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beastars 1x11

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Princess Paladin

whaaaat? a grey wolf and a dwarf rabbit not being biologically compatible!? whooo could have foreseeeeen thiiiiiiiis

Alopex The Wanderer

Actually a lot of prey animals have a give up instinct after their caught. If they do manage to get away wounded they won't be able to survive long and the predator will just go back to hunting the rest of the herd. Also there's always consensual vore.

Yagi di Hoshi

The episode that aired an extra half-hour into the night in Japan due to the graphic content. & yeah, so, Louis (our babygirl) actually owns that gun he used on the Boss lion here. In an unused scene from the manga, he counter-blackmails Bill with it after Bill scratched the back of his hand, and I fell out of my office chair cackling when I first read that (this is how we got introduced to Blikkies in Beastars)


Yeah, drama club students are weird. Even the "good" one still carries a gun ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.


That's the worst. When you notice a bigus spiderus in the corner of your room, while doing something and you look from time to time, to confirm it's possition and it's suddenly gone.

VJ Sins

Legoshi be like "Lion mafia is nothing. Women? Now thats scary."


You watching One Piece sub or dub? I prefer dubs most of the time myself, so I can actually take in the visuals. The funimation dub is very good too.


i need a full animal cover by Alicia now


Yea yoru, blue balls the guy who saved ur life, we only fuck ppl who only have a connection with us cuz of sex here


If One Piece has copywrite trouble, which it VERY reasonably could, it'd make sense to do it as a Patreon Exclusive. People would absolutely pay to watch a blind One Piece reaction, and once you got the fans then they'll stick around for a good bit, probably. Also, BIG piece of advice long-term for One Piece: Don't be afraid to take breaks from One Piece after a few arcs. Arcs go by way faster early on, but later they become these really huge massive complex storylines, and it'd be better to take a break every big climax than it would be to wear yourself out and quit midway through a major story. Hope that makes sense to divide things up like that. Otherwise, taking on 1,000+ episodes back to back can get stupidly daunting.


So about Haru trying to jump into Legosi's mouth... Turns out, this is based on an old wives tale. It's not actually REALLY a thing, but people will say that rabbits will jump into a predator's mouth to avoid the pain of being eaten or to hopefully gag them or something. Although it's worth noting it's also KIND-OF true...? You see, Rabbits are really panicky animals that freak out easy. They're also not super smart, so if they're being chased sometimes they'll just pick a random direction to go in. And sometimes this means a rabbit will just fling itself at the predator. Not because it's trying to die, but because it's just so freaked out that it doesn't actually know which way to go. As you might imagine, this usually doesn't end well for the rabbit. So it's true in that it kind-of happens, but it's mostly based on a rumor that the mangaka probably just assumed was real or just went with because of how thematically fitting it is. But, either way, it's not really something that normally 'happens' in nature, if that makes sense. It just isn't an instinct that rabbits actually have.

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode


"I guess she can ride him but how big is his wolf cock" xD I'm ded


I've never touched titties before.. one day, someday.