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Vol 4 RWBY 10-12

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I remember watching this Volume and seeing the immense amount of hate it got, I think much of it was very unwarranted considering that it reflected much of the character's own inner conflicts and doubts and the uneasiness of everyone after the fall of Beacon. It wasn't the best sure, but after the final episodes I didn't feel like the show was bad by any means, it still had a bit of shakey writing and whatnot but considering the state of their team at that point it was still amazing imo.

Gavin Bickel

i think it was mostly because a bunch of people were not expecting an "off" season or a "filler" season. i don't think it had anything to do with the writing or anything with the show's look. i think people were expecting the entire show to be "GO GO GO GO" in terms of story and plot and keep ramping up the tension, but when we had a volume and a half (halfway through volume 5 it got back to being CRAZY) of just chill, discovering yourself, casual lore dropping, emotional turmoil, and also cozy wholesome times AFTER the craziness and terror of Volume 3, i think people just went unwarranted with their hate.....*sighs* as ALWAYS with any fandom. but this one is especially egregious.

Sam Smith

Funny how Oscar just kinda pulled an ash ketchem. "Bye mom I'm going to travel to world and do dangerous things!"


I've come to the conclusion that the grimm are just monochrome lobsters. They live for as long as they aren't killed, they have hard shell bits and soft squishy bits, and they're attracted to fear✓.


I didn't know what to expect from Vol 4, knowing Monty couldn't work on it. I never felt like he was just the fight animator guy. He created the show and planned all the beats in his head likely years before. I later found out that he shared all of it with his wife and she could have taken the reins. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the writing direction the show took after Monty's passing and say "This is getting mid". In the moment, most of us were repulsed by it. But what can ya do? All that aside, the writing for Vol 4 is alright and kind of fits thematically. I like how the journey to Haven is written to be grueling and isolating. It must have felt that way for RT after Monty's passing, all creative and productive decisions considered. Poetic but still depressing. From team RNJR's and _WBY's perspectives it must have been a lot. Pyrrha and Penny are gone. Weiss is stuck in Atlas and Blake is who-knows-where. All of people's lives in Vale have been uprooted or taken. Then there's the sudden lack of epically choreographed fights was a big driving force to the slower-pace the show takes folllowing Beacon. It's basically the depression and looking for a silver lining that follows a heavy loss.

Sam Marsh

And so a tragic chapter in Nathan’s life comes to a triumphant close.

Winter Turnip

Dam this was fucken awsome

Undeath Ghost

I just wanted to say that, related to the theory he shared about Qrows Semblance during the last episode. I think what he was sort of trying to get at is that the "Core" of the ability would be luck, fate, or destiny as a whole and that Qrow believes it is bad luck, so it is. Which, to be fair, this is a common theory about Qrow's ability at around the time of this volume airing. Whether it's true or not is for the show to elaborate on, of course, and not me.

Samuel Brewer

So far, streamable has been getting worse for reliability. I’m having so many problems with freezing or just not playing the video.

Samuel Brewer

First half of the reaction was disappointing but the second half was great.