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One Piece Ep 46 + 47

Watch "One Piece Ep 46 + 47" on Streamable.


Cyrill Attakpah

i really dont get why lobster is so expensive ... like 200 years ago it was poor people food .. marketing at its finest i guess :D


Congrats on your first One Piece filler, Alicia! Well, kind of, at least. The Little Buggy arc was actually a series of images used as cover pages in the manga, which told Buggy's story while missing his body! The anime used some of these cover story arcs as filler, but stopped doing so, sadly. A lot of fans wish they'd kept up with the practice as some of them are important to the story or expand on people and places we've seen and update us on what's going on with them.

Cyrill Attakpah

btw those adventures of buggy arent reaaaaally filler ... it was a coverstory in the manga so almost everything in these episodes is canon


As someone who really likes One Piece, I want you to watch everything, in fact, I want you to rewatch everything once you catch up!


"Buggy why are you small?" Wow Alicia, you can't just ask vertically challenged people that, you might get cancelled /s


This is not fillers btw, it’s cannon from the manga cover stories! Anime stops doing these cover stories at one point which is such a shame.

Levi Tompkins

buggy's combination sequence in these episodes is based off the combination of an old 70s robot called Steel Jeeg.


Yeah it kinda sucks that the anime decided to exclusively go the filler route instead of continuing to animate the cover stories. There's so much lore that gets missed when the cover stories get skipped. But on the bright side, if it weren't for filler, we would have never gotten G-8.


The manga shows what's going on in other parts of the world through short stories in the covers. This is one of those stories, only like 4 of those have been animated which sucks because Oda keeps giving Toei material for canon filler and they just ignore it


And with One Piece suffering from horrible pacing issues they really, REALLY need it bad too...


These weren't really filler, it's extended cover stories.


Oh this isn't filler we didn't want you to skip this.

Memento Forever

if Alicia didn't have Cancer I wonder what episode she would be on right now. Probably 100. She luv it so much

Martin Mcfly

In regards to filler, I think it just comes from the fact that about one tenth of the anime is filler, so that's still about 900 episodes that you have to watch, and they want to get to the incredible moments as fast as possible. Also some of the filler is pretty egregious.


Sorry Everyone (and Alicia!) This misconception that this was the filler itself probably came from my comment prior explaining fillers start appearing after Arlong Park (Don't Judge me I'm Sick right now QwQ) but this is infact a cannon part Alicia as many have said. Fun Fact of The Post!~: 1.) Buggy's power deactivates after a long distance where he loses the ability to control his limbs floating, but the cutting part is a passive ability.

Jimmy H Lam

I think the first episode actually has the title of "Little Buggy's Big Adventure"




I don't get why people would want others to skip out on filler. They're what add so much personality and fun. I thoroughly enjoyed watching all there is to One Piece, including the movies and filler. Just the sense of adventure and excitement I get from wathing the Straw Hats' progress fills me with so much joy. People be hatin'.

Silver Raven

Ninja Scroll when?

cody raugh

So I'm going to repeat the answer a few are giving to make sure we all get this. First their is oil treatment you need to give swords, the oil keeps stuff from building up on the metal and stops corrosion, for example rust. also you can't do too much oil, and the cotton swabs also clean the edges of the blade, and these are blades from a show made by a crew of the Japanese culture and history their swords historically were a lot more delicate than European blades so even sharpening the sword was slightly harder to do so there were a couple extra steps they'd take to maintain the blades. Also Buggy is the best Pirate.

cody raugh

"it's like having a warm bowl of soup..." Me: "mind don't go there!" My mind: "already there. She's having a warm bowl of Usopp."

james blaire

I'm still happy alicia's watching it all, there would have been some context taken out i feel like. probably lol


About the Guy with his sword and the tini whooly thingy. Its a care taking process for swords. The are oiling the esge of the sword, and just the edge for longewity. Its because the edge will just prior to other parts. With a oil film this will not happend as fast. In old depictions in japan of these prozess they are using thins little ball whool thingy to do it.


To clarify This wasn't a filler. This episode was based around the cover stories that oda would do at the start of a chapter.


Alright whoever told you the last two episodes were filler not right. I believe the term they refer to this as is "Canon filler". Basically canon filler is when things in the original story are expanded on. For example back during Arlong Park when the crew rolled up on Arlong Park that walk was NOT in the manga but it makes sense since they had to roll up anyway. In the manga the writer occasionally does cover stories. Since manga always have covers for their chapters he took the opportunity to sometimes showcase short little stories and these stories ARE canon needless to say.

Yagi di Hoshi

Yeah, One Piece really might still be my favorite


1.the sword thing its cleaning If your sword get rusty it would lose the sharp 2.fun fact the buggy episodes are not filler XD (Sorry if my english its bad xD)

ryan anderson

People have said that this is adapted from a cover story but ill say you should check out the other cover stories when they become relevant, theyre all very interesting and i dont think any others are in the anime


Yeah Coby one is in the anime, but after that I think they stopped with it. Which is unfortunate since cover stories do explain certain stuff.

Trevor Appel

The puff ball is used to soak up excess water and oil when cleaning and sharpening blades


One Piece filler is pretty much some of the best filler in Anime, hell one of the later filler arcs is generally more well loved then the canon arc that comes after it, it just has some issues at times of outright contradicting future plot elements or being really out of place feeling for when it happens.

Alex Lavigne

Also compared to other shows the filler in one piece actually make sense and follow well with the canon.

Rick Baron

The thing with the sword is maintenance, the Japanese and Chinese used that wooly thing to apply a special powder to protect the blade from the elements (particularly salts and oxygen) to avoid rust, europeans and americans used oil and a rag, neither method is better than the other (although oil is easier to apply correctly) they are just two solutions to the same problem, the oil method is still used today (in guns), while the powder method fell into a traditional ritual performed by martial artists who use katanas or any other japanese blade

VJ Sins

This wasnt filler tho? Idk who told you this. This is an example of a cover story. While this chapter on its own wasnt in the manga this is all manga canon cuz on each cover art of each chapter we have a single panel of the story of a side character, so during the arlong arc and even something before that we got the stories one panel per chapter, the only thing the anime added was actual dialogue instead of visual storytelling but its all canon


Mohji vs. Cabaji: the most goated fight of the series

christian garcia

Fun fact this episodes are an adaptation of a cover story in the manga this is canon in the story definitely recommend you take a look at the other cover stories as not all of them get animated


Lots of people want you to skip filler because there are certain moments in the story that every fan of One Piece are waiting for you to reach. None of us will talk about them, though all of us know exactly what I'm referring to.


I personally can't wait until we meet that one person doing that one thing at that specific place

Mithril Lace

Pretty sure the first episode is called something like "Little Buggy's big adventures" and it's an adaptation of the cover story. Not all of the cover stories get adapted in the anime, but I suggest taking your time to read them all. They're generally pretty amazing.