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I made the mistake of binging 3 episodes in a row and now I need to lay down and cry.


gundam 1x15

Watch "gundam 1x15" on Streamable.



The amount of respect I got for Guel for even trying to save the girl despite what a fucking rut he was in. Instantly shot up to being one of my favorites.


War sucks. You can't prevent it, cause that is exclusive to the people with power. Even if your side doesn't aim at it, your opposition will start it, when their leaders see benefits to it. You can't end it. You just have to wait until enough people die and for enough things to be destroyed, for both sides to decide it's not worth it anymore. You can either join the fighting to accelerate the chaos, whenever you do it out if loyalty, hope, or you just want to manifest your cruelest desires, it doesn't matter in war. The other options are hide or die. And look at our history. What are the benefits that wars brought us? Just the realisation that we don't need another war. Oops, didn't work. Oops, didn't work again, cause the loosing side will undergo a downfall and another war awaits in the future. The scary part is that it all makes totall sense. Cause we are animals after all.

Sven Hegenbart

really liked the ep at it showed that the eath group arent just evil terrorist but also a huge support for the refugees on earth ALso thats the biggest positive interpretation i saw of the ED ^^ You should check out Uthenas ED as a writer there also works here and they share a lot of the same symbolism


I was not expecting her to,half way through the episode, describe the plot of the entire UC timeline.

Princess Paladin

oh boy. you watched all three eps.


Guel's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad semester


Great reaction for a great episode! I’m kinda torn between Norea’s and Nika’s viewpoints. The terrorist school shooting was indefensible and Norea in particular is a hateful and murderous individual. At the same time, Nika seems a tad naive if she thinks this shit can be resolved through mere dialogue or something. Spacians respond to peaceful demonstrations with friggin’ Mobile Suits. In this episode, we also learned that corps are essentially running proxy conflicts on Earth for profit and “control” (“war partitioning”). The power imbalance is insane. The Spacians, with soulless corps at the helm, can get away with it and will keep on oppressing Earth as long as they can get away with it. One side is holding all the cards. Shaddiq’s a rat bastard, self-serving and his Cold War plan probably wouldn’t quite solve things the way he claims, but he has a point about how the power imbalance is something that needs to be addressed.