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Konosuba 3x1

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a little funfact about the hammer, the hammer belongs to a japenese deity by the name of daikoku, hence why both kazuma and aqua, who was stated to be the goddess in charge of japan, recognized it. daikoku is the god of wealth and prosperity and the leader of the shichi fukujin, the seven gods of fortune. it is said that the hammer can grant wishes, hence why it produces money for the group. i'm pretty sure both kazuma and aqua didn't bother to look for it, because they realized it's a divine object and just figured the gods reclaimed it and there's nothing they can do. which i guess is true, since chris was obviously the one who swiped it from them and brought took it back with her.


Kazuma is really smart when it's about coming up with plans for fights because of his gaming days but he is the 2nd dumbest mf when it comes to basically anything else only beaten by Aqua


"why doesn't she pad her breast plate too" What make you think she doesnt...

Abi Baez

Dude Darkness’ VA deserves a raise for that final scene.


All 4 of the MCs are dumb in their own ways, but Kazuma usually has more common sense than the girls. Kazuma and Aqua are rarely on the same page but it's hilarious when they are.

Miroslav Radev

originally they met the monster tranquility girl on their way to the village before they got attacked by orcs.

Mael Paquette

So, eris is Chris uh? Never noticed. I like the content, but I'm a bit ticked at the spoiler, even if it's partially my fault for noticing something that in retrospect is obvious

Alex Carriere

Ha never actually put it together that Chris was Eris. And here I was just a dummy thinking 'Oh that would be fun if they ran into Eris while she's on the surface.' Lol just feeling so dumb.


The way I always seen it was aqua is low intelligence higher wisdom. Like she knows how to go about her ideas but her ideas are terrible. While Kazuma is higher int low wis. He can come up with great ideas/plans but actually putting it into practice always falls through when his luck can't save him.


I really hope you listen to the ending song this season, it's my absolute favorite.

dhjebshnd ahjdjuzjs

I'm surprised you picked up on the Cris = Eris thing, not a lot of people do. The show drops a few subtle hints throughout the first two seasons, but it's only til now on the third season that it becomes extremely obvious.

dhjebshnd ahjdjuzjs

Yeah, it's subtle enough that some people would consider it spoiler-y, but it does hint at it enough times that you can put it together if you're paying attention. The similarity in their looks, the chest padding, Eris mentioning she visits the world herself often, Darkness praying to Eris for a friend right before she just happens to meet Chris who then introduces Darkness to everyone. Yeahhhhhhh. If you're caught up with season 3, the new episodes make it exceedingly obvious.


Getting PTSD from a lovers' suicide is such an insane thought xD since it's not possible under normal circumstances, both people would be dead


"Kazuma isn't a lolicon!" Kazuma: "I was under the covers with our resident loli." "Don't listen to him! He doesn't know what he's talking about! It's a joke! They're actually close in age! He--"

Sean Hendrickson

Out of all the reactions I watch she is the first to notice Chris is Eris.

Lewd Angel

I love the fact that the show makes it exceedingly obvious he isn't one (even just beyond him also being underage), but people will still bend ass over backwards just to try and 'disprove' it lol


I was seriously asking myself "when is Alicia finally going to realize that Chris is Eris?"... and then she poses the most relevant question ever: "why doesn't Chirs pad her bra when she's 'down here'?" Not only answered my mental question, but such a W take.

Teddy Scott

I'm so glad there's now a new season for my favorite band of lovable idiots!