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MHA 1x11

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"You chose to be subscribed" followed by the little grumble made me laugh more than the joke before it.

Princess Paladin

yessss this episode. thanks for uploading! Alicia: One of these kids has to die. I hope it's Minetta and not my favorite character Tsuyu. The Show: Interesting.

Victor Vrignaud

i'm loving this MHA arc for you ! You gonna cry a lot and i'm a terrible person for looking forward to it <3 !

Charlie baker

Yuss love mha being back i dont follow jojo so i was kinda fighting through the weeks of only jojos lol


I know Alicia kinda didn't pay attention to it but does the mild sexism in this piss anyone off or is it just me? Like from the start of S1, they've all been saying "you're a man so you should do this" or "you're a man don't be a wimp". Maybe I'm just too nitpicky but these kinds of things irritate me daily idk just wanted to vent i guess


The guys are saying that to themselves as well for example what Kirishima said to Bakugo in this ep, "As men we have to take responsibility for what we did". What??? Why are we stereotyping and labeling gender roles here??

Princess Paladin

i have noticed that and been unhappy with it. it's still prevalent in a lot of anime. :< it's especially weird when the main character frequently and openly cries, expresses his emotions, cares about others, and doesn't worry about looking cool all the time

Princess Paladin

Alicia Trivia - she also said Todoroki was cool during last episode's opening, and i expected her to point out her own pun or follow it up with, "and he's also hot!"


Exactly! It's probably just the writing and not the characters' personalities, and it does get a bit better in the later seasons. Still unacceptable tho >:(


Remember the context though, unfortunately Japan is still very behind when it comes to societal issues so from the writer's perspective that's normal. Not saying it's right, it's just unfortunately how it is. They're still a very conservative society, hopefully that'll change soon.

Quinton Macejkovic

TheTrashBandit is right. This is more attributable to broad cultural trends in Japan overall than Horikoshi himself.


Yeah, you're right... The world views Japan very differently from what it actually is. It's filled with all sorts of things that don't usually get much attention outside it. We as viewers have to cope with their cultural norms which is hard to do sometimes. I hope it gets better too!


Kirishima's just kind of like that, I feel like it's generally meant in a wholesome encouraging way but it's phrased real weird and gendered. I do think the writer's got some very traditional and rigid representations on gender and sexuality, for example I feel like nearly everyone is a het and nearly all the women and young girls have big busts. Not a teardown of the show, I still think it's quite good and solid.


That said I think it's also nice to see a canonically enby character (thirteen) and a couple of later (albeit unfortunately portrayed) trans characters.


I totally agree. It's not just Kirishima though, they all do. Just from this episode, Jirou said something hella sexist to Kaminari, can't remember what from memory though. It gets more common the more you pay attention lmao


I don't like "hands" guy myself. "Why?" You ask? He tried to hurt best girl! Tsu!


Is it bad when men want to be responsible? Why are gender roles bad, when men and women are biologically different? Gender roles aren't even human exclusive, all animals have them. Look at penguins. Males take care of eggs and children and females hunt for fishes. They are doing fine. Why are gender roles bad, if they helped us survive 100 000 years of evolution?


Okay, I don't know how to reply to this without sounding offensive or angry. Men and women are only different biologically and sometimes hormonal reactions affect thoughts. I believe that's the only level of difference that needs to exist. We are not animals that run off of instincts and it is silly to compare us to other forms of life as we are way ahead in the intelligence department. I never said it is wrong for men to want to be responsible. What's wrong here is the assign the idea of 'having responsibility' or actions like 'acting calm' are associated with men in steretype culture. Your gender does not define your feelings,thoughts or ideals. You're also saying gender roles 'helped' humanity survive somehow. Do you even know history? Work was distributed among people in a way that suited their abilities. I'm talking about cave people here, not modern. Heavy duty work is usually done by men due to the obvious power difference. This is still true in the modern day, which is not a bad thing. People should do what they can do, and it is more common for men to be physically stronger. This is a fact that we are all aware. What's WRONG is to assign that role to that gender. Saying things like 'only men can do this' or 'only women can be like that' is what's wrong in today's society. If it's not limited by our biological differences, actions and behaviour should not be seperated into genders. This is the main reason why gender roles are bad. You can even call them insulting at this point, because it is. And if someone supports that idea, honestly I don't see a place where I can establish a close connection to them. Please educate yourself on this topic. I'm not asking for any arguments. This should be an unanimous thing that we should be agreeing upon. Please?


