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Early upload of Beastars. I was going to post this in March but I'm going through bad health issues. So I hope you enjoy this.


beastars 1x1

Watch "beastars 1x1" on Streamable.



We love our big boy legoshi

Alopex The Wanderer

Glad you're reacting to the English dub, I love Legoshi's VA so much. Also if you're ever wondering if someone's being horny in Beastars it's safe to assume they are.


"It's meeee" I adore Ant, I do love your solo reactions but I love how you two bounce off each other.


Ah, the Zootopia but uncomfortably real and bi-curious. i thought of redeeming it, before i saw you're gonna watch it. I hope you enjoy it, it's super artsy! <3


UwU: ok to clear up a little confusion about Louis *puts nerd glasses on*. So the confusion is raised by the phonetical system between English and Japanese, in English (as with most cultures) we have a vocal pronunciation for the letter L from written form. Japan does not, their system of writing doesn't really have an L so they substitute it with an R. So Cloud becomes Croud, and names like Louis becomes Rouis in pronunciation, but, since the S can become a silent constenent it's usually pronounced Luē. However as stated before there is no L really in Japan, so they would pronounce it as Ruē. Thus Louis becomes Rouis, so not a dub issue but rather a culture barrier issue. Hopefully that clears up some confusion ♥️

Joey Cat

Thanks for the upload queen, know your going through a lot right now but want to let you know all our prayers are going to your health, and the fact your surrounded by so much love from your friends and family, we know your going to be just fine <3 But yes its BeaStars time, one of my favorite series/manga!


Damn! English VA Legoshi sounds like he'd be the main lead in one of those hard-boiled detective shows. He sounds smooth as hell kk XD Happy to be joining Patreon for this series :D Beastars is one of my favorite shows of these last few years. Hope you guys enjoy it too S2

Jacob Harmon

🙄 People who cry about dubs genuinely make me cringe. And I hate using that word, it’s lost most of its meaning these days, but it’s the most accurate word for how whiny it sounds.


The dub for Beastars is fantastic, I watch both dub and sub depending on how I feel about the voices they choose and this one is a GOOD ONE!

Randall Musgrave

Man I love the dub on this one, beaststars is a banger.

Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

because you guys are probably from english speaking countries in the first place and grew a tolerance to it you don't even recognize how awful it is anymore. Also the hypocrisy of calling me whiny when you answer like this when I just said I'll pass on this one

Alexandre Géhin

As a non-english speaker, eng dub are always a letdown compared to jap VA. People keep saying X and Y show's eng dub is great, but they sound empty to me I can't take anything seriously lol


I'm happy to see this reaction but I hope you get better soon fast

DeAnthony Potts

I disagree. There are plenty of shows that have a good eng cast. I don't play the dub sub game but to say one is completely bad is very false

Potato Tower

yeah but why say that in the first place lol, you're indirectly saying "hey i wont watch you if you don't watch the sub version"

Carrie Thomas

The dub for Beastars is honestly pretty good, especially for Legoshi and Louis (best boiz lesgooo)


I just love the dub solely for Jonah Scott (voice of legoshi) the guy is so damn cool and he's just a really chill guy, super social on youtube etc. as well!!


The reason for the subs being so innacurate is usually cause they change some words slightly in the dub ot match the lip movements.


That's why Jonah is so damn epic. And he's just incredibly fun and loves interacting with fans and does a variety of other roles in anime.

Datcu Alexandru

20 something years later and i still recognize Kari Kamiya dub voice actor.