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beastars 2x1

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Season two here we go! Wooo!


I say Alicia killed him!! Probably touched her cheese supply. Might be wrong tho..

Alex O

cant wait till you find out


These damn teenagers, I swear.


oh my god matching subtitles thank god. I've never seen season 2 so this'll be fun!

Yagi di Hoshi

A LOT OF D's The chihuahua-lookin' dude, Voss, is a fennec-fox Yup, a vulpine & a hyaenidae (Miguno) are in the dog room :x With a mental note & those AoT eye-shadow-lines over him - when Legoshi comes across Juno in this ep in the manga, he finally learns here that she was coming onto him this whole time. He's that naive...well, of a high schooler lol. That, or manga Legoshi is defo such a big silly-billy


With season one down, do you plan on watching TFS's abridged version?

Princess Paladin

honestly surprised you thought he was still alive after season 1, since he literally told the lions to eat him and leaving nothing but his antlers XD


Music is goated. Ha. Get it? Goat. Cause they are animal people...................................................


Same I thought he died in that scene too when I first watched...although watching it again here I realised he still had his gun on him, so it wasn't as hopeless as I remember it being


Oh shoot season 2 already!? I haven't caught up with season 2 so this will be uncharted territory for me too EDIT: I think the word you might have been looking for there was 'cold-blooded'? I don't know much about it, but I think reptiles are called that because they use sunlight to regulate their body temperature. Us humans are 'warm blooded' because we can maintain a constant body temperature all on our own, regardless of environment. When I was young I remember learning about this really cool dinosaur species with a sail membrane on its back. Apparently, it would turn its sail towards the sun whenever it needed to warm up, like a solar panel.

Memento Forever

YO When Alicia said Luis that one time I thought it was a character in the show like who is that! at 15:04

Memento Forever

Haha the Juno scene with the wolves remind me of those people on twitter that give random thanks and achievements to someone thats trying to get with someone lol Like "Thanks for saving my baby the other day"

Tachyon Fast

Yoooooooooo the subtitles are accurate now!!


I love that Beastars is back. I watched it on a whim once and absolutely fell in love.


Say, have yah checked the jp out on some snippets of this amazing series?

Dr. A

I heard the author of Beastars is the daughter of the author of Baki which makes sense in a wild way. Baki is known for it's ugly muscles on muscles, and Beastars is similar in a weird way.


when i first saw this i thought this creature was a spider