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hori 1x8

Watch "hori 1x8" on Streamable.





I've had a weird relationship with depression. It's hard to say i was suiciadal because even though i thought about suicide i never made the decision to actually go through with it. Instead i've always thought my life was pointless and no one would care if i wasn't there. It's great to hear you talk about how you've felt. It genuinly feels good to know youre not alone. You're inspiring.


Miyamura talking to his younger self, using attack titan powers, to save himself from suicide. Now he'll flaten the world for Hori. It's true, that everyone is going though the fase of "If I die, things will be easier, for me and for others". It's impossible for people to not think of themselves as the worst, cause everyone else is trying to show you their best side and you're jelaous of others, cause it always seem like you suffer way more. Life is unfair. So many childeren won't even get a chance to ask themsleves many of these questions. So many people die young, suffer from violence and many live though their lives with privileges, like having loving, rich parents, living in a peaceful country. The fact is that those rich, spoiled people and poor, hurt people are all people and we all suffer. We can't (from the biological point) suffer more than it is survivable. It is also a fact that people like all other animals exposed to too much suffering will just snap and stop feeling anything. It goes for both physical and mental pain. Shit I went on too long again. My point is, that you thought about suicide, I thought about it. And I think it's logical to assume, almost everyone thought about it at some point. Life may be miningless, in the great picture, but you living now, doing what you do is very inspirational for me and for your other viewers. I told you before and I'll say it again. You are an incedibly smart person. You are amazing and strong for the fact that you can accept all of your past and present and love yourself the way you are. Even if life is meaningless, you can't blame people for having faith in the meaning of it. Having this faith is the most irrational thing I am allowing myself to do and is aslo the thing I love about myself the most. Damn. That's too much text. Sorry. If a meteor crushed me tomorrow I would also have no regrets. But at the same time I won't end my own life as long as there is anything I can offer this world. Cheese.


well I'm glad you chose to stick around


Alicia tell Rich he is a W man. W fianance. W Person. Hugs to you all




Don’t be sorry 💖 that wasn’t too much text at all. I really appreciate that you took the time to write that


Finding out Hori's fetish really made the show pick up for me.


Seems like Alicia finally let go of her girl grudge against Remi

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode


"Whats with you guys redeeming shows that make me cry?" Me knowing she's about to start violet evergarden


ooffff, that started of in the feels. I know where you are coming from and I did the same thing last year with breaking contact, cleaning up, leaving my workplace etc.. Thank god I´m better now and thank god you also found an anker to hold you. I really wish you all the best and that you beat cancer. Also for the last part of the episode, I´m extremely short sighted, like if I don´t have my glasses I only see color and shapes but not what it is. For those who know about glasses, both my eyes are at -9,5 and -9,75. For those that don´t know, I basically can only see clear like 20 cm in front of me, so him not recognizing people without his glasses is pretty accurate, thought not so over the top like thinking a statue is a person, but if they have have the same height it´s quite challenging.