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final episode I recorded before my health declined badly. Not sure when I can get the next jojo's out but I'll try my best to get a few more done this week.


jj 4x8

Watch "jj 4x8" on Streamable.


VJ Sins

Fun fact: Yukako was actually one of the earliest/the 1st incarnation of the yandere trope, as Araki didnt base her of the trope, he just came up with her. So she maybe not as crazy as yanderes go but thats cuz she is one of the mothers of the trope.


as i always say you are never 100% correct on a subject so it is good to debate respectfully with people to get an idea of what other opinions are but sadly nowadays people just shout to you and they dont try to learn a different point of view

Reiko Lupus

Good to see you meet Yukako. She's practically the originator of Yanderes XD. I hope things in your life get better!


Take your time and don't push yourself too much :)

Daisy Azuras

I was in special ed all my childhood. Calling someone retard to put them down is not right but saying they have a retarded condition is fine because you are not using it as an insult. Just don’t use a persons condition as a reason to diminish them. We can be in a challenging position compared to others but we still can thrive just fine despite our hardships.


Man, I remember stealing and eating dog food when I was homeless. Fun times.

Carrie Thomas

Oof relatable. I remember stealing food from a gas station as a kid because I was so hungry and the only food I got was from the free meals in school and during the summer from a church that gave away free lunches


I hope nothing else but better health and best wishes to you.

Princess Paladin

that friend sounds like a lot of right-wing folks in the U.S.. "i should be able to say whatever i want!" "okay. but people may criticize you for that" "OMFG WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR MY ACTIONS" rules for thee, but not for me types.

Aye Jaye

The kind of people that don't realize Freedom of Speech isn't freedom from consequences, as if their freedom to say things should be stronger than other people's freedom to live their lives without getting shit on for reasons they shouldn't be shit on.


Okay, time for a patented super dumb crack theory I have that is most likely not true but the percent is never 0! I believe that Yukako is a distant (and I mean DISTANT) descendant of Bruford from part 1. My evidence? So I’m not saying that Bruford had a stand. But both he and Yukako have this really weird ability with their hair. Like, total control and the ability to pierce the skin and pull people around. (Also family members, while not always having the same or similar ability, there is precedent for that being the case.) Finally, personality type. Bruford was an extremely loyal knight under his queens rule. So loyal that he fought until he believed that he could save his queen by giving up his own life. That undying loyalty twisted by evils influence. Here we have Yukako with extremely similar problems going on. She’s young, has been given a power to get what she wants and is abusing it. Warping that same sense of absolute loyalty. Also before I close this out, their is also precedent in JoJo for personality traits to be passed down. Pointing to Jonathan and his unyielding sense of justice. Each subsequent JoJo has had their own form of absolute justice that’s been shaped by their personality (Jotaro being the closest even if his personality would make you think otherwise.) So yeah, that’s pretty much it. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


what i like with part 4, it the fact, we put a lot, but a lot of foreshadowing moment who are exclusive to the anime, for exemple, if you come back to episode 1 and go to the moment we see the crowd in the end. You can actually see shadow of some stand users like Yukako and Keicho


my crack theory is that Yukako was originally planned to be a Higashikata, and Josuke's sister, thereby tying her more to the story.

Sheriff Uchiha

Yeah, the origin of a derogatory term is all about use and context "retardation" just means "slowed"; that's why a fire retardant is just a material that takes longer to burn; its reaction is slowed. But by using it as an insult, it becomes derogatory as well as when it is used incorrectly. Some people's mental development is slowed, but not all. People used the R word against people with cerebral palsy even though their mental level is not affected by the condition. Thus making it an insult to people with conditions that didn't affect their mental capacity at all. And during WWII, the shortened word for "Japanese" became a directory term as it was used on the Japanese enemy soldiers and Japanese Americans that were placed in internment camps. But look at Scotland. I'm Scottish, and I get called a "Scot" all the time, and it's not seen as an offensive word simply because that term was never sued in a derogatory manner against my people or me. The derogatory terms for the Scottish used by the English are "Scotch" and "Jock." And the N-word was and still is the Spanish word for "black." Any term can become derogatory or offensive with use. And to people that get mad when words become offensive, try defending the N-word. That was once as an acceptable thing to say no matter who you are. Language evolves, and just because something was fine to say 20 years ago doesn't mean it is cool to say now. In my opinion, it is okay to say something if it's the official definition, and I will keep doing so until it's changed, but once it is changed, I'll adapt and use other terms. Or if a slang word becomes offensive, I'll stop using it if I like the person. But not if I don't. "Bastard" and "Bitch" are offensive terms because a bastard is someone born out of wedlock, and a bitch is a female dog. So you are insulting someone's birth or calling them a dog when you use them. I'll call someone that if I don't like them precisely because it's offensive.


Wow it looks like ant was right. W ant, because of guts.


the n word being black in spanish rings so true, i'm from a native spanish speaking country and i've sometimes almost been hit due to me saying black in spanish to address some item's color randomly so yeah

Sharles Davis Kendy

Brazilians also have the same problem. The one derogatory word I grew using a LOT (I'm old. We just did that) and now avoid like the plague after learning its origins is "fag." Apparently the term comes from the fact we used to burn gay people at the stake too and used a bundle of sticks (a fag) to light them up. Learning that shit made using the word REAL uncomfortable for me...


Ant: "I hate hardboiled eggs." Alicia: (a look of utter betrayal)

Jay Redmond

I love how nobody pointed this out, but that girl who got her hair caught on fire? After The Hand saved her, there was a huge bald spot on the back of her head. You can see it when she turns her head at around 40:40.