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Letting you all vote cause I was going to watch it dubbed :D since I enjoy the voice actors listed but then mikasa's JP voice actor is in the Jp version. So now I'm torn. You all can decide for me instead!


Memento Forever

personally I watch Dub anime but I don't mind watching sub when I have too. Like wioth AOT I watch your reactions but I also Watch the Dub myself personally of AOT


I think both are great!

James Decker

Up to you, watching anime subbed can be quite draining since you have to constantly pay attention to text on screen however the voice acting tends to be of much higher quality (seems to be better nowadays but with older anime I always go with sub just to be sure). Also yeah, this one has DIO's and Mikasa's seiyuus. Hol Horse too but you'll likely not guess that one lol.


I prefer it in Japanese, I’ve never had any issue reading subtitles and it doesn’t seem like it distracts you very much either so I’d say go with sub, especially because they nail the emotions a lot better. The dub is good, but the sub is still better like it usually is


Sub is always superior to me. Haven't watched dubbed anime in so long. And it's not always draining. I try to match the JP voice with subs to read faster or just read the subs fast. And if Alicia doesn't pay attention to the subs, that's her fault for getting sidetracked. The same goes for any reactor doing anime reactions.


I prefer subs if only for Yui Ishikawa, she always ends up voicing some kind of soul searching, robot/semi-robot with existential crises like 2B and Violet.

Princess Paladin

reading subs and watching at the same time is a skill, but it comes to you over time. i have no issues myself, and i'm legally blind. XD

Sylke Gosen

You are gonna watch violet? Awesome. Prepare the tissues.


i voted for the dub because you said you like the voice actors i always say when it comes to that whichever you like more of for me unless its something like jessie from pokemon swearing her ass off i go for what sounds better for me


Dub for sure, I personally felt like reading the sub constantly took away some of the impact of the story and it was getting hard to read the sub with tears in my eyes and I had to keep pausing it but I rewatched it in dub and it was so much better, the voice acting was incredible and I could fully enjoy watching it


I watched the entire series dubbed and personally enjoyed it more than the subbed. Mostly because I was constantly captured by the pure work of art that is Violet Evergarden.


she already knows it's a drama anime where people tear up, she already talked about this

Princess Paladin

strong disagree. they are both good. i just prefer the sub because that's what i'm used to. :o


Ive watched it dubbed but honestly I'm fine with either. Both seem pretty good.

Marta Kira Ayanami

Dub is okay, I won't deny it. But Violet's sub, I mean, Violet's Japanese dub, because why won't we just say JP dub or ENG dub in order not to make it sound strange? It's not like we're talking about GER dub or PL dub for any anime here, so let's just use normal terminology instead of online terminology) is a bit better with conveying strength of emotion, barring some exceptions. either way, I'm watching. In sub, dub, or voiceover (lektor) (though voiceovers are always worst option. But would still watch, thanks, Polsat tv, Sailor Moon etc)

Aye Jaye

I've been getting into dubs a lot more recently, but I still vote for sub when it comes to reactions so I can read the dialogue while hearing the reaction. When the reactor and what they're reacting to are in the same video sometimes they might speak over each other. Those of us wanting something dubbed can watch it on our own time anyway, and honestly as good as certain dubs are, I don't think any dubs are so good that they alone make or break any reaction, at least not in a positive way.

Charlie baker

Problem becomes creators miss shit,lots dont multitask and comentate well and honestly with how infrequently dubs get reacted to it sucks not getting to see people experience them.


EXACTLY!!! xD i thought the sub took away from looking at gorgeous animation


True but like I personally want Alicia to get the best experience by watching Dub