everyone in the comments addressed exactly what I would have said in response so I'm just gonna say W community


THANK YOU ALICIA. honestly why does every single one of my comments in this patreon have a debate under them 😭


90% seem to agree with you, so your good :D


donald johnson, thanks, cause it's not my first language


Alicia is like a bull. She sees a red flag and runs straight towards it.


Nytalis, I respect your thought process, but we have only begun to reject gender roles in 20th century and now it's going towards absolute equity. Consequences of that can be seen all around the world in declining birth rate, high divorce rate, bankruptcy of many marriage afiliated businesses, quotas in companies, that are forcing incompetent people into certain possitions because of their gender. Not to mention that equity is a basis for socialist political systems and as a person from Poland, who's parents and grandparents suffered under communist regime, I would hate to see, or even think about any other country in the world going through this and belive me, you wouldn't want that either. Women and men should be treated fairly, but not allways equal. I'll keep the door open for a woman, cause I think it's polite and I don't feel opressed, when doing so. I'll never hit a woman during an argument, cause I might kill her and I don't want to kill women, cause I like women. I think I went on too long, but I hope that someone gets my point.


I understand your views and acknowledge that you don't have ill will, and I'm glad we can share opinions like this. Anyway, I accept the fact that there are rising issues regarding these topics, but I think it's also important to realize that no change happens smoothly. Of course there are going to be problems at first. Most people are refusing to change, and some find themselvesn tough spots which I do understand. However, change isn't always a bad thing. I believe what wr're heading towards is a more welcoming, warm and understanding world view. That everyone gets a chance to do things they want. A world where people are not degraded or publicly shamed for their identity. This needs to happen, with gradual change. Marriages will fail, more issues will arise, yes, but for the long run, I think it will be better. Also, I respect you for treating women with respect, but it's also imprtant to realize women can do those things as well. Women can open a door for men too! And the thought of not hitting a woman is of course admirable, due to the physical differences. That I absolutely agree with. Self control is important, yes!! Off topic, but if anyone from any gender hits you first, legally you're able to defend yourself reasonably physically. The control of not being violent is still key to a healthy life though.


Equal chances are benefitial for everyone. I also hope you'll see the world that you dream off, but sometimes I feel like I'm being rejected for using science, like chemistry, biology, history or cosmology to create a way of understanding and explaining things. Many people these days are living in delusion and want all the other people to reject the truth, about nature of these things, for the sake of their feelings. I don't like to use trends as a basis for my thought. I like to use logic. If A is B, than B is A. If animals have two genders and humans are animals, than humans have two genders. If animals have gender roles, established through evolution, to sustain life, humans might have them too. There are humans who reject them, but as you mentioned, humans are far more inteligent than other animals, but what if our inteligence starts to work aginst us. Look, people are the only species on earth, with suicidal thoughts and I dare to speculate that all humans who went through puberty have them at least once. Suicide is very unlogical to me, cause life in all forms is trying to sustain itself. If gender roles among species are creating optimal conditions for sustaing life of said species, then maybe people who reject them have their sense of reality disorted by their emotions. People may call me emotionless, maybe they are right, but there is something beautiful and magical about the way universe works, about the way life evolved on our planet, about the way most women look at their children and about the way men protect them during their most vulnerable time, which is pregnancy. The world will end one day and our lives will almost certainly end before that, so by the end of the day none of the things we talk about right now matter, but I'll continue to look at what I belive is true and learn from it. I also enjoy learning, how other people think, so thank you for sharing you brain substance with me. I won't answer now, cause It's 1:23 in my time zone and I have work tomorrow, so cheese. :)


I think you're conflating a lot of things to make your point, gender =/= sex, gender is expression, sex is biology, and even then intersex people exist and roles in nature are diverse and strange. The narrative that it's either A or B because "Facts and Logic" is flawed, and even if were the case, what wrong with people being happier when they're not bound by expectations of gender roles and expressions? This line of thinking hurts everyone involved, and if taken to extremes creates the kinds of hate groups you see today (see: terfs, lgb alliance, etc.). Ultimately though, don't you think feelings are important too?


