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MHA 2x2

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So glad we are getting more MHA so soon


Liking or disliking Bakago is a real tough line. He was a truly mercless bully, going so far as to even tell Deku to "jump off the rooftop". Because of his actions a lot of folks feel like he needs to be truly remorseful for his actions before they can vibe with his character. Some just want to see him suffer some form of punishment or retribution for his attitude. And some just like him because he gives off cool guy energy vegeta style.

Slipped Halo

The bit where minoru writes "person"(the kanji hito) on his palm is a bit of japanese folklore/superstition. writing person multiple times represents the audience and eating them is supposed to make the audience less powerful, although because there isnt a clear origin the meaning differs from person to person. The western equivalent is imagining the crowd in their underwear.


Bakugo (Kachan) is far and away my favorite character in this show. And while I totally accept people having different opinions, it does sadden me a little that people never grew to like him. I just love how he is written


That thing Mineta ie piss baby did is a type of prayer or sych up strategy. You invision your troubles or obstacles in the palm of your hand and then "swallow" it as a way of showing you'll overcome it. This time it wasn't anything pervy


I am a certified bakugo hater, I almost dropped the show because of him, but some THINGS happen and he does calm down a little in late season 3ish, he becomes more bearable and less explosive (no pun intended). But like you said, its all up to opinion, Im glad you like him! My Hero is cool because a lot of people have different characters that they like due to the large cast


It's okay to simp over Midnight. Everyone (with taste) does. She's just that<3


I don't think you should be explaining his future personality here, perhaps delete it before Alicia sees it?


SMH Alicia, Double Elim's are based. That's how you find out who is truly the best! Sometimes players/teams just don't show up and fall out way too early in round-robin or if it's a point system one, you just watch people get shit stomped 12 times and it turns boring as hecc. Then again i guess it depends on a sport/esport.


I hated Bakugo at the start because he told Midoriya to kill himself, but the character grew on me more and more as we get to know him.


Interesting fact: in the manga, her white-ish bodysuit was flesh coloured, so it looked like she had her tits out.


I'm not trying to protect Mineta from your hate, but the thing he did with drawing "person" sign on palm and swallowing it, is a popular anti-stress ritual in Japan. (or so I think, cause I've seen it in a few different animes)


Why would you spoil the way his character develops? Maybe it didn't look spoilery to you when you typed it but just because you go into details doesn't mean it isn't spoilers

Jacob Harmon

A binge coming? I’m hyyyyyype!

Jacob Harmon

Yeah, it’s kind of a superstitious type thing, one of those cultural things passed down for a long time. I don’t care Piss Boy, but I can attest that you’re right about all that!

Andrew Thao

I think for a good chunk of anime-only fans, Sub vs Dub also pretty heavily affects whether they like Bakugo or not. Sub Bakugo is a lot harsher compared to Dub Bakugo, who feels a lot more like a relatively good kid with an attitude problem.

Sam Smith

A teenager with a scar on the left side of their face has daddy issues? no way! *Deja vu plays*

Christopher Thomas

Prepare yourself for probably the best season this show has to offer

Princess Paladin

it's a less commonly shown superstition than some others, like sneezing when someone is talking about you


1. I want to apologize for the negativity in my previous comments. I try to keep a lid on my sleep-deprived pessimism. 2. Glad your enjoying MHA 3. To answer your question on what to do for your mom outside of like a brace for any joints that are bothering her, maybe pay for her to go out to a nice meal. I don't know much about her I'm kinda the other way around with my mom.


Midnight was in a shot without Principal Nezu so Alicia finally saw the boobas


Hey Alicia. I'm a new Patron who's been feasting on your YouTube content for a while now. I've always wanted to say that I love how animated your avatar is. Looking forward to more content! Stay healthy.

Vincent Samuel Price

i love how big deku's tie is. i wish it became so big it absorbed him