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one piece 6+7

Watch "one piece 6+7" on Streamable.


Nathaniel Richter

Ma'am it is 1 am i am supposed to be going to sleep.😆


I've seen one piece through a couple different reactors now to the point where I end up skipping the beginning episodes. However, your starting reactions for the series have been so joyous and upbeat that I'll stick around for the whole journey

Benedikt Spálovský

Wow, just got to work and there is no tasks to do.... Guess it's Aliciaxtime 🔥😁🔥😁

Ranginald Vagel

Oh I was going to bed but nvm Honestly if I had the remote from Click I would ignore every part of that precautionary tale and skip two years of my life so I could binge One Piece reactions EDIT: OMG the YT comments are gonna be so full of "THEY EVACUATED THE TOWN NAMI SAID THIS"


Yesss! One Piece time.


Oh take all the time you need!! This is something everyone would wait for!


Great reactions as always Alicia. Fun fact about One Piece, they use the word Nakama (in these subs its translated as "Crew" or "Friends" depending on the context) but it basically means friends as close as family or comrades, its a word with very strong meaning. it comes up a lot in this show, try to see if you can pick it out by the audio :). Keep up the great stuff!


Some of Zoro's attacks are puns on japanese foods. Onigiri is the riceball and the name comes from the word "nigiri" Wich means to hold something in your hand (refers to how you press the rice with your hands to make a riceball). but Zoro's attack is "Oni giri", two words, "Oni" means ogre/demon and "giri" means the verb to cut. So in the end it translates to something like "demon slash".

cody raugh

So, i have gotten that mad before....once got so mad i actually ended up nearly passing out...i get so mad i go to sleep. But "its two am... im going to watch more one piece" yup thats the curse when you binge watch it, happened to me too often, i never seem to catch up for that reason too.


No one has died from Buggy's Ball blasts. I think the whole town left on account of Buggy. . So this whole time it's just been houses getting blown away.


yes onigiri is a type of food but zoro said: oni-giri oni is demon giri is cut/slash


The time honored method of watching one piece, skipping to right after the title card because everything before it is recap or intro song

Aspy 130

Btw oni giri separately means ogre/demon cutter unlike the riceball onigiri lmao


The fun thing about a lot of attacks in One Piece is that most of them are puns in some way, like Zoro can be read like the onigiri rice ball but the way he says it is like Oni (Demon) Giri (Slice/Slash)


Actually had so muchfun watching this reaction. It’s okay to cry, I have seen the dog episode many many times and is still balling my eyes out watching it with you XD. I definitely find Nami at first was kind of annoying but after rewatching it as an adult and watching the series more. Nami grew on me after a while and is one of my favorite character now.


"I'm so angry, I can't even fart." - now that's a new one. xD

Secco Mode

Yo okay new Alicia straw hat drops time hell yea


The content queen is spoiling us today :3


I think we’re supposed to take the town to be empty except for the mayor and the dog,because it’s like the dog is the only one he couldn’t get to leave when the pirates came, so they mayor had to stay too to take care of him. I may be wrong, but I think the only 100% certain deaths so far are the guy who pulled a gun on Shanks and the man who abducted Luffy


Coming back to see how Buggy treats the hat after knowing his history with it just makes me wanna ask him why the disrespect?


Almost every single animal is voiced by one of the straw hat crew


Phew! Late to the party due to a sickness nap but can't miss a Fun Fact!~ Also One Piece can definitely be a fun record as you please Alicia~ Since there's always more you can watch ^-^ a lot of creators use One Piece as their relaxation/break from other series~ Non-Spoiler Fun Fact of the Post!~: 1.) Buggy's power is essentially the anti-thesis to Luffy!~ It was designed to show the huge variety in powers with the fact Luffy us immune to blunt, but Buggy is immune to Slashing and Cutting, luffy can primarily do close combat and extend, but Buggy can do Pseudo Long Range and some close range. 2.) Congrats on Spotting Buggy rocks the Ponytails~ It was revealed in the Manga QnA portion later on that in fact Buggy does wear twintails under his captain hat~

H.P Fuckcraft

while One Piece is an action/adventure/comedy anime there are some truly tear jerking parts, you will absolutely be crying your eyes out at some points in the story.


