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I think this anime just peaked and I have no idea how it could get better.


AOT 4x21

Watch "AOT 4x21" on Streamable.


Mickey Muscalli

What's wild to me about the direction this story has taken is that we have our protagonist doing just about the worst thing imaginable, but I can still see why he's chosen this course of action. Like it's foolish, terrible, and impossible to justify any of it morally, but the writing is so good that it ends up feeling like a natural progression of Eren's character arc.


Yeah I think you can check out the OP and ED. Its a Masterpiece. Both of them.


Historia: “You are Ladylike, meanwhile I Like Ladies, we are not the same”


Eren also known as the "Fuck around and find out"-Titan finally giving Marley their just deserts.


The very first episode/chapter of aot is titled “To you, 2000 years from now” and this episode is called “From you, 2000 years ago”. The show began with Ymir’s plea for Eren to save her, and now he’s finally answered that call

Tachyon Fast

Alicia! Now you need to go back and look at the name of the first episode!


the best part of this is that it was foreshadowed in the anime, in certain scenes with eren, especially when he's in the underground crystal cavern you can hear a distinct rumbling sound in the background its so good. Not only that but when the anime was first coming out and the manga hadn't actually gotten to this point yet, it was foreshadowed in like season 2 and nobody even manga readers could have known what was gonna happen. Honestly a goated show.


zeke was warned that things wouldnt go his way. he saw eren tear his own flesh off to free his chains. saw him running after ymir, and yet he chose to do nothing.


Eren is doing nothing wrong

Ace of Blades

Every time that a titan is created, every time a shifter transforms, and every time a titan or shifter heals their wounds, it's ALWAYS Ymir walking across that desert and doing it all, sculpting with sand and water. Just an absolute hellish eternity of an afterlife, walking across an endless desert just to patch up every papercut or bruise that anyone with her power receives. I don't blame her for hollowing out after all that time, all things considered. And to be told that it could all finally end, that'd sure as shit return some light to the eyes.


Muahaha. Attack on titan has a funny way of making you pro-genocide. Lol Im like i dont agree but Eren did nothing wrong lol


Who can blame them. He went over there and lived there without incident for years peacefully. Literally waited for Marley to Declare war on him specifically and Marley. lol


Hell yeah anime Hitler but even worse


eren, unlike grifith did nothing wrong


also paths radioo


The ending song hits 100 times harder when you have subtitles on for the lyrics. It goes from beautiful, to soul wrenching. Made me tear up for the first time in 15 years.


Some Animes just show you other are built different.. Like Eren I was born this way, lol


highly recommend watching the intro/outro with subtitles on


Real talk. This totally means she re-formed Zeke's dick, right? Because there's no way she didn't. What if Zeke got to the paths and while his lower body is healing he's like "Founder... can you.... you know..... make it a little bigger...? Not hugely so, just like another inch or so? .... Please...?"


EEeeeeehhhhhhhh........ Nooo...... Erin did the most wrong. Like Armin says, he could have just undid one wall and just crushed the alliance fleet as a show of force. Instead, he decided to go the extra mile and get even entire innocent COUNTRIES involved that might not even know that Paradise exists!


Fun fact, the worm thing is actually based on a real creature, a small pre-Cambrian worm called 'Hallucigenia'. Which is fitting because this thing was such a weird mystery that it baffled paleontologists for years because fossils were so rare that nobody realized it actually had a head. To this day, we still don't quite know what this thing was or what life for it was like, but we do know that it had multiple rows of legs with back spikes that weirdly resemble a spine. The creator was probably also inspired by Siphonophores. These are really weird deep sea invertebrates where each 'part' is a different individual Siphonophore that physically changes to take on a specific role. Some will turn into digestive organs, others will be used for moving or attacking, some will be used for sensing the environment, etc. If you take any of these pieces off the main body and the piece will keep living, but as you'd expect, a separated 'attacking' Siphonophore isn't going to be able to digest food, so it'd die eventually from hunger. This is ALSO super fitting because of the group acts as a collective of individuals that all fit different roles and functions to work together as a single animal, kind-off like how the Eldians are all connected despite still having their own free thoughts and will. Siphonophores also look otherworldly as heck, too. Which is super cool visually and fits with the whole mystery of what the origin of Titans actually is.


Bro the world has already advanced enough to kill titans with handheld rifles. The artillery is almost capable of taking down any titan even colossals, and once flight has gotten to even ww2 levels of ability the rumbling would be completely ineffective. sure he could stop one army, but can he stop the entire world from perfecting anti colossal weapons? It would buy them a couple decades at best.

matt B

That's awesome