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:D I AM SOOO happy felt okay enough to record. I wanted to see more AOT so badly haha.


AOT 4x22

Watch "AOT 4x22" on Streamable.



Btw, I don't know if anyone said anything. But, ending 1 (the one primarily about Mikasa with the unique art style) is actually a letter/message to Eren. And the current ending your on (Ending 7) is Erens response back to her. And the ending at the end of the 1-hour episode is Mikasas response back to Eren. It's also done by the same group who did the current opening (SiM). So highly recommend checking out the lyrics to each, since they are all meaningful. (Someone can correct me if I'm wrong)


Its nights like these I'm happy I work the night shift


adding on to this, its not confirmed but highly theorized that this opening is how Eren feels on the outside and the outro is how he truly feels

Killermartian _

annie really skipped straight to the ending


I love you


I'm glad you brought up the beach scene. I really feel like that's the single most important scene for Eren's development. The mindset when he's like "If we kill every enemy across the sea, will we finally be free?" is really what brought him here. I'm gonna be a little negative; I disagree with the use of Barricades in this episode, the song with the vocals when they kill the mindless titans. Barricades is like the hype season 2 song that plays when Historia takes her big character steps and has this energetic hopeful feel to it, I don't think it should be playing now when our characters have to kill their friends, including Pyxis. I would have preferred something more somber. Actually, I kinda dislike the direction of the entire scene, too heroic and "cool" if you ask me.


Pixishhhhhhh forever. Rest in peace. (Or in pieces, cause he got exploded. To dark? Okey.)


Idk I think they all need to pick a fucking side either the euthanizaition plan or kill everyone else cause honestly it just seems like they on the fuck eren side no matter what the dude does he the enemy. In all seriousness I'm a sucker for happy endings but I think eren needs some love too man. poor guy


In regards to the action animation and camerawork, I think the main difference from s3 to s4 is the presence of Arifumi Imai in s1-3, and lack of in s4. He's the one responsible for the majority of the outstanding sequences, such as Levi vs. Kenny, Levi vs. Beast titan and many more. Otherwise s4 generally has a lot more characters and titans on screen in action sequences, so you naturally don't get as much of those focused high octane sequences.


Man, check out all of Eren's fake-ass friends willing to ghost him as soon as he tries committing a little light genocide.


ooooo I like the criticism I want to go back and rewatch that now with your perspective


yeah the difference is noticeable but I do think they they execute things in a unique way that I can appreciate the nuances of. For sure a different vibe when its a full ass massive titan war vs the pvp arc haha

Miklar Sihn

Hey, turnaround is fairplay. You try to genocide us, we genocide you right back... That is morality right? ;)

matthew bremmer

Eren is the living embodiment of 'fuck around and find out'.

Miklar Sihn

Yeah, Eren is an idealist to the depths of his personality. So to lie to Zeke he has to act and think like Zeke would want him to, all the time. If he ever cracked the role, he might have blown the whole plan. He was the most expendable of the 2 main elements. If someone else was made to eat Eren, then the plan could still happen. But without Zeke, Paradis was fucked in both plans.


I've been watching along with you then watching the English dub as I go, and you should watch the dub version for the fight scene with the music if for no other reason than the heart the voice actors, especially Jean's puts into it. That and Erwins final speech are must watches in dub imo.

Dr. A

LMAO, Saul Goodman titan :)

Tachyon Fast

It just makes so much sense that drinking would be the thing to bring Pixys down. Still sad.


When Shadis came in, I was expecting Guile's Theme to start playing.


It’s so beautiful and heart breaking but I wish a hot female Titan ate him so it goes back to what he said in season 1 haha


Yeah that'd be good. I don't like arguing X did it better than A as I think both teams of voice actors did great jobs throughout, but I do think they both have moments where one or the other stands out for a particular delivery.


I didn't even think of the elevator scene from season 1, but I do now! Marco would be proud of them all, Jean especially. ^w^


I just want to point out, the idea that Zeke's plan was necessary has NEVER BEEN MORE invalidated than it is when you see someone carrying around an Anti-Titan RIFLE!!! Seriously, think about it for a moment. Literal infantry men, individual soldiers, can gun down Titans now. You could just make a stronger version of this, shove it on a turret, and hook that up to the side of any type of aircraft like the zeppelins they have and you basically invalidate the entirety of Titan warfare. There are so many ways to deal with these things, meanwhile there can only ever be 9 Intelligent Titans and they're not going to last long if other countries start putting anti-Titan tanks or convoys together. Titans are becoming so outdated in terms of global warfare that it's not even funny. The only real problem they could cause is The Rumbling, and literally anyone other than Eren would probably know better than to do that crap without a really good reason. You could probably deal with that diplomatically super hard, right? Like pull some 'Don't do this and we won't attack the island' agreement.


Not really? If someone tries to shoot you and then they stop and walk away, you don't really have the right to shoot them, cap their immediate family, and then blast everyone in the city block just for good measure.

Miklar Sihn

Dude, first of all that wasnt a fitting example, secondly the above comment was quite clearly sarcasm.