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omg I be RANTING in this episode haha


AOT 4x23

Watch "AOT 4x23" on Streamable.



RUMBLING! RUMBLING! ITS RUMBLING! RUMBLING! RUMBLING! BEWAAAAAAAAAAAARE! I wish I could listen to this song for the first time again


waking up and there are already 2 episodes out - what a way to start a saturday! And this OP is just so awesome on every level. I put this slightly over the first opening, which is already so high in the rating. The big question is - can it kick the Jojo Bloody Stream opening off the throne or is it just so close to that one because I'm a metalhead?


I actually wonder if Erwin would've been a yaegerist, and allowed the two's plan to go ahead. After all he was often fine with sacrifice for their goals.


I love every character in this show, but Armin is so far and ahead of everyone else for me it's not even close.

Golden Witch Beatrice

I meant to put this comment a few episodes ago but forgot so I’ll just say it now. I have not known peace since someone made the joke that there was a good chance an eldian was using the bathroom when Eren connected to all of them😭😭😭😭

Golden Witch Beatrice

Floch is standing his ground as Eren’s #1 Stan! I’m happy he has that going for him😌. If they had the technology I just know he’d be making the best edits of his dom dadd- I mean devil


Heeey, what the rumbling doin'?


God that moment in the OP with Eren's younger self imposed over the knife stabbing the two men just goes to show he hasn't changed at all since then. He's always been a murderer. (Not saying he wasn't justified back then, just that it came to him rather naturally)

Barnabás Mucsi

When Eren talked to all the Eldians, Historia was the only one who was on a chair, wich means that chair is an Eldian, too. 🤣


I personally don't think Erwin was the right choice, he was clearly a broken man when Levi was about to save him. Can you imagine having to live with leading dozens of fresh green recruits to their violent horrific deaths? and being one of two survivors? He'd be useless imo.


She needs to see the lyrics for this song

James Decker

I think the more fitting question is whether Eren was ever free if all his actions have been predetermined since before he was born.

Carter Skjerven

I feel like it showing Eren’s new Titan is the biggest spoiler in the opening.


Thanks for the episode, AoT starts dropping in quality from here, but thats mostly due to the remaining shallow characters returning to the spotlight.


BTW Armin said the first smart thing in a while. None of this wouldve happened if Erwin was alive. Armin was OBJECTIVELY the wrong choice.


ALSO IT DOES MATTER THAT ERWIN COMES BACK. Eren literally CANNOT do any of his actions if the Military has command & control with a well liked leader at helm, IE Erwin.

Nico Ropertz

Plottwist, eren makes the titans walk all the way up to the people outside paradis island, makes them all T-pose, then makes them dab on them haters, and makes them go back and puts the walls back up - The End.

Miklar Sihn

My answer is definitely not. Now after he knew that he had been planning his whole life, he didnt even have the illusion of freedom. Not only is he not free, he is the only guy who can say that he isnt free with 100% certainty, he knows who planned his life. He knows that someone he agrees with has made the decision that this is what he has to do.

Miklar Sihn

I have to do this... Just because of the camp thing you said Alicia. "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice i am willing to make." Full on Shrek up in here.


I’m so glad I have no investment in this series after finishing the manga


i love the rumbling conceptually, and this is also my favorite arc! - that said, it's pretty clearly the worst possible idea ever, for anyone to ever do lol. its the antithesis of sasha's dad "keep the children out of the forest" mantra; for every one person in this world guilty of genuine oppression and violence towards eldians getting flattened, you would have magnitudes more innocent children being trampled for the sin of... being born? now it is obviously a fictional genocide in a fantasy world, and no actual people will be harmed, so when people on both sides get ridiculously heated over this topic it kind of makes me roll my eyes and move on with my day... but it is also interesting to frame it vs real world and see how ridiculous the logic of it is. if a palestinian child living through apartheid or a native american child on a neglected reservation suddenly was able to activate the rumbling and destroy the outside world tomorrow, is it justified? even if the world is wiped clean and only paradis remains, the sin of its founding would certainly stain the soul of that nation forever... look at a nation like america today which has never come to terms with its foundational sins of slavery and native genocide, which still reverberate through the culture and society causing violence and resentment. love your reactions! enjoy the final arc


The big twist is that Eren is only committing genocide ironically.


Is it time for some lyrical analysis? All i ever wanted to do was do right things - Eren justifying everything hes done? I never wanted to be the king, I swear. All I Ever wanted to do was save your life I never wanted to grab a knife, I swear. Those two could be seen as eren talking to mikasa (if you believe the whole thing about akermann blood and having a "host" or royal to protect) But the second one was definitely about baby erens murder jamboree. You tell me what have i missed Still wandering in the deep mist Eren has been very aloof and almost like he is disassociating so this could be an allusion to that If i lose it all, slip and fall i will never look away. Another name for the Attack Titan is The Advancing Titan. No matter the outcome eren , and his titan, will continue forward. ceaselessly.

Nathan Mathews

I actually find it cool how you find a sense of, for lack of a better term, empowerment in the power trip of Floch. Throw out the moral question, it really does bring out an intense amount of emotion.

Desert Penguin

For some reason this video is only in 1080 and 720, no 360. For some reason even with good internet the 720 constantly freezes. Anyone understand this and is it possible to get a 360p version available?


She on her Villain arc again


There's an extended version of the opening, its really good, although it only adds a little bit to the song so idk if you'd want to check it out.


I love the anime version of their video it's so good


Yeah, I think this is part of why it's such a heated thing. Because we don't really see the full extent of just how bad this is, but imagine for a second if some random Arminian man activated a global genocide and then you look over and the entirety of America is being crushed because of something you had zero involvement in that you, personally, might not even know about. It's absurdly unethical no matter how you look at it, lol! So whenever people try to justify that it 'has' to happen, it just feels so out of touch to me, especially since characters in-universe are giving alternatives and chastising Eren for doing this like ALL THE TIME.


I want Floch to dominate me 🥰