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AOT 4x27

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Annie and Rainer throwing hands with all the scouts flying around. You know that one meme with goth people dancing? Industrial Group Dance? That one, but with edited bees. Same vibes. Also 16:36 - POV: you said that Eren is mid and Mikasa overheard.


why was there blood? bro alicia, look at the water....that water aint blue anymore girl

Anthony Thehedgehog

anyone remember whene alicia hated blood of any kind now look at her ahhhh so glad to see her being able to enjoy this stuff now~

Tempered Glasses

A hype new game just dropped: Tears of Alicia!


This show is amazing, the way they humanised and made you feel for the general. He was still an interesting character back in Marley, since he was one of the few in the military who didn't seem to treat Eldians horribly, but I never expected him to have this whole character arc and have it end so satisfyingly. It kinda goes back to what you mentioned in a previous episode where that girl that Mikasa saved in s1 also came back to play a role. The fact that the show can make even the most generic seeming NPC feel like an actual person, with their own backstory and people who care about them, is honestly an amazing feat that very few other shows and games are able to pull of effectively.


Mikasa is a monster. I'm not just saying that because she was popping off I'm saying that because the way she was killing some of them was a little extra. They are the traitors and she treated thier deaths like titans. tying 2 together and blowing them up is animalistic and so over the top and you cannot convince me that she couldn't have killed them humanly instead of killing them like dogs. It's horrible to watch people route for that and then boo for Flochs big moment in trying to save Eldia. Truly sad.


honestly, going out like a mfing badass, that's a way to go, and Keith and Theo did that in spades. Blowing up a ship to prevent the enemy from stopping the one hope for the world. They died to keep that hope alive. Shinzou wo Sasageyo


It's easy to judge moderation when you've never been in such a situation, and a common issue when war is reported back in a peacetime country. Sometimes you need to do what you have to and focus on reducing risk to yourself, not on what someone who's not there may think from the safety of their home. As for people routing for it. It's an anime. Have you never watched an action movie or anime before? They go over the top to make characters bad ass. If you want to stick to hardline morals then that's up to you, but don't hold others by your standard, some of us just want to enjoy the fictional entertainment.


I guess it was an interesting contrast between him and Shadis at the end. On the one hand they where the same, with both training up kids to fight and likely die, and making leadership decisions that led others to their deaths whilst they survived. On the other they where polar opposites, with one who trained others for the survival of humanity, whilst the other trained them through xenophobia that he knew was misplaced. In the end they both accepted that their time was up and hoped it made amends for their actions.


Character says something nice- Alicia: are they gonna die? The paranoia is real with this show lol. I think the writers knew exactly what they where doing and how to keep people from guessing who was next.

Can Arabacıoğlu

"I'm such a hindsight andy" that made me laugh out of loud! XD


Someone mentioned this before in a comment, but I respect Floch so much as a character now. He stayed true to his beliefs up until the very end, all for Eldia. Not only that, but he went through everyone to get to the boat to blow it up. Mad respect for him. Yeah, you can dislike him or diss him all you want, but Floch went down a real one.


The water is red because of Annie's arm that fell into it.


21:10 the blood rain reminds me of op 2

Tachyon Fast

Goddamn lol. That after credits scene made you cry “one more time for the one time”.

Nolan Holmberg

It’s okay I was confused about the floch death to begin with as well lmfao I’m pretty sure gabi shot floch right before he let go of the thunder spear so he missed. And the water is red because… there’s literally like 100 corpses at the bottom plus some titan parts for good measure just swimming around down there


Notice how Shadis was rocking his old Scout jacket instead of the training corps one


It's kinda of staggering for me when I think that writers had to actually keep track of all these complex, layered character motivations amid the absolute insanity of the plot.

Ranginald Vagel

"writers" It's just Isayama lol. This is his first series too, wonder if he ever plans to drop another banger

Ranginald Vagel

It's insane that Floch has a sakuga moment the most unlikely thing in the world pretimeskip


the saddest part about Sadies' death is that no one even knew he was there