I feel most like Zoro in a lot of ways but I am definitely not as scary as him


I actually like a lot of the One Piece filler so no complaints from me!

Pepperoni Pony .

Unlike most anime filler, all of OP's, aside from the clearly 4th wall breaking tie-ins with other anime and the occassional recap eps, are canonized by Oda himself. It's not uncommon for mangaka to flesh things out and add them to an anime adaptation that were left out of the manga. Most importantly, the filler is just more time to spend with the Straw Hats, and that's never a bad thing.


Knowing how Alicia is, she’d ball her eyes out to kotaro lives alone


Luffy truly is your self insert


Alicia: "Get him a Dora Band-aid, maybe a Sponge Bob, and a Flintstones' vitamin!" American health care: "That'll be fifteen thousand dollars."


Chouchou was a good primer to prepare you for the onslaught of sad backstories you're in for. Might wanna get an industrial size pack of tissues ready.


Zoro out here just using DnD Long Rest logic to heal...


that one brain cell with Luffy made my day thx)


skip already seen flashbacks in video? cant wait for the occasional 5 episode release.

Emma Brune

"This is my feel good anime" YOU THOUGHT


Thank god this is not JoJo, allowed the dog to live

rouyrre du colibri

onigiri is i think a ref to the food the little girl gave zoro, the rice balls Hi from france


Imagine if every dog in jojo had a sad backstory.


It's episode's 6 and 7 of SERITH'S SPOILER FREE OP TRIVIA SHOW... Straw wHAT TRIVIA! No more clowns to Buggy ya, just good old me. So come on in and take a seat. Wait, where are you taking that seat?! Come back here! Episode 6 Aside from the infamous (and I think very catchy) pirate rap from the 4kids dub there is also an official english dub of the opening songs for the first 4 openings. They are pretty dang good too. "Come aboard and bring along, all your hopes and dreams. du dun du dun Together we will find everything that we're looking for. ONE PIECE!" Woo! Also, the english voice actor for Zoro in the funimation dub of One Piece (the good one) is Christopher R. Sabat, also know for playing Piccolo and Vegeta in Dragonball Z, Despa in Ranking of Kings, Giroro in Sgt. Frog, and Alex Louis Armstrong in Fullmetal Alchemist. Honestly he plays a ton of anime characters. Good for him. Episode 7 Zoro's attack "Oni Giri" mean Ogre Cutter or Demon Slash and is a pun because an onigiri is a japanese food also know as a rice ball. Nami's funimation voice actor for the english dub is Luci Christian. She also plays Ochaco Uraraka in My Hero Academia, Hiling in Ranking Of Kings, and Medusa Gorgon in Soul Eater. Gee, I wish I could be a voice actor, but my voice is just too awesome for that. Don't wanna make everyone jealous. HAHAHA...... Ok, see ya next time everybody.

Joseph Adams

You probably missed this but they said they evacuated the town already

Yagi di Hoshi

They all went to doggy heaven. & Danny got to tie up DIO & throw him in the furnace where he will only go "WRYYYY" to no avail for all eternity


Fun fact about the We Are english version. It was sung by Vic Mignona, the guy who voiced Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist.

Memento Forever

Ah Yes a Legendary battle between legendary Pirates, this battle will be remembered for ages to come

Memento Forever

We are your treasure, but we give you money so Buggy would agree too

christian garcia

Fun fact about this episode the blue on the side of buggy's hat is his own hair


So fun fact about the dog in episode 6: Him waiting for his master to return, despite the master being dead, is based on a real story of an actual dog in Japan who waited for his master's return. This story has been referenced in quite a few stories/shows, including Futurama.