Funny how alicia chose to call todoroki icy hot


I love that Tsu reacts to Mineta's grope by just casually drowning him, instead of doing an anime flipout reaction.

Gamer Kane

Another great reaction.


All Might shows up with that "who wants Daddy's belt" energy.

Gamer Kane

I thought I'd put this in another comment so they're could be one positive and one negative and you can read whichever one you want. I despise Bakugo because I know a person like them, they are the worst kind of human being and think their flawless and that everyone else is trash. But the worst part is they will never change because they don't feel they should or want to but more importantly no one will make them, everyone either praises or pities and so they never have to change or they even get worse.

Princess Paladin

confession: i kind of wish they had killed off Tsu in this episode to really drive home how dangerous the Villains are and that no one is safe.

Princess Paladin

i would love for Mineta to be expelled for sexually assaulting people, but i guess Japanese law and the school staff don't care about that sort of thing??

Princess Paladin

no matter what change he goes through, he encouraged Midoriya to unalive himself in episode 1. i cannot forgive him for that, ever.

Yagi di Hoshi

"Mr. Deku I don't feel so good, gero-gero"

Gamer Kane

Yeah that was unforgivable and will forever be my fall back argument when someone tries to defend him because at the end of the day he not only encouraged but tried to drive him to do it.

Gamer Kane

I think that would have been a bit to dark, there are plenty of grim dark and needlessly depressing anime (like akame ga kill) so I'm fine with them keeping tension but not going too dark

Princess Paladin

yea, i'm a big fan of dark tho. T_T if none of the main cast ever dies or faces meaningful consequences, i just stop feeling any concern for their safety. there's no more tension. that's one of the reasons i stopped keeping up with Fairy Tail. ._.


Well, a a man it is normal to hear all your life "be strong", "dont cry" and so on. In a society that has regressed, and has build itself up again these old stigmas would still exist. But without any examples for the show i cant say much expept for Kirishima. It will be explained what he means when he says the things he does. As the story goes on we se both men and woman, even some that identify as the other. Some of the are the typical attractive, some are not.


Well, cyberspacecat, that's my point. You rejected my point of view, bacause it is based on science and not my own feelings. I will not stop anyone from feeling however they want, but sun is hot and however you felt about it, wouldn't change that fact. I think it is even more dangerous, to put feelings above objective reality, cause someone might just say, that they feel like murdering people feels correct to them and you have to accept that, otherwise you'll hurt their feelings. You can live and express yourself however you want, but you have no choice, but to accept the way all other people look at you for that. If I was a murderer, other people would hate me and would want me dead, or imprisoned for life. If I want to live my life free of sex based logic and identify myself as something else then I am, I have to accept, that some people will feel weird about that. That's the part of responsibility I have, as a part of society. Or are you willing to state, that there are people, who's feelings are more important, then other's, cause that's when socialist systems turn into authoritatian dystopia. I don't know, if you've read "animal farm", by George Orwell, but I recommend it.


What makes you believe society has functioned well with the rejection of gender roles? For centuries, minorities have been oppressed, rights violated, people and animals alike have been mistreated. How do you know a society that rejects gender roles will be similar? As I said before, the world has been changing, and change is not always a bad thing. Perhaps we need to casr aside our old beliefs and treat this age as a new slate. I think the positive changes are very obvious. People are not being told they can't do something or they should be doing something because of their gender is a huge positive.


Good lord that thread lol. I was thinking about commenting on it but it doesn't affect me so imma just chill and go on with my day.


