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One Piece Ep 20+ 21

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Every time you upload One Piece I end the video thinking "man, I can't wait to see her reaction to the NEXT episode!" So thanks for uploading it so consistently.

Cole Savoie

Sanji is probably the most controversial Straw Hat. You'll either love him or hate him


Few I'm super late this time but loved your reaction as always Alicia~ That being said~ Fun Fact of The Post!~: 1.) The bug the marine Full-body stepped on actually had a name and was a huge meme for a while! His name is Bachhy or Batchee depending translation and he was originally just a fly!~


Order in the court of trivia. Mr. Serith, you stand accused of giving good trivia about One Piece. How do you plead? Well your honor, why not find out yourself by checking it out. That's right, it's STRAW wHAT TRIVIA!!! The super cool spoiler free One Piece trivia shoooooooooow! Let's go! Episode 20 Sanji's birthday is March 2nd. Also san-ji is pronounced the same and means 3 o'clock. But Sanji's original name was going to be 'Naruto'. However, as the ninja manga Naruto was about to begin serialization in Shonen Jump, Oda changed the name to prevent confusion. As "Naruto" he was going to have black hair and wield a gun. Looks like Oda dodged a bullet when he changed it. Also, Oda was inspired by Mr. Pink, Steve Buscemi's character in Reservoir Dogs, when creating Sanji. Episode 21 During Patty's first debut in the anime, when he was saying some kind of motivational motto to himself in the bathroom mirror, "Eiichiro Oda", One Piece's creator, is written in the lower-right corner of the mirror. Oda worked part-time at a restaurant named "Baratei", maybe that inspired the name of the Baratie. They are very similar after all. But what of Zeff and Sanji, well in the original manga and anime, Zeff would frequently call Sanji "Little Eggplant" (Chibi-nasu) and get called "Shitty Geezer" (Kuso-jijī) in return. These nicknames were given varying treatments by different English translations of the series. The VIZ manga gives both direct translations, as "Baby eggplant" (with occasional variations such as "Eggplant head") and "Crap-geezer". The 4Kids-dubbed anime changes the former to "String bean" while softening the latter to "Ol' geezer". The Funimation anime, both dubbed and subtitled, renders the former as "Little brat" while also softening the latter to "Ol' geezer". Oh and speaking of 4Kids and their terrible dub, they drew over Sanji's cigarettes and replaced them with lollypops. And the 4kids dub gave Sanji a Brooklyn accent too! And I rest my case, your horror, uh your honor. I see, alright then, Mr. Serith. Not guilty! Yay! Not guilty! I'm not... wait!

christian garcia

Fun facts about this episode Sanji's name was originally going to be Naruto but then the Naruto manga came out and decided to change it, another fun fact a school book used a screen shot of this episode to teach kids about scurvy


fullbody as in wine


Homeopathic remedies, crystals, and even faith healing/Prayer do in fact work....IF THE PATIENT BELIEVES IN IT! Ignoring the errorgant comment ((not a typo)) mistaking scurvy for cancer, keeping a patient positive through their treatment with the above examples ALONGSIDE modern medical practices helps recovery. Is essential oils going to fix things, NO! Will it give the patient peace of mind, certainly! If they want it, within reason, let them have it.


that guy with the cancer comment... its like saying, ooh you should stay out in the sun to get skin cancer, that might balance it out.. LOL what an idiot. I smile everytime you say: I cant wait for Robin to join eeeeh yeah... ill leave it at that xD Keep it up, and remember to eat lots and lots of lemons xD


Through your reactions this will be my third time watching the early episodes of one piece, and for the first time I noticed the panda man in the background at 39:13 I love that One Piece is bringing you so much joy


Idk if anyone mentioned this already but the reason everyone was laughing was cause he said "he didn't know much about insects" when fullbody asked "what is this?" pointing at the bug. Also I thought homie was going for the dick too when he was falling lmao


in the 4kids version sanji smokes a lolipop instead


Honestly being up to the current date of OP as well, this is all just refreshing to me as well as to seeing you enjoy it for the first time. Looking forward to more


welp now you know why One Piece is 1000+ episodes long we spend about 800 episode here on this ship while Luffy pays off his debt

Yagi di Hoshi

This Vitamin C...this flavor....IS THE TANG OF A LIAR, YOUTUBE COMMENTER

Yagi di Hoshi

In the 80's, at a restaurant my mom did waitressing at, a group of customers were so rude to the point she was crying & then they proceeded to be racist at her & started speaking Spanish to her mockingly about payment (we're Dutch-Indo & Indian, not Hispanic or Latin@)


just came here from YT. cant wait to rewatch one piece with you!


I feel like that guy confused Vitamen C and D, then thought itd be like using rats to take care of a cheese problem in your house. sure you got the cheese gone but now you have only rats... this is acceptable

Kawaii Edgelord

Scurvy is so terrifying, as it turns out scar tissue isn't really flesh, its just "biological glue" and if you don't have enough vitamin c that glue just dissolves, so all your old wounds open up again.

Golden Witch Beatrice

Rewatching One Piece is so hilarious cause they’re hyping Don Krieg as this big powerful guy and I’m sitting here like “WHO???”. (SPOILERS) . . . . . . . . . I wonder if Don was on any of the cover stories cause I can’t for the life of me remember what happened to him at the end of this arc

Memento Forever

I remember that one dumb comment she mentioend during jojo with ant about someone thinking Alicia can cure cancer like scurvy.... lol OH DANG SHE JUST MENTIONED IT RIGHT AFTER THAT SCENE NVM

Memento Forever

I remember once in my life, scurvy being compared to cancer in some way but never heard that they were the same, Guess he just made up his own headcanon

Memento Forever

At the place where I work, if I encounter a racist, I do the same "Thank you very much hehe<3 you racist bastard"

Memento Forever

like that one scene in Jojo part 2


Knowing Sanji's full backstory, even outside what we learn in this arc.... yeah, you're gonna cry when you hear it. I'm not gonna spoil it, though. So don't worry about that part.


Only watched you react to openings on YouTube then came here for 3rd full rewatch.