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JJ 6x18

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Yoooo let's goooooooo


You're spot on, this is universally accepted as the worst fight in the manga and anime. The good news is it's over! Unpopular opinion but I really don't like Anasui/Anastasia for how he treats FF in this arc but it's whateverrr


thank you for the episode


yes another jojo episode !


Yeah a big issue with Dragon's Dream was a lot of explaining but a lot of not doing. Which is understandable with something like Feng Shui. But it could of gone a bit differently. I do like the stand does converse to both sides but... Yeah it's one of the worst cause it's the most talk no jutsu potentially in the series

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode


Jojo makes me warm and fuzzy


My favorite part of the episode was that Alicia forgot about Geezers cult bs from the previous episode, because despite it being wild as fuck it was part of the previous episode's talky talk no fighty. It made it so it didn't stick, man fuck the dragon's dream fight its the fucking worst


YAAAA! More jojo ^^


And you are valid in your opinion, on my first viewing I didn't mind it much but after watching it again it's a slog. IMO of course

Yagi di Hoshi

I had wished we got more close-up sakuga (key animation) on F.F.'s backflips this episode. And, maaan - FooF's win in this fight doesn't even feel that satisfying imo. Like, it's either give this & Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid more sakuga in post (blu-ray or somp'n), or just have Jolyne flip him off & skip them entirely (tho the R-P-S Kid scuffle's still actually goat'd tbh)

Spaghetti MADAO

I just realized this fight is F.F. vs. G.G. ("jiji" = geezer)


I honestly think this is one of the most unique stand battles in the whole series. I don't mind the monologuing either, it was kinda necessary for this stand as it's a bit complex from the manga. I wouldn't consider this a favorite stand battle but I think it deserves credit for being extremely unique and not just "punch stuff," which don't get me wrong I love those too. I don't think there's a single fight I disliked in the series. That doesn't mean all are smashing hits, but I think Araki's creative genius always provides something extremely unique and charming. You can remember some of the fights just on how different they are.

christian garcia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-15 02:11:26 Fun fact about anastasia is that on his first appearance he was portrayed with a female design the author voice in this matter was that he wanted to create a character that goes beyond the stander of beauty
2023-06-15 00:10:34 Fun fact about anastasia is that on his first appearance he was portrayed with a female design the author voice in this matter was that he wanted to create a character with an androgynous design that goes beyond the standard definition of gender

Fun fact about anastasia is that on his first appearance he was portrayed with a female design the author voice in this matter was that he wanted to create a character with an androgynous design that goes beyond the standard definition of gender


LOL, talk about anime time, there's a shot where this villian is just suspended in the air mid jump for like 5 seconds talking