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MHA 1x10

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the entire fandom agrees that if mineta (pervert) dropped dead at any moment the show would be way better


Confirmed Alicia's into the dudes that look like Spongebob when he had the suds

Princess Paladin

did you miss what Shigaraki said? D: while you were being attracted to him he was wondering if All Might would show up if he killed some kids. i thought you drew the line at child killing! T_T


ah our hatred for mineda grow as more people know him


Jesus Christ Alicia back to back drops can't wait to get home after shift for these uploads sheeeeshh appreciate ya Queen

Cody Peterson

If you think about it, Mineta’s quirk is actually godlike for a hero since having a destructive quirk usually leads to tons of property or collateral damage. It is perfect for restraint, gives great evasive abilities, and could even be used to support crumbling structures like buildings, and if he could get over basically scalping himself to use it, it’s produces infinite adhesive balls that effectively cold weld items together. Mineta’s just too stupid to use it properly.

donald johnson

same i also love him. shame how people hate him for just being a kid, and wants to be a hero yet they love the shows villains


There is a difference between a side character being the worst and a villain being written to be a villain. The show does not need a pervert; the show does need good villains. also you are allowed to hate kids for being creepy.


It's a good thing he enrolled in a school to learn how to use those abilities properly and stop being stupid


i dont know if it works but can you do a dub reaction but the sub overlay for yt... like technically its a different video bit it should fit the in same box for editing sake


This is just a personal opinion but I prefer the sub 100% of the time anyway, felt myself dropping off of your Beastars watch because of it, even tho I love that show, but if it's something you or a majority decides then I can't complain.


"NO YOU STUPID FUCKS!" - Alicia's instant reaction be like Gordon Ramsey.


Mineta has a couple okay moments but other than those he's a terrible character, I can't stand him, and even during his best moments he always finds a way to ruin it by being creepy.

Sven Hegenbart

hardly doubt that it was about Mineta as he really is just a creepy guy the whole story over with some ok moments. Tsu is voiced by Aoi Yuuki who you know as Kumoko in Spider or Norea from Gundam WoM


Mineta is a terrible creep the whole time, and nobody likes him seriously.


as a person who's watched both sub and dub of this show, i recommend checking it out in dub at some point, like they have so many takes and jokes and i feel like they explain everything so muuch better than in sub. Plus all the VA's are GOATED especially kacchan's. Anyways, love this show and ur reactions <3


Classic shonen lure you in with escapism before sucker punching you with feels, enjoy it while it lasts Alicia. I feel like every shonen does it eventually, I'm sure OP and MHA will do so with time


Yes mineta is a little perv, but he is also a child going through puberty not an old man or teacher as most Shonen would have a pervert be. P.S. half the reason I like him is other people's anger. Your hatred only makes me stronger! P.P.S while I'm making enemies here even though I love him sero and toru are fucking useless (she probably shouldn't have passed eraserhead's test or the entrance exam)


Also should state these are my opinions. I don't hate anyone for having a different one. Unless your opinion is, I should hate/hurt these real people for just existing, I guess


I'm just sick of the Token pervert character in anime, feels like every big anime has to have one. I like a good perverted joke but half those types of characters don't even make jokes - the fact that they are perverted IS the joke. Maybe when I was still new to anime that shit would fly but now it's tiring.

Quinton Macejkovic

I'm not sure I agree with this justification. "A child going through puberty" is a bit less than is portrayed here. Horikoshi clearly presents Mineta in a goofy/"haha he's such a perv, isn't that cute?" vibe when he sexually harasses other characters. Which isn't a great look. If you compare that to Denji from CSM, who is explicitly _all_ about sex and is also a child going through puberty: the most problematic situation regarding sex that he was in was with Himeno, _he_ was the victim in that scenario, and it also resulted in him maturing from the experience; whereas Mineta harasses someone, that person gets angry, everyone goes "oh well", and nothing changes. Admittedly this isn't a problem with the character itself, and more with his portrayal.


I don’t have any strong feelings for mineta, he’s just there for me, the classic pervert trope, and we’re all looking at characters the same way he does so that might be a big part of why I don’t feel so strongly about hating him like everyone else does, but I think most of the hate is more focused on him, well, just being there, other perverts like Roshi or Sanji at least have way more character and contributions, so I can understand the hate, but for me it’s just not deep enough. How can I scold someone for checking out ass when I’m checking out some nsfw of juri from street fighter?


I hate the purple guy since the start and my opinion on him haven't change. There is no redeemeble quality.

VJ Sins

The main theory as how piss ball boy mamaged to pass is that he threw his balls and the robots got stuck and moved until they broke via their parts getting sticked together

Joseph Adams

Do the subbed. It's great


if you need humor and violence...Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.

kywolf 55

I personally think mineta is the worst, but that's me. Ik a lot of other people don't agree.


The villains getting the info was shown in an earlier ep. Handsy opened the school's gate so the press could be a distraction while one of the villains took a copy of the teaching schedule. You lookin too deep Alicia, at least, in this instance :P


I think the point of Mineta as a character and his distasteful traits is to poke fun at them. Like, I don't see his pervyness as the joke, but the constant reactions of those around him to be the joke. Like, Tsu slamming him down, or a character's comment on his comments, or the glares he gets from nearly everyone around him. He's a punchingbag for physical comedy rather than the instigator of perverse comedy


And, last one, I swear, the characters you said "ew" to were Shoji (dupli arms guy) and Ojiro (tail dude), harping on both their physical appearance, wanting to 'snip' Shoji's arms, and calling Ojiro's tail gross (or smthn to that effect). Those are the two who had unwarrented hate or disgust thrown their way from you, in my opinion. Mineta, on the other hand, yeah... I get why he gets hated on so I don't feel as strongly about it. (Edit: I unpaused the video and you just got it lol)

taksumi yoko

the show not as high moral as u think yes it make fun of prevy stuff but still does it, so not like it above it lol