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Today, isn't a day filled with hope of good news. 

I had surgery on Friday that I thought went extremely well. I was so happy and started to get back to work until things took a dark, dark turn.

Yesterday I had an object come out of my body which caused me to start bleeding and screaming in pain. I went to my doctor and he realized the piece was the insertion tool used to put my implant in. They left it inside of me. They left a piece of equipment from my surgery inside of my body. Physically and mentally I have hit a low point.

I have a back up series "BeaStars" prepped incase something bad ever happened to me medically and I needed a break. I can't do my daily JoJo's while going through this. If I can manage some recordings I will do my best. But I'm just not sure what I can even do at this point. So daily uploads are still here I just can't do my current series cause I am not well enough at the moment.

Which leads us into the next scary part. My implant's position might have shifted causing it to grind against my organs. My doctor which checking said the placement isn't the correct spot but it seems to still be in. So Thursday I go to my surgeon to find out if I need to go back into surgery to fix it or if I can leave it.

I have nothing really positive to say right now. But just know I have people around me in person filling me with love and support. Thank you for your patience as I try to just be okay.


Charlie baker

God damnit shit like this is way too common to hear about, fucking surgeons suck ass. Im so sorry this happened alicia,we are all here for you if you need anything




That's horrible! I cannot even imagine how that must have been like. Please take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. If you need to take a longer break please do, we'll be here when you're ready.

Joey Cat

Thats terrible! Sorry to hear this happened. Take as much time as you need off and stay safe, we aren't going anywhere.


Feel free to take all the time you need. Both for you and for us, record when you feel in the right headspace so both sides will enjoy it to the fullest as always. But more importantly, hope you feel better!

Carl Morgan

Damn that’s crazy. I want to know a surgeon leaves something in someone’s body like that. Hope everything gets better quickly


Hey I only just joined your patreon but been following you on youtube for awhile. And for what it's worth sending you all the positive energy and luck I can. You're an awesome person and deserve good fortune!


Holy shit that's horrible! What a nightmare. Hope you feel better soon and get a huge malpractice payout because it sounds like they really dropped the ball.

Ed Ambriz

That's horrific, maybe it's the Californian in me that wants you to sue the shit out of them. Please be safe and take your time and rest.

Noire K. Vector

Take all the time you need to rest and recover, physically, mentally, and emotionally after this incident.


I'm annoyed how some even leave their equipment inside of you?! I honestly recommend that you go find a different hospital with a good reputation... Pretty bummed out about the situation your going through...

Mike Tai

Take all the time you need to do everything you gotta, your health comes first in everything. I wish you a speedy and painless recovery ❤️


Here's something very important to consider: the right to choose a different hospital. My mom was a nurse her whole working life, and she said if you ever need surgery to get the information on what the success vs. mortality rate of a hospital's surgeries are. If THE mortality rate is high, DO NOT GO THERE.


i underwent surgery in 2021 and the doctor just plainly botched it. They remove my initial symptoms but generated a whole lot of post surgery symptoms that shouldn't be there in the first place. We're here to support you, that's the whole point of being in the patreon. take as many time as you want. i'll continue to support with my current tier. stay strong smol bean


Stay strong 💪 keep fighting