The changes, that you are talking about are being pushed by ruthless people, who want to gain power through exploitation of those minorities and their good intentions. Right now, all of gender minorities, race and sex activists are being used as soldiers, by those in charge of said movements and the goal is and has always been, the creation of socialist goverment, where "everyone is equal" (cause everyone is a slave). I'm just trying to warn you, cause it has happened before in Soviet Union and China for example, they just used low class workers as soldiers and now socialists are using gender minorities. Right now you are fighting for the opressed, cause you are being offerd a place to belong and loads of possitive affirmation on the internet, but what you'll get in return at the end of this road is a political system, in which, you'll get imprisoned and tortured, for false accusations, children doing obligatory unpaid labor, so that their parents can get their food rations for the day. I'm not making these things up. Like I said, I'm from Poland and we were under control of Soviet Union, for almost 50 years, after WW2 and I wouldn't argue so much with you, if it wasn't so painful to watch this happen all over again. In capitalism, there are rich people and poor people, but if you are poor, you can work your way up the ladder, if you want to and if you are competent enough and if you are rich, you can lose your fortune, if you make few mistakes. There are no easy solutions. If you are lazy, then pushing for socialism might seem like a great idea, but can you really look at history of humanity and say that you are ready for all the consequences of equity? If you do, then I might just start questioning, either your historical knowledge, or your morality, but I want to assume, that you are a good, compassionate person and you are just being exploited, by those on top of these movements, that you support. Cause those, who are in charge of them don't have the interest of minorities in mind. Just their own. I'm sorry if I won't reply anymore, but after this point, all you can do is deny history. I hope you'll wake up one day, from this beautiful dream, that you call "woke" and I sure hope, that it won't be too late for you and your children.


Well, Rat, I'm not rejecting your argument only because it's not factual, but also because it's just kind of batshit. I don't know how to explain to you how damaging and frankly conspiratorial your views on gender and equality are, while claiming science and logic supports your claims...


I'm from Turkey and it's currently in a really shitty position thanks to our dogmatic people. I don't want to get political, but my point is back when we were doing inmovations back in the 1920's, we gave great importance to equality, secularism, women and minority rights. Back then, everything was really good. However, people didn't take it lightly and there was a major opposition. For example, when women were given rights to vote. When men started wearing hats and suits instead of fez hats. When we changed the Arabic alphabet to Latin. These changes were for the greater good, but it was not recieved well at first. Change is important. This is also true for this gender roles conversation. Being stuck to old values is the last thing this ever-changing environment needs.The gradual removal of gender roles will help improve the standing of so many oppressed people. It's a good change.

Sven Hegenbart

think no one said it but Ponyhair girl shares the same voice as Armin :)

Charlie baker

I mean as much as I fully agree with casting off any societal views on what you can or cant be within reason (no one should feel impowered to pursue illegal shit obviously like those weirdos who try to push liking kids as a legitimate sexuality) its not such a bad thing for characters or people to hold true to what they see as the ideal kind of person they want to be like kirishima for example never puts people down as a complication of his values but at the same time being a man doesnt mean never show your feelings and always suck it up, it means look out for other people and stand up for what you belive in and against unjust things around you for him. i do agree though for sure that be a man is a terrible thing to pressure others with but its plenty fine to take pride in being a man or woman or what you prefer to identify as. Its to be expected though in a more conservative reserved society like japan but no worries the series casts stuff like that aside as it grew and anime and japanese culture is coming around as time goes on.


Ayyyy thank you for the birthday song!! <3<3<3


loving your reaction to this


"Is that a red flag? I wouldn't know because I'm colourblind" - Alicia when she sees a villain


my birthday aug 10

Jay (aka Kairukurumi)

I kind of hate that Horikoshi dropped/forgot about the whole mole subplot but honestly I do not think we would have been ok with whoever it was so probably for the best.

Ryuuji Gremory

Did Hirokoshi drop the subplot though? Pretty sure the mole was revealed in the manga like nearly 2 years ago.

Jay (aka Kairukurumi)

Not sure, I only watch the anime but that is what everyone I saw who talked about it said. It never says in the anime at least. -edit- Nevermind I just looked it up and it is revealed in the manga but I am not sure when. Obviously I cannot post it here but if you look it up on Google it says plain as day at the top.