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gund WFM 1x21

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Suletta’s gonna die isn’t she… they made her too likable and now they’re raising death flags… goddammit

Geth Who

Anyone else getting G's Brother Is Goddamn Doomed vibes from all this? This show is fitting right in with the rest of Gundam, it is NOT being kind to people who let vengeful feelings steer their actions. No knowledge, of course, but my money's on this guy pushing his connection too far and dying in the cockpit attempting to bring someone else down. I'd say just getting shot down, but that's a badass machine, they prolly won't destroy it easily.

Geth Who

Also took me a freaking embarrassingly long time to realise that's not Suletta in the ending, directing the bits like she's conducting an orchestra. It's Eri, and she's dancing, and they're moving with her because they're her too, and that's why there's like five of her and AAUGH I love this show.


One thing I love is how the musical theme for Aerial has gotten darker and more twisted through the show. When Aerial was first introduced her music sounded heroic and light, then when Aerial Rebuild appeared and fired its huge cannon it was more sinister with the chanting and darker choir vocals. And now that Aerial is joined with Quiet Zero we get full on evil church organ big bad evil vibes as Eri murders an entire fleet of people. I'm dreading how this is going to end but we gonna be eating good through the tears.

Sven Hegenbart

We already got it confirmed that Suletta is a clone at Ep18 Eri herself told it Suletta. ALos with ep18 Prospera would have taken SUletta with them but Eri requested to exclude Suletta from the revenge. So Proespera has feelings for Súletta Not feeling too much symphaty for Mirione as of course not everything is 100% her fault but her choices lead to it + she could have Suletta on her side if she chose a different method then "backstabbing" her

Sven Hegenbart

Guell about to kill his whole family guy cant catch a break in this show


no, pretty sure that's Suletta, but her other clone siblings are probably represented by the other copies


Well, that new Gundam gotta get shown off before the big family confrontation and there is Lauda, in another Gundam, aiming to kill Miorene, so Sullybear is gonna have to kick Lauda’s ass. Let’s just hope she manages to spare his life in the process. Not only is he precious to two of the people she’s made a connection with, but it would also thematically undercut any hope of talking it out with her family if she immediately catches a body. Seriously tho, Lauda better watch himself. Last motherfucker to go after Miorene had to be literally be scrubbed off the floor.

Princess Paladin

i wonder how many of Earth House are going to die fighting alongside Suletta. :<

Cabo Boose

At this point I don't think it can get darker. I know the writers will find a way to make it darker!

Keith Gruber

Oh something you may of missed. The two girls that Chuchu gave tomatoes to are the two girls she knock out in season 1.

Sharles Davis Kendy

In hindsight it seems so obvious that Suletta has had the best Gundam (zero negative effects from raising Permet Score) and now she's gonna have to use the WORST Gundam (literally the MOST negative effects) to fight it. I do think Suletta might talk Eri out of it, but I don't think Prospera can be saved. I also think there's a zero percent chance Prospera isn't secretly in full control of Quiet Zero.


I am so interested about the Calibarn and what it could mean for suletta. It was known by the community that The Tempest inspired the show. Giving Suletta Calibarn, I feel cements the symbolism of her previously serving her mother, similar to Caliban being Prospero's slave in The Tempest. But I am also interested in why they called the gundam "Calibarn" instead of Caliban. I feel like they are drawing from Arthurian legend, with the sword in the stone being Caliburn. If all of this is the inspiration, the writers may be implying that Suletta takes the role of 'once a slave now the chosen one to lead the people'. Side note: I am kinda sad that I am probably wrong that Guel will use the Schwartzette. But I am all for Lauda's fall from grave arc (also low key happy he may not blame his brother). I hope Guel doesn't LOSE him.

Princess Paladin

right? i was like, "wait, which of those things is it referencing?" makes sense they're doing both


Apparently it might be a mistranslation ? Subs for some of the other languages used Caliban