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This episode was WAY TOO COOL HOLY


gundam 1x16

Watch "gundam 1x16" on Streamable.


Sven Hegenbart

the mom talk in this ep was on top - she most likly will be the "villain" in the end but i somehow want to see her suceed. they didnt confirm that this will be onyl 1 season so there is hope that we will get another one


Way to go Eri! Fry that fake boy's brain. (he is the fake one to me) Also, I admire you for following the plot so well. I'm watching it for the first time too, but I'm focusing too much on details, for example terms that they use, like we are supposed to know them from previous Gundam series. (fair enough, but still it's hard for me to follow sometimes)


El4n piloted Aerial to try and find out if Suletta was an enhanced human like he was. He was looking for a shared suffering in her, because that would've meant he wasn't alone in his suffering. He was looking for family, and that's why he was infuriated with her when Aerial wasn't causing a permet reaction in him. He thought that they could bond over their pain, but she was not in the same boat as him. She could pilot Aerial as often as she wants, while he could only fly a handful of times before death. But El5n was not here with good intentions. He wanted to steal Aerial away from Suletta, to try and escape his messed up situation. Eri could understand El4n looking for family, but she would never tolerate El5n taking her away from hers.

Sharles Davis Kendy

Random thoughts/predictions, completely spoiler free: 1) I don't trust Prospera when she says she's doing it for Eri. I'm sure it would help Eri, but I am convinced there's more to it than that. 2) Everyone's assuming that Suletta would die under Permet Score 4 like most normal humans because Eri handles everything but I don't think Suletta IS a normal human. She looks too much like Eri's father to be a natural born child. I think she's Enhanced just like the Elans, except using Eri's genes. In the ED, after Aerial shoves her hand into Suletta, Suletta gains the blue energy streaks all over her body and then starts controlling the bits HERSELF.

Sharles Davis Kendy

It's also possible that Eri didn't have the power to stop him back then. It does seem like the more Suletta fights, the more powerful Eri gets. She keeps raising her Permet Score further and further (which seems to be a prerequisite for Prospera's plan).

Princess Paladin

sooooo... since each of the gund-bits was also a baby... how many "daughters" are we thinking that Prospera has had? also, there's multiple Sulettas in the ED. what if those are the gund-bits?


It's been a while since I wanted to stab a bitch quite this badly


Thanks for the ep. Loved the interaction with the mother at the end


It could also be that bits are just sharing Eri’s consciousness (especially since they are represented in exact same little spacesuit) and.. ah who am I kidding, it is probably some creepy shit .


I’m worried about Miorene, because Prospera clearly extends her vengeful hatred to Delling’s entire bloodline. Some real “blame it on the misfortune of your birth” (UC timeline Gundam watchers will get the reference) vibes to her tone whenever she is candid with Mio.


Prospera doing all this stuff with Quiet Zero to make Eri happy again makes me so uncomfortable. Prospera is willing to use her last living daughter to make her first born feel better, probably at Suletta's expense. She manipulates Sully but never seems to be close to her despite what Sully believes, and keeps herself distant by referring to her as "The Child". Also I'm starting to think Suletta is a clone of Eri.


"Blame it on the misfortune of your birth" proceeds nail someone in the head with an RPG