I skipped the desert traveling (almost) entirely cause every other part of this arc was so good


Fun fact - this filler is the first thing I saw about One Piece waaaay back. It was on TV and I sat to watch... then left and went "Okay, that anime is dumb." It took many years before I actually read the manga after catching up to Naruto and Bleach and wondering if there was another 'long' manga I could read to keep from being bored/suicidal. Found One Piece and now it's my favourite!


That one commentor: ehegh, stop calling Usopp Supp, it was funnie the first time, now it's CRIENDGE! Alicia: It's not a joke, panty pooper, it's just a nick name. Meanwhile Me, every time: Hehehehehehehahahahahihihihihi, Soup xD Funny Alicia, Happy Rat!

Rat #41

So remember way back with Laboon, Alicia wanted throw Vivi overboard. Now it's like "can't kill Vivi." ...I love this show. Also Im down with Soup and "that some good Soup"


TFW I was so reluctant to revisit this small patch of the series that I held off watching these reactions for a while just so I could binge my way through enough reactions to get back to the better stuff. XD


I think the good part about this one is that Vivi gets to actually do stuff, she dodged a knife, she drove a ship, and I think the thing with her character is she doesn't blame wrongly blame herself for things are arn't her fault, but to her it's her responsibility anyway