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:D the finale? of this part? AOT is so confusing when it comes to season 4 labelling LOLOL


AOT 4x28

Watch "AOT 4x28" on Streamable.



okok, question (That I asked on another video a bit before but im new to this patreon thing and just to be safe i'll post it again here, the most recent video) So like, did you ever watch Demon slayer and/or Jujutsu kaisen already ? If not I'd recommend those for reactions !


You should check out "tomo chan is a girl."


I reacted to the jjk movie here on Patreon already :D but I have seen Demon slayer and jjk I just haven’t seen the new season of demon slayer yet


Sasha barfing brought me back to my brief partying days. I can't hold my liquor at all 31:24 That title drop gives me chills.


Man, perspective really is everything. I love how it doesn’t simplify everything down to this side or that side (there is already too much of that in today’s world). It paints everyone as a complete human with their own spectrum of facets & flaws. None of our cast is free of fault. It forces you to empathize with people that you normally wouldn’t. For example: if I was part of our main crew, I’m pretty sure I would want to stop Eren. But if I was in Erens position with his foresight and a chance to save the people I loved… would I do the same thing? I honestly don’t know. Its such a bleak situation I wonder if i would just be like “fuck it”. I really couldn’t say. I just love and empathize with all these characters. And its breaking my lil heart. But im a slut for heartbreak and i cant look away.


So who else thinks that kid of Historia's belongs to Erin?

Can Arabacıoğlu

Damn it Alicia, i cant not hear "algorithm goawds!" differently anymore XD

Sven Hegenbart

We came full circle with this. He said the same line at the end of episode 1 and in this one. Its so sad to see Eren going all out to make Mikasa hate him so she isnt sad when he dies after those 4 years :(


Genuinely this genocide is all because they chose Armin


This episode is in my top 3 for AoT


We all know the real reason Eren did the rumbling is because Mikasa wouldn't throw it bad for a real one remember people thicc thighs save lives.


Seems like levi really grew on you .... if i remember right you said something like you dont really get the levi fan girling in season one and now it theres gotta be tons of levi fan art in that suit.


I think it's pretty cool, but terrifying. Not necessarily disgusting. To each their own. Now let's see if Alicia is still cheering on and excited to see bloodshed when she sees the rumbling unfold in the hour special. If she gets off from what's gonna happen next she's a real sicko.


With AOT coming to a end may i suggest some Cyberpunk edge runners as the next series 0x0


Buddy boy if thats what youre looking for I got some good news for you she watched the whole show last year https://www.patreon.com/aliciaxlife/posts?filters[tag]=Cyberpunk%3A%20edgerunners


if only you knew alicia... i can't wait for you to know


So next up is AOT The Final Chapters Part 1 , aka , AOT Season 4, the final season, part 3, part 1. After this we have to wait until the fall for the next and final part!


that shot of eren as a kid watching his mother die, it almost makes it justified. i know its insane but like, they did the same with their lives 7 years ago, they just trampled over the lives of hundreds not caring at all who they killed, thinking they were less than human so it didnt matter. and because of incidentally killing this person, they are seeing the result of their action come back at them a million times over. i just love that shot cause it reminds us of what he lost and his pain and anger of that day as he still carries it with him.

Tachyon Fast

Important question Alicia; I have an 18 minute YouTube video that I’d like you to watch but I don’t know what Patreon tier I’d need to use in order for that to be done?

Tachyon Fast

It’s a suite of the AOT music played “in house” that I’d like you to react to if you’re interested in that sort of thing? I’m not like… rolling in dough to be blunt, but I feel like this is important enough. Anyways I hope you have a wonderful night and thank you again for the awesome uploads!


Remember when Eren screamed "I will destroy this world!" at the end of season 1? Man promised, man delivered!

Carrie Thomas

“I’ll wipe out every last one of ‘em from this world” a direct quote from season 1, though originally Eren had directed that towards the titans. One thing Eren has always done, he always keeps his promises. I also like how all the characters question if he’s always been like that: yes, yes he has! Though originally his unstoppable hatred was directed towards a shared enemy, now it’s a problem since he’s aiming for innocents who, nevertheless still threaten his home and family. His main goal has always been to protect his family and friends, no matter what; if that meant killing others then so be it.


Levi running off with the kid makes sense when you remember he grew up on the streets himself.

Ervine Gates

I feel one way to read this story is as a deconstruction of the edgy "I'm going to destroy all the monsters!" that we see in some stories. Deconstructions tend to just be a story we're familiar with expanded, and there is a reason why "Insert thing here - killed my mother!" is a joke for character motivation, it happens a lot. Here, we got a guy who literally has all that "Justified" rage and hate and so everyone was right there for it.... and then he "won" and now he's still a flaming ball of rage and hate aimed right at anyone who will hurt or endanger his family and ooooh crap that flame has accidentally been coaxed into a BONFIRE.

Dr. A

I forgot how great this episode was.


Can't wait for your reaction to the TV special 😊😊


While it's not mentioned, it feels like it'd be VERY easy to fake a blood test, right? Like just find someone you don't like, slip the right guy some money, and they hand you a BS paper that says the person you're after is an Eldian and should be put in the ghetto zone or worse. It's just another little detail that suggests just how nightmarishly authoritarian things in Marlay are without directly showing that much.