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I'm addicted to one piece


One Piece 16+17

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I got an inappropriate question. When Luffy gettin' jiggy, does he need a rubber?


I love how being made of rubber visually affects his fighting style. The way he moves and spins around when his limbs snap back and manages to land without falling over really show the work he put into learning how to use his momentum properly.


Also like just imagine getting hit by a rubber band the size of someone fist it’s no wonder all those attacks hit hard


I’m so glad you liked this arc. This is generally regarded as one of the worst arcs in the whole series if not the worst. I can’t wait for you to experience the fan favorite arcs.

Morgan Hellström

Being a mother in this show is a curse afterall


Wait seriously? People hate syrup village that much? That's crazy to me, this is such a fun ride and there's no foxes to be seen


One of the first reactors I've seen to really connect with this arc. It's not my favorite and many consider it to be a low point. But Usopp is my favorite character!


This section has my favorite goofy 4kidz change from their run. It's during the scene where Kaya's threatening herself with one of Jango's discs. Here it's because they need her alive for the plan and they can't do that if she... you know. But standards and practices over here obviously can't allow THAT, so they changed it. INSTEAD, in that scene, Kaya manages to get one of the chakrams with the intent of using it against Jango. But she ends up with it close to her neck anyway. Jango chimes in with something like "Oh no! The chakram's too strong for her!" So like in the 4kidz version his discs are possessed by some kind of malevolent spirit that has to be controlled and thirsts for blood. Incredible change.


Eichiro Oda... what a terrible guy making you watch all theses episodes nonstop


Alicia!! You didn't notice this, but when Captain Kuro broke that one Marine's jaw in the flashback, that was Captain Morgan. He got hypnotized just like the Kuro look-alike.


not gonna lie, ive rewatched this anime so many times and even I never realized it


its not that people hate it is just that the sentiment is that overall other arcs are better, syrup village arc has kinda of a slow pace at first, and kuro ends up not being as memorable as other villains from one piece, even when you look at the first saga alone.


wished I liked one piece I dont under why I can't get into it


Considering oda is going on a 1 month break, these are the one piece content imma look forward to


I believe from here on out, the eyecatcher cards will always have a theme that pertains to a specific character. I liked to think of it like a minigame like what's that pokemon. The theme starts and you guess the straw hat before they appear. It was completely random for some reason before this Also the Out of the Back attack is actually called Out of the Bag in the manga (a play on "the cat's out of the bag")

Elizabeth McLaughlin

Quick note to temper expectations, Oda has said he's not really planning on putting any romance into the series, and that all the crew are in love with adventure. In fact, you can quite easily read Luffy as asexual. Also, fun fact, the reason Luffy doesn't kill anyone is not because of moral reasons, but because he thinks making people live with all their plans and dreams shattered around them is a crueler fate lol. I'm really enjoying this series so far! It's especially great with how in tune you are to Luffy and predicting what he's going to do. I've laughed from it several times, and am looking forward to more.


Dear god you are gonna cry alot from watching this show, just like the rest of us xD And love that you love this show, its soooo good! And the fact that you watch alot of episodes, cuz its alooot to catch up to, but they fly away :D Some ppl start watching this show and like maybe do 5-6 ep aa week... fuuck me, see you in 4-5 years.... xD


YEAH!! It's crazy too! The metal jaw has a seagull symbol and the German word for seagull, but it was also chosen because if you rearrange the letters, you get 'meow'.


Zoro doesnt know directions, Luffy doesnt know instructions. There is a big overlap between the two, but there is a distinction haha

Daniel Hyena

But also there are quite a few canon infatuations, Kaya being one of them. (your post could be a minor spoiler).


I'm SOO Happy you're enjoying this!!! Usopp is my favorite crew member in One piece, and to see him get the love he deserves is so fuckin lovely I got addicted to binging your reactions to this, and I'm excited for the next arc!


Soup definitely has the least sad backstory of the crew if you can believe that


Ur one piece reactions are now the new thing I look forward to. Absolutely love one piece and your reactions are just the best


(\ 030/) Hello! It is I, the TRIVIA KING! With my Trivia crown, on my Trivia throne I pass judgement on Trivia everywhere, so now I shall witness the preeminent One Piece Trivia show on the internet! It's Straw wHAT Trivia!!! Episode 16 In each One Piece volume the manga-ka Eichiro Oda has a special question corner known as the “SBS” (An acronym of “Shitsumon o Boshuu Suru”, which basically translates to “I am taking questions”), where he answers fan letters. The attitude of the SBS is usually silly and irreverent. It is partly the inspiration for this show. Thank you Oda-sensei! The openings for the anime often show amazing scenes of the crew playing music with a band of animals, or having a boxing match. These scenes are actually taken from various chapters of the manga, they are fun splash page images from the beginning of chapters of the manga. They usually do not have anything to do with the actual chapter's story. Episode 17 Did you know? Well, did ya? Oh, sorry. I meant, remember the moment when Nami stepped on Luffy's face and Luffy jumped up and took Jango's Chakram to mouth, caught it in his teeth, and broke it. Well in the manga version he actually jumped up facing away from it, so it stabbed into the back of his head instead. He pulled it out and sure he bled a bit, but he was actually less hurt by it then you'd expect. Still hurt pretty bad apparently though. And hey, since it's in the SBS at about this point in the story and it's not very important anyways I can tell you something about Shank's crew. His first mate is named Ben Beckman, and the fat crew mate who's always eating meat is named Lucky Roux. Speaking of Lucky Roux, it should be noted that Roux is French for a russet-red color; it is also the name of a flour-based thickener commonly used in meat dishes. That is enough! I, the King of Trivia shall now pass judgement on this Trivia show. Out of 5 stars it receives...... 1 moon!!! /_ ooooooooooooo! /)o0o(\


I my opinion this might be the worst One Piece arc and even then is such a cute version of the "boy who cried wolf" tale. Usopp and Kaya's relationship is just adorable and I love Usopp so is only normal that, even though I like most of th other arcs more, I still enjoy this one lol

Luxnoria Runelight

I think the worst arc is easily alabaster. It's so long, drags out the most, almost nothing happens half the time. There are only like two fights during it that are even fun. I will almost always skip that arc.


Ok if u like the arc that ur crying like I did this might be one of ur top anime just saying

Mista Bones

The only reason why people say that is because Ussopp actually respects his father instead of being an edgy cringe lord and hating him. He is still an orphan who was always hated by his village even though he loved them. Ussopp has the most realistic/relatable backstory out of the crew.

Mista Bones

I will never get the hate for Ussopp, especially when the people who hate him are more than likely just as cowardly and much less honorable than he is.


i personly think that long ring long land is the worst arc and personaly again the only bad one but you are right that this arc is one of the least good but still really enjoyable ussop is my fav and the one and only god lol


same ussop is my fav because he is scared but still fight on he became one of my fav on A***** park and became my absolute fav on alabasta


I cried this episode fr, so wholesome


had to join patreon to say that calling Usopp 'Soup' and then spending this whole arc screaming 'that's some good soup!!' is the best take ever. these reactions are giving me a whole new appreciation!

christian garcia

Fun fact about this episodes while the black cat pirates leave they don't take jango with them, the story of what happened to him is so funny and its a shame is not animated

Sable Etoilé

Nice heartstrings you got there Would be a shame if someone were to... Yank on them


everyone says that syrup village is bad, I originally thought that as well but, tbh after listening to oda saying he didn't want to make the series so serious and really just wanted to enjoy making the series, and now watching you watch it, I genuinely enjoyed this ark, was the right amount of serious but yeah thank you, was a great watch! XD