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beastars 1x12

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finnaly I love this series also you should watch dr stone


Now that season one is finished can u react to tfs beastars in 4 min

Alopex The Wanderer

If you like stop motion you should check out Mad God, it's the 20 year long passion project of the stop motion master that worked on Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Robocop, etc.


Geez only Alicia could get me to google both deer and wolf peens to see how the logistics would work with fictional characters

Yagi di Hoshi

Well, they're anthropomorphic & prolly don't need scientifically accurate traits there. Like, it's no more than two boobs, no hooves or beans & what have you lmao


"You know how streamers do like those fake reactions sometimes, like OH MY GWAAAAAAAD" - Joseph fake reactor confirmed. Also, I'm sorry, but "he is not a prize" and "she is not a prize" (I agree on that) is contradicting with your earlier point that "if she wants to sleep around, she is a queen, for embracing her sexuality and being in control of her body". I think it's the modern feminism aproach, that women should take advantage of their sexuality at their youngest, cause with all the birth control, there are only benefits to it. Like Haru said, in her case, it's to valuate herself. It may be for easy cash (sugar daddy), or for pure momentary pleasure. People should decide for themselves and I agree with that, but what I don't like is lack of logic. (that's why I watch your content, cause you are able to think) Cause there is a huge proportion of women now, that regret chosing this lifestyle, that are over 30 years old, that are either single, single mothers, or feel tainted and used by men and can't truly trust their partner. If a young woman is trying to objectify herself, isn't it logical, that there are going to be people, especially predatory men, who will be glad to objectify her back. Sorry for a long read. I just wanted to share my opinion. You do you. I'll still watch, cause I love your content. Cheese.


So as a person who embraced their sexuality and when I was in my younger years slept around a lot it did make me feel empowered and appreciate my own body and comfortability more. I think it's something I related to with Haru a lot. Mind you hers is very extreme but the parallel of feeling in control of your own body rather than having physical limitations because you're a woman is exciting. Sex is one of the most accessible times where that is possible. Is it a healthy mentality to have? Depends. I think that treating the people you sleep with, with respect is super important but just like for men having many partners and embracing your body and what makes you happy is important too. As for regret I myself have no regrets for how sexually active I use to be with various people because it is what made me happy and feel empowered. It wasn't as simple as "sex is the equalizer" but more so a combination of that and SOOO much more. That I am able to have fun, have control of my own body, understand and connect physically with others. Painting it as only for momentary pleasure feels disingenuous mind you she is in highschool so that is very different from when I was 19-20 but hope that conveys my perspective better.


Honestly forgot how good this show actually was! I binged it myself a couple of years ago, but for whatever reason I didn't remember it being this well done. I love the way it takes its themes incredibly seriously without becoming overly dark or weird about it. There were a few lines that would come off as edgy in other shows, but they feel right at home here


Glad you replied, learning how other people think is what makes life worth living for me. The most important thing is to be at peace with yourself. And cheese.

Yagi di Hoshi

I don't recall her sleeping around being transactional, or just for 'momentary pleasure'


Bro, what the hell is going on in this patreon channel. I join to see JoJo part 6 early and the first thing I see is a semi political/ semi philosophical wall of text, followed by a matching wall of a reply by the owner.


Honestly, I like Juno a lot more than Haru. Not that i think Haru is a bad character or anything. Just a personal preference thing i guess? i find Juno a lot more interesting and fun. Then again, we all know the real ship is the LegoshixLouis ship.


People can have normal conversations and discussions on the internet, crazy right?


Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone. Sex is just difficult as a topic. Some see it as a blessing, some see it as a curse. It may be a dream, a nightmare, a weapon, a normal job, a hobby, an accident, a crime and meny other things to many different people. I'm just happy to learn what people think. If we are affraid to ask questions, we won't be able to think.


@Zander if you're bothered by politics then idk what to tell you buddy, other than grow up and learn some media analysis.


@Harper Didn't say I was bothered by it, i'm just used to every other patreon comment section I come to being filled with emojis and hate comments. Actual discussions are a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Ahh my bad I misread that comment then, welcome!


No worries my good chum. Everyone has different opinions on things or sees them differently based on their personal experience. As long as it doesn't come from a malicious place, it's cool. <3


yea alicia irl, the top 1% of ppl are prizes , dont hate the players hate the game, life aint all about feelings


it doesnt look like the wolf wants him for love or romance she just wants to get the strong wolf (man of value or whatever it's called) she not following her heart she following biology which is in my opinion much smarter and wiser, relationships based on respect and biological roles is are way stronger and safer than realtionships based on love

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode


Huh? What? Who gives a crap about 'biological roles'? Just find someone you like being around. If all you're after is someone whose going to make you a sandwich then you're just going to end up in a long, bitter, unhealthy marriage. That's why so many older guys joke about hating their wives, because they didn't search for a companion. They looked for a housekeeper. And that just isn't going to stay fun over 30+ years of being together. Like you talk about respect, but if you really respected someone you wouldn't care about their 'role' or whatever. You'd just appreciate them for who they are, right?


Man, season 1 of this show really does feel perfect. I mean, it's just so well paced and dense with themes and really interesting character moments. The progression of the main dynamic is super interesting, the music is great, and holy crap, the change of animation styles is just nuts! I really can't imagine the person who walks away from this who doesn't think they really went all out and tried to really turn this story into something special. This story could have just been the most generic schlock and everything else would have carried it so hard, but BOY did they just deliver when it counts! I think the one real big elephant in the room would be the murder mystery, but even that still kind-of works as more of an allegory for society than as an inciting incident, right? It gets the point across so well without even going into the actual mystery itself. Next time: We start up a season that's still pretty good, but not AS good that kind-of gets rough and loses the plot a bit by the end! Hope to see you there!